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Pickpockets vs. Bag Grabbers


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After having lived in and never been pick pocketed/robbed in several large U.S. cities (including NYC for 7+ years), I am trying to gauge how paranoid I need to be about my purse, wallet, etc. while in Italy. Many posters speak of pickpockets but is bag grabbing/stealing just as common? Purely from an economic/business standpoint, one would think that these thieves would want to look for the easiest targets that will not draw/cause attention or risk having them be caught and, as such, they wouldn't be blatantly grabbing bags off of people. But then again I wouldn't be posting this here if I knew for sure! : )


As of now, I plan to carry a medium sized zippered tote with the zipper towards the front (within my view), and which has many deep interior zippered pockets which is where I would store our money, etc. The alternate plan is to wear a very small crossbody and keep money, credit cards, etc. close to me and then carry a tote with our jackets, etc. However a crossbody can always slide behind me and then be vulnerable to skilled pickpocket hands versus the tote which would stay tucked under my arm at all times -unless of course, people are bold enough to grab the bag. The thought of wearing a bulky wallet around my neck and under my clothes already makes me uncomfortable.


I am always very aware of my surroundings and over the years, have developed quite an awareness for keeping my wits and belongings about me even amid distractions, etc. But I don't want to be stupid or tempt fate. Am I overthinking this (I hope so)??

Edited by emcollins3
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Don't be paranoid but in Rome especially there are many pick pockets and believe it or not its a profession. I have a "Hidden Pocket" from Rick Steves that works great and my wife has a "Pacsafe Purse" which see purchased on ebay. Works great.


Enjoy your trip to Italy (wonderful country) from an ol' Worcester boy.

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Hi Erin...


Your inquiry about bag snatching reminds me of when my DW and I were walking along the Arno in Florence on the Lungarno Gernerale Diaz. There were a couple of young women walking in front of us, the one closest to the curb had a shoulder bag. Along came a creep on a Vespa and ripped the bag right off her should and kept right on going.


So, to answer your question, bag snatchings do happen, although I'm thinking not as much as various forms of pickpocketing. Usually the target of a pickpocket will not be aware while it's happening, only to learn later that something is missing.


I recommend you rethink where you'll keep your cash and credit cards. It's much too easy for pickpockets to get into your tote or purse...by inserting a hand or by slicing a hole in the bottom. Consider a body pouch that you can wear around your neck under your shirt or tucked into your pants. You might want to consider buying a theft resistant bag such as those by PacSafe...they're not easy to get into and can't be sliced.


Be aware of your surroundings and look out for each other in your group and you'll have an enjoyable, uneventful trip.



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Don't be paranoid but in Rome especially there are many pick pockets and believe it or not its a profession. I have a "Hidden Pocket" from Rick Steves that works great and my wife has a "Pacsafe Purse" which see purchased on ebay. Works great.


Enjoy your trip to Italy (wonderful country) from an ol' Worcester boy.


Thank you Hank! Great insight and much appreciated. I learned many years ago that pick pocketing and begging is indeed a profitable business after witnessing a woman on a LIRR train beg for mone after claiming she had just been mugged - her shirt was ripped, etc. As I was only on the train to keep a friend company until it departed 15 minutes later, I hopped off just before it left and headed upstairs to await my subway. While glancing down the platform wouldn't you know I saw the same lady who had just been "attacked" with her ripped shirt in a dry cleaning bag because it was literally her costume?!? She was only a few feet away from me and bolted once she realized she had just seen me on the other train. Unbelievable but true - and definitely makes me think twice about anyone asking for money, help, etc. (unfortunately).


I will look into the hidden pocket and pacsafe purse- thank you! : )

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I still maintain if they cannot find it they cannot take it. I wear a money belt next to my body under snug jeans, zipper next to body.Those multi zipper bags are known to PPs as tourist items Money belts.not bulky.I read years ago the gypsies seat their children down on Sundays to teach them the art. You will see them working at their tender age.

Edited by zoncom
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Lew and Keith - yikes and thanks! Another vote for PacSafe and glad I asked on here...my gut was telling me that even if I am being paranoid, vacation is not the time to tempt fate. Your posts/comments only confirm this and I would rather be safe than sorry. Many thanks everyone!

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I still maintain if they cannot find it they cannot take it. I wear a money belt next to my body under snug jeans, zipper next to body.Those multi zipper bags are known to PPs as tourist items Money belts.not bulky.I read years ago the gypsies seat their children down on Sundays to teach them the art. You will see them working at their tender age.


Thank you! Sad but very true. Appreciate the tip!

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I don't know how common it is outside of NYC, but one thing that has gotten kinda big in the subways here is for someone to stand outside the turnstiles and beg for a swipe from someone with an unlimited card. Some are just being obnoxious and don't want to pay, but there are others either working alone or together that will grab your wallet as soon as you get it out.


When I was in Florence a few years ago, there were Roma (correct term for "gypsies") around, especially in the piazzas where there were tables for cafes. I made sure to keep anything out of sight but where I could feel it and maintained vigilant awareness of what was going on around me. Most often they are NOT working alone. Think the description of how velociraptors hunted in Jurassic Park...you are so focused on the one you see in front of you you don't notice the ones approaching from the sides. It could be one just to distract you by trying to engage you in talking or it could be more than one who cause a disturbance while others work the area of those distracted.

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When we were Italy I was very vigilant as I had heard much about pick pockets and bag snatchers. I used a running belt that is concealed under my clothes to carry cash and credit cards. I also had a camera bag which is about the size of an average purse. In that, I kept a very small amount of cash. I had no problems. In fact, my friend (who carried a cross body bag) and I did not notice any pick pocketing although a fellow traveler did mention someone tried to take something out of his pocket and he stopped them.

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After having lived in and never been pick pocketed/robbed in several large U.S. cities (including NYC for 7+ years), I am trying to gauge how paranoid I need to be about my purse, wallet, etc. while in Italy. Many posters speak of pickpockets but is bag grabbing/stealing just as common? Purely from an economic/business standpoint, one would think that these thieves would want to look for the easiest targets that will not draw/cause attention or risk having them be caught and, as such, they wouldn't be blatantly grabbing bags off of people. But then again I wouldn't be posting this here if I knew for sure! : )


As of now, I plan to carry a medium sized zippered tote with the zipper towards the front (within my view), and which has many deep interior zippered pockets which is where I would store our money, etc. The alternate plan is to wear a very small crossbody and keep money, credit cards, etc. close to me and then carry a tote with our jackets, etc. However a crossbody can always slide behind me and then be vulnerable to skilled pickpocket hands versus the tote which would stay tucked under my arm at all times -unless of course, people are bold enough to grab the bag. The thought of wearing a bulky wallet around my neck and under my clothes already makes me uncomfortable.


I am always very aware of my surroundings and over the years, have developed quite an awareness for keeping my wits and belongings about me even amid distractions, etc. But I don't want to be stupid or tempt fate. Am I overthinking this (I hope so)??

We have cruised around 14 times and I am very aware of my surroundings but I had a small handbag (purse) long handle across my body, three very well dressed girls split me from my husband, one of them asked me for money then walked away, not even a minute had passed, my money was gone! This was in Ravenna Italy, all designer shops, very nice area!, all you can do is be very aware and not carry a backpack. I now just carry small change and a credit card in a pocket at front of my skirt.

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If you're interested, below is a thread link I started asking about the safety of carrying a handbag. Responses typically varied between I was being paranoid to if it'll happen, it'll happen no matter what kind of bag i carry. I'm thinking of a crossbody and then maybe using a small carabiner to latch the zipper shut and of course holding the zippers facing me in the front. I mean, I don't think that would necessarily stop a professional pickpocket, but perhaps it's a minor enough safeguard that i'd notice if someone was fiddling with it.





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I've traveled to Venice, Florence, Rome and the Amalfi Coast (land-based).


I wore crossbody purses in each city. Two different types. I was fine.


Full disclosure: I was born and raised in NYC. I am probably a bit too hyper-vigilant and am very weary of violations of my personal space.

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Thanks everyone! So grateful to each person who has posted. Your insight and advice have helped me to refine my plans, and I truly appreciate it!


WrittenOnMyHeart: I am still laughing at your Jurassic Park comparison! A funny and smart visual to keep in mind...


BoundforBermuda: Thanks for the link to the other thread!

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When I travel, I just use one of my everyday Sherpani cross-body bags - the size is dependent on what I'm taking with me for the trip. They aren't travel-specific, but just a cute line of bags. I always buy the ones with zipper tops. I use a carabiner to connect the zipper pull to the O-ring that holds the shoulder strap on the bag. Yes, my everyday bag - I use these at home, too.

Maybe I'm not targeted because I travel solo and I'm not part of the tourist "herd." I have always put my bag across my body so that the bag is never on the street-side - something I do in my everyday life. Once or twice I've had my radar "ping" enough to draw my bag close and look at someone. But, I don't walk around clutching my bag like I'm carrying the Crown Jewels - I try to look "normal."

Edited by slidergirl
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I had my normal handbag dipped into once by a pickpocket. Now I carry a PacSafe bag when I travel. They have a certain look to them that I'm sure sure a pickpocket can spot at 50 paces, since I certainly notice when someone else is carrying a PacSafe bag. My theory/hope is that they will decide it's too much trouble and go after someone easier.

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I always wear a Tumi crossbody purse and my DH has a money belt. On my first trip to Italy one of the guys in our tour group was pick pocketed on the train. He didn't even realize it happened until he got off. I'm always extra cautious in tight surroundings and I leave my purse on when I sit down for a meal - never drape it over the back of my chair like I do here at home. We also make sure we only take one credit card and some euros with us on excursions. We leave the other credit card(s) and majority of our euros in our cabin safe. Also - we always have a list of our credit cards and the number to call if lost or stolen stored separate, just in case! Safe travels - have fun!!!

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I always use a Pacsafe bag or similar (Travalon). My husband always uses a money belt under his clothing. We know of many people who have been pick pocketed in Italy, Athens, St. Petersburg and Barcelona.

A few years ago, my husband would argue with me about using a money belt, as he wanted to put his wallet in his front pocket. Luckily he finally listened. We were in Naples walking to the train station when we passed a group of people in front of a street market. There were 6 or us, with my husband behind me. As we passed, one of the bystanders stepped in behind me and another behind my husband. The one in front slowed down, and the one behind my husband reached in his front pocket. Luckily, he only had a tissue in that pocket as he had a cold. The one in back held up the tissue to show the others that he didn't get anything.

In the Louve in Paris, there are many signs warning people to be careful when looking up at the Mona Lisa. In Rome, the Vatican is another popular place, because people are looking up at the ceiling.

You need to be very careful.

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I'm always extra cautious in tight surroundings and I leave my purse on when I sit down for a meal - never drape it over the back of my chair like I do here at home.!


Nope, never drape your purse over the back of a chair in a public place anywhere! "Home" is no safer - Chicago or East Oshkosh.

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We almost got pickpocketed on the Louvre subway stop by 4 10-12 year old kids. Very slick...pushed up against the 3 of us (my DH moved against the back wall just like Rick Steeves said we should do) holding on to the pole. They were working with a man standing on the platform. He yelled at them and I thought he was telling them to leave us alone but I think he was saying, grab those wallets now as the train doors will close in 5 seconds. The whistle blew and just before the doors closed the 4 of them jumped off. My purse that was under my arm was unzipped, my friends fanny pack was unzipped and the other woman's purse was unzipped and her wallet was out about a 1/2 inch!!! We did not feel anything as they were pushing up against us. Not one person on that train said or did a thing yet they all watched this go on. We were very lucky that we lost nothing. Now I have a travlon bag (like pacsafe) and for our Med cruise in Sept. I bought a waist money pouch for under my pants. Better to be safe than sorry!

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When I travel, I just use one of my everyday Sherpani cross-body bags - the size is dependent on what I'm taking with me for the trip. They aren't travel-specific, but just a cute line of bags. I always buy the ones with zipper tops. I use a carabiner to connect the zipper pull to the O-ring that holds the shoulder strap on the bag. Yes, my everyday bag - I use these at home, too.

Maybe I'm not targeted because I travel solo and I'm not part of the tourist "herd." I have always put my bag across my body so that the bag is never on the street-side - something I do in my everyday life. Once or twice I've had my radar "ping" enough to draw my bag close and look at someone. But, I don't walk around clutching my bag like I'm carrying the Crown Jewels - I try to look "normal."


Good advice by slidergirl. Don't brand your self as a tourist with tourist-specific purses. Never wear a fanny pack or a backpack.


In addition to a small carabiner there is one simple precaution you can take. Stick your wallet in an inside zipper. Then, even if you forget to lock the outside zipper, the PP is not going to find the wallet. They certainly will not stick around rummaging through your bag to find other zippers. They aim for easy (outside zipper) and quick (one try to find the wallet).

Edited by marazul
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Good advice by slidergirl. Don't brand your self as a tourist with tourist-specific purses. Never wear a fanny pack or a backpack.


In addition to a small carabiner there is one simple precaution you can take. Stick your wallet in an inside zipper. Then, even if you forget to lock the outside zipper, the PP is not going to find the wallet. They certainly will not stick around rummaging through your bag to find other zippers. They aim for easy (outside zipper) and quick (one try to find the wallet).


I agree about not carrying a bum bag or a back pack, but a pickpocket is going to recognise a tourist as a tourist in a heartbeat no matter what bag we carry. I would bet that they can instantly recognise which country we are from and which ship brought us into port that day. They are very good at reading body language.


If I'm going around tourist sites with a camera taking photos and looking at things, I will look like a tourist. If I'm not taking photos or looking at things, when why did I bother to go there in the first place? :p

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Last time we were in Barcelona I borrowed a Pacsafe purse from a friend and didn't have any trouble. We are heading to there again this summer for a Med cruise and yesterday, I found very similar slash-proof, zipper-locking Travelon bag at Marshall's for less than half the price of a Pacsafe! Just wanted to pass along the shopping tip :)

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Thanks to every person who has take the time to share their thoughts, experiences, and tips! More helpful than you know and it has really helped me to evaluate our options, etc. Thanks again and wishing you all safe travels! : )

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