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Clothing for 14 yr old in Med


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Wondering if athletic shorts/shirts (Nike, Addidas,etc) are appropriate for long days of touring in the Med for a 14 year old? It is going to be extremely hot and I think polo shirts and dressier shorts would be miserable for him???

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I'm interested in this, too. We will be there in two weeks. Our 14 year old daughter and 19 year old son will be with us. I think a lot depends on what you plan on doing. All churches require shoulders and knees covered. From what I read on here, the Vatican requires males to wear pants. Any other churches may depend on the guards there.....I've read where some longer shorts is ok, but I've also read where they were turned away and not allowed entrance.


It also depends on if you want to look like a tourist or not. Shorts are a surefire way to say "I'm American" is my understanding.


We are playing it safe.....pants on the days we know we will be entering a church or museum. I will let the kids wear shorts when we head to the beach, the rare excursion we are not visiting a church or museum, the cruise ship, and the plane.


Another option is to buy some convertible pants - where they have zippers so you can make them into shorts. However, these are the 'above your knee' shorts that are not really acceptable our children's age.


I hope this helps. I know there is a thread on the Italy ports page that talks about dress code and it is extremely helpful.

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For everything but some churches, regular clothing is fine. Don't worry about looking like a tourist.....you are! And, "locals" won't be hanging out at the tourist spots, so.....just don't worry about it!

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We went to the Eastern Med last summer when kids were 15 1/2 and 18. Kids wore what they would wear touring in the US as it's definitely true that you are tourists and it will be obvious so why fight it.


I am sure that my son wore basketball (long nylon) shorts from time to time and some Vineyard Vines shorts other times (his choice). Almost always wore a crew neck tee with school logo or Polo logo. Daughter, the younger one, wore pretty short shorts and tops.


At Vatican, we got in wearing above the knee shorts (both men and women). Had to cover daughter up who was wearing shorter shorts and a tank/flowy top. Didn't know we were going to end up at the Vatican so ducked into a souvenir shop and bought cheap tshirts to cover up with.


I envy you....trip of a lifetime for my family....wish we were there again this year!

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Thank you all for your replies. I will let him wear his choice of clothing. Sometimes I have to "choose my battles":) Everything will be clean, without holes and without offensive sayings!!

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We did the med 2 years ago and my twins were 14 and my oldest 18. We did Rome, Sicily, Athens, Crete and Kusadasi. With the exception of the day we spent in Rome at the Vatican and the churches my boys wore shorts. My boys prefer plaid or khaki shorts so they wore those and t-shirts


Here is a picture of my twins in Athens at the top of the Parthanon





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We did the med 2 years ago and my twins were 14 and my oldest 18. We did Rome, Sicily, Athens, Crete and Kusadasi. With the exception of the day we spent in Rome at the Vatican and the churches my boys wore shorts. My boys prefer plaid or khaki shorts so they wore those and t-shirts


Here is a picture of my twins in Athens at the top of the Parthanon






Cute photo....and you can see many other people in the background also wearing shorts. :)

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Cute photo....and you can see many other people in the background also wearing shorts. :)


We were there in August and it was very very hot so most people were in shorts - 90% and when we did Kusadasi (Ephesus) in Turkey is was just as hot and again since walking through ruins outside in very hot sun even very early in the AM most were in shorts.


They did not wear athletic shorts off the ship - but were comfortable.



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Just thought I'd add my own picture to give you a sense of how my kids dressed while touring in Rome. This was a more casual day and, as Joey said, sometimes you pick your battles. Other days touring my son would have worn nicer shorts and a nice T.


Funny story about these outfits. We had decided that we wouldn't go to the Vatican while in Rome (hubby and I had been the previous year and it didn't float his boat...). Then, on the day we were touring the Colosseum, et. al, we ended up with some extra time. I really thought the kids should see St. Peter's but totally forgot that we were inappropriately dressed. When we got to St. Peter's square, a nice older Italian woman wagged her finger at us and at my daughter's and my outfits and said we would never get in (I had longer shorts and a tank top on). So we bought two big t shirts at a local store to put on over our tops. But the shopkeeper realized that my daughter's short shorts wouldn't do. At that point, my hubby wasn't too thrilled about buying a scarf or something else on top of the two t shirts to go into a building he wasn't thrilled to be revisiting anyway....but the shopkeeper nicely said that our daughter could take her overtop off (the flowy white and blue top) and tuck in it her waist and pretend it was a skirt. And it worked! Looked ridiculous but it worked. So sorry that I didn't take a picture of her :)

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We were there in August and it was very very hot so most people were in shorts - 90% and when we did Kusadasi (Ephesus) in Turkey is was just as hot and again since walking through ruins outside in very hot sun even very early in the AM most were in shorts.


They did not wear athletic shorts off the ship - but were comfortable.






I am excited to see that your next trip is the Baltics on Connie. We are seriously considering that trip for next June (daughter's h.s. graduation trip). Would love to hear back from you after you return about whether it compared favorably to the Med and whether your kids enjoyed it as much. I am worried that the weather will be too cool and also the cost seems much higher for the cruise and excursions that the Eastern Med.

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It is sooo hot at the Acropolis in middle of summer, the teens will be fine in shorts.

As others have said, the most covering tourists need to do is at Cathedrals/Basillicas and Vatican.


If you want to tuck a lightweight wrap of some sort in a purse or backpack, it can be wrapped in creative ways to cover up a girl/woman who is showing too much skin to be admitted.


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In Europe you are a tourist and trust me, you will look like one. You won't be alone. ;):)


Some of the biggest unspoken compliments we get are when other tourists think we are locals and ask for help. We believe in trying to blend in as we feel it makes us less of a target. Obviously in some countries our skin tone makes it pretty much impossible to blend in (my husband has classic Polish features with blue eyes and high cheekbones and I'm a fair-skinned Irish lass) but we try to not stand out as much as possible.


Athletic apparel will make you stand out in Europe, unless you are wearing football (soccer) jerseys in some countries. As others have mentioned, not only will those in shorts be barred entry to certain places of worship, but it's just not respectful. The Acropolis and Pompei are about the only two places that I'd say dress as you'd like and for very hot surroundings.

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I am excited to see that your next trip is the Baltics on Connie. We are seriously considering that trip for next June (daughter's h.s. graduation trip). Would love to hear back from you after you return about whether it compared favorably to the Med and whether your kids enjoyed it as much. I am worried that the weather will be too cool and also the cost seems much higher for the cruise and excursions that the Eastern Med.


I will definitely let you know. My boys are very excited about this cruise. I think there first choice would have been the Western med (barcelona, etc.) but every cruise I saw I had already been to every place or close to every place, and they were not thrilled with my first choice Alaska - granted this is my 50th b-day celebration. In reality my first choice and boys would have been a hold land tour - to Israela and Egypt but with all the turmoil not many cruises there and we will go to Israel on a land vacation in the next year or so.


My mom really wanted the baltics and it happened to work out with the days of the cruise and the cities. The boys are actually thrilled with the places we are going to see and the love history. Although I think my boys at 16,16 and 20 are a BIT TOO EXCITED to go to Amsterdam - I think I am going to need to keep them on a very short leash there.


The weather will clearly not be as hot as the med. I think in early July they temps will range from 50 at night to the 80s during the day. Currently it is mid 60s in Amsterdam and Berlin (should be 70s next week it says), St. Petersburg in 82 currently and looks like mid to high 70s thru next week, Copenhage ins 61 currently with mid 60s and low 70s predicted for rest of week and early next week), Helskini is 81 and scheduled to be mids 70s - so to me where I am now in middle of a heat wave in VA- it was 95 yesterday I can deal with those temps and I think 70s are the perfect tmep to be walking around and seeing sights.



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Thank you all for your replies. I will let him wear his choice of clothing. Sometimes I have to "choose my battles":) Everything will be clean, without holes and without offensive sayings!!


I just wanted to add you asked if it would be hot but you didn't say what ports you are visiting and what month. These are all factors.



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Some of the biggest unspoken compliments we get are when other tourists think we are locals and ask for help. We believe in trying to blend in as we feel it makes us less of a target. Obviously in some countries our skin tone makes it pretty much impossible to blend in (my husband has classic Polish features with blue eyes and high cheekbones and I'm a fair-skinned Irish lass) but we try to not stand out as much as possible.


Athletic apparel will make you stand out in Europe, unless you are wearing football (soccer) jerseys in some countries. As others have mentioned, not only will those in shorts be barred entry to certain places of worship, but it's just not respectful. The Acropolis and Pompei are about the only two places that I'd say dress as you'd like and for very hot surroundings.


I'm afraid I'm with ducklite here. You may be a tourist and people will peg you as a tourist, but don't have to dress like a "toooorist". Ditch the athletic apparel. Get some cargo shorts or plaid shorts (big among the surfer crowd). Wear a Tshirt, but don't make it a team Tshirt or a Tshirt advertising a rock group, etc. You won't be any hotter than you would be in the baggy adidas basketball shorts and a Blackhawks Tshirt.

I've been stopped and asked for directions also when I'm out visiting tourist sites. People will be surprised when they find out I'm an American and I may or may not be able to give them directions since I'm visiting also.

For sites that are archeological or beach and not in a big city, wearing athletic clothes is OK in my mind. But, I'm against it in the cities UNLESS you are there when a big game is going on and everyone, including the mayor, is wearing their team's jersey :) I did that in Barcelona when I was there the day the Champions League Final game was being played there at Camp Nou. And, EVERYONE in town it seemed, had on a Barca jersey!

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I am excited to see that your next trip is the Baltics on Connie. We are seriously considering that trip for next June (daughter's h.s. graduation trip). Would love to hear back from you after you return about whether it compared favorably to the Med and whether your kids enjoyed it as much. I am worried that the weather will be too cool and also the cost seems much higher for the cruise and excursions that the Eastern Med.


I will definitely let you know. My boys are very excited about this cruise. I think there first choice would have been the Western med (barcelona, etc.) but every cruise I saw I had already been to every place or close to every place, and they were not thrilled with my first choice Alaska - granted this is my 50th b-day celebration. In reality my first choice and boys would have been a hold land tour - to Israela and Egypt but with all the turmoil not many cruises there and we will go to Israel on a land vacation in the next year or so.


My mom really wanted the baltics and it happened to work out with the days of the cruise and the cities. The boys are actually thrilled with the places we are going to see and the love history. Although I think my boys at 16,16 and 20 are a BIT TOO EXCITED to go to Amsterdam - I think I am going to need to keep them on a very short leash there.


The weather will clearly not be as hot as the med. I think in early July they temps will range from 50 at night to the 80s during the day. Currently it is mid 60s in Amsterdam and Berlin (should be 70s next week it says), St. Petersburg in 82 currently and looks like mid to high 70s thru next week, Copenhage ins 61 currently with mid 60s and low 70s predicted for rest of week and early next week), Helskini is 81 and scheduled to be mids 70s - so to me where I am now in middle of a heat wave in VA- it was 95 yesterday I can deal with those temps and I think 70s are the perfect tmep to be walking around and seeing sights.




Going OT for a minute


We did the Baltics 2 years ago & went in early July.

The whole area was going through a heat wave. They were breaking century old temperature records. The first day was Oslo which was chilly, but every other stop was in the 90's. I would have loved to have the 70's they normally have.


My boys were 13 & 15 they really enjoyed it. If you go to Oslo, you have to go to Vigelund park & see the sculptures. St. Petersburg is amazing - definitely go private tour there. Also I'm finding the opposite, the tours in Italy are much more expensive then the Baltics.


Now back to Italy.

I bought the boys linen-like pants from Old Navy they weren't expensive at all, but I think you can only get them online. My younger son has been wearing them to mass for the last few weeks, he really likes them. We also picked up a bunch of plain t-shirts, they're different colors, but no graphics.

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Going OT for a minute


We did the Baltics 2 years ago & went in early July.

The whole area was going through a heat wave. They were breaking century old temperature records. The first day was Oslo which was chilly, but every other stop was in the 90's. I would have loved to have the 70's they normally have.


My boys were 13 & 15 they really enjoyed it. If you go to Oslo, you have to go to Vigelund park & see the sculptures. St. Petersburg is amazing - definitely go private tour there. Also I'm finding the opposite, the tours in Italy are much more expensive then the Baltics.


Now back to Italy.

I bought the boys linen-like pants from Old Navy they weren't expensive at all, but I think you can only get them online. My younger son has been wearing them to mass for the last few weeks, he really likes them. We also picked up a bunch of plain t-shirts, they're different colors, but no graphics.



Looks like weather will be good 59 - 75 are perfect and I would love it - right now been hot and muggy in VA.


I just bought all my boys 3-5 pair of Khakis in different colors for the trip so they had new ones.


And they love their khaki/plaid long shorts and the can wear with polos or t-shirts.


Taking shirts and blazers and suits - that were not done last week to cleaners in the am as we leave to head to NJ and my moms a week from tonight and fly out to Amsterdam on Thursday - July 4th - so this weekend I will be a packing maniac.



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All of the comments are interesting and helpful and you are making me wonder why I wasn't more the clothes police with my kids before our cruise last year! I never thought of their attire as disrespectful but probably should have nixed the athletic shorts. But as Joey had said earlier, sometimes you need to pick your battles. My kids were always dressed nicely for dinner and my son even wore his tux for formal nights. And as for blending in as tourists....I think you can pull that off if you are simply on your own or with your partner/spouse. But when you are travelling with a family of four and are visiting places like the Pantheon, the Colosseum, the Parthenon, the Blue Mosque and Ephesus, it would be unusual for folks to think are you are a local, don't you think? My goal when travelling with our kids is to expose them to different cultures and to have them learn more about the history and customs of a place. And I expect them to treat those they meet with respect and to be polite.


Hansolomom, you clearly had great weather on your Baltic trip and it is encouraging to think that we would actually be warm for parts of the trip. And it looks like Lawblond will have great temps for her cruise next week. I'm just aware that average temps for early to mid-June are going to be in the 60s for most of those ports. And the price of the cruise is, at this point, about $1500 more per person ($3500 vs. $2000) than a similar length Celebrity Eastern Med last year. Glad to hear that you thought the tours were less expensive as there are some on the Baltics ports board that are saying how expensive that area of Europe is in general.


And sorry to be OT. Sure wish there was a PM function on CC!


And, Lawblond, have a wonderful trip!!!!

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All of the comments are interesting and helpful and you are making me wonder why I wasn't more the clothes police with my kids before our cruise last year! I never thought of their attire as disrespectful but probably should have nixed the athletic shorts. But as Joey had said earlier, sometimes you need to pick your battles. My kids were always dressed nicely for dinner and my son even wore his tux for formal nights. And as for blending in as tourists....I think you can pull that off if you are simply on your own or with your partner/spouse. But when you are travelling with a family of four and are visiting places like the Pantheon, the Colosseum, the Parthenon, the Blue Mosque and Ephesus, it would be unusual for folks to think are you are a local, don't you think? My goal when travelling with our kids is to expose them to different cultures and to have them learn more about the history and customs of a place. And I expect them to treat those they meet with respect and to be polite.



Really, your last two sentences are great. That's the most important thing. :)


When traveling with my son -- who has been traveling to Europe since his first trip to Rome at age 7 -- my goal isn't necessarily to try to get others to mistake us as locals. It's just to be respectful of local culture.


So, for example, when we visited Japan for two weeks in (hot and steamy) June, he knew well in advance that shorts are just not considered proper attire in cities in Japan, but that he could wear them on some days when we were doing things like visiting Mt. Fuji or going to a traditional Japanese hot springs resort.


And he knows I feel much the same about shorts in big cities like Rome, Paris, London. But certainly they're fine on days when you are climbing around ruins (Pompeii, Ephesus) or on a resort-y island like Mykonos or Santorini. If it's shorts, they are relatively neat ones (not hugely baggy or athletic style).


Also, I think everyone should respect local wishes. If you're touring a small town in Italy or Greece and you see a church you want to visit, respect the requested attire, if one is posted, even if no one is there to enforce it. Most of these churches are still operational, and the local people make them available to all of us tourists to visit, sometimes at an inconvenience to themselves. (Imagine if hoards of tourists with flash cameras, loud voices and inappropriate clothing walked through your church during services constantly....)

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All of the comments are interesting and helpful and you are making me wonder why I wasn't more the clothes police with my kids before our cruise last year! I never thought of their attire as disrespectful but probably should have nixed the athletic shorts. But as Joey had said earlier, sometimes you need to pick your battles. My kids were always dressed nicely for dinner and my son even wore his tux for formal nights. And as for blending in as tourists....I think you can pull that off if you are simply on your own or with your partner/spouse. But when you are travelling with a family of four and are visiting places like the Pantheon, the Colosseum, the Parthenon, the Blue Mosque and Ephesus, it would be unusual for folks to think are you are a local, don't you think? My goal when travelling with our kids is to expose them to different cultures and to have them learn more about the history and customs of a place. And I expect them to treat those they meet with respect and to be polite...


I guess I have my nits like everyone else. One of my happens to be to dress for where you are. I know that I can dress like I always do at home if I travel to our National Parks (that includes Washington, DC to me). I dress nicer if I'm doing time in New York City or Chicago. I don't dress the same if I'm going to Honolulu vs Rome. If I'm going to be in Europe and hiking, I'll dress like I do at home. If I'm visiting Ephesus, Pompei, The Valley of the Kings, I'll dress differently. If I'm visiting Rome, Barcelona, Munich, Paris, Prague, or any major European city, I'll definitely dress casual still, but what we call "country club" or "business Friday" casual. If you're passing through to the Pantheon, Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain in Rome, The Duomo in Florence, Casa Batilio in Barcelona, etc. you may indeed be a local walking to where you need to go. If you are at one of these places on a weekend day, you may actually see families of locals walking around the same area, not just the tourists. Haven't you ever played "tourist" in your home area and gone to a place that is considered "tourist spots"? There have been times when I haven't set foot inside a church in Rome (not too many, but some), but that doesn't color what I am deciding to wear on any one day. Maybe part of my thing about dressing for my environment is because I work in the hospitality business and I do see how people are treated based on the impression they make.

Absolutely get you kids exposed to all the enriching experiences they will have when they visit such varied places and learn the history, culture, and sociology of an area. But, I think everyone also needs to learn how to "adapt" to their current environment. If that means to take off the athletic gear and wear a nice pair of shorts and Tshirt, or long pants or a skirt/dress that covers your knees, or shorts that don't get wags and hisses from the old women, that's part of the experience...

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I guess I have my nits like everyone else. One of my happens to be to dress for where you are. I know that I can dress like I always do at home if I travel to our National Parks (that includes Washington, DC to me). I dress nicer if I'm doing time in New York City or Chicago


That is funny you say that about Washington DC - as I live in Alexandria - about 3 miles from George Washington's House and work in this area. We were in DC last Thursday to take one of my 16 year olds to Union Station to take the train to see his Grandmother in NJ for several days (Trains to Philadelphia then drive with her to south Jersey shore). And I mentioned to Roger as we were driving thru the craziness of all the tourists here in the summer that it is clear who works and lives here and doesn't.


But I will say living here were do not necessarily play tourist but rather take advantage of the museums and offerings in DC - mainly the Smithsonians. In the summer the only time in general I really go into DC is when I have to take the boys to DC Children's and then I can usually avoid most of the tourists.


And Having lived in NYC for 5 years when I was in my 20s it was also clear who was tourists and not - especially during the summer - even if you think you blend in. On the weekends in the summer most people who live in NYC go to the Hamptons or Fire Island, etc. I often stayed in the city - I liked it as I could go to places when they were more quiet - enjoy central park, etc. One thing if you visit DC and NYC most times - other than the summer the weekend rates in the downtown area are often cheaper because the business people are not there.


In general I dress the same way most of the time - no mater where in the world I am - just based on the weather. I dress to be comfortable and look neat and put together. As long as one is dressed neatly, etc. that is all that is required.



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