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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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3 minutes ago, PurpleHays said:

We fly out this evening for our London/TA cruise this evening. It seems like we booked this trip a gazillion years ago, but it was really only June 2020. Originally Alaska 2021 for our 10th anniversary.  I *think* I have everything packed (yes, our passports are right next to me and getting ready to go in the backpack)


I. Can't. Wait.


Hope you have a fantastic time, great weather, and that the luggage gods smile upon you (if checking luggage)!

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3 hours ago, PurpleHays said:

We fly out this evening for our London/TA cruise this evening. It seems like we booked this trip a gazillion years ago, but it was really only June 2020. Originally Alaska 2021 for our 10th anniversary.  I *think* I have everything packed (yes, our passports are right next to me and getting ready to go in the backpack)


I. Can't. Wait.

PH - have a great time!   I can't believe it is TA season already!  

As for packing - my mantra is "outside of my passport, I can get what I forgot when I get there" 😉

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4 hours ago, cruisemom42 said:

Good morning all -- I happened to catch the Anthony Bourdain documentary "Roadrunner" last night.  What a sad loss of talent.  It almost sounded like he had undiagnosed manic-depressive disorder.


Kat, I would kill for a 64-degree morning right about now. Sounds so refreshing!!!

That 64 does feel really good, especially after 6 weeks all  that heat and then the last 2 weeks of having to sleep with windows open and no sheet because my first friend's AC wasn't working and my niece doesn't have AC...

I couldn't bring myself to watch Roadrunner again. It was a really sad documentary.  

oh - if any of you get Discovery+, I saw an ad for Stanley Tucci's series reruns starting on there.  

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Lois, sounds like it’s a good trip so far and I agree with Kat,do as you please-it’s your vacation. I know you have cruised AK before so enjoying some ports from your balcony is perfect. 

Cynthia, must be fun planning your next trip and figuring out how to make the most of your free time. You mentioned staying at a favorite hotel in Rome. Do you mind sharing the name and why you like it. My family is considering another trip to Italy possibly sometime next year so I’m on the look out for good suggestions. Restaurants too are welcome. 

Kat, yikes, so many nights without a/c! You deserve some cooler temps. We are having a bit of a cool spell here today-it’s in the 90’s. OK don’t laugh. After so many days over 100, I’ll take and like it!


PH, Bon Voyage, and I too hope that all goes smoothly for you. Lots of time to relax on the sea days.




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On 8/27/2022 at 1:00 PM, slidergirl said:


I didn't realize you were doing these trips to italy!!!  Cruise,  land trip...  I have to say I'm jealous.  Yes, even after my trip, i'm jealous.  Where in Campania are you visiting???  More ruins that you haven't visited??  


As for the 'one dinner' in Rome, I have a few suggestions 😸


The October trip involves a few days of sightseeing and then two BTB cruises. I was originally only going to do one cruise but Celebrity had a super sale with no solo supplement on certain cruises so I was able to re-fare the first cruise and add the second one for about the same total. Plus I have oodles of PTO accrued.  (Not that they're really thrilled about me taking three weeks but....).


The November trip is all about the ruins. Several new openings in the area include a Roman villa that's being excavated on the slopes of Mt. Vesuvius that could be the villa where Augustus was born (and also died). It has until recently only been open on special occasions. There is also a newly open section of a seaside Roman villa under the main church in Positano. Plus they keep opening more parts of the new area that they have been excavating in Pompeii. Exciting times!  After I will go to Rome (of course) for a few days as I really like it at that time of the year. And I already have two new things on my radar to do when I'm there.


Oh and if you have suggestions for restaurants, have at 'em. I don't think I'll try to get into Armando's on the October trip but definitely in November....  I already have another favorite in mind for the earlier "one night only" event but could be persuaded to think otherwise.



1 hour ago, purduemom1 said:


Cynthia, must be fun planning your next trip and figuring out how to make the most of your free time. You mentioned staying at a favorite hotel in Rome. Do you mind sharing the name and why you like it. My family is considering another trip to Italy possibly sometime next year so I’m on the look out for good suggestions. Restaurants too are welcome. 



I've stayed in quite a few hotels in Rome over the years but have to say that the Albergo del Senato is my favorite. It's located just about dead-center of the historic area and it faces the piazza just in front of the Pantheon. I love the location and the hotel hits that sweet spot for me of being traditional, not a chain, and having good service.



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Purple, have a fabulous time. 

Lois, I’m glad you’re having a good cruise, hope weather improves 


Kat we woke up to 48 yesterday!  Opened everything up. It did get up to 86 later. 

We’re 103 days from our Royal’s Harmony cruise.  Never been on such a large ship (we like the smaller ones). Had 6 more family members decide to join us (we’re up to 24 now). Melody

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Melody, I think your group will have a great time on Harmony. I’m not a person that picks favorites easily because I am a context is everything kind of person…my favorites depend on…and then I prefer… So Oasis class has its place for me. I think you’re going to have so much fun.

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Cynthia - you KNOW I was suggesting Armando 😉  You've been to Rome more than me lately, so nothing new on my horizon, dining-wise.  And, it sure sounds like you have a lot of new ruins to explore!  


yep, the lack of A/C was a little on the uncomfortable side.  At least my niece's house had a few ceiling fans, incuding my room, so with the fan going and the window open, sleeping without a sheet was OK.  But, I'm one of those people who have to have at least a sheet covering, so it's not the best sleeping for me.


the cool temp in the morning is really nice.  But, it's jumping into the 80s still in th daytime.  Today, it was nice and cool in the house again, but supposed to get to about 85 today and stay in the upper 80s/low 90s for the week.  ugh.


ootd:  my tie dye hoodie again, but I'm getting ready to change to my jean shorts and a tank.  Got to go to the Post Office and pick up my mail that I had on vacation hold since the 12th.  I may just put my hair in a pony and wear one of my baseball hats - maybe my new Ferrari red one!!

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Hi from Kechikan where the weather has improved immensely and I may even get off the ship and walk around downtown for a bit😀 no rain and it is not really that cold either!

I know I have been away since the 21st but those days to Denali seem so long ago. The cruise is only 7 nights and it feels way too short! We have today and tomorrow and home on Thursday.

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So went to my gastroenterologist today. She says Ct scan & endoscopy/colonoscopy, sigh. Go to schedule it & they say December (in the middle of my cruise). That won’t work so tge y ask dic, can you open any time. She says sure, this Thursday!  So I’m having endoscopy & colonoscopy on Thursday then the Ct scan middle of September. I’m already starting the ‘ick’ prep. She’s afraid I might have to have more surgery 🙄. Not thrilled. Melody

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4 hours ago, awhfy said:

So went to my gastroenterologist today. She says Ct scan & endoscopy/colonoscopy, sigh. Go to schedule it & they say December (in the middle of my cruise). That won’t work so tge y ask dic, can you open any time. She says sure, this Thursday!  So I’m having endoscopy & colonoscopy on Thursday then the Ct scan middle of September. I’m already starting the ‘ick’ prep. She’s afraid I might have to have more surgery 🙄. Not thrilled. Melody


Oh not good news for you.  Not sure if it's worse to go ahead and get these things over with or to have them on the calendar for a long time and dread them, lol.   I hope the outcome for you is not as bad as your doctor fears...

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Didn’t expect to be doing this, again. I’ll be fine, thanks all. My bloodwork looks good so there’s not much likelihood of a bleed, but…. I was planning on a grilled pork chop for dinner tonight, guess that’ll be postponed. Boullion & jellos today (thank goodness I can have coffee today as I drink it black!!!  Melody

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Cynthia:  I know you tend to want to stay within the Centro for your dinner.  In case you want to venture out farther,  I do suggest trying Da Cesare al Casaletto.   It's a 1/2 block or so from the last #8 tram (Not the bus), which is Caasaletto.  pick up the #8 tram at Largo Argentino.   Homey atmosphere, solid food.  peruse the website.  The "menu' on there does not have all the offerings but gives an idea of they have.

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Me again !

First day of Spring here in New Zealand!

We are hoping to cruise in the Med 2023 but have booked to go skiing at Whistler in Feb ,we were there Feb 2019 before covid locked us all down.

I am starting radiation treatment on Monday,then chemo as an insurance to make sure Im clear.

 Wishing Melody all the best ,Better to go on holiday knowing you are all good and don't want to worry so you can enjoy your time and relax.

Everyone here has a love of travel ,which is why you are on cruise critic after all 

I am about to get into my walking gear and go for a 8km walk 🙂

As usual Lululemon 

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Just returned from Indy yesterday, lots of catching up to do!  It was nice to be in Indiana, temps were in the mid 80’s for the most part but dropped down in the 60’s at night.  I was able to open the bedroom windows at night which I loved.  When we lived in Indiana we rarely used the air conditioner and I miss having fresh air!  

My dad was happy to see me but I see big changes in him, he has started aging rapidly.  He has always been quite active but is definitely slowing down.  He has lived alone since my mom passed away in 2020 and I think that is accelerating his decline.  He is very stubborn about not moving even though he admits an independent/assisted living facility would be great for him.  He says he is going to die in that house and I think he is probably right.


Nice to read about everyone’s trips, it is really great that we are all getting out and about!  Loved all of your pictures, Kat, especially the Supreme Court finger, made me laugh!  

Lois, have a safe trip home after your cruise!  Sounds like you have enjoyed it!  

Christy, enjoy your trip!  And, Melody, positive energy being sent your way from the beach!


Cynthia, we will be in Rome in October, 2023 so I will be paying close attention to any restaurant, hotel, etc. information you post! 

Sharon, sounds like you enjoyed granddaughter time!  When will you be getting together again?  As it stands now, we won’t be seeing ours again until December, so I am trying to figure out how to squeeze in a short trip before then.

And Lululemon, welcome!



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Sherri - welcome back from your travels.  Sorry to hear about your dad.  It is hard to see a parent lose a bit of themselves.  

Glad that I gave you a chuckle with my SC photo.  The lone security guard behind the fencing said there have been a lot of people coming by to take 'dissent' photos.  A tad ironic (and hypocritical) that the motto on the face of the Court entrance says 'Equal Justice Under Law.'   Apparently, the Capitol building is no longer under fear as no fencing around and you can walk right up to it now.  There were a couple of "Police Line Do Not Cross" fence pieces laying on the ground here and there, almost like a historical reminder of what happened.  


Woke up at 4:30am to the sweet scent of eau du skunk...  When your bedroom window is open, the damage is done by the time you smell it...


On the cruise fashion front, Faherty is having a sale and some of the Isha dress colors are on sale at $99.  It is the dress that turned me into a dress wearer and saved my body from melting away in the scorching European heat.  


I have no plans for today.   So, I'm hanging out in joggers and a Tshirt.  

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Thanks for the welcome Sherri, mr toberlone was my mini schnauzer who died a few years ago 😞 they are such great dogs.

Im wearing Lululemon again today as meeting my sister in law for a walk after a blood test .

My clothes choice is very casual while I am mostly home and not able to return to work at present .

Never been a housewife in over 30 years of marriage.

My husband is in LA at the moment so I ordered a new hoodie from the Gap to bring back for me as we don't have that brand here, he said its very hot there at the moment.

Ive been invited to do a survey with a cruise line tomorrow via zoom ,will be interesting .

Time to get into my Lululemon!

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On 8/31/2022 at 1:27 PM, slidergirl said:

Cynthia:  I know you tend to want to stay within the Centro for your dinner.  In case you want to venture out farther,  I do suggest trying Da Cesare al Casaletto.   It's a 1/2 block or so from the last #8 tram (Not the bus), which is Caasaletto.  pick up the #8 tram at Largo Argentino.   Homey atmosphere, solid food.  peruse the website.  The "menu' on there does not have all the offerings but gives an idea of they have.


Yeah, I do like to eat relatively close to my hotel but I'll put this on the short list for my longer stay in November....



10 hours ago, slidergirl said:


On the cruise fashion front, Faherty is having a sale and some of the Isha dress colors are on sale at $99.  It is the dress that turned me into a dress wearer and saved my body from melting away in the scorching European heat.  


I have no plans for today.   So, I'm hanging out in joggers and a Tshirt.  


Wish the Isha was longer -- I like the indigo color though.

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16 hours ago, MrToblerone said:

Thanks for the welcome Sherri, mr toberlone was my mini schnauzer who died a few years ago 😞 they are such great dogs.

Im wearing Lululemon again today as meeting my sister in law for a walk after a blood test .

My clothes choice is very casual while I am mostly home and not able to return to work at present .

Never been a housewife in over 30 years of marriage.

My husband is in LA at the moment so I ordered a new hoodie from the Gap to bring back for me as we don't have that brand here, he said its very hot there at the moment.

Ive been invited to do a survey with a cruise line tomorrow via zoom ,will be interesting .

Time to get into my Lululemon!

If you like Lulu try Athleta. Fabulous stuff

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We’ll, had the first part of the tests yesterday (after a 5hour delay due to an emergency…downside of having it done in a hospital). Hiatal hernia is back,  I did develop a 10mm ulcer at the incision for the hernia (I always thought I gave ulcers, not get one!!!). Starting a new acid reflux med (yay!). Still have a battery of other tests this month & wait for biopsy results


We’re going to see Cirque du Soleil ‘Ovo’ on Sunday. They offered free tickets to disabled veterans & we got two tickets, our oldest daughter also got two. So we’ll go together & go out to dinner too. I know nothing about this show, so will be surprised. Balloon Fest is here in town this weekend too. Lots of stuff going on. We never have to go away to find something to do here in CSprings. 

everyone have a safe holiday weekend. Melody

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13 hours ago, cruisemom42 said:


Yeah, I do like to eat relatively close to my hotel but I'll put this on the short list for my longer stay in November....




Wish the Isha was longer -- I like the indigo color though.

It really isn't a short as it is in the photos, at least not to me.  The models are tall.

I did some measurements on mine.  It's an XL because my bust was too tight in the L.  The length from the top the back to the bottom is 36" and it's 5" from the middle of my knee.   I'm 5'8". I just ran into the bedroom and put it on, braless, so it's a really bad photo, but it might give you an idea.  The other dresses i took were 36", 37" and 33" (the Woolx LBTD that I wore to Bocelli - the back is 35", but the front is shorter.  Adding the belt made it even shorter).  The River & Sky dress that I wore to  the wedding is 33" in front, rounding to 35.5" in the back.  



Not doing anything again today that requires respectable attire.  Going to the mailbox will be the highlight of the day.  Runing shorts and a T again.  




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