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There is a First Time for Everything! Live from the Emerald Princes-- 3/10-3/14, 2016


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Definitely in the closet. It's the first thing we do. There is no room to store it in the stewards' locker. As for light...leave the TV tuned to the front of the ship channel. It casts just a little light even though it's dark out. And if the seas aren't too rough you can leave the bathroom door slightly ajar with the light on, but that didn't work too well for us when the ship got bouncy.

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,please tell Chris in Crooners that Deb and Gary say hi and keep the Hendricks cold and dry. Have a great cruise, we sure did.

Isn't Chris in Crooners the best:). We had him on our cruise and he was one of the best bartenders we have had in a long time.

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Love following along - you are too funny!!! :D

For the future, if you end up in another inside, we bring the battery candle lights - great to keep from tripping. Enjoy, looking forward to another segment!

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However, I do need a piece of advice from my CC fam- as you know, this is my first inside-- and when you turn out the lights, it is dark! Really, really dark. I keep bumping into that little round table. Where is the best place to put that sucker so that I preserve my knees and my dignity. I am certain that someone may have a super nifty tip here-- Suggestions needed, please!

As others have said...put it in the closet. First thing I do when we walk into the cabin.


If you keep your phone next to the bed, you can use it for a flashlight when you wander around in the dark.:D

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Here is another reader who is appreciative of the effort you are making in taking pen in hand to send dispatches back to those of us left behind. So,we can live your cruise along with you.



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March 11, 2016


Still here. Still a sea day!

Hi friends-


Wash-Rinse- Repeat--I know that this is becoming obsessive, but I have to talk more about this shower situation. So, I get back in the Chamber of Doom, only to have the exact same experience as yesterday. The little shampoo bottle falls; I bend down to get it; I wack my head and am subsequently attacked by the shower curtain. OK- so here is my rule of thumb- Anything that I am that intimate with, more than once, must have a name. So, I have named my assertive shower curtain Frisky Fernando, or FF form short. If anybody has a better name, feel free to throw it in the pot. I am seriously soliciting naming suggestions for my current paramour.


I think my hairdresser has conspired with Princess. Seriously. The lighting in an inside room is highlighting one thing... my roots. Wow. Let's just say that I am working on ombre- and it is not intentional, but if anyone should ask, I will just lie. I guess it is time to get myself in the chair to make the magic happen. Bring on the tin foil and peroxide. STAT!


Our Meet and Greet was pretty well attended. We have had a really active roll call. It actually was the roll call from the previous cruise- now famously (infamously??) known as Responsible Adults vs. College Undergrads: Spring Break 2016 Smackdown! (Think 1100 kids from universities, combined with the AIBP- Yikes!) Carolyn (CJsKids covered it in her live from). Because so many from the last cruise were staying on, I sort of tagged along on this roll call. Think whiney-kid-sister tagging along. And I am so glad I did. This was a great group. We had 19 attend the Meet and Greet up in Skywalkers. I think I was supposed to do the invitation letters, and whoopsy- I forgot. Totally forgot. We will blame it on my 3 jobs. Yeah. That's it. The three job excuse. Anywho- we had a lovely time. And it is always great to put names and faces and handles together.


I cut out a bit early to have a peek at the Share reveal. I swear to you, there is absolutely no way that you could have dragged me in there to eat-- until I saw the food. Holy Deliciousness, Batfriends! It looks awesome. Like really, really awesome! I am just not sure how I will do it by myself. I may try it or I may defer it as something to do with my DH in June. (Not sure if it on the Royal yet). It looked amazing, though. And I really want to try the Salty Dog as well. Do you know what this is saying??? Yep. You guessed it. I should have booked a longer cruise. I am running out of real estate here.


I tucked into lunch in the MDR. (There is a Pub Lunch today, but I was just not feeling it. I think that is a great activity for Bradley and me.) I ordered a salad and the carbonara. The dressing for the salad was delicious- tomato cilantro. Yum. The carbonara had a great flavor, but the kitchen committed the venial sin of pasta preparation: they mixed two differently cooked pastas into the same dish. So some of the rigatoni was al dente and some was pretty under cooked (not crunchy). Still, I survived. The blueberry frozen yogurt was not a blueberry-y as I wanted it to be. I had about 1/4 of it and decided to just let it be.


And now, I will post and walk up the 9 million flights of stairs to the Sanctuary. More from there, a bit later!


Want to get some step in?

Tracie-Lynn :) :)

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Traci, sounds like you are having a great time. So much fun to follow along your cruise with your witty postings. I'm so sorry I didn't get to meet you in person. How is your "cousin" and wife doing on this leg?!


And I love your title for our cruise "Responsible Adults vs. College Undergrads: Spring Break 2016 Smackdown!".


Enjoy the rest of your sailing. And go to Share, I just loved it!

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Tracie, I am compulsively checking this thread and am so glad you're posting often. Go to Sams Club...check this thread. Go to the Apple Store...check this thread. Go to the grocery store...check this thread. Carry washing machine box-sized packages of paper towels and toilet paper down to the basement...check this thread. Clean, cut up and freeze 15 pounds of chicken breast bought on sale...check this thread. Make 10 pounds of ground sirloin into patties and freeze...check this thread. Cut up and freeze 10 pounds of wild caught salmon...check this thread. Scrub the deck and outdoor furniture...check this thread.


People sometimes ask me to blog during the summer too. You can tell from the above paragraph why I don't. Life at home is drudgework. It's far, far more interesting to read about life on a cruise ship. Keep it going, please!


BTW, that ledge in the shower was the bane of DH's existence. I cannot tell you how many times I'd hear something drop, and then hear his head hit the faucet followed by several expletives. He hated that thing, and couldn't figure out why it didn't slope backwards at least a little.

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Tracie, I am compulsively checking this thread and am so glad you're posting often. Go to Sams Club...check this thread. Go to the Apple Store...check this thread. Go to the grocery store...check this thread. Carry washing machine box-sized packages of paper towels and toilet paper down to the basement...check this thread. Clean, cut up and freeze 15 pounds of chicken breast bought on sale...check this thread. Make 10 pounds of ground sirloin into patties and freeze...check this thread. Cut up and freeze 10 pounds of wild caught salmon...check this thread. Scrub the deck and outdoor furniture...check this thread.


People sometimes ask me to blog during the summer too. You can tell from the above paragraph why I don't. Life at home is drudgework. It's far, far more interesting to read about life on a cruise ship. Keep it going, please!


BTW, that ledge in the shower was the bane of DH's existence. I cannot tell you how many times I'd hear something drop, and then hear his head hit the faucet followed by several expletives. He hated that thing, and couldn't figure out why it didn't slope backwards at least a little.


No wonder you cruise for so long in the winter!!!! You need a loooong vacation from all that drudge work. ;-)

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How is your "cousin" and wife doing on this leg?!



We are doing well....all just one big happy family! We are going to Share again tonight. Yesterday during turnaround day, Curtis Stone was aboard checking out the restaurant. I passed him and did a double take. Had I been on my "A" game, I would have asked him when he planned on replacing the little dollhouse chairs with something designed more for an average adult!:eek:

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We are doing well....all just one big happy family! We are going to Share again tonight. Yesterday during turnaround day, Curtis Stone was aboard checking out the restaurant. I passed him and did a double take. Had I been on my "A" game, I would have asked him when he planned on replacing the little dollhouse chairs with something designed more for an average adult!:eek:


So glad you are having fun still! I want to know where the bar stools are from from the long table underneath the glass lamps. So want those.


And I left without getting your email!

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March 11, 2016

Still on this awesome ship!


Hi Friends-


Still hanging in there with me? I appreciate that a few of you are taking a quick peek at this every now and again.


So the chair hogs are out in full force this cruise. There was not an available seat in sight at the Lotus Pool at 7:30 this morning. You should have seen all of the flip flops, ratty books, Princess bags, and towels just sitting in the chairs by the main pool. But, no people. Not a one. Hmmmmmm.


(Lucky me! I have amazing cousins, Chris and Brenda, who reserved my Sanctuary seat-- so no worries there.)


But wait... There's more...


Ya'all are going to love this! Karma is a mother. After lunch, I headed up to the Sanctuary, but it was really windy- lips blowing back windy. So, I got an extra towel, and took a very nice little nap. When I decided to pack it in, the wind had really kicked up. And all over the pool deck, all those flip flops and ratty books and Princess bags and random towels were blowing around. And guess what???? There were suddenly so many chairs available! I guess Mother Nature is a little undone by the chair hogs, too. After today, I guess the Lost and Found grew and grew and grew. Maybe someone learned a lesson.


On another note, this is a lesson I learned today--- The characters on the Love Boat were sluts. Serious trollop- level hussies. Have you every really watched that show??? Here is a typical and repeating scenario:

Scene 1: Woman sitting in a lounger at the pool (not a chair hog, obvi) on a 3 day cruise.

Man: Hi

Woman: Hi

M: My name is Tyler

W: My name is Jolene

M: Would you like to go for a stroll?

W: I would love to!

Scene 2: Cut to couple canoodling as they walk around the Promenade Deck

M: You are so beautiful.

W: Do you really mean that?

M: I have never been more serious in my life.

Scene 3: Cut to man and woman in a stateroom cabin IN BED!!! Man is wearing jammy bottoms. Woman is wearing matching men's jammy top.

M: I think I am falling in love with you.

W: What is your last name?

Seriously, folks. It's a 3 day cruise. I am absolutely tickled every time I watch an episode. And it is just not the passengers on the Love Boat who a bit loose around the edges. The crew are downright shameful! And that, my friends, was free love in the 80's. So awesome! And now I am obsessed with the Love Boat. (PS- It seems to me as if Doc was the biggest playa' of the batch-)


I went to chat with some friends and then headed back to the cabin to dress for dinner. When I got to the cabin, I had received chocolate covered strawberries! And I know of no reason why?!?! And I have no clue who?!?!? There was no note. I am not celebrating anything. I am still Platinum (but, not for long!!!!!!). I am definitely NOT in a suite. My TA does not send them (she gives OBC!!!). So- If anyone has an idea-- I am open. I would like to say-- to whomever sent the lovely chocolate covered strawberries-- THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I hope you can hear these words whispered to you from the Universe. I am truly touched.


So, it is Dress to Impress Night. Most people look very nice. I however look pretty mediocre. This is another lesson I learned today: Try your dress on BEFORE you pack it for a cruise. Yep. No amount of squeezing is going to work. You just cannot squish a 25 pound cat into a sandwich bag. Just saying. I am almost tempted to just donate said dress to the crew. So instead of dressing to impress, I have dressed to underwhelm.


The MDR is loud, loud, loud tonight. I have a table of four and a table of six behind me competing in the Loud Volume Olympics. I am pretty sure the 6-top is going for gold. There are also (at least) two conventions on board- the previously mentioned HVAC group and a group of professional killers (ok, they are exterminators). I think they are having an awards ceremony in another section of the MDR as there is much cheering. I am quietly and quickly typing and eating, typing and eating. I had the fruit and macadamia nuts, a salad, and the Pad Thai with tofu- which is a huge indulgence for me. (I am ER+ for those who know what that means KNOW what that means). But I love me some tofu and this is big splurge for me. I ate the tofu and some noodles, but it really was sort of soupy. The bread on Princess is, as always, killer. Every cruise I say I will go breadless. Nope. Not this cruise either. Creme Brulee was the best dessert choice for the evening, so I just went with it.


And on a more somber note- I had a little moment this afternoon. I was just missing my girl a lot today. So I sogged up a couple of tissues, reapplied my make-up, pulled up my bootstraps, and went to dinner. No worries. It was just a moment. One in a series of many moments past, present, and future. In truth, I think she would be really proud of me for just forging ahead. I get so many reminders of her, and almost always they make my heart smile. I feel my mom's presence always, but never more so than on a cruise.


With all of that said- I think I will cut here.


Anyone want to stroll around the Promenade Deck? ;)


Tracie-Lynn :) :)

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March 11, 2016

Still on this awesome ship!


Hi Friends-


Still hanging in there with me? I appreciate that a few of you are taking a quick peek at this every now and again.


So the chair hogs are out in full force this cruise. There was not an available seat in sight at the Lotus Pool at 7:30 this morning. You should have seen all of the flip flops, ratty books, Princess bags, and towels just sitting in the chairs by the main pool. But, no people. Not a one. Hmmmmmm.


(Lucky me! I have amazing cousins, Chris and Brenda, who reserved my Sanctuary seat-- so no worries there.)


But wait... There's more...


Ya'all are going to love this! Karma is a mother. After lunch, I headed up to the Sanctuary, but it was really windy- lips blowing back windy. So, I got an extra towel, and took a very nice little nap. When I decided to pack it in, the wind had really kicked up. And all over the pool deck, all those flip flops and ratty books and Princess bags and random towels were blowing around. And guess what???? There were suddenly so many chairs available! I guess Mother Nature is a little undone by the chair hogs, too. After today, I guess the Lost and Found grew and grew and grew. Maybe someone learned a lesson.


On another note, this is a lesson I learned today--- The characters on the Love Boat were sluts. Serious trollop- level hussies. Have you every really watched that show??? Here is a typical and repeating scenario:

Scene 1: Woman sitting in a lounger at the pool (not a chair hog, obvi) on a 3 day cruise.

Man: Hi

Woman: Hi

M: My name is Tyler

W: My name is Jolene

M: Would you like to go for a stroll?

W: I would love to!

Scene 2: Cut to couple canoodling as they walk around the Promenade Deck

M: You are so beautiful.

W: Do you really mean that?

M: I have never been more serious in my life.

Scene 3: Cut to man and woman in a stateroom cabin IN BED!!! Man is wearing jammy bottoms. Woman is wearing matching men's jammy top.

M: I think I am falling in love with you.

W: What is your last name?

Seriously, folks. It's a 3 day cruise. I am absolutely tickled every time I watch an episode. And it is just not the passengers on the Love Boat who a bit loose around the edges. The crew are downright shameful! And that, my friends, was free love in the 80's. So awesome! And now I am obsessed with the Love Boat. (PS- It seems to me as if Doc was the biggest playa' of the batch-)


I went to chat with some friends and then headed back to the cabin to dress for dinner. When I got to the cabin, I had received chocolate covered strawberries! And I know of no reason why?!?! And I have no clue who?!?!? There was no note. I am not celebrating anything. I am still Platinum (but, not for long!!!!!!). I am definitely NOT in a suite. My TA does not send them (she gives OBC!!!). So- If anyone has an idea-- I am open. I would like to say-- to whomever sent the lovely chocolate covered strawberries-- THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I hope you can hear these words whispered to you from the Universe. I am truly touched.


So, it is Dress to Impress Night. Most people look very nice. I however look pretty mediocre. This is another lesson I learned today: Try your dress on BEFORE you pack it for a cruise. Yep. No amount of squeezing is going to work. You just cannot squish a 25 pound cat into a sandwich bag. Just saying. I am almost tempted to just donate said dress to the crew. So instead of dressing to impress, I have dressed to underwhelm.


The MDR is loud, loud, loud tonight. I have a table of four and a table of six behind me competing in the Loud Volume Olympics. I am pretty sure the 6-top is going for gold. There are also (at least) two conventions on board- the previously mentioned HVAC group and a group of professional killers (ok, they are exterminators). I think they are having an awards ceremony in another section of the MDR as there is much cheering. I am quietly and quickly typing and eating, typing and eating. I had the fruit and macadamia nuts, a salad, and the Pad Thai with tofu- which is a huge indulgence for me. (I am ER+ for those who know what that means KNOW what that means). But I love me some tofu and this is big splurge for me. I ate the tofu and some noodles, but it really was sort of soupy. The bread on Princess is, as always, killer. Every cruise I say I will go breadless. Nope. Not this cruise either. Creme Brulee was the best dessert choice for the evening, so I just went with it.


And on a more somber note- I had a little moment this afternoon. I was just missing my girl a lot today. So I sogged up a couple of tissues, reapplied my make-up, pulled up my bootstraps, and went to dinner. No worries. It was just a moment. One in a series of many moments past, present, and future. In truth, I think she would be really proud of me for just forging ahead. I get so many reminders of her, and almost always they make my heart smile. I feel my mom's presence always, but never more so than on a cruise.


With all of that said- I think I will cut here.


Anyone want to stroll around the Promenade Deck? ;)


Tracie-Lynn :) :)


A wonderful day!


Trollops ha! :D

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March 11, 2016



Good evening, fun friends!


Inside cabin cruise question of the hour: What is that weird little white box with the green light right at the head of the bed (center and just below the mirror)? Inquiring minds want to know!


Let's tie up some loose ends.


I am officially mortified. Why didn't you tell me I had spinach in my teeth for the whole wide world to see??? Ok. Maybe I don't have spinach in my teeth, but in my thread title, I misspelled Princess. Really, Tracie??? Really??? <rolls eyes, sadly shakes head, and groans internally> Hey, Mods- Please, be a dear. if you see this, can you fix the title of the thread, please? Otherwise, they may revoke my professor card.

The mystery of the delicious chocolate covered strawberries has been solved! Thank you, to a certain friend whose name starts with a K from a state that starts with a C. I really appreciate the sentiment behind them the most.

It looks as though they are still replacing the new bedding. The Baja deck has it. It is really comfy, but Jeannie is right, the pillows are sort of squishyish. I have seen the bags with the mattress toppers in the halls on other decks.

I also have one of the new robes. Can you say love??? I have always felt that the waffle weave robes are too thin and terry robes are too thick and heavy. These robes are just right.

Share is packed. It is actually pretty hard to get a reservation. There were no reservations for tonight, and limited reservations for the last night. I am still thinking about it for the tomorrow night. However, I will probably chicken out. Who knows??

I stopped by Crooner's to convey your messages to Chris and the gang. I will tell you, some of you Emerald regulars have celeb status. Carolyn and Steve are very missed. Carolyn, exactly how much time did you spend in Crooner's anyways?

Everybody knows PescadoAmarillo-- Jeannie and Greg- you are very, very loved and missed by the staff. I went to the boutique to buy a sundry and they were talking about you. That is so awesome!

Speaking of sundries- Did you know that if you don't correctly cap your travel-size deodorant stick it shatters and leaves little white chalky things all over the floor? Well, now you do.

Thank you to all who replied. The little round table of bruises and death fits very nicely in the closet. And that is where it shall stay.


The cruise stats are in!!! (thank you, Melissa!)

Blue- 1604

Gold- 480

Ruby- 246

Platinum- 557

Elite- 235

Total 3,136


Kids under 21- 208

21-24 year olds- 70 (that is a big difference from last week at 1100, huh?)


Most Traveled Passengers will not have a lunch, but are granted a dinner in a specialty restaurant. The cut off for this cruise is 405 days-- and I am not even close (haha), but I think I am over a hundred now!


They finally had Disco: Blame it on the Boogie. It was very sparkly and fun. Sadly, I remember when all of those songs came out the first time. The male dancers were better than the females. A couple of the female dancers almost bit it when their heels got caught in the hems. There was a near wardrobe malfunction with a tube top, too. The guys got to wear epically fake porn 'staches. The female singing leads were much better than the males. One of the girls was a dead ringer for Joan Cusack and the other had the most fascinatingly perfect augmentation (if you get my drift). Like seriously. Nobody is born that way. They were a great pair. The girls, I mean. Get your mind out of the gutter. (I just cracked myself up).


Ok. I quit.

Enough already.


Anyone want to watch just one more episode of the Love Boat before bed?


Tracie-Lynn :) :)

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Inside cabin cruise question of the hour: What is that weird little white box with the green light right at the head of the bed (center and just below the mirror)? Inquiring minds want to know!

Are you talking about the light switch?

We stay in insides all the time and I don't recall a green light.:confused:

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So glad you are having fun still! I want to know where the bar stools are from from the long table underneath the glass lamps. So want those.


And I left without getting your email!


Same screen name, but at AOL


March 11, 2016

(Lucky me! I have amazing cousins, Chris and Brenda, who reserved my Sanctuary seat-- so no worries there.)



Tracie-Lynn :) :)


Thank you my cousin for a lovely dinner tonight! We ate at Share again tonight (2nd time), and it appears as though somebody in my "family" treated us tonight....totally unexpected, yet very appreciated!;)



Keith....you are a good man!

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I have been lurking on your threads for a long time. I have read all of your wonderful reviews and cried when I read your post about your Mom's passing. I am single and am blessed to have both of my parents in my life. They mean the world to me and I travel with them as much as I can. When we cruise there are wheelchairs and scooters involved because they are in their 80's. But I always have a great time with them.


Tomorrow I leave for FLL to board the Royal on Sunday. I am traveling with wonderful dear friends. But there is a part of me that will miss my folks. I can't even begin to imagine how much you miss your Mom. I have always thought of cruising solo so I am reading this thread closely and am very interested in your experience.


It sounds like you are having a great time and I hope the rest of your cruise is wonderful. The Royal may pass the Emerald on Sunday night so wave if you see us! I will wave back!!! :D:D


Can't wait to read your next update!

Edited by spingal
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March 11, 2016



Good evening, fun friends!



I stopped by Crooner's to convey your messages to Chris and the gang. I will tell you, some of you Emerald regulars have celeb status. Carolyn and Steve are very missed. Carolyn, exactly how much time did you spend in Crooner's anyways?

Everybody knows PescadoAmarillo-- Jeannie and Greg- you are very, very loved and missed by the staff. I went to the boutique to buy a sundry and they were talking about you. That is so awesome!


Kids under 21- 208

21-24 year olds- 70 (that is a big difference from last week at 1100, huh?)




Anyone want to watch just one more episode of the Love Boat before bed?


Tracie-Lynn :) :)


Clearly I spent TOO much time in Crooners!! LOL I have to say that we were very well taken care of. There were no barstools on the last night and Depak told us to stay put and actually went over to the Wheelhouse and brought 2 over for us. (We knew him from Vines on another ship) Now that is a crew member who goes above and beyond!


I have to laugh over the Love Boat. I watched quite a few episodes on board and said the exact same thing. They were always falling into bed and completely in love with each other within a day.


Enjoy the rest of your cruise. It really is so much fun to follow your vacation!

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Thank you Tracie. Please tell everyone (everyone!) that we miss them too! Talking about us in the boutique? That's a scary thought. :o


The Love Boat reruns are flat-out ridiculous. One of my least favorites...Robert Reed falls in love with his best friend's (and boss's) daughter (half his age) in about 20 minutes. Bad acting, distasteful premise...that's entertainment!

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