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Need help picking a cabin for a smoker in our group


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We were on the starboard side, midship and going to the smoking area was no problem. We had a balcony but did not smoke on it. I don't think my dh felt limited. He really enjoyed the crowd on the smoke deck. We were blessed with a fantastic ship of passengers and everyone was having a good time. One thing I noticed during this cruise that I've never really noticed anywhere else, was at different times I saw ladies near the casino appearing bothered by the smoke. Once a woman was casually strolling by and her eyes must've watered because she began walking really fast wiping her eyes. Once a lady was walking by the casino very slowly (snail's pace) and she started hacking away. Neither of those ladies said a peep but other people would often comment. It made me feel bad for them. I had no idea it could ruin a girl's mascara so fast. It certainly isn't fair to expose them in such a way. You would think they would install glass walls and not have the casino smoke wafting out. I am not bothered by smoke and occasionally smoke when I gamble or drink. A social smoker if you will. Anyway, we enjoyed the smoking crowd and the smoker friendly crowd on the smoke decks. Happy sailing!

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These smoking threads crack me up.


This is 2018 and YES people still smoke!! So all you non-smokers can get off your high horse and enjoy your cruise. If cigarette smoke bothers you that much, maybe you should stay home in your little bubble. The smoking crowd on ships are awesome people and most seem to obey the rules. I enjoy my cigarettes and if the smoke bothers you as your walking by, just hold your breath until you get past the disgusting smell...:p

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These smoking threads crack me up.




This is 2018 and YES people still smoke!! So all you non-smokers can get off your high horse and enjoy your cruise. If cigarette smoke bothers you that much, maybe you should stay home in your little bubble.



Let me re-phrase with your own words:

This is 2018 and people still smoke?? If cigarette smoking is what you can’t do without, and you know how much it bothers others, maybe you should stay home in your little bubble.




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I have witnessed many kids grow up witnessing the examples set by their parents. If the parents act with integrity and follow rules, their children tend to do the same. The parents who cut in the pickup line at school, who text while they drive, who generally don't follow rules that they don't wish to follow, those are the parents whose kids grow up breaking the rules as they see fit - and so often the parents wonder how their kids turned out that way. So if you feel it is best for your kids to pick and choose the rules they follow, then enjoy those balcony smokes. Trust me, kids absorb everything. But we all work hard to pay for our travels, and if your cig blows onto my balcony and triggers my or my son's asthma, you're damn sure going to get that knock on the door.

TOTALLY AGREEE!!!! And I want to know why she thinks it’s ok for her hubby to break the rules because he works so hard! We ALL have worked hard, and saved for our vacation, so smoking on your balcony would definitely ruin mine if I was near you! And if you consistently break the rules with Carnival because you feel you were deserving of the privilege of smoking on your balcony, you may get more than fines. Perhaps they will let you off at the next port. Better be equipped with passports, so you can get home!

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My husband is not the only one out of 3000+ cruisers. I’m saying we have spent thousands and it’s taken us two years to pay this cruise off and it’s the one and only one I’m sure we will ever be able to take and if he needs to go outside before he comes to bed and smoke one then by god he will. And if security comes knocking at the door I’ll pay he 250. I’m sorry every non smoker in the world has issues with smokers. I have issues with drinkers. But you don’t hear me going and crying to anyone over them. I’m done with this thread. Have a good vacation to all!



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Best wishes that you and your family will enjoy your first cruise. I am truly sorry you feel every non smoker in the world has issues with smokers, but I will not take offense to this as I am sure none was intended. Here on cruise critic, any mention of breaking rules will lead to criticism so this is not solely a smoking issue.

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Lmao this is all hilarious. You have your opinions and I have mine. How about this we paid thousands for our two balcony cabins. I’ll happily accept the 250 fee for him smoking on the cabin before he comes to bed that night after he works 72 hours a week for 50 weeks out of the year in a hot warehouse on a forklift. Because I don’t see anything wrong with it. I for one don’t give two hoots how much noise you make. I’m 100 percent sure that my husband will not be the only rule breaker! And I’m sure it’ll go on for yeArs to come after we have come and gone from our balcony.

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1. Just because you don't see anything wrong with it doesn't make it right. It's still against the rules. Think of the example you are setting for your children. (See previous posts on integrity.)


2. Your (and your husband's) rights stop where mine begin. I have the right to enjoy the balcony that I spent thousands on, too. And enjoying my balcony means breathing smoke-free air. (Carnival thinks so, too, because it's a rule. And I will report you.)


3. Just because he likely won't be the only rule-breaker is no justification for breaking the rules. If 100 other guests jumped off the back of the boat to enjoy a swim in the ocean, is he going to do it, too?


4. And he smokes around your three children? Do you understand how unhealthy that is for them? It's so bad that in Louisiana, it is illegal to smoke in a car with any passenger under the age of 18. It's a primary offense, meaning you can be stopped for that alone.


I applaud your husband for working hard to support his family. I do the same, and I intend to enjoy my vacation as much as he enjoys his.

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See once again. You smokers, the smell, cancer, fires. It’s their life you have yours they have theirs. They want to go on vacation too and still be able to enjoy life too. My husband is the sole provider in this house. Husband to our three small children. We are paying thousands of dollars for our right to go on vacation just like you. So he should have every right to go into our balcony that we are paying a premium for. Outside in the air and smoke and enjoy the scenery. There should be smoking and non smoking cabins just like there are in hotels!



Honestly, I can't believe I'm seeing this. A mother to 3 small children is DEFENDING a father that is basically killing himself one cigarette at a time? And, ruining the lungs of poor defenseless children if he smokes around them? Wow.....I mean, that goes beyond the smoking debate onboard a cruise ship.


As far as I'm concerned, they should ban smoking on ships altogether, but we all know that the Paradise was originally a non-smoking ship and that didn't last, so there is something to the business side that has made that not work out.

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Honestly, I can't believe I'm seeing this. A mother to 3 small children is DEFENDING a father that is basically killing himself one cigarette at a time? And, ruining the lungs of poor defenseless children if he smokes around them? Wow.....I mean, that goes beyond the smoking debate onboard a cruise ship.


As far as I'm concerned, they should ban smoking on ships altogether, but we all know that the Paradise was originally a non-smoking ship and that didn't last, so there is something to the business side that has made that not work out.

You totally expressed me views exactly, as I’ve previously mentioned. How can a mother justify exposing her family to smoke—especially now days with all the knowledge we have of its dangers? And trying to justify breaking the rules because her hubby is such a hard worker—-like none of us were hard workers? And doesn’t she realize she is just enabling her hubby to kill himself? As I previously mentioned, I’m a retired RN, and have seen the devastation caused by smoking so I’m a big proponent of smoke free cruise ships. I know the Paradise failed at going smoke free, but times have changed since then. People are far more educated, and prefer a smoke free environment. I also know that cruise lines think that smokers gamble more. Well, probably because we all can’t stand to go into a casino full of smoke! Take it away, and we will gamble.

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Let me re-phrase with your own words:

This is 2018 and people still smoke?? If cigarette smoking is what you can’t do without, and you know how much it bothers others, maybe you should stay home in your little bubble.




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Have you ordered your oxygen tank yet? Have you ever known anyone dying of emphazema, it's no laughing matter.

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My husband is not the only one out of 3000+ cruisers. I’m saying we have spent thousands and it’s taken us two years to pay this cruise off and it’s the one and only one I’m sure we will ever be able to take and if he needs to go outside before he comes to bed and smoke one then by god he will. And if security comes knocking at the door I’ll pay he 250. I’m sorry every non smoker in the world has issues with smokers. I have issues with drinkers. But you don’t hear me going and crying to anyone over them. I’m done with this thread. Have a good vacation to all!



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I hope that along with saving “thousands” for your vacation, you’ve bought yourselves a good health insurance policy. With your logic of allowing your hubby to smoke, and exposing yourself and your children to smoke, you certainly are going to need it. But if we want to stay on what the original question was, about where it is allowed, there are designated areas for your hubby to smoke, and A BALCONY IS NOT ONE OF THEM. You see, most people value their health, and that of their family. If your hubby is so addicted that he can’t abide by the rules set forth by the cruise line, perhaps you should have thought of a different type of vacation——before saving and spending “thousands of dollars”. Remember, we ALL spent those thousands of dollars to cruise. Time to respect the health of others, even if you don’t care about your own.

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My husband is not the only one out of 3000+ cruisers. I’m saying we have spent thousands and it’s taken us two years to pay this cruise off and it’s the one and only one I’m sure we will ever be able to take and if he needs to go outside before he comes to bed and smoke one then by god he will. And if security comes knocking at the door I’ll pay he 250. I’m sorry every non smoker in the world has issues with smokers. I have issues with drinkers. But you don’t hear me going and crying to anyone over them. I’m done with this thread. Have a good vacation to all!



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Makes me wonder how many of these people crying "smoking kills you one cigarette at a time" use the same logic when drinking? I will assume the RNs that cry about lung damage and all have also heard of cirrhosis of the liver (caused by drinking) and yet most make sure they take full advantage of the Cheers package (I paid for my 15 drinks so I'm going to get my 15 drinks). Smoking is one of many, many things that kill people each day but I don't hear an outcry for getting rid of cars due to the risks (37,461 dead in 2016 or 102.63 people per day), or for banning alcohol (88,000 deaths in 2010 or 241.09 people per day). If people want to smoke, they can. It's legal. If a smoker wanted your opinion on smoking they would ask. If this lady is okay with her husband smoking then all is good in their world (which BTW, does not include you or me). You all scream "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS" when it comes to what people wear in the MDR (usually in violation of the rules but you're probably keeping silent because that was you) but then jump all over someone who is doing something YOU disagree with. Bunch of hypocrites here, IMO.

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Makes me wonder how many of these people crying "smoking kills you one cigarette at a time" use the same logic when drinking? I will assume the RNs that cry about lung damage and all have also heard of cirrhosis of the liver (caused by drinking) and yet most make sure they take full advantage of the Cheers package (I paid for my 15 drinks so I'm going to get my 15 drinks). Smoking is one of many, many things that kill people each day but I don't hear an outcry for getting rid of cars due to the risks (37,461 dead in 2016 or 102.63 people per day), or for banning alcohol (88,000 deaths in 2010 or 241.09 people per day). If people want to smoke, they can. It's legal. If a smoker wanted your opinion on smoking they would ask. If this lady is okay with her husband smoking then all is good in their world (which BTW, does not include you or me). You all scream "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS" when it comes to what people wear in the MDR (usually in violation of the rules but you're probably keeping silent because that was you) but then jump all over someone who is doing something YOU disagree with. Bunch of hypocrites here, IMO.

I think what most are disagreeing with and I include myself is that if he wants to smoke that's fine, do it in the designated areas. Just because they save, he works hard, etc doesn't give him any more right than any other smoker to smoke in his cabin or balcony.

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Self entitlement to non smokers on this thread. How dare smokers smoke in this free America we live in! And how dare anyone disrespect him because he smokes or I for being around him and his kids that adore him! And oh btw last I checked hotel balconies were exactly like cruise cabins right next to each other hotel on the seas???? Sheesh!!!! Btw we don’t plan on spending all damn day on the balcony. But he should be allowed his evening smoke without having to tiptoe around pansies! Smh!



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So let me get this straight, your husband has the right to break the rules and subject all us judgy non smokers to it bc you paid just like all of us. But we don't have the right to expect the non smoking balcony we all paid for. And we are the bullies for calling you out and letting you know your husband isn't special and has rules like the rest of us. Oh and even better you resort to calling a bunch of strangers pansies behind the comfort of your screen. Seems to me like maybe the real bullies are the people name calling and disturbing the vacations of others.


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I think what most are disagreeing with and I include myself is that if he wants to smoke that's fine, do it in the designated areas. Just because they save, he works hard, etc doesn't give him any more right than any other smoker to smoke in his cabin or balcony.


I don't disagree that smoking should be done in designated areas (thought that didn't keep non-smokers from bitching till the cows came home when a balcony WAS a designated area). But many here have gone waaaaayyyyy past talking about smoking in designated areas and in effect, are calling her a bad mother because she allows him to smoke around the kids and such.

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I don't disagree that smoking should be done in designated areas (thought that didn't keep non-smokers from bitching till the cows came home when a balcony WAS a designated area). But many here have gone waaaaayyyyy past talking about smoking in designated areas and in effect, are calling her a bad mother because she allows him to smoke around the kids and such.

This is not 1960, when smoking ads were prevalent, and smoking was encouraged. It is 2018, where the dangers of second hand smoke are well known. In some states, child protection services can be notified if you know someone is intentionally exposing their children to the dangers of second hand smoke. It’s also against the law to smoke in an enclosed car when children are in the car. So, for any mother to intentionally expose her children to smoke, isn’t playing with a full deck. It’s paramount to child abuse. Sorry you don’t feel the same.

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But let me add to the above statement. This whole thread was about finding places for a smoker to smoke, and it got way off tract, when someone tried to justify exposing other passengers and the poster’s children to second hand smoke. Yes, people are going to get upset when they see a “wrong” and someone who will “break the rules”, but they get doubly upset when that wrong may harm other people, especially children and passengers with chronic health conditions. I think we should end this whole thread now, as we have all said our peace from both sides, and the OP has been duly warned that smoking on balconies is not allowed or tolerated, and the smoker should adhere to only the designated smoking areas.



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Just wanted to give another perspective. My brother-in-law and his wife sailed a little over a year ago out of Tampa (sorry don't remember the ship, just got the story second-hand). She's a heavy smoker and smoked on their balcony. Apparently, she received a few complaints and security came to their room on two separate occasions. They told her on the second visit that it would be "best not to have to come back a third time." In a nutshell, they were threatening to remove her from the ship. Now...knowing this woman, she was probably causing trouble with passengers in the balconies around her if they complained or said anything to her directly. However, I'm only speculating about that.


Of course, they swear they'll never cruise again. And it was the worst vacation they've ever had.

Below I've included the excerpt from the cruise contract detailing Carnival's right to do exactly what those security guards said they were going to do. Of course, I'm sure it varies from ship to ship and situation to situation how they handle it.


::Highlighting is mine::

© Any and all forms of smoking, including but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarettes, and personal vaporizers, are strictly prohibited onboard except in designated exterior open deck areas, certain night clubs, and designated areas in the casino. All staterooms and suite accommodations are entirely smoke free, including the outside balcony (Effective October 9, 2014). Guest agrees to strictly comply with Carnival’s non-smoking policy. Guest further acknowledges and agrees that any violation of this policy shall, in the sole discretion of Carnival, constitute a material breach of this cruise contract. In the event of such breach, Guest forfeits all rights hereunder, including the right to remain on board. Carnival reserves the right to disembark the Guest(s), at any port, as determined by Carnival. Carnival shall not be liable for any refund or other compensation or damages whatsoever to any Guest disembarked pursuant to this provision, or who disembarks because another Guest is so disembarked, and all such Guests forfeit all rights under Carnival’s “Vacation Guarantee.” Guest and Carnival further agree that any violation of the non-smoking policy would also cause Carnival to incur damages, including but not limited to, loss of Guest goodwill, revenue, cleaning, maintenance and/or other costs. Guest and Carnival expressly acknowledge the difficulty of ascertaining the amount of such damages, and therefore agree that a reasonable estimate of the damages for any violation of the non-smoking policy is $250 USD. Guest authorizes a charge in this amount as liquidated damages, as well as repatriation expenses (including airfare) against Guest’s on board charge account, without further notice, for any violation of the non-smoking policy.

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Just wanted to give another perspective. My brother-in-law and his wife sailed a little over a year ago out of Tampa (sorry don't remember the ship, just got the story second-hand). She's a heavy smoker and smoked on their balcony. Apparently, she received a few complaints and security came to their room on two separate occasions. They told her on the second visit that it would be "best not to have to come back a third time." In a nutshell, they were threatening to remove her from the ship. Now...knowing this woman, she was probably causing trouble with passengers in the balconies around her if they complained or said anything to her directly. However, I'm only speculating about that.


Of course, they swear they'll never cruise again. And it was the worst vacation they've ever had.

Below I've included the excerpt from the cruise contract detailing Carnival's right to do exactly what those security guards said they were going to do. Of course, I'm sure it varies from ship to ship and situation to situation how they handle it.


::Highlighting is mine::

© Any and all forms of smoking, including but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarettes, and personal vaporizers, are strictly prohibited onboard except in designated exterior open deck areas, certain night clubs, and designated areas in the casino. All staterooms and suite accommodations are entirely smoke free, including the outside balcony (Effective October 9, 2014). Guest agrees to strictly comply with Carnival’s non-smoking policy. Guest further acknowledges and agrees that any violation of this policy shall, in the sole discretion of Carnival, constitute a material breach of this cruise contract. In the event of such breach, Guest forfeits all rights hereunder, including the right to remain on board. Carnival reserves the right to disembark the Guest(s), at any port, as determined by Carnival. Carnival shall not be liable for any refund or other compensation or damages whatsoever to any Guest disembarked pursuant to this provision, or who disembarks because another Guest is so disembarked, and all such Guests forfeit all rights under Carnival’s “Vacation Guarantee.” Guest and Carnival further agree that any violation of the non-smoking policy would also cause Carnival to incur damages, including but not limited to, loss of Guest goodwill, revenue, cleaning, maintenance and/or other costs. Guest and Carnival expressly acknowledge the difficulty of ascertaining the amount of such damages, and therefore agree that a reasonable estimate of the damages for any violation of the non-smoking policy is $250 USD. Guest authorizes a charge in this amount as liquidated damages, as well as repatriation expenses (including airfare) against Guest’s on board charge account, without further notice, for any violation of the non-smoking policy.

Thank you for posting that. Hopefully the OP, or any other violator, will follow the rules.

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Makes me wonder how many of these people crying "smoking kills you one cigarette at a time" use the same logic when drinking? I will assume the RNs that cry about lung damage and all have also heard of cirrhosis of the liver (caused by drinking) and yet most make sure they take full advantage of the Cheers package (I paid for my 15 drinks so I'm going to get my 15 drinks). Smoking is one of many, many things that kill people each day but I don't hear an outcry for getting rid of cars due to the risks (37,461 dead in 2016 or 102.63 people per day), or for banning alcohol (88,000 deaths in 2010 or 241.09 people per day). If people want to smoke, they can. It's legal. If a smoker wanted your opinion on smoking they would ask. If this lady is okay with her husband smoking then all is good in their world (which BTW, does not include you or me). You all scream "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS" when it comes to what people wear in the MDR (usually in violation of the rules but you're probably keeping silent because that was you) but then jump all over someone who is doing something YOU disagree with. Bunch of hypocrites here, IMO.

Are you aware that there are laws against driving while under the influence of alcohol? There are also prohibitions against public drunkenness (although not often enforced). It is the same logic when the use directly affects others.

Smoking, vehicles, and alcohol can all kill - and they all have restrictions on use. People are not allowed to drive recklessly when it puts others at risk. Drinking is allowed, but service can be refused to those who appear intoxicated. Smoking is allowed by the cruise lines in certain areas, but not all. I don't object to passengers smoking in smoking areas that I can choose to avoid, but I do object to the use of my balcony being restricted because a smoker violates the rules and is smoking at the same time I want to use my balcony.

This thread isn't about dress code (or drinking) so I really don't see the need to address it (or tipping, or chair hogging).

Thank you for posting that. Hopefully the OP, or any other violator, will follow the rules.

In OP defense: they were looking for where to book a cabin near an allowed smoking area, not to be a violator. If the cruise line allows smoking areas I have no issues with passengers using them. If I don't want to be around the smoke, there are usually ways to avoid walking through it - although I may have to go a deck out of my way to avoid the Casino.

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Are you aware that there are laws against driving while under the influence of alcohol? There are also prohibitions against public drunkenness (although not often enforced). It is the same logic when the use directly affects others.

Smoking, vehicles, and alcohol can all kill - and they all have restrictions on use. People are not allowed to drive recklessly when it puts others at risk. Drinking is allowed, but service can be refused to those who appear intoxicated. Smoking is allowed by the cruise lines in certain areas, but not all. I don't object to passengers smoking in smoking areas that I can choose to avoid, but I do object to the use of my balcony being restricted because a smoker violates the rules and is smoking at the same time I want to use my balcony.

This thread isn't about dress code (or drinking) so I really don't see the need to address it (or tipping, or chair hogging).


Being a 56 year old American I am obviously aware that it is illegal to drive drunk. But cirrhosis of the liver or alcohol poisoning has nothing to do with driving (and there is enough smuggling going on that it wouldn't matter if the bartender would refuse service for intoxication.....they brought enough on their own). My point is several people here scream about the health risk to the individual when it comes to smoking and yet are most likely the first people to belly up to the bar at 9am when they open. As I said, it's all very hypocritical.


I fully expect all people to obey ALL rules, smokers included. I'm just tired of the hypocrisy that abounds, especially around here.

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My point is several people here scream about the health risk to the individual when it comes to smoking and yet are most likely the first people to belly up to the bar at 9am when they open. As I said, it's all very hypocritical.


I fully expect all people to obey ALL rules, smokers included. I'm just tired of the hypocrisy that abounds, especially around here.


I'm one of the people who posted on this thread objecting to people smoking on balconies because the smoke causes me to get bronchitis and sinus infections, but for each of our last 3 cruises (total of 19 days) I could count the number of alcoholic drinks I had on one hand. The only bar I'm going to "belly up" to at 9am is the coffee bar. :hot-beverage::D

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Hi. we are planing a group cruise on the Sunshine for Nov 2019 but we have a smoker in the group & he needs help picking a cabin.

I told him you can no longer smoke on the balcony anymore so what is the best cabin where he can run out & grab a quick smoke

If you get an ocean view cabin on deck 3 ( lobby) can you run out side & smoke? Where do you go???

Cabin will not matter.

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Self entitlement to non smokers on this thread. How dare smokers smoke in this free America we live in! And how dare anyone disrespect him because he smokes or I for being around him and his kids that adore him! And oh btw last I checked hotel balconies were exactly like cruise cabins right next to each other hotel on the seas???? Sheesh!!!! Btw we don’t plan on spending all damn day on the balcony. But he should be allowed his evening smoke without having to tiptoe around pansies! Smh!



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My husband is one who cannot be around smoke (of any kind) and is far from a pansy. He suffers from COPD which was a direct result of his time as a navy corpsman in the gulf war. You know, the people that fight for your freedom to complain when others challenge your beliefs ...

When we book a vacation, we avoid smoke when choosing our cabin and planning everything from each activity and even how we get there. We don't complain about designated smoking areas, but we will complain about smoke in a non smoking area (such as our balcony).

People count on other people following rules. Asking you to do so isn't bullying or even inconsiderate. Insulting others who disagree with you is childish and doesnt help your arguement.


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