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What is with the complaints about obesity on board?


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Several reviews I've read now contain complaints about the "morbidly obese" people on board, how disgusting they are, how they degrade the otherwise elegant atmosphere, yada yada yada. I realize that most of the reviews contain nothing of the kind, but there were enough (and they were so nasty), that it is really starting to bother me.


Are people on board Celebrity really this snobby? Do they sneer at obese people, as if people who are obese deserve less than kind or polite treatment? I'm not obese, but my husband is overweight (mildly by our midwestern standards, probably grossly so by coastal or some European standards), and I am starting to feel afraid for him! I think he's devastatingly handsome, and it makes me sad to think he may be in an atmosphere where he will be treated rudely by fellow passengers. What are your thoughts/experiences?

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Several reviews I've read now contain complaints about the "morbidly obese" people on board, how disgusting they are, how they degrade the otherwise elegant atmosphere, yada yada yada. I realize that most of the reviews contain nothing of the kind, but there were enough (and they were so nasty), that it is really starting to bother me.


Are people on board Celebrity really this snobby? Do they sneer at obese people, as if people who are obese deserve less than kind or polite treatment? I'm not obese, but my husband is overweight (mildly by our midwestern standards, probably grossly so by coastal or some European standards), and I am starting to feel afraid for him! I think he's devastatingly handsome, and it makes me sad to think he may be in an atmosphere where he will be treated rudely by fellow passengers. What are your thoughts/experiences?[/quote


Have you both sailed with Celebrity? If so when and on what ship?

The reason for asking is because there will be CC members who were better placed to comment on your actual Cruise experience.

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some people say cruel things because they are faceless on these boards. I am a plus size person and ignore those remarks. You will always get people who judge you because of your size but there are so many others that are just like you, there to have an enjoyable holiday. You will find snobbery and ignorant remarks everywhere not just on board a cruise ship. I am happy to report that it is my experience that overall everyone is friendly and happy to make your acquaintance. Enjoy your holiday, I just spent 27 glorious days on the Silhouette and met so many wonderful people!!

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Have you both sailed with Celebrity? If so when and on what ship?

The reason for asking is because there will be CC members who were better placed to comment on your actual Cruise experience.


No, this will be our first cruise, ever. I'm SO looking forward to it- seeing Alaska has been a dream for both of us, and we are looking forward to getting a taste of the cruising life, too. But reading reviews like the ones to which I referred is disconcerting.


DebandBruce, THANK YOU for your kind and reassuring words! I am happy to read of your experiences!

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I am mortified that you had read reviews that have stated such things! I will apologize for the entire Celebrity community! I have sailed many times, the last 3 with Celebrity, and one of the most fun people we met on board was a rather stout fellow that everyone loved!! Shame on those that feel they must make themselves feel better by insulting those that are different from them. We have found our fellow pax to be intelligent and classy, able to 'chill out' with new friends, and just overall a pleasure to be around. One couple has flown over 5000 miles away to visit us in the States 3 times since we met them on the Millenium, and we will all be sailing together again in April of 2014. By the way, we all four have very different body shapes and sizes, somehow, we have remained friends, lol! Good luck on your cruise, you will have a great time, no worries!!

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Have you both sailed with Celebrity? If so when and on what ship?

The reason for asking is because there will be CC members who were better placed to comment on your actual Cruise experience.


No, this will be our first cruise, ever. I'm SO looking forward to it- seeing Alaska has been a dream for both of us, and we are looking forward to getting a taste of the cruising life, too. But reading reviews like the ones to which I referred is disconcerting.[/ ]


On every ship you will get a small minded minority on a Cruise ship who take pleasure in talking down to people, in some vain hope to achieve the semblance of a self gratification experience.

Forget them - Take a Cruise - Sign up to the CC Meet Mingle - You will meet many nice people, who knows, they may end up being friends for life.

Go for it - Life is too short!

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Several reviews I've read now contain complaints about the "morbidly obese" people on board, how disgusting they are, how they degrade the otherwise elegant atmosphere, yada yada yada. I realize that most of the reviews contain nothing of the kind, but there were enough (and they were so nasty), that it is really starting to bother me.



Most? try all.. I have not once seen ANYTHING like you describe, so please, give us specifics and links.

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Can you give us links to some of these reviews. I read back through the last 15-20 reviews under Member reviews and didn't come across any mention of obesity. I do remember one several months ago, but equated it with the review that sees all children as raging monsters out to make everyone on board miserable.

Reviews are one persons view of the cruise. I have read two different reviews of the same cruise,one full of delight and perfection, the other a weeklong nightmare.

I don't think people on Celebrity are any more "snobby" than those on any cruise line. As a plus size (very plus) woman, I have heard my share of snide comments by people about my supposed eating habits both on and off cruise ships. Lots of people, young and old, skinny and overweight, overeat on cruises. Then we put on bathing suits and go lie by the pool!

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Several reviews I've read now contain complaints about the "morbidly obese" people on board, how disgusting they are, how they degrade the otherwise elegant atmosphere, yada yada yada. I realize that most of the reviews contain nothing of the kind, but there were enough (and they were so nasty), that it is really starting to bother me.


Are people on board Celebrity really this snobby? Do they sneer at obese people, as if people who are obese deserve less than kind or polite treatment? I'm not obese, but my husband is overweight (mildly by our midwestern standards, probably grossly so by coastal or some European standards), and I am starting to feel afraid for him! I think he's devastatingly handsome, and it makes me sad to think he may be in an atmosphere where he will be treated rudely by fellow passengers. What are your thoughts/experiences?

I don't believe anyone would say a word to your husband; they would be too afraid to say something in person. If some idiot actually does, just tell him to say "I can lose weight, but you will never be pretty with that ugly face of yours". I'm sure that will shut them up.


I'm sure you will have a wonderful cruise and don't worry about snobby passengers, although they exist, that percent of the overall passengers is very, very small.

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I have not heard anything on any cruise except comments on an unusual situation on the Reflection in Feb. . A very obese man ( maybe 500 lbs.) sat on the glass display case by the ice cream and broke through it. He was very lucky not to be cut by the glass . The comments were basically about him having the sense not to sit on a glass display case. I am sure he must have been very embarrassed!!












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some people say cruel things because they are faceless on these boards. I am a plus size person and ignore those remarks. You will always get people who judge you because of your size but there are so many others that are just like you, there to have an enjoyable holiday. You will find snobbery and ignorant remarks everywhere not just on board a cruise ship. I am happy to report that it is my experience that overall everyone is friendly and happy to make your acquaintance. Enjoy your holiday, I just spent 27 glorious days on the Silhouette and met so many wonderful people!!


Agree with this. Who knows if any of those posters have even been on a cruise. They could be just trolls. Just don't worry about it and have a great time.

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I am very heartened by the responses here, so thank you all for that.


For the couple of posters who seemed to doubt that these reviews exist, please accept that they do - I do not wish to comb back through to re-read and post them here, but I saw them. Not all of them were on this site. I certainly wouldn't have made it up out of whole cloth, but I do allow for the possibility that I exaggerated their prevalence. My apologies for this, but I did see them, they were truly nasty and snobby, and I was worred for a bit.


The sweetness in this thread, though, is the perfect antidote for the nastiness I saw in those reviews. Thanks, again.

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Sad, but true that the anonymity of computer forums allows for less than polite debate. If I'm honest, I've gotten snarkier than I should at times...especially about dress codes and snobbery...and I'm really a nice guy...honest!:D


As for the climate onboard mentioned in reviews versus the reality if the ships, there's often very little connection.


If you substituted many other "isms" and looked at on-line forums, you'd be depressed beyond belief! Look at the truly frightening posts in Yahoo about the marriage debate.


That said, once on board, you will have few if any issues because of this. There are very few people who would make a comment about any issue, and they are certainly outnumbered by those there to have fun, enjoy the company of new friends, and leave the stress of the workaday world behind.


Enjoy the cruise, didn't sorry about it, and remember that living well is the best revenge!:)



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These days we are frequently exposed to communications about the health risks associated with obesity. The government is in a mode of educating citizens of the risks of non healthy eating. The food industry is following up with increased information on nutrition data on their products.


With all the increased awareness it is inevitable that more and more people will make judgements on how people look. Most will keep it to themselves, but occasionally a few will rudely vocalize their observations or feelings.


Years ago it was rare that anyone would express feelings about smokers and the health risks of smoking. Fast forward to today and we have a cruise line that works hard to discourage smoking on board. It's coming atcha!

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Sad, but true that the anonymity of computer forums allows for less than polite debate. If I'm honest, I've gotten snarkier than I should at times...especially about dress codes and snobbery...and I'm really a nice guy...honest!:D


As for the climate onboard mentioned in reviews versus the reality if the ships, there's often very little connection.


If you substituted many other "isms" and looked at on-line forums, you'd be depressed beyond belief! Look at the truly frightening posts in Yahoo about the marriage debate.


That said, once on board, you will have few if any issues because of this. There are very few people who would make a comment about any issue, and they are certainly outnumbered by those there to have fun, enjoy the company of new friends, and leave the stress of the workaday world behind.


Enjoy the cruise, didn't sorry about it, and remember that living well is the best revenge!:)




Andrew's right.... and honest!;)


Just go and have a great time. After I booked on Celebrity for the first time I started reading more posts here and thought OMG I've booked on the wrong cruise line. Some of the people writing here were very 'unpleasant' ( I'm being kind) with their various remarks and I was sure that I didn't want to meet them on the ship. But that's life on the internet. In person everyone we met, from the fellow how found my dropped cell phone, to the breakfast table gang who debated which one of us had the worst knees, to the two wonderful young lady pharmacists, were all very nice, fun, and enjoyable to be with.


BTW, thinking about it I just realized that all those people I mentioned were from the Midwest. Hmmm?

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BTW, thinking about it I just realized that all those people I mentioned were from the Midwest. Hmmm?


HEY! I resemble that remark! ;) You are all right, of course. I've taken a deep breath and reset my clock to "this cruise is going to be awesome!"


Edit: Never mind. I just realized the "people you mentioned" were the nice ones - right? Or were they the ones you didn't want to meet?! LOL.

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Please don't be concerned. Although my husband and I are not veteran cruisers (5 cruises, all on Celebrity). We have found the other passengers to be there for a good time and much less concerned about what others are doing or wearing. It has been our experience that the Celebrity crowd is classy without being snobby.


There are always a few rude people - you get that everywhere, but please don't let that stop you from being excited about your upcoming cruise. One of the things I like most about cruising is that if you want to meet and be with other people, there are many opportunities to do so. If you want a quiet time by yourself, or just with your husband, there are plenty of opportunities to do that to.


And, in the unlikely event you do run across someone rude, they can't spoil your cruise if you don't let them. :) And, by the way, Alaska is fantastic!

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The overwhelmng majority of passengers on ANY cruiseline come nowhere near Cruise Critic and these forums, so I think the OP is worrying needlessly. There are passengers of all shapes and sizes on cruise ships an I have never heard anyone passing comment on those shapes and sizes :)



Sent using the Cruise Critic forums app

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Not to fan any class wars, but the "snobbery" I mentioned usually comes from those who aren't comfortable with a situation.


I've met many folks over the years who behave in a condescending manner because they didn't know how to behave in a certain situation, and all they've seen are shows like Dynasty or these horrible reality shows, and base their behavior on that experience- "oh, THAT must be how I behave on a fancy cruise, because that's the way a TV 'star' does."


For the most part, if you're comfortable with yourself, you don't feel threatened by others, and are more welcoming and accepting of difference. Many of the wealthiest and best educated people I know give the appearance of that nice Midwestern friendliness mentioned...because they KNOW that they aren't that different from you and I.


My favorite cruises are when we gather what we laughingly refer to as a Felini-esque cast of characters. Life is more interesting that way.:) Best was on Cunard with the following:


Gay undertaker

Romanian immigrant

Episcopal minister

Show girl wife of Episcopal Minister ( on their honeymoon)

Dowager from Europe

Her American niece

Woman attorney, yes, from the Midwest

Her lovely and "downhome" mother

NYC college professor

His travel agent boyfriend

Disabled postal worker from Philly


Well, you get the idea...(and no stealing that cast! It's going to be in my first book...as soon as I can figure out how not to get sued!)


Cheers and happy sailing.



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Several reviews I've read now contain complaints about the "morbidly obese" people on board, how disgusting they are, how they degrade the otherwise elegant atmosphere, yada yada yada. I realize that most of the reviews contain nothing of the kind, but there were enough (and they were so nasty), that it is really starting to bother me.


I think you'd find that most of these nasty comments -- made from the anonymous comfort of a computer screen -- come from folks who really aren't that familiar with a mirror or scales themselves. :eek:

The more "health-conscious" folks that I've met onboard are way too busy planning activities and making healthy eating choices to worry about what anyone else looks like! :cool:

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Majority of passengers will not care about your husbands extra lbs. Just leave his Speedo at home and relax, laugh and have a great cruise.

Everyone can leave their Speedo at home........skinny guys in speedos look no better in my opinion.....lol

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Everyone can leave their Speedo at home........skinny guys in speedos look no better in my opinion.....lol


I agree!!!

To the OP I try to read as many reviews as I can and I haven't pick up on this obesity bashing.

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