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Florence/Lucca Shore Excursion Questions

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Although I have reading these boards for years, I have never posted because I can usually find an answer!!  We will be on the Explorer on the Monday following Easter for a stop in Livorno.  Will it be the worth the day to go to Florence (Highlights of Florence 8:30am-6:30pm) even though all I have read about is how so many things are closed on Mondays? With this being the day after Easter I wondered if it might be even more so. I have however, read many wonderful things about Lucca and it sounds like a fascinating stop. A few things you should know.... #1 we've never been to Florence. #2 we've done the Pisa stop before years ago. #3 we have a 10 hour day in Rome the next day. #4 Cinque Terre is also an option for an excursion.


--Also has anyone just taken a cab to the beaches in Kotor, Montenegro? We just want to do a day trip on our own to relax. Maybe the destination desk could help us once onboard???


Any input is greatly appreciated.



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Hard to provide a good answer for this - we've been caught up in the Easter Monday doldrums a few times over the years, and yes, most everything is closed.  Pros - fewer people.  Cons - everything is closed.


I still think Florence is a beautiful city and well worth seeing, but I've heard good things about Lucca as well although we've never been.  IMO, Pisa is a 'pass' for us - we did a quick run-through a few years ago and that was enough for us.  There are many options to look at, both Regent-provided and private.  If you're thinking about doing something on your own, you might want to check with your TA to see if they can recommend something that fits your wants and needs.


I guess it all boils down to what you want out of the excursion - if you're looking for shopping and things like that, Easter Monday is a bad call.  If you just want to see the sights and snap pictures, you might be good.


As to Kotor, I've never hit the beaches there but I've done a boat tour and a few times just walking around downtown for a great lunch and a beer or two.  I'm not sure how nice the beaches are in the bay; you might be in for a bit of a drive to find a good one, I don't know.  Maybe some beach folks here can chime in?

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Florence is beautiful. You don’t need to visit a museum to enjoy the beauty of Florence. Just to walk around to enjoy the atmosphere and architecture it would be worth a visit. Sit in a cafe and do some shopping. Lucca is lovely but can’t compare to Florence if you have never visited Florence. 

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 Although you’ll get great responses here, have you tried the ports of call section of CC where you can find port specific info?  Here’s the link to the Italy ports section:


We have been to both towns and have to say that you must see Florence before seeing Lucca. If you are a carnivore like me, have a long lunch in a great restaurant and try the bistecca a la fiorentina with a nice Chianti Classico.  We like the Trattoria Antico Fattore near Ponte Vecchio, tucked in a side street leading west from the Uffizi Gallery.

As far as having a long day in Rome, suck it up, you’re in Italy. A couple of espressos will get you through the day. Regardless of your decision, we wish you a wonderful time at either location and hope you enjoy Italy as much as we love it. 

Z and TB

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A lot of places will be closed on Easter Monday.  It is a public holiday.  But that said - there are museums etc that will be open.  See this for Florence:




Personally I love Lucca.  I have been there countless times.  We have rented houses in the area, have friends who own a house nearby (and who have invited us to stay frequently) and it is only about a 5 hour drive from where we live!.   It is a unique place.  Small, all pedestrian.  Completely walled with medieval brick walls which, since Lucca was never attacked, are intact today.  When I was young we were allowed to drive our car on top of the walls.  Now we can't do that but you can (and should!) rent a bike or walk around the town on top of the walls.  It is a wonderful experience - looking down into a medieval town.   


Florence is lovely but jammed with tourists (and you, coming from a ship are one too!)  Lucca is far less well known and really really worth a visit. You won't find the museums and restaurants like you have in Florence because it is small.  But you will be in a beautiful town known mostly to Italians...  Go!

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We love Lucca.  The bike ship excursion there is great--so good that we have done it twice and I would do again.  For me, Pisa was one and done. Florence is great, but it is a long bus ride and a long day.  We visited on a multi-day land trip which is much better.  But if you don't think you will ever be able to do that, a ship excursion is better than not going.


In Montenegro, it is really easy to get around on your own.  We did a morning ship tour then went hiking on our own in the afternoon.  Taxis are easy to find.

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We were on the Explorer cruise last October which called at Livorno and having already visited Florence (including on an earlier Regent cruise) we opted for the afternoon walking trip in Lucca. It was one of the best excursions we have been on (and we have been on lots!). Livorno itself is worth a look although I do not know if the market, one of the main attractions, will be open that day. We took the first shuttle bus into town, walked back late morning and then joined the Lucca excursion after lunch. From memory it was about a 4 hour tour in total and as others have observed a unique and fascinating visit. Florence can be great as well, but you will not be on your own and I did not envy those returning from the Florence excursions after a very long day with 4 hours on the coach!

For Kotor, a local tourist representative will probably board as soon as you dock and should have local maps and give advice and probably be a better bet than Destination Services. Hope you have a great trip. I am sure you will.

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I have been to Kotor twice.  I never saw any beaches and I suppose if there are any they will be pebbles and rocks.  Kotor itself is really lovely.  You can hike up beside the old walls to a small chapel way up on the hill.  Lots to see in the town itself - and we had an excellent cappucino there.  (They use Euros there BTW).


Do NOT miss the sail in to the fjord of Kotor.   It is the southernmost fjord in Europe and sailing in early in the morning with the mists on the water is beautiful.  You pass little islands (you can visit those on a tour if you like, we did) and they seem to float in space.   Last time we had a "Vista" suite on Riviera and so were out on our balcony watching it all from the front of the ship.  It is a gorgeous place.

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Kotor Bay is certainly one of my favourite places on earth - outside of Kotor itself though !


We were there (not on a cruise ship) for a few days a couple of years back and love it. (No beaches !)


Fine - spend an hour in the old town then get out ! 


- a trip by taxi or tour to Perast - 25 minutes round the bay by car then a small boat out to the island with 'Our L:ady of the Rocks' church on - very idyllic if you do it in the morning. 


- then get a taxi back towards Kotor but get dropped off at Dobrota village. A nice waterside hotel for lunch ( Hotel Forza Mare is a great spot) then stroll along the lakeside back to Kotor (approximately 30 mins) - absolutely beautiful.


- if time permits get a taxi up to one of the viewpoints at the head of the valley - views are superb (see below).


Regarding Lucca v Florence - for a port stop its Lucca every time - a real Tuscan town - great to just walk/ride around. Florence on a shore excursion is hard work and just barely scratching the surface. Of course it's easy for us to visit again but a lot further from NC






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I'd take Lucca over Florence every time, easy to get around & plenty of interesting things to see.  There is also a good Tuscan vineyard and wine tasting visit with lunch included in the tour - terrific day out.

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Hi twinmom, thanks for asking this question! I will be visiting this port the week after you 😊

Hubby is a doing a cooking class and I am currently booked in to the Cinque Terre on your own..... one of the reasons we chose this itinerary is because I really wanted to see Cinque Terre but now I’m having second thoughts about long hours in the bus and crowds and wondering if I should abandon that idea?

Lucca receives many positive recommendations on this board and others ( we will have been in Tuscany and Florence the week prior) so leaning that way.

Neither tour for Lucca offers a lot of free time, can you leave tour and get a taxi back if required or can anyone convince me to stay with Cinque Terre? 😉

(First time cruisers😊)

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Lucca is a lesser known attraction, not crammed with tourists and a good ships excursion. Florence although beautiful is a good way from Livorno and with the numbers visiting you really do not get the chance to do much and it's a tiring day. Many regretted the trip to Florence on our Regent trip, not getting back till past 7pm and several we spoke to felt wiped out the next day. If possible do Firenze away from a ships day trip we feel after 3 days there that we have only scratched the surface. Stay in tuscany and also take in Sienna ( our favourite ). Especially careful if your cruise is Rome- livorno on successive days as visits into Rome-Florence on 2 days requires a lot of stamina and careful planning .

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We had a day in Rome (very strenuous) followed by the stop in Livorno. We opted for Lucca and Pisa. Lucca is lovely. Our guide said she lives in Florence but goes shopping in Lucca. I could have spent the entire day there. Pisa's cathedral/tower area is wonderful despite the tourist crowds. I think that Lucca and Pisa are too far inland for a taxi ride back to the port. 


On our next Med cruise, we'll probably go to Florence since we haven't been there yet. In Rome, we would then just go to the Vatican which was at the end of our Wednesday tour when we were tired. Wednesday afternoon is one of the worst times for the Vatican.

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Victoriaw, if your hubby is doing the same cooking class we did he’ll have a blast.  Ours was in a small osteria in Guasticce with Chef Bruno and is still one of our favorite excursions.  Much less travel time, too.


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All:  Following review of this Thread's postings, just a few comments as to a portion of our March-April 2017 Explorer experience which may have application to that same portion of TS's current itinerary. 


Context:  Ours was a BTB Miami, via Barcelona, to Venice "celebration" of Regent's 25th Anniversary aboard its newest ship.  So, there were several add-on experiences which would not apply to the present. 


Basically, Regent coordinated all excursions in a professional manner.  No problems with a driver who did not know the way; or a Guide who lacked basic language skills to communicate with guests.  Also, when appropriate, we were furnished with individual listening devices, enabling listening, and following, the Guide in a crowd. 


Suggestions:  (These are based on previous experiences over the past 15 years at several of these stops.  So, we did not repeat what we had already done either on Regent, or another Line.)


Monte Carlo--Did Scenic French Riviera 3 1/2 hour tour. Recommend.  No extended stops for "shopping". Emphasis was panoramic stops for photos.  Got plenty of those.  And, at that time, the locals back at Monte Carlo were constructing the platform venues for the "Great Race." 


Livorno--Having been to Florence on two prior occasions for extended visitations, we opted for "The Glories of Pisa."  This was one of the highlights of our trip.  No previous experience at that venue; other than seeing it at a distance from busses when on earlier trips.  Very-tightly controlled experience.  Several Explorer Officers, as well as our CD (with his family), accompanied us.  4 1/2 hours. Timing was everything.  Our visit was before the really, really big tourist rush.  Fascinating, and poignant.  Heavy police presence to discourage aggressive vendors and ensure safety of tourists. The cycle of life is portrayed at Pisa.  No--there was no visit inside the Leaning Tower.  But, given the lean-- Still-remember listening, and listening again within The Baptistery to echoes from the voice of the Crier reflected off of perfectly-constructed interior spaces.  Actually, have a recording of that event.  Anyway:  relatively short (45 minute) bus ride back to Explorer. Enuf said. Highly recommend this excursion. 


Civitavecchia--Again, eschewed the day-long trip to Rome based on past extended stays at The Eternal City.  So, opted for "The Colors & Aromas of the Etruscans."  This was THE Highlight (almost) of our trip.  Recommend you take the opportunity to go on this 4 1/2 Tour, if offered.  Actually, it extended to about six hours.  Delightful.  Visited the Etruscan Museum, and walked through (actually down into) several Tomb sites hewn-out of hills overlooking a valley to observe remnants of a culture which pre-dated the Roman domination of the Italian peninsula.  My moniker for this was "Tombs with a View".  The additional bonus was hidden in the "Passages" detail simply stated as:  "Drive to the Farmhouse for Tasting of local products."  What an understatement!  Full, more than, lunch, accompanied by a variety of wines. All produce for that feast was the product of that Farm.  Our happy band had no interest (at least we did not) in attending that afternoon's Tea after return to Explorer.  This particular excursion ("Free" BTW) was the focus of my post-cruise comments to Regent management.  Hope this remains an option. 


Naples--Ancient Pompeii.  While having visited this site twice-before, we did it again.  Because, so-much more had been uncovered.  Again, excellent Guide. 


Kotor, Montenegro.  We were so-fortunate to arrive at Kotor on Easter Sunday.  Early morning.  Bells-tolling as Explorer edged up to the Dock.  Fortunately, no need for Tendering.  Good weather, for a while.  Then, a boat-ride for a "Classical Concert in Prcanj".  This WAS the highlight of our trip.  The concert was at Church of Our Lady's Temple.  A flute quartet ("Quartet Talia")  performed a 45-minute program from classical (Bach); Opera (Mascagni and Bizet); to modern renditions of Sinatra to Abba, to Rota--"The Godfather Theme". What a treat.  BTW: the weather turned really-violent. Thunder and lightening.  The ladies just-kept on.  At one point, midway through "Godfather", the church literally vibrated from a thunder clap.  I am not making this up.  Have all of it on a recording.  If this was not enough, we were then transported to a local restaurant for what "Passages" described as "a Light, seafood lunch."  Again, an understatement.  About six varieties of fish, veggies, salads, and--of course, wines.  A rather rocky boat ride back to the dock.  By this time--downpour, accompanied by more atmospheric displays.  Our dear Guide offered us a walking tour of Kotor.  No thank you.  Please, young lady, keep dry, and safe, and go home.  So did our group, as we walked, or ran back through the puddles, to reboard Explorer.  Again, this was a "Free" excursion. 


There were several more stops, to include Venice.  All excursions at those venues were likewise handled in a professional manner.  Again, we benefitted by time of year.  The really-big crowds were not in evidence.  But, I will stop now.  Hope the above is of some benefit for other CCs contemplating a similar itinerary.   


















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twinmom22197, welcome to the wonderful world of Cruise Critic posting!

As you can see, there is not a "right or wrong" answer to your question, IMHO you cannot go wrong with any of your choices.  My 2 cents-  I would not be bothered about things not being open in Florence that day, the best thing about being in Florence is being in Florence.  If you go just to soak up the atmosphere it will whet your appetite to return for a more extended time in which you can see what Florence has to offer, it is worthwhile.

Cinque Terre is wonderful, but this is also a long ride.  

If you think that given your port intensive itinerary a shorter day would make sense for you, Lucca is a great choice, you will not be disappointed.


In Kotor, we did the "Highlights of Montenegro" excursion, which we enjoyed very much, we have a picture from that trip that is virtually identical to the one that machotspur posted above!  Plus we visited a number of other lovely sites, and still had time for walking around Kotor when we returned.


You have a great itinerary on a fabulous ship, have a great time!



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