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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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Morning all!


For the test: will the cruise line accept the results from a DIY test?  You can get them through CVS/Walgreens/etc online.  Just a thought.


Smoke is still here and just as nasty.  Yesterday, Salt Lake City had the worst air quality in the world, today it's #3.  Denver is #43.   Everyone has been told to just stay indoors and don't do any outside activity.  This weekend is our annual Arts Festival, where thousands show up.  As much as I want to go and peruse the offerings and maybe find a wedding gift for my grand niece, I'm not going.  First, it's always horrendously crowded, literally shoulder-to-shoulder the entire length of Main St.  And it's hot and all those people on Main Street with our little buildings generate a really hot atmosphere.  And Utah folk are not into vaccinations.  And, it's hard to breathe with all this smoke in the air.   I'm masking if I go anywhere, for both COVID and the smoke.  


Lois - have you seen any video from the wildfires going on around Athens?  It's very bad.  It's just so sad that so much devastation is happening around the world.  


I got to my stylist late yesterday afternoon.  She usually doesn't work on Fridays, but she did so all of us with Thursday appts that she cancelled were taken care of.  We talked about camping - she's a camping nut, too.  And, we changed my color a tad, going a little darker brown and adding more mellow Merlot highlights.  Just to be different.  


Stay safe!



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2 hours ago, sjb317 said:

Our cruise is coming up the end of August and I worry about the same thing, plus, here in FL, cases have gone through the roof so it has become a little more challenging to get a test.   All of the CVS and Walgreens in our area are out of the rapid antigen test and say they cannot guarantee a 48 hour turn around on the PCR test.  I did find one CVS in Orlando that had the rapid test in stock but who knows if they will have them when the time comes.  I am hoping that gets better.


I made appointments for us to get our rapid antigen tests from CVS two days ago when the window opened. I am also a bit worried about them running out of kits with the uptick in cases, but as of now I think Florida is much worse than where I am.  Wishing you good luck!!!



31 minutes ago, slidergirl said:


For the test: will the cruise line accept the results from a DIY test?  You can get them through CVS/Walgreens/etc online.  Just a thought.



The two lines that I have checked both specify that a DIY test can only be used if "medically supervised" and it turns out, after further clarification, that this means you can have a teledoc watch you do the swab and certify it. Seems like quite a hassle but for some it may be an alternative...

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Hi girls🙂, hope everyone who needs a test is able to get one without any issues.


I decided to get TSA Pre-Check done. Not sure why I never got it earlier.  The local office is not even 10 minutes from where I live!  I drove up without an appt this morning and it was easy peasy. I guess I got lucky because there were only 2 people waiting. Now that I am cruising again I figured it would be good to have and it is 85.00 and it is good for 5 years.

I opened my wallet to pay and the VISA I normally use was not there☹️....I had another one so was able to pay but got very concerned about my "normal one".......came right back home and cannot find it. I tried to think back on what I have done the past few days BUT I didn't go anywhere.  So I must have lost the card. I called the CC company right away and they cancelled it and are sending me a new one. I decided to pay 35.00 and have it sent overnight. I didn't want to take a chance of it getting here while I was away. (I leave on the 18th) and you never know how long they can take. You can pay to have it expedited quick.  Now watch, I will find the other card later today or something LOL........

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On 8/6/2021 at 1:14 PM, slidergirl said:

 NOTE:  if you like potato chips, their Carolina Gold BBQ ones are really tasty with that spicy bite that Carolina sauce has.  That was my one "bad girl" buy.  

I've lived in NC for 33+ years and can't stand NC vinegar-based sauce. It's pretty gross in my opinion.🤢


4 hours ago, Lois R said:

Now watch, I will find the other card later today or something LOL........

That's what usually happens, isn't it?🙄

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7 hours ago, slidergirl said:

Morning all!


For the test: will the cruise line accept the results from a DIY test?  You can get them through CVS/Walgreens/etc online.  Just a thought.


Smoke is still here and just as nasty.  Yesterday, Salt Lake City had the worst air quality in the world, today it's #3.  Denver is #43.   Everyone has been told to just stay indoors and don't do any outside activity.  This weekend is our annual Arts Festival, where thousands show up.  As much as I want to go and peruse the offerings and maybe find a wedding gift for my grand niece, I'm not going.  First, it's always horrendously crowded, literally shoulder-to-shoulder the entire length of Main St.  And it's hot and all those people on Main Street with our little buildings generate a really hot atmosphere.  And Utah folk are not into vaccinations.  And, it's hard to breathe with all this smoke in the air.   I'm masking if I go anywhere, for both COVID and the smoke.  


Lois - have you seen any video from the wildfires going on around Athens?  It's very bad.  It's just so sad that so much devastation is happening around the world.  


I got to my stylist late yesterday afternoon.  She usually doesn't work on Fridays, but she did so all of us with Thursday appts that she cancelled were taken care of.  We talked about camping - she's a camping nut, too.  And, we changed my color a tad, going a little darker brown and adding more mellow Merlot highlights.  Just to be different.  


Stay safe!



Hi Kat, yes, I have seen the fires on the news☹️

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We’re hiding inside with the smoke in the air. I went out to water the garden first thing this morning, but that’s going to be it for the day. Guess I’ll make a chicken cacciatore in my crockpot instead of the bbq chicken I was planning on. Les is happy, pasta in his future. Melody

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Lois - going to use my VISA card and not finding it was how I discovered someone broke into our apartment years and years ago!  Upset that I probably lost my card, I went to my fridge to grab a beer when I got home - the beer was gone.  I was the only one who drank beer.  Thought a little weird, but...  A few weeks later, went to pack for a ski trip - all but 1 of my ski sweaters were missing!!  Turns out there were some people who figured out to selectively rob places to where you didn't realize you were robbed.  The Sheriff actually found my stuff!!!!  And I was able to say I had about $50CDN that was missing that sealed it.  So weird...  


The smoke is letting up a little bit.  I can at least see the vague outline of the hills 2 miles away.   I'm still staying inside today.  

I'm firming up my trip to the middle of Utah!  I finalliy found some nights at the Lodge available for the queen room (the cheapest).  So, I'll spend some exploring Grand Staircase Escalante National Monumentand surroundings.  I got a bonus by finding one available night for one campsite at Capitol 
Dome National Park - I couldn't pass it up.  I'm going to do some time driving Scenic Highway 12 - designated one of the best drives in the US.  There are campgrounds along the way in there that I can stop at.  It's not a cruise or a trip to Iceland, but it is a trip that I've always wanted to do.  I leave Aug 17, so I have time to look at my maps and such.  

Purple:  I got turned on to Carolina style at a rib place here in Salt Lake City.  I liked it so much more than any red sauce.  It's really rare to find it, so the chips were a welcome taste. 

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Kay, we’ve done that drive on 12 a couple of times, always a favorite. 


Im enjoying a nice glass of Juan Gill (a Spanish red blend) while waiting for dinner to finish. If you want a really nice smooth red blend that's about $15 I can highly recommend this one. Melody

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5 minutes ago, awhfy said:

Kay, we’ve done that drive on 12 a couple of times, always a favorite. 


Im enjoying a nice glass of Juan Gill (a Spanish red blend) while waiting for dinner to finish. If you want a really nice smooth red blend that's about $15 I can highly recommend this one. Melody


I meant Capitol Reef, not Capitol Dome.   I've done parts in conjunction with hwy 89 going home from Zion, but not done all of it.  I'm trying to decide to chance getting a first come campsite in Bryce Canyon (the reservations are all gone).  When I was there 2 years ago, I just did a quick stop on my way back home.  It's a possibility.  There are other spots around too.  Just starting to see what I can add if I want.  That's the nice thing about camping - I can go as long or as short as I want.  


Ummm, a nice red.  sounds good.  I'm on a low-carb beer kick right now with the hot weather.  But, I'll switch soon.


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Bryce Canyon, one of my favorite parks, especially in an unexpected 12” snow storm, what a great day!!!  I had a brand new Jeep with a granny gear, the park ranger told me to have fun, we were the only ones in the park, what fabulous pictures Les got. I drive, he takes pictures

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3 hours ago, awhfy said:

Bryce Canyon, one of my favorite parks, especially in an unexpected 12” snow storm, what a great day!!!  I had a brand new Jeep with a granny gear, the park ranger told me to have fun, we were the only ones in the park, what fabulous pictures Les got. I drive, he takes pictures

Been caught in a few of those unexpected snow storms up here!  Sometimes I miss my red Wrangler.  But, now I just cruise in my Sportage.  Some dirt roads OK but nothing crazy.  


The smoke is back today - can't see my hills again.  Ugh.  This is getting annoying to my eyes and throat.  But, at least I only have the smoke - I'm not in the middle of the fires, losing my house.  I can't believe these fires are still uncontrolled after a month.


Saw this morning that NCL got a positive judgement in FL to require proof of vaccination for cruises leaving Florida ports.  It'll probably get appealed again.  Sigh. 


Made a dinner that I forget to make - broccoli and tomatoes with balsamic drizzle.  Steam the broccoli to get warm but still firm. Cut up a tomato (this time brown Kumatos fromTJs), put it together in a bowl, drizzle it.  Stupid simple but so good!!  

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Hi Ladies,


Kat, your road trip sounds fun!  It's funny, we live in a beautiful country, but I honestly haven't seen much of it.. hopefully if we retire someday... if we went now, DH would mange to turn it into a "working" trip lol, 😉 which I prefer to avoid..


& Melody, my heart goes out to you & everyone else experiencing fires/bad smoke..  it's awful, & scary...  Do you have indoor air filters?   I have my car cover ready for when it's our turn.   We are also considering buying a couple of heap filters for our bedrooms, no matter how good our house is sealed up & AC running, it's still bad.   


back to work, lol 

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Hi girls,  Kat, yes, your trip does sound fun🙂


Debbie, I saw your post over on the West Coast board......hope you are able to find a testing facility.


My flight next week stops in Denver......Hopefully they will be able to land.  Sending all my best wishes to those affected by the fires☹️

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3 hours ago, Lois R said:

Hi girls,  Kat, yes, your trip does sound fun🙂


Debbie, I saw your post over on the West Coast board......hope you are able to find a testing facility.


My flight next week stops in Denver......Hopefully they will be able to land.  Sending all my best wishes to those affected by the fires☹️

Hi Lois, luckily I've found one close to us for the Wednesday before our flight, but I'd like a back up in case our results don't come in time...  they supposedly process onsite, & send you results in less than 30 minutes...   I am really, really desperately looking forward to the cruise 🙂


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14 hours ago, cruise kitty said:

Hi Ladies,


Kat, your road trip sounds fun!  It's funny, we live in a beautiful country, but I honestly haven't seen much of it.. hopefully if we retire someday... if we went now, DH would mange to turn it into a "working" trip lol, 😉 which I prefer to avoid..


& Melody, my heart goes out to you & everyone else experiencing fires/bad smoke..  it's awful, & scary...  Do you have indoor air filters?   I have my car cover ready for when it's our turn.   We are also considering buying a couple of heap filters for our bedrooms, no matter how good our house is sealed up & AC running, it's still bad.   


back to work, lol 

We do have indoor air filters & hepa filters. Les has mild COPD so this is really tough on him 

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3 hours ago, awhfy said:

We do have indoor air filters & hepa filters. Les has mild COPD so this is really tough on him 

Do you have intakes in your HVAC where you can put filters at the intake and not just on the furnace/AC?   I never saw before, but my little house has a big square intake in the living room.  It has a ledge to put in a filter.  I guess these intakes are usually in the ceiling - I remember them at work.  I didn't know a filter could go in there for years.


The smoke is back dense again, but it doesn't smell (or I can't smell it).   Lois - at least here at SLC, flights aren't being disrupted.  I would assume DEN is the same.  


I stopped by the liquor store yesterday after picking up my prescription - the stores are in the same strip.  I looked for that Juan Gill but none was found.  I walked out empty-handed.

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21 hours ago, slidergirl said:

Do you have intakes in your HVAC where you can put filters at the intake and not just on the furnace/AC?   I never saw before, but my little house has a big square intake in the living room.  It has a ledge to put in a filter.  I guess these intakes are usually in the ceiling - I remember them at work.  I didn't know a filter could go in there for years.


The smoke is back dense again, but it doesn't smell (or I can't smell it).   Lois - at least here at SLC, flights aren't being disrupted.  I would assume DEN is the same.  


I stopped by the liquor store yesterday after picking up my prescription - the stores are in the same strip.  I looked for that Juan Gill but none was found.  I walked out empty-handed.

Bummer,its a nice Spanish red blend & a good price point 


we do have a separate air filter. Had it installed when Les was diagnosed. With the smoke we’re changing the filter every week, it’s usually every two months. 


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On 8/10/2021 at 4:39 AM, awhfy said:

We do have indoor air filters & hepa filters. Les has mild COPD so this is really tough on him 


wow, that must be very rough for him, I hope it clears away soon, as isn't followed by more... I'm going to start checking costco for some room heap filters

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3 hours ago, cruise kitty said:


wow, that must be very rough for him, I hope it clears away soon, as isn't followed by more... I'm going to start checking costco for some room heap filters

That’s where we got ours. Amazing how much ‘junk’ it picks up

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On 8/7/2021 at 10:01 AM, Lois R said:

My sailing is August 19th.  The cruise line is actually doing the test before boarding. (no extra charge).

Nice thing about sailing on a small ship🙂.  They did the same thing before my Greek cruise last month too.


You must be getting excited about the upcoming cruise. I just got notified yesterday that the hotel I selected is not going to be open and can't honor my reservation. They had closed earlier in the summer due to COVID and were expected to reopen soon -- but no. So I had to scramble to find a new hotel.


Which pier/dock does your ship leave from? 

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13 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:


You must be getting excited about the upcoming cruise. I just got notified yesterday that the hotel I selected is not going to be open and can't honor my reservation. They had closed earlier in the summer due to COVID and were expected to reopen soon -- but no. So I had to scramble to find a new hotel.


Which pier/dock does your ship leave from? 

Hi🙂, we sail from Pier 66. Got a new email from SS and they are not testing before embarkation. Just need to bring a copy of my vax card.  What pier do you sail from?

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Hi again, yes, definitely looking forward to sailing again🙂.  Anyone ever shop at "The Loft"? I have gotten a few things there over the years and found a pair of pants today that will be perfect for the flight😃....they are soooooo soft.  I hate to call them a sweat pant because they are so much nicer but they remind me of something in that category....but a much nicer cut to them.  No bands at the bottom, just a straight leg and when I touched them? OMG.....they really feel like a pricey pant......they were about 40 bucks.   I will definitely get good use out of them and I LOVE the way they fit me.🙂 Got them in black.

I keep looking at the clothing I put out on the bed in the spare room and wondering how much of it I should actually pack LOL..........

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1 hour ago, Lois R said:

Hi🙂, we sail from Pier 66. Got a new email from SS and they are not testing before embarkation. Just need to bring a copy of my vax card.  What pier do you sail from?


Also Pier 66.  The hotel I booked now should have a view of it. if we get there (checking into hotel on the 19th) we will wave at you when you depart!


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22 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:


Also Pier 66.  The hotel I booked now should have a view of it. if we get there (checking into hotel on the 19th) we will wave at you when you depart!


Did you book a room at The Edgewater? That is right at the pier.

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