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More fake service dog nonsense

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No shocking I believe in a recent live review on Harmony there is an area on the track that looks like an area for dog to go to bathroom. Can you imagine going on a cruise and seeing pee stains on the carpet. RCI needs to have the passengers show proof the dog is a service dog.

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Now we know what ObstructedView means. To consider the woman on the lounge chair "fluffy support" is an insult to her.


Glad to hear you don't call your human companion fluffy makes me feel better.




Oh gosh, I just got your reference. LOL!!

I thought, that you thought, that I posted the photo, hahaha!:')

Oh my, I just figured out what you meant, so sorry!

I feel old now.



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Unfortunately, the company has it's hands tied regarding this. The federal law prohibits anyone asking to see paperwork to prove that it's a service dog. I work in a doctor's office, (an allergy clinic!!!) and we aren't allowed to ask. On top of that, it is so easy to get paperwork that even if we could ask, it wouldn't be that hard for them to provide paperwork. The whole system needs an overhaul. It is very unfortunate that it has gone to this extreme because the people with legit service animals are getting screamed at and scorned. (We had an unfortunate incident in our office recently that a patient with a real service animal was berated and humiliated by another patient. Even after she did show proof of his service paperwork).

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Unfortunately, the company has it's hands tied regarding this. The federal law prohibits anyone asking to see paperwork to prove that it's a service dog. I work in a doctor's office, (an allergy clinic!!!) and we aren't allowed to ask. On top of that, it is so easy to get paperwork that even if we could ask, it wouldn't be that hard for them to provide paperwork. The whole system needs an overhaul. It is very unfortunate that it has gone to this extreme because the people with legit service animals are getting screamed at and scorned. (We had an unfortunate incident in our office recently that a patient with a real service animal was berated and humiliated by another patient. Even after she did show proof of his service paperwork).


Then laws need to be changed. That is ridiculous. It's as ridiculous as the "large" people that get a handicap sticker so they can park in front of Walmart then ride around in their "large" cart to buy more food with their EBT cards.

Edited by PopeyeDaSailor
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Then laws need to be changed. That is ridiculous. It's as ridiculous as the "large" people that get a handicap sticker so they can park in front of Walmart then ride around in their "large" cart to by more food with their EBT cards.


You could have stopped at "Then laws need to be changed" and remained respectful.

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Respectful? Like the people I described who are clearly abusing the system? When I was younger being over weight was a life choice not a handicap. When people that abuse the system park there they are preventing a person that is truly handicapped from using the spot.


It's a huge pet peeve of mine. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.

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Respectful? Like the people I described who are clearly abusing the system? When I was younger being over weight was a life choice not a handicap. When people that abuse the system park there they are preventing a person that is truly handicapped from using the spot.


It's a huge pet peeve of mine. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.


Have you considered that the cliched "large" person riding around on the ECV at Walmart (who you also think is scamming food stamps and a handicapped placard) might actually have a disability and they are not using it just because they are "large"? Sometimes disabilities are not obvious to the casual observer.




Ignorance is a pet peeve of mine. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.

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Have you considered that the cliched "large" person riding around on the ECV at Walmart (who you also think is scamming food stamps and a handicapped placard) might actually have a disability and they are not using it just because they are "large"? Sometimes disabilities are not obvious to the casual observer.




Ignorance is a pet peeve of mine. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.


No you didn't hurt my feelings because I'm not a sensitive snowflake. I'm sorry but if you want to believe those people aren't milking the system I have a Grand Suite I can book you for $500 dollars!

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Then laws need to be changed. That is ridiculous. It's as ridiculous as the "large" people that get a handicap sticker so they can park in front of Walmart then ride around in their "large" cart to buy more food with their EBT cards.

I'm not sure what laws you think would or could be changed. We're talking about a cruise line that's based in one country, has its ships flagged in another, and sails from and to several others.

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Its people like this that us "real dog" owners despise. So, is this a service or therapy dog?


I'm going to guess that's neither service nor therapy dog. I'd call it a purse dog, an accessory highly valued by its owner due to the attention it generates for her. Proof is the fact that she posted it here! :eek: She's definitely getting her attention... just not positive attention.


This might even be the same dog and woman I saw one time in the MDR on Freedom on formal night. That woman carried the dog around in a large purse. She put the dog in her lap during dinner and fed it off her plate. I can't remember if the dog was wearing clothing of some sort or if it was just a bejeweled collar, but it was somewhat dressed for the occasion. It was pretty disgusting! It only happened once, though. She was "counseled" by the Headwaiter and Maitre D.


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There is no such thing as an "ADA certified" service animal. There is no ADA certification.


There are other reasons besides the ADA why the ship is responsible for handling dog waste and not the passengers.


As I've said many times when this topic comes up, CLIA needs to step up and make an industry wide "service animal code of conduct", which under "Spector v NCL" can be more stringent than the ADA regarding shipboard policies and procedures, but I don't see this happening until there is an injury to a passenger from a non-service animal.

Unfortunately correct, will happen AFTER Accident(S)

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Oh gosh, I just got your reference. LOL!!

I thought, that you thought, that I posted the photo, hahaha!:')

Oh my, I just figured out what you meant, so sorry!

I feel old now.




I resisted the urge to comment when the picture was originally posted. I should have looked back at the original post when I did comment. I did think you posted it. I apologize and now it's me who feels old. But I'm glad you could laugh it off.

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Unfortunately, the company has it's hands tied regarding this. The federal law prohibits anyone asking to see paperwork to prove that it's a service dog. I work in a doctor's office, (an allergy clinic!!!) and we aren't allowed to ask. On top of that, it is so easy to get paperwork that even if we could ask, it wouldn't be that hard for them to provide paperwork. The whole system needs an overhaul. It is very unfortunate that it has gone to this extreme because the people with legit service animals are getting screamed at and scorned. (We had an unfortunate incident in our office recently that a patient with a real service animal was berated and humiliated by another patient. Even after she did show proof of his service paperwork).


The ADA allows two questions to be asked by covered entities. And these questions should always be asked!

1. Is your dog a service animal that is required due to a disability?

2. What work and/or tasks is your dog trained to perform?


ADA does not exempt service animals from local, county, city, or state animal control or public health requirements, so you can ask questions about the dog's local license or tag (if required), registration (if required), and vaccination status, and you can ask for proof of adherence to those local requirements.


Emotional support animals, therapy animals, comfort animals, purse accessory dogs (Sorry, Lisa Vanderpump...that would be Giggy, even though he's adorable..;)), and companion animals are neither recognized nor protected by ADA. Only service dogs, and (I know...it sounds crazy...but it's true) miniature horses 34" or less in height. That's it. Only dogs and miniature horses. (No comfort cheetah, no PTSD tarantula, no therapy iguana, not even an emotional support kitty cat.)


And there is this important caveat:

The ADA does not require covered entities to modify policies, practices, or procedures if it would “fundamentally alter” the nature of the goods, services, programs, or activities provided to the public. Nor does it overrule legitimate safety requirements. If admitting service animals would fundamentally alter the nature of a service or program, service animals may be prohibited. In addition, if a particular service animal is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it, or if it is not housebroken, that animal may be excluded.


Under ADA, the owner of the service animal is fully responsible for its care,n feeding, supervision, control, and hygiene.


Remember, the ADA is really civil rights legislation. It simply gives people with disabilities the same access everybody else has to government programs and services and to public accommodations by requiring 'reasonable accommodation for the person with the disability. They don't get MORE access, just EQUAL access.

ADA just aims to be fair.


And here's another BIG problem with fake service dogs that's much more important than all of our cruise quality issues due to fake service dog misbehavior. We may feel irritation/inconvenience/disturbance/gross-outed-ness when fake service dogs act up and interfere with our enjoyment of our cruise, but a disabled person's REAL service dog could be distracted by the behavior of the fake dog and might not perform his duty for the disabled person as needed. Sometimes this might be inconvenient for the person with a disability, but sometimes (depending on the disability and the dog's task) it could be a matter of life and death. This is REAL. A real service dog would never bark at another dog. But a fake service dog's barking could distract the real service dog from doing his job. So these selfish people with their fake service dogs could actually do HARM to a person with a legit disability. Sucks, doesn't it!


So here's the deal - Aren't there others here who might want to make a difference? If we want to do something about fake service dogs on ships, we MUST speak up. We MUST COMPLAIN. REPEATEDLY. We must complain about: dog waste in unauthorized areas, barking dogs, people walking around with a dog that is not leashed or harnessed, people feeding dogs from their plate in a dining venue, people being obnoxious in any way with their dog.


Our complaints should be made (repeatedly) to Guest Services, but also AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE to Hotel Management (barking dog disturbing guests), to Housekeeping (dog pee/poop in unauthorized areas), to Food Service Management (dogs in laps in dining venues, dog being fed from plate, dogs not restrained and/or dogs not under table in food venues), to Medical (barking dog - a service dog only does that in an emergency, any incident such as a dog bite or attack) and Security (barking dog, dog out of control, unrestrained dog, dog bite, dog attack.)

It's the squeaky wheel. Let's go for it!:D


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Can’t believe it. We came back from a cruise and I posted a complaint about a “yappy little princess dog” on March 29, 2012 that disrupted the cruise for so many people it was unbelievable. Sorry Raiphie ( I later learned his name) the way you were dressed while riding in your little stroller with the bows in your hair, jumped to conclusions. Should have been yappy little prince dog. You would think by now, six years later, this would be a non-issue. As a few people have stated, it will take something serious, like a toddler being mauled by a large dog, to see any changes made. Pity

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Then laws need to be changed. That is ridiculous. It's as ridiculous as the "large" people that get a handicap sticker so they can park in front of Walmart then ride around in their "large" cart to buy more food with their EBT cards.

Should have stopped while ahead, You went too far...

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Then laws need to be changed. That is ridiculous. It's as ridiculous as the "large" people that get a handicap sticker so they can park in front of Walmart then ride around in their "large" cart to buy more food with their EBT cards.

Wow. It’s also as ridiculous as ignorance and prejudice.

Signed someone with RA since childhood, who doesn’t rely on assistance, and has a handicapped parking permit. People with these attitudes are the reason I put off getting a permit for so long, even though going to the grocery store can be the cause of great pain some days.

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Just off Adventure of the Seas. We saw 2 dogs onboard


One was a black lab with a service dog vest with Do Not Pet signage leading their blind owner.


Another was a Yorkie with her very own stroller and different outfits for each day including 2 different formal dresses.


I’ll just leave it at that....



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Just off Adventure of the Seas. We saw 2 dogs onboard


One was a black lab with a service dog vest with Do Not Pet signage leading their blind owner.


Another was a Yorkie with her very own stroller and different outfits for each day including 2 different formal dresses.


I’ll just leave it at that....



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Black Lab...totally appropriate and welcome.


Yorkie is stroller with outfits...twisted and just wrong. How the cruise line can tolerate this in unbelievable. Maybe the first time a passenger has fluffy try to bite them and they throw it overboard the cruise line will pay attention and actually do something about it!

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Just off Adventure of the Seas. We saw 2 dogs onboard


One was a black lab with a service dog vest with Do Not Pet signage leading their blind owner.


Another was a Yorkie with her very own stroller and different outfits for each day including 2 different formal dresses.


I’ll just leave it at that....



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That sounds exactly like the Yorkie on Anthem last July. Owner pushed her all around the ship in a stroller with full outfits every day.

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That sounds exactly like the Yorkie on Anthem last July. Owner pushed her all around the ship in a stroller with full outfits every day.




There was a couple on a FB page posting pictures of their cruise last week, with the little yorkie in his tux collar/bow tie and other outfits. Sorry that screams “I’m a toy not a service animal”



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Just off Adventure of the Seas. We saw 2 dogs onboard


One was a black lab with a service dog vest with Do Not Pet signage leading their blind owner.


Another was a Yorkie with her very own stroller and different outfits for each day including 2 different formal dresses.


I’ll just leave it at that....



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I'm hoping the Yorkie used the formal dresses on the formal nights so she wouldn't be turned away at the dining room! ;):D

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