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Not fair customer service


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They did stop the smoking on Day 6, so clearly they did care. They did send a supervisor to your cabin, again they did care.


It's the other guest who was being difficult, and unfortunately X had to wait to 'catch them in the act' which isn't always easy. Perhaps X should have stationed security on your veranda 24/7 until they caught them?




Or perhaps Celebrity doesn't care to spend time and resources to cater to difficult, unreasonable and demanding customers.


Theirs lots of ways to look at this to be sure. Compensation? Would never have entered my head. However, six days to resolve this is 5 days too long! Just an opinion.

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You are all being terribly cruel to the OP. I had a similar problem on one of my cruises when I couldn't find a deck chair due to chair-hogs. This went on for the whole cruise despite my complaints and when I demanded compensation they ignored me. I told them I didn't want money, I just wanted to take one of the deckchairs home with me so I could use it there in peace. Initially I also asked that they install a pool for me at home but after some negotiation I lowered my demands to a more reasonable level.


Despite this I was still refused any compensation. I decided to take matters into my own hands. I chose a fairly average deckchair, not too shabby but nor was it brand new, and tried to take it ashore with me when I disembarked. Frustratingly I was accosted by security and refused even this minimal level of compensation.


In the end I just went up on deck and threw it overboard, then after disembarking I waited alongside the dock until it floated close enough for me to snare with a fishing line I borrowed from a nearby angler. The crew watching just shrugged their shoulders and clearly decided that my claim for compensation had been valid all along.


The deckchair now sits proudly in my backyard and I consider it adequate compensation for the agony I suffered onboard. I will cruise with X again because they honoured my compensation claim but next time I hope I don't have to fight so hard to get what is rightfully mine.



Now all I have to do is get my Rottweiler to stop being such a chair-hog.

Thanks for the laugh. Clearly you are going to have to take another cruise with the Rottweiler along as a comfort animal, so he/she can pick out a chair hog and then complain so that he can get a suitable deck chair for his/her own use.:D

Edited by YVR cruiser
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obvious troll first post entering "controversial" subject
Big deal if someone was smoking on a balcony, rules are not always followed and they should have offered you zilch for compensation.


As a general rule I completely agree that single post posters should be ignored

and their statements taken with a huge grain of salt BUT

since when is smoking on the balcony just a minor inconvenience, if that ?

We started sailing on Celebrity because it had a non-smoking balcony policy.

This doesn't mean I am entirely convinced of the truth of OP's post.

What troubles me (if true) is the time it took for Celebrity to take action.

I also think the compensation was about right. I am sorry OP hasn't returned to CC.

I am also sorry that many here in their haste to defend X are unwilling to

believe the OP may have some valid points even if they are a "troll". ;)

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I have no doubt the OP witnessed smoking and it was offensive to them. My issue is with the real world and how such issues must be handled.


Everyone that thinks the issue was legit and X took too long to resolve it, do you believe X should just take a passengers word for it and punish another passenger without evidence of the problem existing? If someone blamed YOU for something you didn't do wouldn't you have issue if X threatened to bill you $250 or disembark you just because another guest said you did so?


Imagine people saying the room below me is smoking and X disembarks that cabin, or silly fines them $250, $500, or $1000 to only find out it was the room below and to the left that was the REAL smoker....


X caught them once and warned them. 6 days later X saw the issue again, and thats when it stopped, likely when that person got the hint that yes they are serious about enforcing the policy. Most guests would have stopped time 1, this group took 2 times to be caught before getting the point. Next time they would have been off the ship.


Everyone keeps missing this point....Is X expected to post a security officer on the alleged smokers veranda for the cruise? Should they have sat on the complainant's veranda the entire cruise?


Seriously apply a bit of common sense and real world to how the issue is reported, verified and dealt with. X likely deals with this stuff enough to know they have to catch them of have evidence (butts, ashes, photo from the complainant) in order to make anything happen.


So OP went to desk to complain, desk saw nothing - they are at the desk, may have called security to look into it who saw nothing (as likely the smoker was done with his cigarette by then and off to another venue) and smelled nothing as well, the ship is moving at 20 knots and thru the wind....Next time OP called, security came at 1:30 promptly and witnessed issue and intervened. Susbsequent times OP called, security could not confirm another infraction, day 6 security called and again witnessed infraction, and it stopped....

Edited by cle-guy
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Yes! Most of us asked a question, or asked for advice. Most of us returned and responded to what others said. Most of us love to cruise and continue to try to do what we can to assist the new cruiser in gaining the most from their cruising experience.

But, then there is the one issue complainer who posts and runs. They contribute little of value to our community, in fact they breed negativity. Fortunately, they are a very small minority.

I've been wanting to say this for quite some time. Thank you for the opportunity.

Good and fair response from you, as always expected.

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You demanded compensation for the suffering and discomfort? Just a guess, but asking politely may have resulted in a more favorable response from the rep at Guest Services. This suggestion is applicable to a wide range of situations in your life.


Case in point - we had a most annoying banging from a staff gate above our cabin which started occurring around 5am every morning. We notified customer service. They attempted to correct the problem and checked in with us regularly. The problem never was resolved. S*** happens - they tried. Note to self to book a different cabin. They offered us coupons to Specialty Dining which we declined. We were not looking for compensation - just the ability to sleep past 5am!! We were extremely surprised when the lovely Ellen Landes, Guest Relations Officer, delivered 2 x $250 Future Cruise Certificates. In our many discussions, she knew we were again booked a year later. I called her and thank her profusely, stating we appreciated the gesture but that it was not necessary.


We don't complain for compensation, we complain for resolution. Having said that, in this OPs situation, I think that I would've popped my head around the balcony barrier and directly requested the pax to refrain from smoking. If it continued, I would have continued to do so. If they get in my space by smoking, I'll get in theirs. Thoughts on this? Would that be rude?

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We don't complain for compensation, we complain for resolution



Best line of this thread....if only all saw it that way..Guest Relations queues would halve I'm sure! Nice that you got a genuine offer for compensation that was offered, not demanded (or expected)


And yes, I wouldn't think it beyond reason to have politely spoken directly to the offending neighbour. They are the ones being rude by breaking the rules in the first place!

Edited by QE2_Fan
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Why is everyone so hard on this fellow. I love my balcony and stay on it a great deal during the cruise. One of the major reasons I cruise with Celebrity is the restrictive smoking policy. I would be very upset, and the compensation would be of no advantage to me. I have saved and planned my vacation and for someone to be smoking next to us would be a major concern. There are other rules on the ship, and Celebrity enforces so this should be one. I would not have thought about asking for compensation, the compensation I would expect is that they handle the smoker immediately.

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Why is everyone so hard on this fellow.


Because as a new poster, instead of asking for advice or providing some himself, his post was a rant about how his vacation was ruined and that he won't cruise with Celebrity again because they only gave him $200 credit after he DEMANDED compensation. The entire post was filled with anger, over the top exaggerations, the clear inability to understand what was required to have the situation resolved, and threats to never cruise with Celebrity or RCL again because they didn't give him everything that he demanded.


Sorry, but I don't think that unreasonable people should be treated with respect. Respect has to be earned, and the OP certainly did nothing of the sort. :rolleyes:

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There are other rules on the ship, and Celebrity enforces so this should be one. [snip] I would expect is that they handle the smoker immediately.


Celebrity DID handle the smoker. When they observed (not just took the affected guest on his word...see prior posts from me here about that issue) the behavior 1st time they told them to stop. Guest smoked again. Customer complained, X did not observe it could not do anything. customer complained again, x this time observed it, told guest to stop, warning 2 of the 3 warning process, and the smoking stopped.


Lilley the OP called guest services, smoker finished smoking as he was talking within a minute or 2 and by the time Guest services/security arrived (even if it took them 3 minutes to get there...), no evidence of smoking in the cabin or veranda, so nothing they can do to officially penalize that customer.


Again, I ask, to those who think X didn't act appropriately...what should they have done differently...., take the word of the disgruntled guest and favor it more heavily that that of another guest who has another story to tell....should they just fine that other guest with no physical evidence, all on the word of someone else, or for the 3rd complaint from someone, even without physical evidence disembark the alleged offender, just because another guest said so....?


Slippery slope...very slippery...


X has 1 1-2-3 your off the ship policy on this: written warning, then a fine, then disembarkation. A pretty strict policy if you ask me.


Again, I have no doubt the OP had a smoking issue with another cabin, I just think we all need to realize how difficult it is to prove such allegations to a point where a fine can be levied or a passenger can be removed from the ship.

Edited by cle-guy
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Because as a new poster, instead of asking for advice or providing some himself, his post was a rant about how his vacation was ruined and that he won't cruise with Celebrity again because they only gave him $200 credit after he DEMANDED compensation. The entire post was filled with anger, over the top exaggerations, the clear inability to understand what was required to have the situation resolved, and threats to never cruise with Celebrity or RCL again because they didn't give him everything that he demanded.


Sorry, but I don't think that unreasonable people should be treated with respect. Respect has to be earned, and the OP certainly did nothing of the sort. :rolleyes:



Very well put.

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think that I would've popped my head around the balcony barrier and directly requested the pax to refrain from smoking. If it continued, I would have continued to do so. If they get in my space by smoking, I'll get in theirs. Thoughts on this? Would that be rude?



No, not rude. In fact I think I would have done so with my phone in video mode and would have taken it straight to guest relations.

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Celebrity DID handle the smoker. When they observed (not just took the affected guest on his word...see prior posts from me here about that issue) the behavior 1st time they told them to stop. Guest smoked again. Customer complained, X did not observe it could not do anything. customer complained again, x this time observed it, told guest to stop, warning 2 of the 3 warning process, and the smoking stopped.


Lilley the OP called guest services, smoker finished smoking as he was talking within a minute or 2 and by the time Guest services/security arrived (even if it took them 3 minutes to get there...), no evidence of smoking in the cabin or veranda, so nothing they can do to officially penalize that customer.


Again, I ask, to those who think X didn't act appropriately...what should they have done differently...., take the word of the disgruntled guest and favor it more heavily that that of another guest who has another story to tell....should they just fine that other guest with no physical evidence, all on the word of someone else, or for the 3rd complaint from someone, even without physical evidence disembark the alleged offender, just because another guest said so....?


Slippery slope...very slippery...


X has 1 1-2-3 your off the ship policy on this: written warning, then a fine, then disembarkation. A pretty strict policy if you ask me.


Again, I have no doubt the OP had a smoking issue with another cabin, I just think we all need to realize how difficult it is to prove such allegations to a point where a fine can be levied or a passenger can be removed from the ship.


To quote Warner Wolf "let's go to the video tape."

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To quote Warner Wolf "let's go to the video tape."


Definitely a possibility, but not an end-all-be-all.


They could be sitting in their chair on veranda protected by the dividers so can't see them, the smoke from a cigarette likely wouldn't appear on the side view cameras wafting past the dividers. If at night MAYBE they could see the "cherry" from the cigarette if they were leaning over the veranda, and some smokers are very good at stealth smoking too....


Going to video is a pretty big step though I'd say for a smoking infraction. Very "big brother".


But it is certainly a possibility.

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We had a cigar smoker in the suite next door to us on the Solstice. His comment when asked if he knew about the smoking policy was "it doesn't apply to me, I'm in a suite". DH smiled & took a picture of him with the cigar. We went to Guest Relations that day, the hotel manager went to the suite three days in a row (found out later he'd burned holes in the carpeting with his cigars). The person was disembarked at the next port.


I was very impressed with the way Celebrity handled the situation.


The day he was disembarked we were asked to stay out of our cabin for several hours while they did a deep clean of our cabin (& the one on the other side of the suite). We didn't expect any compensation, but received a bottle of very nice wine from the hotel director (as did the other cabin).

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We had a cigar smoker in the suite next door to us on the Solstice. His comment when asked if he knew about the smoking policy was "it doesn't apply to me, I'm in a suite". DH smiled & took a picture of him with the cigar. We went to Guest Relations that day, the hotel manager went to the suite three days in a row (found out later he'd burned holes in the carpeting with his cigars). The person was disembarked at the next port.


I was very impressed with the way Celebrity handled the situation.


The day he was disembarked we were asked to stay out of our cabin for several hours while they did a deep clean of our cabin (& the one on the other side of the suite). We didn't expect any compensation, but received a bottle of very nice wine from the hotel director (as did the other cabin).

Wonderful!!! :)

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We had a cigar smoker in the suite next door to us on the Solstice. His comment when asked if he knew about the smoking policy was "it doesn't apply to me, I'm in a suite". DH smiled & took a picture of him with the cigar. We went to Guest Relations that day, the hotel manager went to the suite three days in a row (found out later he'd burned holes in the carpeting with his cigars). The person was disembarked at the next port.


I was very impressed with the way Celebrity handled the situation.


The day he was disembarked we were asked to stay out of our cabin for several hours while they did a deep clean of our cabin (& the one on the other side of the suite). We didn't expect any compensation, but received a bottle of very nice wine from the hotel director (as did the other cabin).


We have a similiar story. This occured in 1998 on Century. A family was cruising and occupied three cabins. One of the adult sons was a smoker. Apparently he fell asleep while smoking, and his bedding and the parts of the cabin caught fire. The sprinkler systems activated for his cabin, and the two cabins on either side of his, and the cabin on the deck below his. All four cabins were basically destroyed.


The "smoker" was put in the ship's brig, and the Mother had to put up a bond to cover the repair costs of the damage. This situation could have been very worse.


In those days, no one ever mentioned the word "compensation". Passengers were just satisfied to know that no one was injured, and the guilty would be put off the ship at the next port.


Smoking policies are institued for a reason. Not just health issues...but for safety issues as well.

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If you think that other cruise lines would have handled it better, keep dreaming. No one has a more restrictive, or more policed, smoking policy as does Celebrity. I consider it generous that they gave you $200 for your occasional discomfort. It's not as if you were out on your balcony the entire time, or your stateroom was totally uninhabitable. Yes, I would have been disappointed. But, until they actually caught the offender, unfortunately it was your word against the neighbor's. The fact that the problem stopped immediately after the supervisor could identity the smoker for certain proves that they did all that they could.


And I also think that your statement "... my wife was choking from smoke ..... on the balcony at 1:30 in the morning." to be so exaggerated as to be unbelievable. Choking from smoke at 1:30 in the morning? Really? Weren't you aware that your balcony door can be closed at all hours of the day and night? If she was "choking", she should have been inside on the phone complaining to customer service, not out on the balcony choking!!!!


Sheesh!!!! Talk about melodramatics! :rolleyes:


I'm a person who absolutely hates cigarette smoke with a passion and even I have a hard time sympathizing with your complaint.[/quote


If, mind us, if celebrity is so adamant on stopping inappropriate smoking, then where are the detection machines that can stop the he said and someone else did not say?


The D381 Air Quality Detector (Macurco AQC21)


Just one of a number. Never saw any used on ships. Seen them in hotels.

Helps catch them close while the smoke is still in the air..........................

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If, mind us, if celebrity is so adamant on stopping inappropriate smoking, then where are the detection machines that can stop the he said and someone else did not say?


The D381 Air Quality Detector (Macurco AQC21)


Just one of a number. Never saw any used on ships. Seen them in hotels.

Helps catch them close while the smoke is still in the air..........................


Interesting gizmo.


But I am guessing that part of the problem on Cruise Ships is that the majority of Smoking Offendors don't smoke inside their Staterooms but choose to do so on their Balcony (that way there is no smokey residue... And therefore less chance of getting caught)


And unfortunately... I don't think that most Air Quality Detectors made for indoor spaces are going to work (or work well) out of doors... Especially considering the conditions on a cruise ship (weather, movement, salt air etc)


So at least for now all Celebrity has to go on are visuals.


BTW I have heard that smokers have been caught in the act on occasion by the Ships own CCTv cameras... The nice thing about that is it is strictly Celebrity then involved (no other Pax) and the "evidence" is video tape... Tough to argue one's way out of that one !!



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Smoking policies are institued for a reason. Not just health issues...but for safety issues as well.


Well said. These smoking restrictions are for safety not health. Celebrity are not acting as 'health police' on this. An outbreak of fire on a ship, especially at night is extremely frightening. Why can't some people just consider the bigger picture............?

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We had customer service issues on our first sailing with Celebrity. It had nothing to do with other guests/smoking. When the issues were elevated to the GSM he comped us lovely dinner at Qsine w/a booze allowance that the two of us could have used (w/o leaving falling down drunk :rolleyes:.) We were more than delighted with the dinner, only to find he also gave us vouchers for a future cruise.

We certainly made no demands, but I did strongly (but politely) made my displeasure know.

The smoking is sore point for me. I would be annoyed if I could not enjoy my balcony, whenever I wanted, but I think the OP's demanding is not quite the way I would have handled this.

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