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On Marina now...


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Nothing new to report...everything the same. CD states ship is "healthy" and encourages much hand washing. Concierge/Exec lounge still have no papers or menus and attendant states this is "precautionary" but that ship is "healthy. When I expressed doubt that it could be both ways at once, I got more party line.


Laundry room open and that is a good sign. Perhaps influx of new pax has corrected the problem.


Note to Iamthesea, I had requested info re number of cases a few days ago and reception said they would ask med center to contact me with that info. Needless to say we have heard nothing.

Sounds like no news is good news. Hope all is well now. :):):)

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No, it is not fixed. I got sick and have heard about others as well. They are constantly reminding about washing your hands, etc. this morning, the salt and pepper shakers and the creamers are off the table. The mats weren't on the tables either. Have noticed the crew washing their hands a lot.


I don't know what can be done but it is not pleasant to be ill on vacation. It is also unpleasant to have the ship deny there is a problem when there definitely is

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is the officisl line, although our happy fool CD keeps insisting this is a healthy ship. All is as Alidor says, with addition of tags on doors of imprisoned guests.


This is our 3rd cruise on O's large ships and the 3rd with n-virus -- that's it for us.

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Well if they are marking the cabins of those that are sick then how many are sick & not reporting it & wandering the ship spreading the joy ?


Just like before people do not want to stay in lock down so just go off on their merry way

The crew can only do so much people have to take some responsibility for themselves

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are not just marked -- they are taped. Prisoners unable to escape.


I do not see that as a bad thing

At least those people are not out spreading the virus


maybe they should lock down all passengers until the ship is clear of the bug ;)

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is the officisl line, although our happy fool CD keeps insisting this is a healthy ship. All is as Alidor says, with addition of tags on doors of imprisoned guests.


This is our 3rd cruise on O's large ships and the 3rd with n-virus -- that's it for us.

Wow !!! I am almost sorry that I asked. The problem here is that legally the ship does not have to report Noro. They must only report to the CDC if they are going to dock at an American port. Lets them avoid telling their guests what is really going on. Shame on them. Then people on the ship and the one's on the next few cruises have a right to know. :(:(:(

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on the pa system that there are cases of g.i. distress. Did not use N-virus word. Also referred to CDC (I think, but I could be wrong). I also thought that was only a requirement in US ports.


We were on the cruise before this which also had n-virus, to a lesser extent. With this cruise most of the passengers changed. I believe there is a problem with the ship.


For those posters making light of this situation, I think you might feel a bit different if it was your thousands of dollars being wasted.

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MPFUND - Totally agree. WE are on the on concierge level and some ofthe amenities associated with it are not available. We also notice some barf bags by the elevators. I do think in the captain's announcement, that they did say they reported it to the CDC.

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on the pa system that there are cases of g.i. distress. Did not use N-virus word. Also referred to CDC (I think, but I could be wrong). I also thought that was only a requirement in US ports.


We were on the cruise before this which also had n-virus, to a lesser extent. With this cruise most of the passengers changed. I believe there is a problem with the ship.


For those posters making light of this situation, I think you might feel a bit different if it was your thousands of dollars being wasted.

I think we were on the worst Oceania Noro cruise. Did a speed run to Miami to get back 2 days early. No fun at all. Everything on the ship was being washed including the furniture in the cabins and the halls, morning, noon and night. Everything smelled and we were stuck on the ship for the 2 days that it took to get back to Miami. Hope they can get the ship clean and healthy before something like this happens again. You can't believe how hard the crew works in this kind of situation. Maybe 14 to 16 hours a day. They do a great job, but some things are out of their control. Be very tough to take the ship out of service for 2 days or so in Europe. Hope for the best. :):):)

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MPFUND - Totally agree. WE are on the on concierge level and some ofthe amenities associated with it are not available. We also notice some barf bags by the elevators. I do think in the captain's announcement, that they did say they reported it to the CDC.

Nothing on the CDC website as of right now.

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We were also on the ill-fated cruise to Miami. I am seeing the same things -- toilet doors open, no settings in dining room, servers wearing plastic gloves. I can only hope we make a fast run to Rome for an early arrival as there is not much before there big enough.



Since we have pretty much hit bottom on the good ship Marina, probably won't bother to post more.

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We just got off the Marina on Oct. 15. There were no problems that we were aware of. No extra precautions, laundries fully functional, no announcements of any G.I. issues. We had a wonderful cruise experience. So how could the problem be in the ship?? It sure sounds like someone brought something on.

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It sure sounds like someone brought something on.


People not knowing they were carrying the virus or knowing & not reporting it in case they were quarantined


People spread the virus around the ship then blame the cruise line or staff for the problem

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We just got off the Marina on Oct. 15. There were no problems that we were aware of. No extra precautions, laundries fully functional, no announcements of any G.I. issues. We had a wonderful cruise experience. So how could the problem be in the ship?? It sure sounds like someone brought something on.


It never is the ship. There is no such thing as a "sick ship" - only sick people.

Of course, after the virus is brought onto the ship by the people, the ship becomes "sick" in a sense that many surfaces on the ship are contaminated.

But don't blame the ship for starting this.

That said, it is very unfortunate for everyone involved - vacationers and the staff. I do feel for them and I hope never to be on a ship with the Noro.

The sooner it is resolved the better for everyone. It will require a lot of work by staff and a lot of cooperation by everyone onboard.

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are not just marked -- they are taped. Prisoners unable to escape.


Further update -- sign on laundry room door "Due to Code Red laundry room closed."


I believe we are sailing on Tenement of the Seas.


I am so sorry, M. I can't believe this is happening again...especially to you. :( I am hoping that you do not get sick.


Please continue to post as you can. It will be interesting to see what Oceania does about getting you to Rome on the fast track...if they even do so.


RJB - We were all on the same cruise. Miserable! And we are giving Oceania a second chance in February.:eek:




The crew can only do so much people have to take some responsibility for themselves


That's true, but I do believe the crew can spread the virus, as well as the passengers. They are afraid to let it be known they are sick and try to work through it. We saw and heard evidence of this on the 2/12 cruise.


I believe that another problem is the amount of elderly that cruise on Oceania. Most are not on these forums and have not read about these viruses that can strike at any time. They don't know about using the best hygiene to avoid the virus. Some may catch a virus from a grandchild, etc. and bring it onboard. Then it is unknowingly unleashed!


* These are some rules that DH and I follow from day one of any cruise. Actually, we start at home with the following:


At all times, especially near vacation time, we try to avoid all germs.


We may even skip church, the movies, or other closed in and crowded places.


No shaking hands! DH sometimes forgets.


We use our left hand (or least dominate) when doing anything involving touching something that others may have touched.


Use hand sanitizer or washing hands with hot soapy water after touching possible contaminated surfaces.


We avoid the buffet if it can be helped.


Elevator buttons get pushed with an elbow or knuckle on the less dominate hand.


Airplane surfaces get a cleaning with Clorox or antibacterial wipes. Same goes for most surfaces in a stateroom.


We avoid using a public restroom unless in an emergency. On the ship, we will walk across the ship and up 4 flights of stairs to use our stateroom bathroom. Just don't use them if you can help it!


We are people watchers. If someone looks or sounds sick, we go the other way.


If someone were to sneeze near us, we turn our heads, cover our faces and close our eyes. And hold this position for a few seconds. Did you know that sneeze germs can enter the eyes easier than the nose and mouth?


Up to a week and a half before a cruise, we make sure that if we are going to see our grandchildren, that they have not been knowingly exposed to anything going around their daycares. If the grandchildren have a sniffle, a low grade fever, or have been around any sickness, we do not get to see them before the trip. :(


What we do if we are the ones sick:


Cover our noses and mouths, when sneezing...as well as we can Not with just a quick lift of an arm. We bury our faces into the crook of our arms. I use a scarf or other clothing that can be lifted to my face. Hold that position a few seconds after the sneeze. OR, try to hold that sneeze back. It can be done!


If we have a stomach problem, we really wash our hands well. :rolleyes: And we do not go anywhere.


Actually, we follow the same protocol as when trying to avoid germs. ;)


There are other OCD things that we do, but they do seem to work for us. :)


Avoiding germs, but also avoiding the spread of germs, can make for a happy, healthy ship.

Edited by Iamthesea
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Cover our noses and mouths, when sneezing...as well as we can Not with just a quick lift of an arm. We bury our faces into the crook of our arms. I use a scarf or other clothing that can be lifted to my face. .


I know the medical people tell you to sneeze or cough into the crook of your arm but what happens when someone brushes up against you or you lean on the elevator wall or some other surface

now the germs are waiting for some unsuspecting person to pick the germs up & pass it along :eek:


Why not just use a tissue in the first place then dispose of it

wash your hands or gel if no soap & water close by

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Most germs are spread airborne from a sneeze. Sneezing into the crook of your arm is not only faster than rummaging around for a handkerchief, but it is better than sneezing into the air or into someone's face, mouth, nose, eyes or another surface. Also, a tissue just doesn't always cut it with a sneeze. And the sneezer needs to wash their hands right after. That sneeze is still going to go airborne and get on hands, where you will transfer the germ to the elevator buttons, etc. A handkerchief is better. ;)


On our recent cruise to NE/Canada, there was a cold going around the ship. DH and I did our best to avoid it for the 14 night cruise. Believe me...it was difficult because many of the passengers were not very helpful with their hygiene. :rolleyes: We were successful for the most part. On the next to last day, we were waiting in a trolley line. The man in front of me sounded like he had a cold and he was blowing his nose. At one point, he was coughing and blowing. I turned my head around towards the people behind me who had said something funny. I was laughing. Just at that second, the man behind me sneezed into the air, my mouth, my eyes...:eek::rolleyes: Two days later, after we had disembarked and were enjoying NYC, I started feeling bad with cold symptoms. :( Did I get the cold from him, or from someone earlier in the cruise. Who knows!

Edited by Iamthesea
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What are the options for passengers embarking on the 11th in Rome, knowing that this issue is present and has been for days now? I am not talking about the diligent measures to curtail the spread of the virus....very well documented on this forum. Has anyone ever decided to bail in this situation rather than take on the risk and did you lose everything given the proximity to embarkation?

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What are the options for passengers embarking on the 11th in Rome, knowing that this issue is present and has been for days now? I am not talking about the diligent measures to curtail the spread of the virus....very well documented on this forum. Has anyone ever decided to bail in this situation rather than take on the risk and did you lose everything given the proximity to embarkation?

Will trip insurance cover something like this? I doubt that Oceania will let you cancel without a penalty. Really no good answer but hope that the ship gets cleaned before you embark. Good luck. :):)

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What are the options for passengers embarking on the 11th in Rome, knowing that this issue is present and has been for days now? I am not talking about the diligent measures to curtail the spread of the virus....very well documented on this forum. Has anyone ever decided to bail in this situation rather than take on the risk and did you lose everything given the proximity to embarkation?

A big concern if this gets any worse is that some of these ports will be closed to Marina. Had it last year in Bermuda and we were delayed getting off the ship in St. Martin in Feb. for a few hours . For awhile we thought that we would not be allowed to get off at all.

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What are the options for passengers embarking on the 11th in Rome, knowing that this issue is present and has been for days now? I am not talking about the diligent measures to curtail the spread of the virus....very well documented on this forum. Has anyone ever decided to bail in this situation rather than take on the risk and did you lose everything given the proximity to embarkation?


It is not a full blown epidemic

no reports on how many of the 1200+ pax & 800 crew are sick

O will probably do a deep clean when it gets to embarkation port


depends on your comfort level

I would check with your insurance whether you can cancel & get reimbursed or take the hit (not the best plan)

You could call O & see if they will allow you to change cruises (doubtful)

at least you would know your options

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That sneeze is still going to go airborne and get on hands, where you will transfer the germ to the elevator buttons, etc. A handkerchief is better. ;)




EWWWW then you pull that hankie out for the next sneeze & the germs go airborne :eek:

Even the CDC recommends tissues


cold virus can live for longer than you think


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It is not a full blown epidemic

no reports on how many of the 1200+ pax & 800 crew are sick

O will probably do a deep clean when it gets to embarkation port


depends on your comfort level

I would check with your insurance whether you can cancel & get reimbursed or take the hit (not the best plan)

You could call O & see if they will allow you to change cruises (doubtful)

at least you would know your options

An epidemic ????? WE do not know and it seems that they will not tell us since by U.S. law they don't have to. They have tried deep cleaning in the past on Rivera and that did not work.. Delayed our embarkation for a few hours in Feb. but still had to take the ship out of service for 2 days before the next cruise to solve the problem. And it seemed to work. No Noro after that. Totally perfect last July and no talk about this until a few days ago. They need to get out in front of this very fast or it can go downhill and affect the ship for months like it did Riviera last year. :(:(

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It is not a full blown epidemic

no reports on how many of the 1200+ pax & 800 crew are sick

O will probably do a deep clean when it gets to embarkation port


depends on your comfort level

I would check with your insurance whether you can cancel & get reimbursed or take the hit (not the best plan)

You could call O & see if they will allow you to change cruises (doubtful)

at least you would know your options



Insurance, if it covers it, would require documentation from the cruise line. Good luck with that!


Only "cancel for any reason" insurance will help in this situation.



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