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MS Maasdam FTL to Rio, January 23-February 15, 2015


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Thanks, all. I do stay home occasionally but am totally addicted. I hope there's no cure. I am actually something of a cheap skate so my next post will likely be from either Starbucks of McDonalds in Key West.




It is a good addiction, Roy. Keep it up and we'll be calling you Papa Roy.



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Ann, I was waving but at least your screenshot didn’t reach quite high enough. I was on the next deck up, right about where the word waving appears in your post.


The Prinsendam is at sea between Valparaiso and Isla Robinson Crusoe, enroute to a February 15 roundezvous with the Maasdam.


It was a pleasantly cool morning but quite cloudy initially, with the sun coming out later in the day. My morning walk was a bit practical with a bit of shopping included at Office Depot and CVS. Breakfast at the Comfort Suites was fine, but it was very crowded today with all tables taken and people spilling into the lobby. I responded by taking mine up to my room.


I checked out of my room just before 11 and had a short wait for the 11:15 shuttle to the port. My shuttle was all Holland America passengers roughly reflecting the size of the ships with 8 going to the Zuiderdam and 5 to the Maasdam. My impression is that Holland America is among the worst at handling checkin for ordinary passengers and that was certainly the case today. The line appeared quite long when I arrived at 11:45 and seemed to get worse in the 55 minutes I waited in line for somebody to take my ticket. The only staff response was to keep imploring the peons to bunch together tighter in line, much in the style of Japanese subway “crammers”. Even so the line was much longer at the end of my wait than at the start. While we stood around waiting, at least a third of the counter space in the terminal was unmanned. First impressions are important and my first impression of the Maasdam will always be that debacle. Come on HAL, you can do a LOT better.


Upon boarding I left my carryon in the room and headed straight up to the Mariners Embarkation Lunch, enjoying the buttermilk chicken. I had been unable to reserve fixed seating for this cruise so right after lunch I went up to the Explorer’s Lounge where dining requests were handled.

Dadan worked his magic and got me a 6-top for early seating. When I returned to my room my bags were delivered and most of the next couple of hours were devoted to unpacking. The room is nominally similar to the one I had on the Ryndam a month ago although the one on the Ryndam seems to have been better laid out. It seems like that room had more useful storage, although my room here is fine. One of my room stewards, Manto came by about 3:30. I asked that the queen bed be reconfigured as twins, and he thought it might not be possible until morning.


I knew the Zuiderdam was due to leave at 4 and started towards the upper decks to watch the departure. Once I reached deck 6 I could see it backing past us so I abandoned the idea of going to the top deck and watched from the bow of the ship. The Zuiderdam looks like it has had some rough encounters with docks with the paint just above the water line ready for refreshment. It wasn’t long before she was headed out the channel, giving 3 nice horn blasts on her departure.




As I headed back to my cabin the first stage of the muster drill sounded. We had a picture perfect 3-stage muster drill. The staff was checking off cabin numbers as we arrived at our station. I can’t remember ever before having a drill where everybody was at the station on time. Well done, lifeboat 4 passengers.


After the drill I headed up to the Sports Deck for Sailaway. Both the Zuiderdam and Celebrity Equinox had departed a little ahead of their scheduled times and after our on time and flawless muster drill we appeared to be ready for the same. For some reason we were a bit late, starting to move 10-15 minutes later than our 5PM target. I stayed on deck until we hit the open ocean and then had to rush to the dining room. I arrived about 5:45 for my 5:30 dinner although it did not appear to be a problem. With everybody being escorted to their tables the first night getting people seated was running slowly and on my arrival there were still 2 or 3 parties waiting to be seated. There were only 3 of us at table 69 tonight, the other 2 from Northeast Pennsylvania. Our dining steward just returned to the ship today; I didn’t catch his name and he didn’t have a name tag, but assistant steward Eka did and excellent job. Danan, who was so helpful in getting my seating changed, is our dining supervisor. I think we have a winning team in the dining room.


My cabin was untouched when I returned from dinner. Manto and Ali came by a few minutes later and I took the opportunity to go to guest services and check my account. When I returned my beds were reconfigured.


There was one show at 9:30. It seemed to be pretty typical HAL first night show with Cruise Director Jeremy Whited introducing the various entertainers and the On Location Team. After the show I stopped off for a while at the Mix where Barry From Boston looks like a winner at the piano bar. The diet Coke I got with my new soda card was a glass but it seemed to be a bigger glass than I’ve usually been served. I returned to my room about 10:35 and hope to be in bed a bit past 11.


I took my parting shot today from Barry From Boston. One of the songs he played was “When I’m 64. I don’t think I’ve paid much attention to that song for quite a while, and the last time I really noticed it was still looking ahead to 64. Now I ca barely remember 64. Where has the time gone.



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Ann, I think I'm in both, but just about hidden by the tree in the second one.


The Prinsendam is in Isla Robinson Caruso, Chile on her way to a rendezvous with the Maasdam in Rio.


It started off as quite a nice morning with a pleasant 2-mile walk on the lower promenade deck. We picked up our pilot about 6:25 and approached the dock about 7. The S-class ships usually dock right in the thick of things in Mallory Square, but today we were a little further out at the B pier. This is the middle of 3 visits to Key West, following the Ryndam December 29, and ahead of the Grandeur of the Seas in March. The rising sun made a brief appearance as we were do docking. When I was in Ft. Lauderdale a cold front had been expected. I thought it was due Sunday but we pretty well found the brunt of it with chilly temperatures, almost complete cloud cover, on and off rain, and a 30-knot wind that made walking tiring.




For today I had booked the “Old Town Trolley”, a Hop on Hop off service. I had also planned to do some of my more intensive internet work at McDonalds. The trolley goes right past it but it did not end up being a good match. One of the stops listed on the map doesn’t really exist (Hotel under construction), and the nearest stop was over a mile from my destination. The driver took pity on me and dropped me off about a quarter mile away. That turned out to be a godsend since the sky opened up right after I disembarked. He had also suggested I take a free poncho, and left me under cover. I waited under the hotel entrance roof for a few minutes until the rain became more manageable. I entered the restaurant about 10:15 and worked until about 11:30 and walked back to the trolley stop to complete the loop. After getting some Key Lime Pie, shopping did a bit more walking. Key West is home to a retired WW2 Coast Guard cutter, the Ingraham, I’ve seen it befire byt bever seen how to reach it. I checked that today, and plan to return when I’m on the Grandeur of the Seas, returning to the Maasdam about 3PM. Before long I headed up to the Lido for skim milk and coffee, completing a lunch that had started with a salad and key Lime Pie.


Sailaway was set for 5PM. I was just heading for the deck when Captain Arno Jutten came on the PA and said the winds were too strong for us to pull away from the dock. He expected the winds to subside within the next hour. I went to dinner at 5:30 and Captain Jutten came on again to indicate that the winds were still too strong to leave but we would depart as soon as possible. It was still the 3 of us at table 69; we know someone else is assigned there as they have a birthday tomorrow. I enjoyed a steak tonight. When we left the dining room we were still docked, we started to move about 7:40.


There was a piano double (or triple) header tonight. The primary entertainment was Pianist and singer Judy Carpenter in the Showroom at Sea. She indicated that her 10 O’clock show would be completely different from the 8 O’clock show, although that was entirely too late for me. As always, Barry from Boston was in the Mix, tonight featuring “Singin’ and Singin’” with Tony, Frank, Sammy, Nat, and Bobby.





Tonight’s parting shot has a local flavor. My church men’s group holds a breakfast the last Saturday of each month in the Columbia Mall. Exactly 52 weeks ago today (and 1 year Sunday) Darion Marcus Aguilar entered the mall with a rifle in his backpack. He went to the dressing room in the Zumiez store, assembled his rifle, and killed Zumiez clerks Brianna Benlolo and Tyler Johnson and sprayed the surrounding area with bullets before turning the gun on himself. We were sitting no more than 50 feet from one of the stalls where a bullet landed. All of us had left before the gunfire erupted although a couple of our members were there while Aguilar was in the mall. I never crossed paths with Benlolo and Johnson although I knew one person who had been inspired by them and was interviewed in the news. Brianna and Tyler, your time on earth was far too short but you left the world a better place than you found it.



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Well, I've printed out my boarding passes so by this time tomorrow I should be in Fort Lauderdale waiting for the Maasdam's arrival. As I usually do I will post updates to this thread, and the same information, along with photos and documents to a companion blog:




My preference on this thread will be to post selected photos as links to click on if interested rather than as embedded images. I hope that will work for people.


Sadly, it's snowing right now, but it isn't supposed to amount to much. The weather has been pretty good since I returned home from the Ryndam, I hope I'm not jinxed by bad weather on flight days.




Thank you. We will be following along.

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I watched you sail into Key West yesterday morning and sail out last night. Thanks for explaining the late departure. Many of us were wondering what the cause was.


Hope you had some Key Lime Pie for me! If not, do so on your next visit. I love it.



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The Prinsendam is at sea from Isla Robinson Caruso to Puerto Montt on her way to a rendezvous with the Maasdam in Rio.


Conditions overall were pretty good for my 5-mile walk on the Lower Promenade deck, although at times rounding the bow I could feel myself getting alternatively lighter and heavier. As I finished my walk (about 7:15) it was very cloudy. The rising sun announced it’s presence very subtly at first before finding a small hole in the clouds. It got progressively clearer during the day but stayed on the chilly side. I won’t complain because soon enough I’ll be complaining about the heat.




It was a very busy sea day, and I found myself perpetually late to everything. First up was the Interdenominational Worship Service in the Wajang Theater. I left breakfast right at 9 and just missed the chaplain introducing himself, but from his prayers he may be Presbyterian. The theater was only about a 3rd full, but we still ran short of hymnals. Next up was a 10AM shore tour program, followed by the Cruise Critic meet and greet in the Crows Nest at 11. Jeremy had the stage for a long time with a Q&A, there were a LOT of questions from a large group. I think he could have taken offense at some of the questions but he handled all with good grace and good humor. His only flub was when a question came (from my tablemates) about all his references being to the 49-day cruise (what are the rest of us, chopped liver), and he promised to fix that at tonight’s show but forgot.




There were 2 afternoon presentations in the show lounge, Location Guide Humberto on Grand Cayman at 2 and Tommy Sue Montgomery “From Key West to Canada to Cape Horn”. After a cup of tea in the Lido I barely had time to unwind and get changed, running a few minutes late at dinner.


Everyone looked very nice at our first formal dinner. Our waiter finally had his name tag tonight, he is Encep, assisted by Eka. We also learned our 6-top is officially a 3-top as the other 2 have shifted to anytime dining.


Captain Arno’s welcome toast was before the first show at 7:45. I hope all is well as the introduction of officers usually includes the ship’s doctor but did not tonight. The evening program was “Bob Mackie’s Broadway, featuring the Maasdam’s cast in a tribute to Broadway featuring the costumes of designer Bob Mackie.








As today’s parting shot, isn’t a cruise supposed to be relaxing. That will have to come later; there just wasn’t any time for that today. Perhaps later but if it stays this busy it will be all right with me.



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I am glad you took time out from your relaxing cruise to explain the delay to us. I hope the strong winds calm down before you reach Grand Caymen



Well, it didn’t quite work out that way. I was just leaving my cabin for breakfast at 7:30 when Captain Arno Jutten came on the PA and announced we had been advised by the Port Authorities that conditions did not permit safe tendering. He said he looked for himself and saw swells at our anchorage and decided to cancel the call. Additional revisions to the plan have not yet been announced but I am hopeful that we will now arrive in Aruba Wednesday morning instead of the afternoon.


I know there are some people on the ship who have never been to George Town and are quite disappointed. I have been here about 2 years ago on the Crystal Symphony and will have another try at the port from the Grandeur of the Seas exactly 2 months from today, so it’s only a minor disappointment to me.



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It had to happen sometime, I guess! I recognized people in your Meet & Greet pics from cruises I have taken. Based on the smiles on their faces, it's nice to see they are enjoying themselves.


Thanks for the on-going cruise reports. I always enjoy reading what you scribe.

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The Prinsendam is in Punta Arenas on her way to a rendezvous with the Maasdam in Rio.


Hope your overall weather-related issues/conditions improve as you head south Roy!


It had to happen sometime, I guess! I recognized people in your Meet & Greet pics from cruises I have taken. Based on the smiles on their faces, it's nice to see they are enjoying themselves.


Thanks for the on-going cruise reports. I always enjoy reading what you scribe.


I can’t really say the weather has improved much so far. This morning it was quite blustery but as RuthC suggests that hasn’t had a lot of effect on the enjoyment of the cruise.


I pretty much wrapped up this post before last night’s show but Jeremy did give his shout our to those on the 23-day segment while (tongue-in-cheek, hopefully) encouraging the others to work on us to stay on. I definitely won’t, I leave on the Grandeur of the Seas the day Maasdam returns to FTL, and that’s the cruise that will take me to Grand Cayman (as well as Jamaica which we passed overnight)


The day started out pretty normally. I was out on deck a little after 5, but cut my walk back to 2 miles with plans for additional walking in George Town. As I finished my walk the Cayman Island lights were stating to appear of our bow. It was still early and I returned to my cabin to do some work and prepare for the day ashore, almost forgetting to go back out at 7 as the sun was coming up.




I was just heading up to the Lido for breakfast when the word came that we would not be stopping at George Town.


I walked an additional 1 ½ miles before heading upstairs, and finished my 5 miles about 9AM, just about the time Jeremy started announcing additional shipboard activities.


I do not visit ship’s specialty restaurants a lot, but with a 23-day cruise I am doing it more than normal. Soon after the port cancellation was announced I booked lunch in the Pinnacle Grill for today. My tablemates are dining at Le Cirque the first night it is offered; that doesn’t interest me but I’ve booked the Canaletto Italian Restaurant for that evening, and a dinner at the Pinnacle Grill the evening we sail from Recife at 6PM.


The first of the added enrichment programs was a presentation on Latin American Geography at 11 by Tommy Sue Montgomery. It fit in well with my plans for an eventual circumnavigation of South America.


At lunch I had the Pinnacle’s carrot soup, pennee with grilled chicken, and the strawberries and sorbet. A 3PM presentation by David Smith on photography rounded out the afternoon.


After the Pinnacle Lunch my evening appetite was light so I just had the steak entree with no starters. One of my tablemates had a very interesting chocolate desert with a few berries and several types of chocolate very attractively arranged. Eka served us a special Indonesian variety of tea. We were also offered free champagne in recognition of the missed port.




Our main entertainment was a new act to me, the comedy and juggling of Bob Cates. Barry’s program in the piano bar was the 50's but I did not stay long as this will be the first of several time changes in the wrong direction.




I know there are some people on the ship who have never been to George Town and are quite disappointed. I have been here about 2 years ago on the Crystal Symphony and will have another try at the port from the Grandeur of the Seas exactly 2 months from today, so it’s only a minor disappointment to me.



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Thank you for your posts. I'm looking forward to your report on Le Cirque. I'm interested to know if it is the new or old Le Cirque menu.


Would you also advise where a good spot might be for sailaway from FLL? I'd like to schedule a wave for our Maasdam cruise in May.


Thanks very much!

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Thank you for your posts. I'm looking forward to your report on Le Cirque. I'm interested to know if it is the new or old Le Cirque menu.


Would you also advise where a good spot might be for sailaway from FLL? I'd like to schedule a wave for our Maasdam cruise in May.


Thanks very much!


Oops, I'm not going to LeCirque When my tablemates go there I'll be in Canaletto. If I can copy the menu I'll try to post it. For sailaway, it didn't work very well for me, but deck 12 immediately above the Lido entrance has some possibilities if you're requesting a wave.


Captain Jutten has been managing expectations but good news today. We have permission to arrive in Aruba 4 hours early tomorrow so we have the morning free in port. Pilot 8AM, alongside about 8:30.



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Oops, I'm not going to LeCirque When my tablemates go there I'll be in Canaletto. If I can copy the menu I'll try to post it. For sailaway, it didn't work very well for me, but deck 12 immediately above the Lido entrance has some possibilities if you're requesting a wave.


Captain Jutten has been managing expectations but good news today. We have permission to arrive in Aruba 4 hours early tomorrow so we have the morning free in port. Pilot 8AM, alongside about 8:30.




That's good news, Roy! Bon Bini to Aruba :) ; We'll look for you on the webcam tomorrow



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