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Galveston weather concerns

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I'm also scheduled on the 9/3 LOS. I am waiting to see what happens and just go with the flow. If there are changes to be made I hope they are made in a timely manner, well as timely as can be expected. I will be driving in from San Antonio day of and also looking into alternate vacation plans. I have a week off and I'm going on vacation somewhere! I'm not too upset or stressed this was a comped cruise for me. Prayers for the people still in danger and good luck to us hopefully sailing 9/3.

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I'm also scheduled on the 9/3 LOS. I am waiting to see what happens and just go with the flow. If there are changes to be made I hope they are made in a timely manner, well as timely as can be expected. I will be driving in from San Antonio day of and also looking into alternate vacation plans. I have a week off and I'm going on vacation somewhere! I'm not too upset or stressed this was a comped cruise for me. Prayers for the people still in danger and good luck to us hopefully sailing 9/3.

Very sorry for your travel plan disruption, but kudos for your great adaptation skills and wisdom.


It's great to see some wise people making lemonade from lemons.

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The misleading information from those posting that information is even more astounding...including the gross misrepresentation that 1) such a directive lasted more than a short period of time; 2) this was prior to more weather facts becoming known in every-changing conditions; and 3) there was ample opportunity to cancel plans as more real weather facts became known.


Blame blame blame...that's all people want to do. We see that on TV all the time these days too - it appears that many people don't want to take any personal responsibility for their own decisions/actions.


How about blaming people for not having the wisdom to make their own choices (like cancel things) without having to be told what to do hour by hour like sheep? Nope...won't do that. :eek:


Wrong. Royal was not telling people on Friday that they could cancel or change without penalty while Carnival was. Carnival handled the situation . Plain and Simple. This about customer service and Royal blew it. On Friday, people could have changed their plans. Exhibit A. Ebfurry. At least, they did the right thing finally on Sunday and offered people refunds.

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Wrong. Royal was not telling people on Friday that they could cancel or change without penalty while Carnival was. Carnival handled the situation . Plain and Simple. This about customer service and Royal blew it. On Friday, people could have changed their plans. Exhibit A. Ebfurry. At least, they did the right thing finally on Sunday and offered people refunds.




Only point I would like to make. CCL had 3 ships, two sailing on Saturday and one on Sunday. For the two sailing on Saturday, CCL game the same notice as Royal, one day prior.



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Now that the crisis is over the RCL cheerleaders are out in force🤡



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The crisis is not over. If you have a Liberty Sailing for next weekend...I would question A: how the hell am I getting there and B: is this thing still gonna happen. in RCL fasion, they will find out 2 hours before sailaway

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Wrong. Royal was not telling people on Friday that they could cancel or change without penalty while Carnival was. Carnival handled the situation . Plain and Simple. This about customer service and Royal blew it. On Friday, people could have changed their plans. Exhibit A. Ebfurry. At least, they did the right thing finally on Sunday and offered people refunds.

WOW - so all the noise has just been about when people ended up getting the same (final cancellation & refund) results? Hardly.


There's little debate that the announcement timing of RCI and Carnival were different. Viewing the other side of the coin...had the storm subsided and Liberty docked successfully in Galveston on Sunday (weather cooperating), then we'd hear different noise would come from the position "Carnival made their announcement too soon and should not have re-routed their ships - terrible inconveniences".


There's no winning with some folks.

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The crisis is not over. If you have a Liberty Sailing for next weekend...I would question A: how the hell am I getting there and B: is this thing still gonna happen. in RCL fasion, they will find out 2 hours before sailaway

Valid points. Based on the latest weather information...it's going to be a slow and long road to recovery towards "normal" in that whole region...especially transportation. Comments like "it's going to take years to recover" have been repeated frequently on TV this past 3 days...anything shorter term (days or weeks) is obviously in limbo.

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WOW - so all the noise has just been about when people ended up getting the same (final cancellation & refund) results? Hardly.


There's little debate that the announcement timing of RCI and Carnival were different. Viewing the other side of the coin...had the storm subsided and Liberty docked successfully in Galveston on Sunday (weather cooperating), then we'd hear different noise would come from the position "Carnival made their announcement too soon and should not have re-routed their ships - terrible inconveniences".


There's no winning with some folks.


Seriously. Stop. You are one of the only people on here actually defending RCL's absolutely terrible decision making this weekend. "Had i we just gotten the cards we wanted, the 10,000 I lost in the casino wouldn't have been so bad". RCL made a terrible decision and encouraged 1000's of people to travel into an entire disaster zone. Not so much Galveston, but the greater metro area that supports it and its ports.


Carnival hands down was more professional, level-headed, and customer minded.


I have sailed several Royal Cruises. This issue had zero impact on me and I am considering not booking again anytime in the near future and booking more NCL or trying Carnival again.

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The misleading information from those posting that information is even more astounding...including the gross misrepresentation that 1) such a directive lasted more than a short period of time; 2) this was prior to more weather facts becoming known in every-changing conditions; and 3) there was ample opportunity to cancel plans as more real weather facts became known.


Blame blame blame...that's all people want to do. We see that on TV all the time these days too - it appears that many people don't want to take any personal responsibility for their own decisions/actions.


How about blaming people for not having the wisdom to make their own choices (like cancel things) without having to be told what to do hour by hour like sheep? Nope...won't do that. :eek:


They were telling people to come to the port or lose their cruise fare, well after the area was under flood, storm surge, tornado and hurricane warnings. Period.


No offense, but your handle makes it kinda clear you can't think about this in an unbiased way.

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Seriously. Stop. You are one of the only people on here actually defending RCL's absolutely terrible decision making this weekend.



Nobody's defending anyone...just not agreeing with the lame excuses, poor reasoning, blame game, and ridiculous logic being thrown out on this topic. Royal does plenty of things wrong to talk about...starting with their website. There are more issues beyond that. But some attitudes in this thread boggle the mind in terms of people not taking some responsibility for making their own decisions without people holding their hands to do so.


STOP indeed.

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They were telling people to come to the port or lose their cruise fare, well after the area was under flood, storm surge, tornado and hurricane warnings. Period.


No offense, but your handle makes it kinda clear you can't think about this in an unbiased way.

LOL - yeah right - there's so much unbiased noise here you could fill a stadium. Reacting to a snapshot statement in an evolving historic weather event is sound practice...now I see the light.


Any bias here is towards passenger safety first, and also not jumping to conclusions or looking to blame everything and everyone when things don't go perfectly. Even a number of onboard passengers have shared that perspective. But clearly that puts me in the minority...but I can live with that and sleep very well at night, thank you.


Just to please you...I'll sit on the sidelines and watch the continuous comic tragedy of some posts (for a while). In the meantime...there's plenty of weather updates to watch about the region, and see how people are courageously dealing with the terrible conditions, which matters exponentially more than what's sold at the whinery.

Edited by CRUISEFAN0001
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Some "amateur armchair experts" sitting in their dry and air-conditioned homes far away for the "action" and claiming to have known all the right answers along the way were a sad testimony to the key issue - passenger safety. Royal AND Carnival appear to have BOTH been making decisions based upon that (correct) priority.


Carnival chose to pull the plug and bail out early on Galveston earlier than Royal - no question on that fact.


Of course if Galveston had missed any major impact of Harvey and indeed opened up later Sunday as some weather experts had predicted, then some people (especially the chronic complainers who post regularly) would likely have said "Carnival was too quick to make their decision and inconvenience all those passengers, costing them money - a bad decision - they should have waited". Experience shows there are just some people who love to complain about nearly any topic online, especially hiding behind the anonymity provided on a message board - pathetic but true.


Royal took the "wait and see" approach. Was that the right approach? There are two sides to that coin. Few will argue that the decision to move Liberty came at a slow and methodical pace. Few will argue that knowing the final plan sooner would have been a good thing. Most resonable people will agree that passenger safety is always the most important consideration.


Here's to the safety of all those affected by Hurricane Harvey - cheers. (y)


You are confusing safety and customer service. Both cruise lines did the right thing with the passengers ON the ships. However, Carnival gave the passengers for the next cruise OPTIONS. Carnival did not cancel the next cruise, they let their customers choose whether they wanted to:


1) Wait and see

2) Change cruises

3) Cancel


Royal Caribbean was not as kind with its passengers.

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Nobody's defending anyone...just not agreeing with the lame excuses, poor reasoning, blame game, and ridiculous logic being thrown out on this topic. Royal does plenty of things wrong to talk about...starting with their website. There are more issues beyond that. But some attitudes in this thread boggle the mind in terms of people not taking some responsibility for making their own decisions without people holding their hands to do so.


STOP indeed.

Lame excuses in this case Royal Carib

Poor reasoning in this case Royal Carib

Blame game in this case Royal Carib

Ridiculous logic in this case Royal Carib

People make decisions based off decisions that others have decided. Nobody ever makes a decision on there "own" as the action of others helped them create that decision. Royal made several bad decisions which in turn created others to make potential bad decisions.


By the way you never gave your thoughts on Royal asking for people to provide proof of flight cancellation etc after they themselves said people impacted would get taken care of.

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Everyone had the choice to "wait to be told what to do" or "look at the situation and make that decision themselves". With the airlines cancelling numerous flights to the region already on Thursday and Friday...that was a good clue how things were going to roll out.


This is not correct. The Carnival passengers had a choice to wait. Royal Caribbean forced their passengers wait. Big difference in how each cruise line handled things. Royal Caribbean comes out on the short end in this case.

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The misleading information from those posting that information is even more astounding...including the gross misrepresentation that 1) such a directive lasted more than a short period of time; 2) this was prior to more weather facts becoming known in every-changing conditions; and 3) there was ample opportunity to cancel plans as more real weather facts became known.


Blame blame blame...that's all people want to do. We see that on TV all the time these days too - it appears that many people don't want to take any personal responsibility for their own decisions/actions.


How about blaming people for not having the wisdom to make their own choices (like cancel things) without having to be told what to do hour by hour like sheep? Nope...won't do that. :eek:


People asked for guidance about cancellation from the cruise line and were not only misinformed but given life threatening directive. You are alone in your desperate straw grabbing defense of your colleague at RCI. Blame assigned where blame is earned and due.

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Many would say that RCI spoke with caution and safety in mind...your characterization is only your own view and has already been debated at nauseum by others.


I can't for the life of me understand how people couldn't see the handwriting on the wall...call their airline or hotel...cancel without penalties (as many have reported doing)...and stand by (as requested) to see the Sunday cruises cancelled, followed by cruise credits to rebook. Then again, not everyone has the same instincts under these admittedly unique and terrible circumstances for that region, so no blame is warranted to those who didn't have the same foresight.


Royal Caribbean told its passengers to be there on Sunday or loose their money and their cruise. If a passenger cancelled on their own they would loose everything. Carnival provided choices - Royal Caribbean did not.

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LOL - wow - nice attempt to twist things. You manipulated the statement from the directions things were going to absolute timing of decisions that were made that didn't meet some people's requirements.


Cool beans.


This is no different than what you are doing.

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Royal Caribbean told its passengers to be there on Sunday or loose their money and their cruise. If a passenger cancelled on their own they would loose everything. Carnival provided choices - Royal Caribbean did not.


Don't forget the person you are responding to has a livelihood directly related to RCI. Expecting them to admit they are wrong here isn't going to happen. Too much pride, too much personal income at stake. They did not encourage anyone to cancel out of safety but to just wait for the cruise line, they have zero,compassion, empathy, or care for any human. Just their own wallet. Just the facts

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Anybody that drove or flew into that disaster made a poor choice.Better to lose the cruise than be stuck with no place to go. I had friends lose their cars last time Galveston flooded. they never saw their cars again. RCL wasn't thinking about the people, it was all about the bottom line.

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The misleading information from those posting that information is even more astounding...including the gross misrepresentation that 1) such a directive lasted more than a short period of time; 2) this was prior to more weather facts becoming known in every-changing conditions; and 3) there was ample opportunity to cancel plans as more real weather facts became known.


Blame blame blame...that's all people want to do. We see that on TV all the time these days too - it appears that many people don't want to take any personal responsibility for their own decisions/actions.


How about blaming people for not having the wisdom to make their own choices (like cancel things) without having to be told what to do hour by hour like sheep? Nope...won't do that. :eek:


Your head in the sand approach doesn't change the facts that Carnival put its customers at ease by providing options while Royal Caribbean put stress on its customers by not providing any choice. When someone is stressed, a "short period of time" feels like a very long period of time. This is the "it didn't hurt that much" approach. Well, it should not have hurt at all, and it would not have hurt had Royal Caribbean shown the same empathy for its customers that Carnival did.


Carnival did it right - Royal Caribbean did it wrong.

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People asked for guidance about cancellation from the cruise line and were not only misinformed but given life threatening directive. You are alone in your desperate straw grabbing defense of your colleague at RCI. Blame assigned where blame is earned and due.

Magic 8 ball says...LOL

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