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Am I being petty?


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It must work differently in the U.S. but in Australia, if an agent wants to give you a gift (of strawberries, or wine, or whatever), it has to come out of our commission. And trust me, with sales like the BOGOHO, the commission REALLY isn't a lot regardless of what sort of cabin is booked. I think a lot of people assume that agents are rolling in it, but I can guarantee, it's certainly not the case. Don't get me wrong, I love my job! I help people arrange amazing (sometimes once in a lifetime) holidays, but the pay sucks!

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I don't always get a "gift" from my TA but that's not what's really important. For example:


I was booked on Crystal Symphony's 2012 Panama Canal Cruise 10/31/12 from New York to Los Angeles. I was in New York when Sandy hit. The ship couldn't get to New York and went on to the next port, Charleston. My hotel lost power and I had no internet or cell phone service.


I talked to my TA from a place 10 blocks from the hotel the evening before scheduled embarkation and she started to work on my situation. The next morning I walked the 10 blocks to a Panera which had reopened and called her about 6:30. She had found that while Laguardia was closed it had rental cars and reserved one to get me back home for the night, and had booked a flight to Charleston the next day with a hotel there for the night.


This is far more important to me than any bottle of wine or box of chocolates.



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I think I would ask RCI first. If they have no record of anything being ordered then you can decide how to proceed; either mention it to the TA, say nothing and/or take your business elsewhere.


Being cynical here but what is to stop your TA from telling you they ordered it even if they didn't?

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I no longer use a TA for a routine cruise. In the past I have asked for help with any price drops and was told "well if I can".. yeah. I can do without any additional perks but I would always know more about the cruise, ship and cabins than the TA, and she really had little to do for whatever commission she received. In fact, I often book onboard and I had to go to her to get my documents and she wouldn't even notify me that she had them. I found cheaper flights and better and cheaper accommodations by my own research. All I really expected when I used the agent from this large agency was the courtesy of a follow up phone call from her, which she didn't do until oh about a year later when I didn't contact her about another cruise that I was planning.

So no, I don't think you are being petty. It's kind of a common gesture to thank you for your business.

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Some of you posters are kidding I hope, are we now talking about " Cruise Security" the way NGO's talk about "Food Security"?

So you have to be concerned that even though people have enough to eat but they are at risk and not secure if they get it from multiple sources and have low disposable income?


If so I fit in that catagory for cruising as I am always dumpster diving for cruises!

I am constantly checking online sales, offers and different Travel agencies and clipping cruise coupons.

I can only hope my neighbours are unaware of my financial short fall.


I constantly try to book my cruise at the cheapest price as the more I save the more cruises I can take. I am on a fixed income and spend a disproportionate amount of it on travel and cruising.

Perhaps the government could implement a Cruise Stamp program so I do not need to struggle to cruise and not have to worry where my next cruise will be to?


Cruising is a luxury industry I do not worry for those involved any more then I worry about the BMW or Mercedes dealers. Same reason I don't worry about the financial viability of Louis Vuitton.

I just don't buy their products as they make obscene profits.


A good agent that wants to build their business must be knowledgeable and offer more then what I can do myself.

I can book on the ship, over the phone or on line with the cruise line. I can hold a cruise for $200.00 and change the itinerary at will with no cost up to 90 days of the sail date. The $200.00 usually gives me a $200.00 shipboard credit.

If the cruise price drops I have to monitor it but the cruise line will reduce my price to match.


So what will a good agent do for me?

They know more about the ship and itinerary then I do and can recommend.


They can be aware of promotions and offers not promoted by the cruise lines, the cruise lines can move unsold cabins at special rates through large agencies that they do not want current booked pax to know about as they would have to discount all their existing bookings.

Case in point I am booked on Oasis TA Sept 1st RCI site has my cabin listed $700.00 higher then what I booked it on the ship a year ago. My agency had a promo that was $750.00 cheaper then my booking price a few weeks ago.

They did not tell me but I check and emailed my TA they reduced my price by $750.00 and still gave me prepaid gratuities, $100.00 spa credit, dinner for 2, but reduced their OBC from $200.00 to only $100.00. I still got my $350.00 balcony credit and RCI's $200.00 OBC.

When I transferred this cruise to my TA I had to increase my deposit as the $200.00 would not do it and if I canceled it up to 90 days out I would lose $300.00.


My agent has gotten me many free up grades and helped me plan my 1st river cruise this fall and gave me OBC on that but I had to pay the full amount in advance.


I ask and she responds with what the agency will offer I do not force her, I must assume they don't want me to take my business else where.

I have booked over 30 cruises in the past 10 years with her and will continue to do so.


I admit my loyalty can be bought, isn't that why all the lines offer loyalty rewards?

Edited by baldercash
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I had been using ai TA for years and received nothing -- maybe an automated thank you note after arriving home. After receiving emails from on-line TA's with perks and even Delta Airlines I called the TA. He replied that it's not legal to give anything. I since changed TA's and they give me OBC and reduced rates on cruises. They are also very responsive to my questions.

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My sensitive side asks do you really think I'm generally petty.:(

Of course not, I was jokingly referring to our past "Smeck downs" on CC ;) I wouldn't be passive aggressive about the missing wine and strawberries, I'd mention it to them when I return, explaining I missed it and hoped it wasn't an oversight on the part of the cruise line. It's quite likely they didn't get delivered, and even if they never ordered them, they can save face by saying, "oh my they must not have delivered them" but they will know it's something you think of as part of their good service and provide it accordingly in the future!




If so I fit in that catagory for cruising as I am always dumpster diving for cruises!


This is the funniest thing I've read in a while! :D


And I agree with you, it's a business, and when you get down to what's offered on NCL, Princess, or RCL or Carnival, it's really a commodity business- thousands of cabins sailing to the Caribbean every week with a buffet 3 times a day. They want my money, and. I'll find what I think is the best "value" and I'm not going to let the fact that "it's better than a day working" lower my standards of what a value is! They aren't doing me favors, they are making a profit by providing me a product for my money, I decide what's "worth it", no matter how much or little money I have when I shop.

Edited by Familygoboston
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I have been using the same travel agent for years each year I have been booking a junior suite. Each year they usually send us a bottle of wine and strawberries. This year nada and I'm a bit upset, am I being Petty? Thinking of changing Travel Agents in the future am I overreacting?


In a word - yes.

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And I agree with you, it's a business, and when you get down to what's offered on NCL, Princess, or RCL or Carnival, it's really a commodity business- thousands of cabins sailing to the Caribbean every week with a buffet 3 times a day. They want my money, and. I'll find what I think is the best "value" and I'm not going to let the fact that "it's better than a day working" lower my standards of what a value is! They aren't doing me favors, they are making a profit by providing me a product for my money, I decide what's "worth it", no matter how much or little money I have when I shop.


Exactly cruising is about you and nothing else, it is a very personal and one could say a selfish choice. One must balance what you want to or can pay with what you want to receive.


I cruise inside too suites, been enjoying aft cabins lately and Aqua class on X . We have enjoyed Azamara, Oceania and a few other more high end lines and also have cruised lines like MCS and P&O.


When I book it is all about what my wife and I want to get from the cruise and how much we are willing to spend for it.

Now that we are retired I use it as transportation to a destination. We could fly and be there same day but we have nothing but time and why not take a ship and burn a few weeks or more to get there. This is why the Trans Atlantic crossings are offering less on board as they are full of retired discount cruisers going no where and the cruise lines know it because where are they going to go? The lines view pax as freight to cover cost of repositioning the ships.


CC Members are constantly complaining about the cruise lines making business decisions that are fiscally beneficial for the line but not for them.

The Loyalty program is there to keep you with the line as it appeals to your value evaluation of the cost of the cruise. Anything offered you can pay for and most of it you don't need or use.


The same goes with travel agents you may think they are a friend but their job is to make money from you.


Is the OP being petty? In no way.

If I was the OP I would ask the TA if it was an oversight on the cruise lines part to give the TA an out to apologize then I would mention I met people on the cruise who recommended their agent because they were getting OBC or prepaid gratuities, what ever.

If the TA said they are not able to do that I would then inform them I have enjoyed our relationship but I will be giving my business to someone else and then I would start shopping for a new agency and find a better agent.

If you don't have a use for the money you save give it to the next person you see diving in a dumpster I will be happy to make use of it.

Edited by baldercash
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So you think giving an incentive or discount in order to earn someone's business somehow indicates the breakdown of society? That's been happening pretty much since cavemen started trading rocks for other rocks ;)


It's a competitive world out there, and people just don't need TAs like they used to. 20+ years ago you needed a TA to research prices on flights and cruises, do the bookings, etc. Now not so much.


So they give up part of their commission to entice people to book with them, otherwise why should anyone use a TA to book a cruise? To call and make the booking? Meh I can do that myself, and not have to go through a middle man.




So for the folks that think they are stealing the TAs hard earned money, if the next day your TA ran an add in paper offering $350 OBC and paid ggratuities on the cruise you just booked the day before, would you wonder why the same offer wasn't made to you (you are good customer) but shouted to the world of strangers?


Every weekend there are adds for cruising and they all offer perks. It's called competition...free market. If a TA can no longer be competitive in this industry, like many other professions, they look for a career change.



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I would have loved to get even a plate of cookies from my travel agent but in all the years I used him he never sent me anything. So I book myself now.


Are you reading this Charlie? This is why we haven't used you for our last four cruises and why we aren't using you for our next three.

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With money he has earned since February. That is what happens when the banks are propped up and since actually building and making things are difficult and unprofitable those owning or trading stocks make out like bandits.


My point is maybe the TA is having a hard time paying his/her bills because his/her agency is not making enough profit that he / she can not afford to buy bread for his/her family.




Then I would suggest that TA find another line of work.

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I agree...don't get this :confused: In all honestly I don't use a travel agent. BUT I don't get kick backs from the car salesman or mortgage company, I get a service...That's ALL!


I am also not trying to be being a smarty...I truly do not get the expectation of a freebie and then if it isn't delivered you will go elsewhere when the TA did their job and met all other requests?




They are not "freebies". They are part of the deal. You give me 'X" and I will give you my reservation.


If you are selling your house and have two offers basically equal in all conditions except one offer is $10,000 more, do you take the lower offer?

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Kind of cold and insensitive don't ya think....




How about " Hopefully the TA will realize they are not well suited for their chosen line of work and find personal fulfillment and greater financial rewards in a more satisfying career not affiliated with the travel industry."

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Kind of cold and insensitive don't ya think....




Far from it. A lot of people think it would be "fun" to be a Travel Agent. Doesn't necessarily mean they can make a living at it. Why should the OP, or anyone else be made to feel guilty about wanting to get perks like the rest of us get.


Are people supposed to subsidize others because they are in the wrong line of work? A waiter in a nice restaurant probably makes more money than most TA's. But maybe working hard as a waiter isn't as fun.


If I had to support my family, I wouldn't get a job as a TA.


And by the way I am a supporter of increasing the minimum wage to $12 - $15 an hour because that is what it should be looking at inflation over time. Then we wouldn't have to worry about people being able to support their families if they worked full time. Are you in favor of increasing the minimum wage?

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How about " Hopefully the TA will realize they are not well suited for their chosen line of work and find personal fulfillment and greater financial rewards in a more satisfying career not affiliated with the travel industry."


Just saw this after I posted again. Same thing I said before...just wordier.

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I have to jump in. So a TA is basically only good for free stuff? And if they don't give you enough free stuff, then you'll take your business elsewhere until you are satisfied with the amount of free stuff you get? This doesn't really sound like anything that's "part of a deal." I get it, if someone is offering free things, then you should be grateful and take it. But I don't see where that's a guarantee, and certainly not a reason to stop giving business to someone. Especially when they've been plenty gracious to you in the past...


But I suppose this is the world of "what have YOU done for ME lately" isn't it?



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Just ask and see what their response is. Only way you'll know. You should ask while on the ship. My guess is that Royal screwed up the order.


I only wish we had a site to compare T/A's like we have sites for hotels, flights, A/I's etc. Why is it that talking about T/A's and their rates/perks is so taboo?


I read all the time about folks who get great perks from T/A's only to find out that they paid a lot more for their cruise so in turn they actually paid for their perks themselves!

I've been given names of agencies, and called some to compare, it was amazing! Some have great deals, and some have great perks, I've not found one yet that offers both. (still looking and calling)

My T/A doesn't do much work, and I don't get much for doing my booking through them. I do get low rates and great service. Any perks seem to come at a cost from what I've seen.

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I have to jump in. So a TA is basically only good for free stuff? And if they don't give you enough free stuff, then you'll take your business elsewhere until you are satisfied with the amount of free stuff you get? This doesn't really sound like anything that's "part of a deal." I get it, if someone is offering free things, then you should be grateful and take it. But I don't see where that's a guarantee, and certainly not a reason to stop giving business to someone. Especially when they've been plenty gracious to you in the past...


But I suppose this is the world of "what have YOU done for ME lately" isn't it?



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OMG. Sorry but there is nothing wrong with shopping for a better deal. It called competition. And what you call "free stuff", I think of the package of things that I get from my TA. More "free stuff" = overall lower price/better deal. It seems that you don't believe in competition and TA's should just be entitled to keep their customers' business even if they can't keep up with what the competition is doing.

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So a TA is basically only good for free stuff? And if they don't give you enough free stuff, then you'll take your business elsewhere until you are satisfied with the amount of free stuff you get?


The word "basically" in your statement is a qualifier, so I will answer: Basically speaking, yes. Many people on CC are savvy enough / have learned over time from CC HOW to find the best deals and book in the most efficient manner. In this sense the TA is doing very little other than "holding" the reservation. The TA's offer perks and deals because they can either have some of something, or all of nothing. Some of something is better for them in almost every instance rather than getting all of nothing. (I am not mistaking the word OF for OR).


If they do not want to offer anything, that is their business model to choose. Todays marketplace is highly competitive due to the internet and ease with which one can compare services.


When you go to shop for a car do you pay the full window sticker price or do you comparison shop? When you go to the grocery store if two similar brands are side by side and one is on sale, offers a rebate/discount, etc. would you not choose that brand? Is it wrong to go out to dinner and use a coupon for a free meal? The restaurant is the one providing the coupon to induce you to come in.


Businesses do these thing to compete in todays marketplace. Smart customers will take advantage of the deals. Heck, a good portion of posts on this site are how to get more OBC, how to combine coupon codes, how can we get double perks, how do I get this or that. Why is it suddenly a problem if TA's are choosing to buy the business?

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OP you are not being petty but you should be getting more for your booking IMHO.



Some posters are confused as to why we think we should get something from the TA's.


Why would I give my booking to a TA when I did all the work?


They make money off of your booking. Why shouldn't they share some of that commission with you ?


Not going to release control of my booking for the fun of it:confused:


If we all hold our bookings the TA's would go out of business .




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nowhere here is a promise or obligation by the TA for anything...the word usually means not always..sounds like an expectation of nothing promised


So we take your statement and....

nowhere here is a promise or obligation by the OP to book again with the TA...the word usually means not always.. so they have no need to be loyal to the TA.


It is all just business and the OP is entitled to look else where and should in most posters opinion.


If you know better service, cheaper price and more perks are available why wouldn't you move your business?


The cruise lines should give you more perks if you keep the cruise with them, think how much they make when they get your final payment! They could give up grades and still be ahead if they did that I would leave it with them they get the TA's commission.

Not much the TA's could do as that is at the lines discretion and would not violate their agreement.


They should do a better job of manning the phones and have more knowledgeable agents.

But nooooooooooo they put you on hold for 20 minutes before they will take your money and their web site is often down forcing many to use TA's.

What kind of business model is that?


I guess with the promo's they offer there is less profit for agents?

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Your TA may never know they were not delivered unless they ask you. I would give them the benefit of the doubt. Instead, I would say to your TA "Just to let you know, RCI did not send your usual champagne and strawberries, which you always send us. I hope you didn't pay for it."


Of course not, I was jokingly referring to our past "Smeck downs" on CC ;) I wouldn't be passive aggressive about the missing wine and strawberries, I'd mention it to them when I return, explaining I missed it and hoped it wasn't an oversight on the part of the cruise line. It's quite likely they didn't get delivered, and even if they never ordered them, they can save face by saying, "oh my they must not have delivered them" but they will know it's something you think of as part of their good service and provide it accordingly in the future!





^^ These. :)


(Wow, it is SO much easier to post like this! ;) )

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