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Question on the tonic. On Viking you are welcome to bring aboard any beverage alcoholic or non that you wish. Can you do the same on Azamara? We will be sailing from our home port, NY, so it would be quite easy to bring my preferred Q Tonic. I think I’m fussier about the tonic, than the gin. [emoji16]


And a Dark & Stormy requires Goslings Black Seal rum and Barritts ginger beer. I may have to bring my own or wait until we get to Bermuda [emoji12]


While I’m looking forward to Azamara service, I do have to say that Viking will also provide that level of service - at least that has been our experience.



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You can bring anything on to Azamara you want

Hence my earlier comment on potentially being in Greenwich Asda until John confirmed Becks was available despite Bonnies post.

I might bring a contingency pack just in case though!



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Thanks! Great to know! We are leaving from NY, so no flight concerns!



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We have also just returned this evening from Quest

No issue with liit but less luck with a mojito! Stuck to my guns and eventually got it

What was noticeable was the non CC guests paying for drinks that they could have asked to be made from the complimentary menu because they didn't know they could.

Certainly didn't go short and had the usual fabulous time.


Ohh .. bad news for me as to the mojito! I've been trying to figure out how to order one without saying "mojito" ... mint and lime muddled with sugar, add rum from the included spirts, ice and club soda ... LOL!! because I don't really relish arguing with the barman who, undoubtedly, is "encouraged" to push the premium liquor to up the bar profits!

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Bonnie, as you have specifically quoted my post I'm sorry you have taken umbrage at my comments here. From my own perspective, the website information (which regardless of vermouth being a constituent as a fortified wine, it was listed as an included spirit until recently) and experiences of guests reporting in live here was not consistent with the message you were giving us and to be honest I wasn't sure where your information was coming from. My final confirmatory post that you quoted came from a face to face meeting with Richard Twynam, a member of the Azamara board and from that and the conversation we had on the subject I was satisfied with the source and answers I got.


I freely admit that I can be a bit "passionate" about subjects here. It's born out of a love of the brand and getting it right. Once again I'm sorry if I upset you.



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Bonnie, as you have specifically quoted my post I'm sorry you have taken umbrage at my comments here. From my own perspective, the website information (which regardless of vermouth being a constituent as a fortified wine, it was listed as an included spirit until recently) and experiences of guests reporting in live here was not consistent with the message you were giving us and to be honest I wasn't sure where your information was coming from. My final confirmatory post that you quoted came from a face to face meeting with Richard Twynam, a member of the Azamara board and from that and the conversation we had on the subject I was satisfied with the source and answers I got.




I freely admit that I can be a bit "passionate" about subjects here. It's born out of a love of the brand and getting it right. Once again I'm sorry if I upset you.










I think your love and passion for the brand is known by many. It is testament to your “ambassadorial status” that Richard was meeting with you yesterday anyway.


Another poster had indicated that her response on an email from Richard suggested that social media can lead to mixed messages, the responses from face to face conversations will always win hands down, especially those with such provenance. There were many other more aggressive challengers than you Phil.


It’s been a very revealing time, thanks to Riocca, I am still so glad they started this thread, we now have clarification, we have lessons for Azamara and suggestions for them (if they want them) and we now realise that not all posts seeking an “official input” are responded to as was used to happen. Fine with all of this, know where we stand and let’s now all close this matter and move on either with Azamara, or if we choose, elsewhere.



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Bonnie, I am sorry your feelings are hurt too, but I don't think anyone personally doubted you on this thread. It's just that the information given by yourself and many other posters was so contradictory and confusing.


Those of us who love Azamara with a passion and have many years of cruising history with them are rightly concerned over some pretty major and some of us think detrimental, changes recently.


It's a bit like Azamara is our child. We love it so much but sometimes we need to tell it off!


Phil's face to face meeting with Richard Twynam helped clarify many issues and I think we are all grateful for Phil's commitment on this forum and great knowledge of all things Azamara.


Now, as Ann said, we are so looking forward to our Quest B2B cruises two weeks today. Safe in the knowledge we can have included Kir Royale's, Vodka Martini's and Long Island Iced Tea's.

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I honestly don't understand the confusion over a Vodka Martini, nor why so accepting of Mr Twynam's reassurance "there has been no change in drinks that are available" but not my repeated reassurance?

To clarify:

a) Vermouth is an ingredient, not considered a spirit. Ingredients are no longer included on the list.

b) a Vodka Martini was not listed on the previous cocktail list, as shown by the screenshots, and yet everyone got one FOC as requested. This has not changed.

c) I have said repeatedly on this thread there are no changes to the inclusive cocktails available onboard our ships.

d) in my post #269 I apologized to whomever did not receive a Vodka Martini, and that I'd pass the message to the onboard staff that more training was in order to insure no one was ever martini-less again. That has happened.

e) specifically to 'kjbacon'...yes, a vodka martini is FOC when using the included vodka.

f) I do not expect the cocktail list will be changed back to the previous list. But it is reasonable to ask for footnote along the lines of uktog's suggestion, or I might suggest it say "Suggested Cocktails" so that it does not feel definitive.

g) and I know it's ill-advised for me to ever share personal feelings on CC since this is such a tough crowd, but after serving this community for >4 years by getting answers, official statements, and/or directing guests to the appropriate department(s) my feelings are hurt by those who chose not to believe me, and by the unkind comments. I am given free reign on which posts I respond to and how I respond, so if y'all don't mind, I think I'll take the weekend off from this thread. See you on Monday.


Hi Bonnie, sounds like you are really feeling upset and confused and I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon. Like you, I work with the public but my position is face to face real time and very high pressure ... so I get it that you need a break. That said, let me try to help by specifically addressing what I can.


The confusion over the martini, vodka or gin, arose from the martini being on the original list but being one of the dozen or so removed from the new list. There remains no logical explanation for the removal of any of those cocktails. I don’t know you and I don’t know Richard but speaking just for myself, I’m still prepared to be turned down for a martini as just happened again to someone here on the board. It’s not a question of me believing someone, it’s a question of unbelievable info and unnecessary confusion caused by Azamara for passengers and staff.



a) Vermouth is a wine. Olives are an ingredient.

b) Martini was indeed on the previous list but now isn’t.

c) You have said that but there’s a couple problems with that. The printed menus absolutely contain many changes and your bar staff is sporadically but currently refusing to serve those cocktails.

d) Appreciated. May need more action though since that problem is still occurring.

e) Fabulous, thank you! Look out, Finlandia, here I come!!

f) I think you’re prob right but I personally think it’s because their revenue has increased because unknowing passengers are paying for included drinks. I think this was their plan all along. Imagine the confusion for the bartenders who have apparently been told to charge customers who don’t know better but to not charge customers who do.

g) Another similarity for you and I. It is ill-advised to let them see you sweat but I too am more emotional than is best for my position. My boss reminds me and I’ll remind you: it’s not personal, it’s just business.



I hope you will save some of this emotion for Azamara who never even gave you a heads up that this had happened. They blindsided you along with everyone else and have given you some serious nonsense to peddle. For me, I never felt that I didn’t believe you personally. I felt that the information you were given to relay was unbelievable.

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But, kjbacon, the official statement Bonnie was given, and passed on to us, was accurate.

What I think was missing was the fact that the new spirits list was spirits only, and that the ‘missing’ items were ingredients of cocktails and would continue to be available.



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Grandma, I just don’t know and I think that’s a good part of this whole problem. It’s so confusing and misleading. What else is having both martini and vermouth removed from their lists to mean? I’m going to be just fine ordering my Finlandia martinis or upgrading to a package but who needed all this unnecessary aggravation for the last 2 weeks? Not me! One minute I was posting about fun and food, the next minute ... this!


I just googled “spirits” because I realized that I didn’t know for certain what the technical answer was. I found that it’s a drink that’s distilled and contains over 20% alcohol soooooo while vermouth is not technically a spirit at 18%, nearly ever other of the removed items are.


Confused yet?

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I like an Aperol spritz, it could be made with the included sparkling wine, but Aperol isn’t a spirit, so, is it an ingredient like Vermouth? Not wishing to carry this on, but it’s so confusing!

Bonnie just to reiterate what everyone has said, no offence was intended to you, Azamara were sending mixed messages, and straight after you told us no change, they changed the website listing! My plea to Azamara is, please simplify things, how is anyone supposed to know what you classify as an ‘ingredient’.

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I have only seen one person drinking a pint of Newcastle Brown over last few days. Not surprising really as it’s not exactly the beer of choice in the U.K. never mind on a cruise ship. I guess the crew bar will have to get rid of it !




We were on vacation - holiday to you chaps - years ago in London. We were staying at a hotel outside of the city near an Underground line (the Bakerloo, if I recall correctly). We were trying to avoid driving in London, but still have a rental car for side trips.


Anyway we met a friendly chap, who stayed in the area regularly for business, and he asked if we would like to go to the pub with him. Didn’t have to ask us twice! [emoji16]


We asked what his favored beverage was and he said, “Newcastle Brown.” Pints all around, then. I loved it and was delighted to find it in the States. I may be the only one, but I hope they still have it on the Journey in April next.


My husband is not happy with them because the importer stopped carrying his favorite John Courage when the Newcastle Brown became popular [emoji12]


We will have quite a bit of OBC, so we will be getting the Ultimate Drinks package. This whole change over won’t affect us, and I’m glad because I think they took something simple and made it quite complicated.


I think an easy solution would be to just add a sentence at the top of the new included spirits list that says, “If you request your cocktail be made from the listed spirits it is included as well,” then just eliminate the separate cocktails list. That appears to be the intention, but the list of cocktails - which apparently is a partial list - is what is creating much of the confusion.


IMO though, if you are going to tout, “Drinks included,” it would be far easier for all to just say up to X dollars a drink in the fine print, and be done with it.



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Viking, the information on the website was difficult to find and I could only seem to access it via my booking. Only wine and beer are included as standard so is considerably less than Azamara’s included selection, obviously until we travel with Viking we can’t comment on the comparison of included wines. If I want to purchase a Silver Spirit Package it would cost £15.40pppd and we both would have to purchase it, fortunately for our Oceans booking it was included free of charge, however we have had to pay this for our River cruise. Looking at the sample bar menu drinks prices are similar to Azamara’s and included gratuities as effectively do Azamara’s, however if I go by their sample menu the gins on offer are Gordon’s and Beefeater the same ones Azamara included, I have seen mention of others being available but they aren’t listed. I also noticed that cocktail ingredients such as Vermouth,Blue Curaçao etc. are not listed. Vermouth,Blue Curaçao etc. are not listed.


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Yes with Viking only beer and wine are included with meals, but that has been pretty standard and they are quite upfront about it.


I usually don’t have difficulty finding information on their site, but you are correct about them tucking the information about the Silver Spirits package behind the wall of the My Viking Journey section. I don’t recall it always being that way, and I must admit I don’t know why they don’t put that in the FAQ (where I think I initially found it). They don’t really push it. It’s mentioned and suggested, but not really overly promoted.


It’s really rather simple. You can have any drink that’s not over $15 dollars per drink - and that includes quite a lot. It includes all wines sold by the glass - again under $15 - and if you want a bottle of wine you get a discount.


There’s no need for a list of included drinks because the only limit is that $15 point.


We had the Silver Spirits package and were able to get Gin and Tonics made with both Bombay Sapphire (my choice) and Tanquery (my husband’s choice). I ordered a variety of mixed drinks throughout our cruise with no questions whatsoever.


Viking also includes the specialty restaurants, internet/WiFi and 1 excursion in each port, but they do not include gratuities.


We loved our Viking cruises, but I don’t feel any particular loyalty. I’m looking forward to our Azamara cruise, but I expect a different experience - one which I hope we will love as well.


We are also looking at Regent and would love to do a cruise on one of the lines with sailing ships. I do think Viking will remain our favorite, though. It just felt right, but who knows!




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Grandma, I just don’t know and I think that’s a good part of this whole problem. It’s so confusing and misleading. What else is having both martini and vermouth removed from their lists to mean? I’m going to be just fine ordering my Finlandia martinis or upgrading to a package but who needed all this unnecessary aggravation for the last 2 weeks? Not me! One minute I was posting about fun and food, the next minute ... this!




I just googled “spirits” because I realized that I didn’t know for certain what the technical answer was. I found that it’s a drink that’s distilled and contains over 20% alcohol soooooo while vermouth is not technically a spirit at 18%, nearly ever other of the removed items are.




Confused yet?




The other items on the list would not be defined as spirits. Apart from vermouth the rest (tho’ I’m not sure about Sour Apple Pucker)are technically liqueurs and are none of them drinks you would generally ask for as a drink on its own. For example if you wanted an almond liqueur you’d probably ask for it by brand - Amaretto. Same if you wanted an orange based liqueur, you’d ask for a Cointreau or a Grand Marnier. What they do all have in common is that they are used along with ‘spirits’ to make cocktails.



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I like an Aperol spritz, it could be made with the included sparkling wine, but Aperol isn’t a spirit, so, is it an ingredient like Vermouth? Not wishing to carry this on, but it’s so confusing!

Bonnie just to reiterate what everyone has said, no offence was intended to you, Azamara were sending mixed messages, and straight after you told us no change, they changed the website listing! My plea to Azamara is, please simplify things, how is anyone supposed to know what you classify as an ‘ingredient’.




Aperol is a branded aperitif. It has never been on the included list, neither has any other branded aperitif. Vermouth is an aperitif, but if you wanted to drink a vermouth on its own you’d probably ask for it by name - dry Cinzano, Dubonnet, Noilly Prat etc.

On that basis I don’t think it’s likely that an Aperol Spritzer would be included.



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I am confused by all the detail in this post so can someone just clarify - will I be able to get the same included drinks on Pursuit in a few months as I had on Journey in January? Thanks


My understanding from what Richard Twynham confirmed to Phil in person yesterday the position yesterday was YES


The other arguments are ones you could have had about the old lists, lets just leave it now

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Once again Bonnie thanks for your efforts on the issue of drinks and for any other help you provide on this forum. I wish more cruiselines would have somebody like you to interact with us in CC.


Concerning the drinks, I am sorry that the list will now be just a list of spirits and not of included drinks, with all the ingredients. As a non expert on mixology, I see myself demanding more time that necessary from waiters in order to get my drinks. I like to drink once in a while a Margarita, a Mojito, a Mai Tai, a Manhattan. Please do not ask me what ingredients are on those. I would not know.

I still do not know the purpose of the change in the list, but it has not simplified anything for me and apparently also not for most of the posters in this thread.


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Aperol is a branded aperitif. It has never been on the included list, neither has any other branded aperitif. Vermouth is an aperitif, but if you wanted to drink a vermouth on its own you’d probably ask for it by name - dry Cinzano, Dubonnet, Noilly Prat etc.

On that basis I don’t think it’s likely that an Aperol Spritzer would be included.



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I love Aperol Spritz and drink it all the time. I have never yet been charged for it on Azamara.

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My understanding from what Richard Twynham confirmed to Phil in person yesterday the position yesterday was YES


The other arguments are ones you could have had about the old lists, lets just leave it now



I agree, perhaps when Bonnie resurfaces after the weekend she ought to now close this thread which has surely run its course now that everything has been clarified. If anyone is unsure of what’s included, Guest Relations has the list!


Admittedly, it would be nice to know the ingredients of the cocktails, I am still unsure of the content of a Kamikaze, all I know is that I find it very agreeable.

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Aperol is a branded aperitif. It has never been on the included list, neither has any other branded aperitif. Vermouth is an aperitif, but if you wanted to drink a vermouth on its own you’d probably ask for it by name - dry Cinzano, Dubonnet, Noilly Prat etc.

On that basis I don’t think it’s likely that an Aperol Spritzer would be included.



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I think you’re correct Host Grandma a lot of this revolves around branding, Aperol Spritz was always a paid for drink as it was branded whilst the vermouth used is generic.

There’s always been anomalies Mojitos as far as we remember were never on the complimentary menu but you could get one but it depended on the barman.




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Sorry for bringing up Aperol Spritz, my daughters, who sometimes cruise with us are my cocktail experts, it is their fault I drink any cocktails at all. We were just talking about the cruise and they said well you may be able to get an Aperol Spritz, I had no idea if I could or couldn’t, I now realise I would need to purchase a package if I want one.

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I think you’re correct Host Grandma a lot of this revolves around branding, Aperol Spritz was always a paid for drink as it was branded whilst the vermouth used is generic.

There’s always been anomalies Mojitos as far as we remember were never on the complimentary menu but you could get one but it depended on the barman.


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John, I must have drunk at least 50 Aperol Spritz on both Quest and Journey over the last few years and have never paid for any one of them. I just smiled and said "with the included alcohol please" and got them free every time. The sparkling wine is included as is the gin and splash of orange juice. Never had a problem getting the Aperol added.

I will be asking for them again with a smile in two weeks and hoping for the same result!


Do agree that this thread seems to have outrun its usefulness now though, although we all thank you for starting it. It has been very illuminating for many reasons!




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John, I must have drunk at least 50 Aperol Spritz on both Quest and Journey over the last few years and have never paid for any one of them. I just smiled and said "with the included alcohol please" and got them free every time. The sparkling wine is included as is the gin and splash of orange juice. Never had a problem getting the Aperol added.


I will be asking for them again with a smile in two weeks and hoping for the same result!




Do agree that this thread seems to have outrun its usefulness now though, although we all thank you for starting it. It has been very illuminating for many reasons!








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I know it was on a promotion on Quest last September but there was a price on the display card, we did try one but not for us I’m afraid. Just goes to show even before this all blew up you needed to know what was in a drink and ask for it to be made with the included alcohol, so nothing has really changed.


Agree it’s time to call time on this thread after 50 pages it’s just going over old ground, maybe HGC should lock it now and we can all move on.



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I love Aperol Spritz and drink it all the time. I have never yet been charged for it on Azamara.




Thanks for your post - very helpful. I think, therefore, that Aperol must be included as an ‘ingredient’. Just shows that even the old drinks list didn’t have everything that you could have included.



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I suggest a new thread for any cruise experiences, this thread is now quite a confusing muddle. I would support locking it and then unlocking it if Bonnie wishes to comment after the weekend - thats how threads like this were handled with her predecessor

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