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Travel Anxiety


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Only 2 days till my trip starts. And anxiety is starting to rear it's ugly head. It use to be really bad and I would take Xanax. Not panic attack bad, but just general anxiety. But the past few years I would get nervous but was able to keep it under control with just reminding myself I was excited not nervous. But this is my first cruise and I admit I am nervous. Any tips?


I woke up today with heart burn and I never get heart burn.

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Only 2 days till my trip starts. And anxiety is starting to rear it's ugly head. It use to be really bad and I would take Xanax. Not panic attack bad, but just general anxiety. But the past few years I would get nervous but was able to keep it under control with just reminding myself I was excited not nervous. But this is my first cruise and I admit I am nervous. Any tips?


I woke up today with heart burn and I never get heart burn.


I don't have any specific tips but I wanted you to know that I have suffered from agorophobia and panic disorder for many years.....and you can see from my signature I love to cruise!


Before I boarded my first ship I admit I was anxious not knowing how I would manage. But my experience from the moment I stepped on the ship was happy and excited (not anxious). There was so much to see and do and everyone onboard was so excited to be there too, which was just wonderful.


Do not let your anxiety keep you from enjoying your life. Just Be kind to yourself and remember that thousands of people sail every week and they all did just fine.


I hope you have a wonderful cruise! There will always be something special about your first one. I am sure it won't be your last!!


God Bless!!!

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Only 2 days till my trip starts. And anxiety is starting to rear it's ugly head. It use to be really bad and I would take Xanax. Not panic attack bad, but just general anxiety. But the past few years I would get nervous but was able to keep it under control with just reminding myself I was excited not nervous. But this is my first cruise and I admit I am nervous. Any tips?


I woke up today with heart burn and I never get heart burn.





I think we all get a bit anxious before our trip. You are going to Love cruising, It is so fun :).


Try sitting down and pin pointing what is making you anxious. Is it the trip to the ship, is it the ship itself? Is it all the above?

Some times when I hash it out in my head ,the situation seems better.


I know some one can say this better than I can, but wanted you to know I am here :)


Happy sails!


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I don't have any specific tips but I wanted you to know that I have suffered from agorophobia and panic disorder for many years.....and you can see from my signature I love to cruise!


Before I boarded my first ship I admit I was anxious not knowing how I would manage. But my experience from the moment I stepped on the ship was happy and excited (not anxious). There was so much to see and do and everyone onboard was so excited to be there too, which was just wonderful.


Do not let your anxiety keep you from enjoying your life. Just Be kind to yourself and remember that thousands of people sail every week and they all did just fine.


I hope you have a wonderful cruise! There will always be something special about your first one. I am sure it won't be your last!!


God, Bless!!!


See, while I was composing my post, some one said it better.!!:D

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This is a VACATION! Not a "test" or an "ordeal"...it's time off from work and normal responsibilities! It's supposed to be fun!


Make lists of what you need to do before you depart....check off the needed "to do" things...and then go on vacation KNOWING all is well....you've done what needs to be done! You've stopped the paper and mail...you've turned the thermostat up or down...you've shut off the water to the washer....you've made arrangements for the pets.....you've paid the bills...

Now...go and have fun!

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I think we all get jitters before a vacation to some degree. I am going on my first cruise and feeling a little myself. It's normal. Read the comments fellow cruisers have given. It's wonderful advice. Read a few times if needed. You deserve this holiday!! It's actually happening and only 2 days away!! Your first cruise!! How fabulous is that??!!! Your brain is on overload and it's easy to get overwhelmed. Some things that might help is to drink tea to relax your stomach. Meditate to relax your mind. Take a few deep breaths. Play some fun music and picture yourself walking on that ship , your eyes are wide with wonder and awe!! It's going to be awesome!!

You got this!! [emoji106][emoji4]



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Thanks for all the great advice everyone. I think most of my worries are about getting sick. I've got my lysol and wipes and hand sanitizer. I'm taking my probiotics. I think waking up with heartburn today just threw me for a loop. I have only had heartburn a couple of times in my life. Not sure if it's nerves or something I ate last night right before bed. If I get feeling worse I'm sure I can find a walk in clinic open tomorrow or even maybe get in with my Dr Tuesday morning before I fly out. Pulled out my Rolaids for the trip and that seemed to help.


I spent my afternoon cleaning house and packing the bags. Found that even packing light we needed 2 large suitcases for the 4 of us. It was a good distraction and needed to be done.

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I spent my afternoon cleaning house and packing the bags. Found that even packing light we needed 2 large suitcases for the 4 of us. It was a good distraction and needed to be done.

Good therapy, and also keeps you moving toward your goal: being ready for a helluva fine and fun cruise.

Remember to breathe (that's what my counselor taught me to break the omigodI'mgoingtopanicandIcan'tpanicbutI'mgoingtoanywayand:eek::eek:....cycle).

You are going on an adventure:): take it as it comes and keep remembering that

a. you are going to have a good time:D,

b. any bumps will get straightened out, ;)and

c. you are going to laugh off any problems because they are not as important as your enjoyment of this trip. :p


Enjoy, and tell us how it turned out, 'kay?

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One thing I like to remind myself that there is no way I can do everything on a cruise even if I tried, so that decreases my anxiety about trying to get to every event and do everything. By day two I am relaxed and remember I am there to do exactly as I please. And how often do you get to say that?!?


The other thing is identifying (if you can) what makes you anxious. Is it crowds? Go to the buffet at off times, wait for the theater to empty out before you leave. Getting lost? We make a point the first day of starting at the top of the ship and walking each deck's public areas. Not finding something you like to eat? Impossible! What if you don't like what you ordered? Push it to the side and get something different. Feel like you are not going to fit in? There are old people, young people, married people, singles, divorced, drunk, sober, short, tall, fat, skinny, well, you get the picture. One of the best thing about cruises is most everyone is there to have a good time, is easy to talk to and wants to share their live of cruising. And if you run into a grumpy, smile and walk away.


Hope you have a great time.

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Only 2 days till my trip starts. And anxiety is starting to rear it's ugly head. It use to be really bad and I would take Xanax. Not panic attack bad, but just general anxiety. But the past few years I would get nervous but was able to keep it under control with just reminding myself I was excited not nervous. But this is my first cruise and I admit I am nervous. Any tips?


I woke up today with heart burn and I never get heart burn.


Been there, done that, got the t-shirt! Nearly every time in the 7/10 days prior to our cruise I will develop toothache (emergency appointment sorts that out), a bad cough (pharmacist said it was not contagious but could last up to 3 weeks and some other part of my body will develop a mysterious ache :eek:) I've almost come to expect it, but guess what:


The minute I step on board the ship all my aches and pains disappear - weird isn't it :D


You know yourself better than any of us who are trying to help you. Deep breaths, keep busy and remember you are going on a holiday. You will have a great time.


Enjoy your cruise.

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Been there, done that, got the t-shirt! Nearly every time in the 7/10 days prior to our cruise I will develop toothache (emergency appointment sorts that out), a bad cough (pharmacist said it was not contagious but could last up to 3 weeks and some other part of my body will develop a mysterious ache :eek:) I've almost come to expect it, but guess what:


The minute I step on board the ship all my aches and pains disappear - weird isn't it :D


You know yourself better than any of us who are trying to help you. Deep breaths, keep busy and remember you are going on a holiday. You will have a great time.


Enjoy your cruise.




Hubby has a dental emergency before almost every cruise :rolleyes: Used to think it was all in his head, but last time he had to have an extraction. I would have had a fit, but he was relieved. Yes ,It is weird!


See OP you are not alone:)

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OP, I need to say I am soooo excited for you! Your first cruise is special!!:D

Try to enjoy the pre cruise day................


I still get excited/nervous after twenty something cruises!

Once I hit that ship I am home...real life be dammed :D (for a week or two anyway)...lol



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Thanks for all the great advice everyone. I think most of my worries are about getting sick. I've got my lysol and wipes and hand sanitizer. I'm taking my probiotics. I think waking up with heartburn today just threw me for a loop. I have only had heartburn a couple of times in my life. Not sure if it's nerves or something I ate last night right before bed. If I get feeling worse I'm sure I can find a walk in clinic open tomorrow or even maybe get in with my Dr Tuesday morning before I fly out. Pulled out my Rolaids for the trip and that seemed to help.




I spent my afternoon cleaning house and packing the bags. Found that even packing light we needed 2 large suitcases for the 4 of us. It was a good distraction and needed to be done.



I hope your feeling better today! I can DEFINITELY understand this frustration of not wanting to be sick !! My daughter had symptoms of a cold. I was a mad women running around the house cleaning doorknobs and switches. Anything she and my grandson could have touched. Thank goodness. They are feeling better and I haven't sneezed. Praying there is no need to go to dr today.!! Rolaid's often does the trick like you say.



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Even after all these years of land vacations and over 140 cruises, I still get nervous a few days before we leave.

I dread flying but have flown nearly all over the world.

I do take my Xanax at times like this and keep telling myself once we get to the embarkation port, I can relax.

Just think positive!!

Volendam -- Alaska -- great ship and beautiful scenery.

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A cruise is the most worry-free vacation there is, IMO. No concerns about the car breaking down, no worries about whether you will find a restaurant or hotel.....I could go on and on. A ship is also one of the cleanest places on earth.

I do understand your jitters. After 36 cruises, I still wake up the night before to ask myself if I packed the passports and underwear, and whether that is really a toothache. By the way, underwear, OTC meds, and many other things are available for sale on the ship and in many ports.

Most of us have gone through the same thing....and most of us continue to cruise as often as we can! Check your lists, go, and have a wonderful time.

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CHILL! Relax it's a vacation not a jail sentence. Maybe half the people on board will be first time cruisers trying to do the right thing. Just be yourself and follow the crowd. If you happen to get in the wrong line, do something silly or stupid who cares? Just laugh it off because you're probably not going to see these people ever again. Something we always do to enhance our enjoyment is make friends with the crew. These crew members are from all over the world and most have boring, repetitious jobs. Waiters, servers, bartenders and room stewards enjoy being recognized. Ask their names, where they're from and they will be eager to describe their families, their country and their ambitions.


I predict this will be the first of many enjoyable cruises in your future. As far as the heartburn, don't eat late and go to bed too soon. (Also try Prilosec) Wash your hands thoroughly and sanitize often, especially after the buffet and restroom breaks. Be sure to carry your own personal hand sanitizer.

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“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain


Embrace the moment, you are so brave to be able to post about your anxiety. . .share your thoughts. You are the one who is beginning to make wonderful memories about your first cruise, thanks for sharing with those of us that are currently waiting and watching in the wings so to speak. . . next to walk the gang plank, LOL!

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So true about "being disappointed about the things you didn't do"


I put off cruising with our dearest and best friends for many years -- my anxiety and panic were, to me, unbearable


Finally, in 2007, we did a cruise and fly -- so on the ship for 3 nights and then a short stay in Las Vegas, and flew home


When we left Astoria, the weather was not good, and so right after dinner, I said "good night" and went back to our cabin


I put on some lovely calming music that was available on the tv, dimmed the lights, and wrapped myself in a flannel blanket I had brought from home


I was so calm and so comfortable in that lovely little cabin. As we also learned from our friends -- if possible, book a cabin on a low deck and try and get one mid-ship


You will feel very little motion in those cabins and that became my safe and comfort spot f things got rough -- I always knew I had that safe place to go to


Now, I am so addicted to cruising -- we try and take one or two cruises a year


I also take my "seasick bands" with me -- I have seen a few others wear them -- even on Formal Nights!


We are leaving in 2 weeks for a short cruise, and I still get anxious, but over the years have found ways to cope with the anxiety


As, everyone else has said, work through your worries -- you will be so glad you did not deny yourself this lovely way to travel -- You can do -- believe in yourself :)


Best Wishes



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I wish I could give you good advice, but unfortunately I experience the same thing. Mainly because I stress about everything that can go wrong: forgetting to pack something, having a plane delay, losing our passports, missing the ship, etc. I stress out big time. I'm sure my husband hates traveling with me. At least until we get to where we are going. I swear when I hear that ding from my S&S card, and step on the ship for the first time, a huge weight is lifted from my shoulders, and I can feel my vacation finally stating.


Good luck, and have a great time!



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