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RC Gratuities - yes or no?


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Personally I am very happy to be told how much is expected and then to pre-pay, takes away a lot of anxiety. Even so I am concerned about how much is considered acceptable to tip for extra service - Do I use cash, do I fill the envelope at the end of the cruise, how much extra should I pay? Is tipping the bartender a US dollar a drink ( even though I bought the beverage pack ) a good idea? Would the cabin steward be offended by a couple of US dollars left each day or would it get them into trouble...


See, it is fraught for those of us that have never experienced it !!! It is also an expense we are not familiar with considering.


That's the beauty of it -- with the beverage package and the prepaid (or booked to your account daily) gratuities in place, you don't have to worry about any of it.


If you WANT to tip a server for a drink, go for it. (I personally only tip extra for someone who goes "above and beyond" or one who serves me well multiple times over the course of the cruise). But the 18% gratuity has already been included, so nobody is going to think badly of you for not adding more. (This includes beverage package and a la carte purchases -- the 18% is automatic in both.)


If you WANT to tip your MDR servers or room attendant more, go for it. (This is typically lump-sum at the end of the week, FYI, rather than a couple bucks a day.) But because you left your auto-grats in place (or prepaid them), nobody is going to think badly of you if you don't.


The only time a cash tip is really "necessary" on board and not covered by the auto-grats or the 18% upcharge is for room service delivery -- those servers don't get any kind of tip automatically, so cash in hand ($1-$5 depending on size of order) is appropriate at the time of service.


So please relax and enjoy your cruise -- leaving things the way they are automatically set up will relieve you of all tipping requirements other than room service!

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I was asked if it must be paid or its optional - travel agents have advised it is optional and can be taken off.


Each to their own :)


It's very disappointing to hear that travel agents are advising this way. It's really only "optional" in that it can be removed if service is poor and unresolved after complaints to management.


IMO, the term "optional" should refer to something that doesn't really have any consequences/ramifications either way, whereas the consequence of removing auto-grats and not tipping in cash either is that at a bare minimum at least three employees won't be getting paid for serving a person all cruise long.


An "optional" gratuity to me would be where the employee is already earning a living wage and you can give them "extra" if you want, but they'll still be able to pay their bills if you don't.


In the case of the mainstream cruise industry, the gratuity is almost the entirety of the employee's wages for the week, and if the passenger "opts" to not pay the daily tip amount (whether prepaid, added to the onboard account daily, or paid out in lump sum cash at the end of the cruise), then they are essentially taking money that should have been in the employee's wallet.


To me, having someone serve me all week long for essentially no money whatsoever is not a "to each their own" situation -- it's slavery. I'm not comfortable with that at all.


I had a waiter -- a 20-year veteran of the industry -- tell me he earns $50/week from the cruise line. All the rest of his earnings come from his tips from passengers. If a table of six considered the daily gratuity to be "optional" and they removed it from their account, he would have served them seven multi-course dinners (plus worked breakfast and lunch shifts either in the MDR or Windjammer) for a measly $7/day.


Please don't think of the daily gratuity charge as "optional" -- it's literally the difference between people being able to support their families or not.

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It's very disappointing to hear that travel agents are advising this way. It's really only "optional" in that it can be removed if service is poor and unresolved after complaints to management.




IMO, the term "optional" should refer to something that doesn't really have any consequences/ramifications either way, whereas the consequence of removing auto-grats and not tipping in cash either is that at a bare minimum at least three employees won't be getting paid for serving a person all cruise long.




An "optional" gratuity to me would be where the employee is already earning a living wage and you can give them "extra" if you want, but they'll still be able to pay their bills if you don't.




To me, having someone serve me all week long for essentially no money whatsoever is not a "to each their own" situation -- it's slavery. I'm not comfortable with that at all.




Please don't think of the daily gratuity charge as "optional" -- it's literally the difference between people being able to support their families or not.



Well said....spending thousands of dollars on a vacation and then skimping on tipping is just not an option. I am thankful to be in a position where we CAN afford the luxury of a vacation. Tip and tip well! [emoji6]

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The speculation is the Australian Government has moved in and said to Royal you cannot increase tips to $12.95.

The reason why this may have happened is the contract that was issued by all or some travel agents here in Australia actually said they will be charged at $12 per day. A written contract is classed as law and the $12.95 per day is a break of that law.

So that appears why the automatic gratuity at $12.95 USD, or $15.95 USD for suite guests did not remain long here in Australia.

So my 3 US booked AU cruises would fall under the $12.00 tip and not the $12.95? Just curious.
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So my 3 US booked AU cruises would fall under the $12.00 tip and not the $12.95? Just curious.


I'm not sure where the speculation is coming from. I haven't heard anything about it - springaussie can you provide more info as to what/where you heard?

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While many say they would prefer the tip be included in the cruise price, understand that ALL cruise lines would need to do this or the prices for the line that did would seem so much higher than the others, they'd likely lose a lot of business. In addition, that amount would then need to be taxed just like the rest of the cruise price, so everyone would be paying more.

Price of the cruise has ZERO to do with tax charged

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There are three main categories of pax when it comes to gratuities:




1. Those who have the automatic gratuity removed;


2. Those who pay or pre-pay the gratuity; and


3. Those who, in addition to paying or pre-paying the gratuity, generously choose to provide an additional cash gratuity to some crew members.




There are some minor subcategories:


1(i) Those who remove the automatic gratuity but provide a cash gratuity to some crew members;


1(a). Those reduce but don't remove the entire automatic gratuity; and


1(a)(i). Those who reduce but don't remove the entire automatic gratuity but provide a cash gratuity to some crew members.




I may have missed a few. So it's no wonder that there are some widely varying posts here. :)



3 (a) Those who, in addition to paying or pre-paying the gratuity, [emoji841] choose to provide an additional cash gratuity to some crew members.

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The negative thing about paying our gratuities is the change in how they are given out. When I cruised before you pre-paid and got coupons you could put in the envelopes and you could add extra cash if you wanted to tip extra. Now I have heard that you don't get the coupons and envelopes. ( I understand now that you can get wow envelopes if needed).


The problem I see is that I think people will think we are cheap if we don't tip extra???

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The negative thing about paying our gratuities is the change in how they are given out. When I cruised before you pre-paid and got coupons you could put in the envelopes and you could add extra cash if you wanted to tip extra. Now I have heard that you don't get the coupons and envelopes. ( I understand now that you can get wow envelopes if needed).


The problem I see is that I think people will think we are cheap if we don't tip extra???


They know who the cheap ones are -- those are the people that have the automatic tips removed from their account and DON"T give them tips personally.

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Price of the cruise has ZERO to do with tax charged


Would just like to point out that in Australia we have a value added tax called GST which is calculated on total cost of goods sold. Even though the GST is not applicable to international cruises it is applied to domestic cruises and travel. GST on travel can be quite a minefield to work out and most Australians just assume it is applied to everything. The comment re: pre-tipping adding to the tax may have been in reference to GST which, on a domestic Australia to Australia cruise would be correct.

Fortunately, I do not believe the international cruise lines have it applied even on their Australian waters cruises.





Just a tip for those from outside of Australia that are thinking of holidaying here as a part of their cruise; Booking any air travel within Australia i.e. domestic flights, as a part of your total vacation package before you arrive in Australia means that your flights will be GST free.

If you book them separately to your package (even if you book them while you are not in Australia), or if you book them from within Australia, then those flights will attract GST which is 10% of the flight cost.

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We have always prepaid the gratuities, it is just part of the trip. But I have removed them from my youngest account and then taken that amount and split it between the camp and room steward. But that was because she always ate with camp, since this is my first royal cruise and she is getting older I will play it by ear. My oldest I just leave an extra tip for the camp since she eats with us most nights.

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Never had bad service from anyone sometimes it is just OK but never bad so why not tip and Auto is the easy way to tip and reward the super service as you wish.


Around where I live, and mostly Americans, I know lots of waitstaff in restaurants and it is amazing how many do not tip. Example: $150 dollar bill and a $2 tip for 6 people is not uncommon.


10 cruises in and always prepay our tips. Only once have I removed a tip from my bill. On NOS last year our MDR wait staff who were Latino basicly ignored us and focused on the large Spanish speaking table next to us all week. ( the " leader" of the group at the other table made it a point to loudly announce each night and make a production of giving each of the waiters $50 bill ) he also made sure every one in the room knew he paid for his whole family to be here. I should thank him though because after my complaint and someone from guest services observing our wait staff on day 3 they comped us specialty dining for the rest of the cruise. Where I tipped very well

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How would I go about prepaying? I cruise next Friday. Is it too late?

You may still be able to pre-pay gratuities. Contact whoever booked your cruise. If it's too late, your gratuities will automatically be added to your SeaPass account on a daily basis.

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The negative thing about paying our gratuities is the change in how they are given out. When I cruised before you pre-paid and got coupons you could put in the envelopes and you could add extra cash if you wanted to tip extra. Now I have heard that you don't get the coupons and envelopes. ( I understand now that you can get wow envelopes if needed).


The problem I see is that I think people will think we are cheap if we don't tip extra???


If I feel someone deserves extra above my prepaid gratuities I forgo the envelope and hand them cash personally. That way I'm relatively sure they keep 100%

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The problem I see is that I think people will think we are cheap if we don't tip extra???


Your room steward and wait staff know who has prepaid tips or kept the daily auto-grats on their account. If you paid the daily charge, that is all that is expected. If you want to give more to any particular staff person, you can hand them cash (or leave it for your cabin steward in your room), or you can add extra tips at Guest Services to be charged to your account.

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Would just like to point out that in Australia we have a value added tax called GST which is calculated on total cost of goods sold. Even though the GST is not applicable to international cruises it is applied to domestic cruises and travel. GST on travel can be quite a minefield to work out and most Australians just assume it is applied to everything. The comment re: pre-tipping adding to the tax may have been in reference to GST which, on a domestic Australia to Australia cruise would be correct.

Fortunately, I do not believe the international cruise lines have it applied even on their Australian waters cruises.


good to know but has nothing to do with the person who I quoted

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As a fellow Aussie who is also organizing a group, I have been watching this thread with interest. In my opinion some of the responses have been a tad aggressive and rude. Australians on a whole are not used to the concept of tipping and there are travel agents out there who actively advise Australian customers that they can remove the Gratuities, so clarifying the accepted position is a responsible thing to do.


My group contains several older passengers who struggle to comprehend the need for tipping. By asking the question the Original poster now has something that they can refer to the other members of their group to (as I will be doing).


Cruising is meant to be fun and it is something we all love to do (that is why we are on these forums) , there is no need for rudeness and aggression. Comments like "If you can't afford to tip, you cant afford to cruise" are not helpful.

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We have always prepaid the gratuities, it is just part of the trip. But I have removed them from my youngest account and then taken that amount and split it between the camp and room steward. But that was because she always ate with camp, since this is my first royal cruise and she is getting older I will play it by ear. My oldest I just leave an extra tip for the camp since she eats with us most nights.



I can appreciate you are trying to give a gratuity to the camp counselor, but be aware that your waiters/assistant waiters work in all the food locations, not just the MDR. I would assume that your daughter had a snack/breakfast/occasional cookie or whatever outside of the camp. Therefore the tips should be left in place. If you decide to tip the camp staff that is entirely on your own. It's not really fair to take from me the food staff.


You mentioned you are new to RC. Didn't know if you were aware of this.

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I can appreciate you are trying to give a gratuity to the camp counselor, but be aware that your waiters/assistant waiters work in all the food locations, not just the MDR. I would assume that your daughter had a snack/breakfast/occasional cookie or whatever outside of the camp. Therefore the tips should be left in place. If you decide to tip the camp staff that is entirely on your own. It's not really fair to take from me the food staff.


You mentioned you are new to RC. Didn't know if you were aware of this.



Trust me with 5 of us they get more than enough, plus I leave extra for the wait staff and any one who goes above and beyond. There are no auto gratuities for the camp and they work as hard our harder with our kids, and they are always very happy when I give them those envelopes.

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Trust me with 5 of us they get more than enough, plus I leave extra for the wait staff and any one who goes above and beyond. There are no auto gratuities for the camp and they work as hard our harder with our kids, and they are always very happy when I give them those envelopes.


Completely up to you if you choose to allocate more for services you use versus services you don't.


The kids camp counselors all hold college degrees in some way related to their field and are paid salaries accordingly; in other words they are paid in line with their job requirements. They do not need tips to live off of, but of course they are allowed to accept them and am sure they appreciate them.

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Whether you pre pay the gratuities or have it daily charged to your acct, will total the same. Normally we have the charges added to our acct each day and pay extra at the end of the cruise. We did MTD for the first time so the gratuities were factored into our total cruise price. In the long run I would prefer to pay at the beginning and not see that daily charge. The crew work extremely hard and work long hours so they earn every dollar they get and our tips are an extra bonus to them.

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Cruising is meant to be fun and it is something we all love to do (that is why we are on these forums) , there is no need for rudeness and aggression. Comments like "If you can't afford to tip, you cant afford to cruise" are not helpful.



Bet it's helpful to the crew members trying to earn a decent living.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Bet it's helpful to the crew members trying to earn a decent living.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Thumbs up. :) .....and to the person that quoted me as being "rude".....I was not being rude. I was stating my opinion, which seems to be almost everyone that has posted here. I will say it again, if you cannot pay the gratuities for the extremely hard working crew, then you cannot afford to cruise.


By the way, as you already know, the crew KNOWS when you have removed the gratuities. There are no camera's in your cabin. That being said, I have read quite a few times some of the disgusting things they do. (use your imagination).:D

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