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Vaccine Requirement News

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On 3/10/2021 at 3:35 PM, cured said:

Actually the EEOC has said it is ok for companies to mandate the vaccine across the country with some accomodations for the medically compromised. 

On Wednesday, December 16, 2020, the EEOC delivered welcome news in the form of a revised pandemic guidance concluding that employers generally can mandate that employees receive a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-authorized or approved COVID-19 vaccine.

Does the word "authorized" include emergency use authorization? Is that the interpretation of this directive? If that is the case, then this is awesome news.

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9 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

My thoughts about mandating the vaccine is this......... At this point, an EUA vaccine should not be mandatory for anyone, no matter what profession they are in.


Having said that, let's see what happens when it is determined that vaccinated people can not and do not transmit Covid. Already, there is some evidence that vaccinated people may not transmit the disease because of the low viral load of vaccinated people.


Then, let's see what happens when the vaccines are formally approved by the FDA. That is when employers should have the power and it be within their rights to mandate vaccines for their employees, no matter what their profession.


That is going to be very interesting to see how this all fleshes out. All my opinion, of course.

The rcl cruise ships out of Israel say fully vaccinated but exclude children under 16 from the mandate.


There is already a lawsuit filed on if the vaccine can be mandated. You can google the details but as I remember it's a prison guard in arizona. Can the govt mandate the vaccine or not for its employees. Hasnt gone to court yet. It's only been filed, no decision. 

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On 3/10/2021 at 10:04 PM, lizzius said:

I think I can count about 10 separate incidents of you saying this to dismiss the idea that older people will still be more susceptible to disease post-vaccination. This statement alone does not address the point AND for Pfizer the efficacy clock started at 1 week post vaccination.

Gee, I don't know how you got the impression that I believe the older folks will be more susceptible to disease after vaccination. I honestly do not think that at all. At 71, I consider myself an "older" person and I feel like I'm as safe as the next person who is half my age. I think all older folks are very well protected with mRNA vaccines which is the type of vaccine I received.


Yes, you are correct that I have made the statement several times that it takes a certain amount of time after the second shot to reach the maximum immunity that the vaccines have to offer. Too many people want to ditch their masks and resume life as pre-pandemic as soon as they receive their second shot. It needs to be reinforced for these folks that they must continue to be very careful in the community until they have achieved the full immunity benefit from the vaccines.

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34 minutes ago, cured said:


Great real world news coming out of Israel where a whopping 44% of their residents have had both injections. The Pfizer vaccine is showing 94% efficacy in preventing asymptomatic infection, thus pretty much eliminating asymptomatic transmission. It is also showing 97% efficacy in preventing symptomatic infection. And the data was sourced during a period in Israel when the predominant strain was the UK variant. This was 2 weeks after the second shot.


The website that is showing this data is:



I'm hoping these statistics also will hold true for the Moderna vaccine. The technology for Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are the same so, IMHO, it stands to reason that the efficacy of both vaccines should be similar.

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1 hour ago, coffeebean said:

Does the word "authorized" include emergency use authorization? Is that the interpretation of this directive? If that is the case, then this is awesome news.

Yes, I believe so. I live in Colorado and work for a school district. They are telling us they they can mandate the vaccine since they were addressing current guidelines for employers, those would be the current vaccines that the FDA has authorized. They haven't decided what to do with the teachers that have not chosen to vaccinate yet, but have told us that decisions will be coming soon.


I wonder how customer demand is going to drive whether vaccines are mandated in the workplace or not.  This summer, once my husband receives his second dose here shortly and our state is open up to everyone, we are planning on catching up on things we want done around the house.


My first question to any contractor will be whether their employees are vaccinated or not. We won't be hiring anyone to come into our house that is not vaccinated.  So, if their employees are not vaccinated, I will move on to the next contractor.  On our local social media sites, this seems to be the consensus that customers are going to want their contractors vaccinated. Note: I am sure the demand for vaccinated workers is different in other parts of the country.

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16 minutes ago, cruise_co said:

Yes, I believe so. I live in Colorado and work for a school district. They are telling us they they can mandate the vaccine since they were addressing current guidelines for employers, those would be the current vaccines that the FDA has authorized. They haven't decided what to do with the teachers that have not chosen to vaccinate yet, but have told us that decisions will be coming soon.


I wonder how customer demand is going to drive whether vaccines are mandated in the workplace or not.  This summer, once my husband receives his second dose here shortly and our state is open up to everyone, we are planning on catching up on things we want done around the house.


My first question to any contractor will be whether their employees are vaccinated or not. We won't be hiring anyone to come into our house that is not vaccinated.  So, if their employees are not vaccinated, I will move on to the next contractor.  On our local social media sites, this seems to be the consensus that customers are going to want their contractors vaccinated. Note: I am sure the demand for vaccinated workers is different in other parts of the country.

This is going to get VERY interesting. Not only is there "talk" of digital vaccine passports for travel and all sorts of other public venue access, now there is the possibility of mandatory vaccinations for continued employment. As I have said before.....can't wait to see how this all shakes out.

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1 hour ago, cruise_co said:

Yes, I believe so. I live in Colorado and work for a school district. They are telling us they they can mandate the vaccine since they were addressing current guidelines for employers, those would be the current vaccines that the FDA has authorized. They haven't decided what to do with the teachers that have not chosen to vaccinate yet, but have told us that decisions will be coming soon.


I wonder how customer demand is going to drive whether vaccines are mandated in the workplace or not.  This summer, once my husband receives his second dose here shortly and our state is open up to everyone, we are planning on catching up on things we want done around the house.


My first question to any contractor will be whether their employees are vaccinated or not. We won't be hiring anyone to come into our house that is not vaccinated.  So, if their employees are not vaccinated, I will move on to the next contractor.  On our local social media sites, this seems to be the consensus that customers are going to want their contractors vaccinated. Note: I am sure the demand for vaccinated workers is different in other parts of the country.

They can but it will be interesting to see if they actually do. 

As far as your stance about contractors you might not be able to get any because even those who have been might not want to prove it. I have a few things that need to be done but since they were not urgent I delayed doing them. Now that I am vaccinated I plan to have work done. Since all in my house are vaccinated I won’t ask if they are vaccinated. 

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No, the gov't can't mandate an experimental vaccine.  Just look at the military vaccine refusal rate.  However, the gov't can mandate an FDA approved one.  look at the polio, smallpox, MMR, etc that's required for public school admission.  The anti-vax-ers thrive on the controversies surrounding that.  Public sector employees cannot be mandated an experimental vaccine.  Private sector employees can, depending on their union contract.

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7 minutes ago, gmerick said:

No, the gov't can't mandate an experimental vaccine.  Just look at the military vaccine refusal rate.  However, the gov't can mandate an FDA approved one.  look at the polio, smallpox, MMR, etc that's required for public school admission.  The anti-vax-ers thrive on the controversies surrounding that.  Public sector employees cannot be mandated an experimental vaccine.  Private sector employees can, depending on their union contract.

Pfizer says they will apply to the FDA for full approval in April.  

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59 minutes ago, Charles4515 said:

They can but it will be interesting to see if they actually do. 

As far as your stance about contractors you might not be able to get any because even those who have been might not want to prove it. I have a few things that need to be done but since they were not urgent I delayed doing them. Now that I am vaccinated I plan to have work done. Since all in my house are vaccinated I won’t ask if they are vaccinated. 

Just curious why you think anyone would not want to prove they have been vaccinated. Is that something someone would not be proud of? Is disclosing being vaccinated something that violates someone's rights? Personally, I don't see it. Personally, if I were an employee at this point in my life (which I'm not because I'm retired), I would be very proud to prove that I'm vaccinated. But, that's just me.

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10 hours ago, Vrock7 said:

Alot has happened since my original question about getting the vaccine after having covid in December.   My 80 year old mother also had covid in December and did very well. She went in for her 2nd covid vaccine 9 days ago.  4 days after the shot she was in the critical care until for 2 days she was home for one day and was back in the critical care unit and is still in the hospital.   She is on oxygen and cannot care for herself at this point.  Before the shot she was independent and lived alone and pretty much was able to do anything she wanted.  We cannot get an answer if this was a direct result of the vaccine because they don't know enough about this virus and the vaccine and if they tell you they do they are lying.   We are praying my mom recovers enough to come home at some point.  I will not be getting the vaccine for several months if at all. 

Some people also have side effects from having covid. Hope you are able to find out the truth what caused it.

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2 hours ago, coffeebean said:

Just curious why you think anyone would not want to prove they have been vaccinated. Is that something someone would not be proud of? Is disclosing being vaccinated something that violates someone's rights? Personally, I don't see it. Personally, if I were an employee at this point in my life (which I'm not because I'm retired), I would be very proud to prove that I'm vaccinated. But, that's just me.

Some like to keep their medical history private. If there is a vaccine passport of some type that is generally accepted and authenticated then I think that would work. I don’t think the paper cards they gave are worth much to prove vaccination. Also I don’t know about where you live but many contractors around here are immigrants.  The licensed electricians and plumbers are not but those who do painting and grunt work are immigrants.  They might tell you they are legal or vaccinated but who knows? 

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No American is probably going anywhere on vacation out of the country by cruise boat until there is an official vaccine passport that is accepted by customs at all the countries that ships visit. The USA has become known as the most infectious and lax nation when it comes to public health measures.  I don't understand why this seems to be a matter of pride by some.


It could be common for stores, theaters and medical facilities to demand some official form of proof-of- vaccination for one to enter once inoculation becomes the standard and new outbreaks occur. Those who don't comply maybe shutting themselves out.



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4 hours ago, gmerick said:

No, the gov't can't mandate an experimental vaccine.  Just look at the military vaccine refusal rate.  

It must not be as open and shut as you claim or the govt would just say oh ok you dont want it fine. Clearly there wouldn't be a law suit to find out if it can be required?



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5 hours ago, fairweather said:

No American is probably going anywhere on vacation out of the country by cruise boat until there is an official vaccine passport that is accepted by customs at all the countries that ships visit. The USA has become known as the most infectious and lax nation when it comes to public health measures.  I don't understand why this seems to be a matter of pride by some.


It could be common for stores, theaters and medical facilities to demand some official form of proof-of- vaccination for one to enter once inoculation becomes the standard and new outbreaks occur. Those who don't comply maybe shutting themselves out.



It could happen but I am skeptical that there will be an official vaccine passport. More likely there will be several apps that are sponsored by the travel industry that will be accepted by countries that require vaccination to visit. I doubt it will be common for stores, theaters and the like to demand official proof of vaccination. Again it could happen but I am skeptical that it will in the US. The more likely outcome is that a very large percentage of the population will voluntarily get vaccinated. Those who don’t will get COVID as the virus needs people to eat. Some of those will die but most will have a mild case. Darwinism will work, those who get vaccinated will have the best outcome, some small part of the population will be culled but that will be their choice as opposed to the early deaths before vaccines which were really tragic. 

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2 hours ago, Biker19 said:

Some who have traveled the world a bit, might disagree with that.


It is true there are undeveloped and poor countries with public health measures that are worse or on par with the US but that is not something to brag about. The wealthiest and most resource rich country should have better public health. 

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5 hours ago, fairweather said:

No American is probably going anywhere on vacation out of the country by cruise boat until there is an official vaccine passport that is accepted by customs at all the countries that ships visit. The USA has become known as the most infectious and lax nation when it comes to public health measures.  I don't understand why this seems to be a matter of pride by some.


It could be common for stores, theaters and medical facilities to demand some official form of proof-of- vaccination for one to enter once inoculation becomes the standard and new outbreaks occur. Those who don't comply maybe shutting themselves out.



Is this the article you tried to link?........

Vaccine Passports

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8 minutes ago, Charles4515 said:


It is true there are undeveloped and poor countries with public health measures that are worse or on par with the US but that is not something to brag about. The wealthiest and most resource rich country should have better public health. 

IMHO, our public health system is the best in the world. What is not so great is the compliance we have here in America. Too many people resist the public health measures that are in place to keep us as safe as possible. Think of all the anti this, the anti that and the anti everything we have here in this country. We are embarrassing on the world stage, I'm afraid to say. No wonder why we have one of the worst outcomes from this pandemic.

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6 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

IMHO, our public health system is the best in the world. What is not so great is the compliance we have here in America. Too many people resist the public health measures that are in place to keep us as safe as possible. Think of all the anti this, the anti that and the anti everything we have here in this country. We are embarrassing on the world stage, I'm afraid to say. No wonder why we have one of the worst outcomes from this pandemic.

The boss and I are both vaccinated. We both choose to get vaccinated. 

America is the land of the Free. No Government should mandate a vaccine. Businesses, for example cruise lines, may mandate a vaccine to board. You want to cruise, get the vaccine. You don’t want to get the vaccine, stay home. Your choice. 

It’s simple. 


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4 minutes ago, Milwaukee Eight said:

The boss and I are both vaccinated. We both choose to get vaccinated. 

America is the land of the Free. No Government should mandate a vaccine. Businesses, for example cruise lines, may mandate a vaccine to board. You want to cruise, get the vaccine. You don’t want to get the vaccine, stay home. Your choice. 

It’s simple. 


What is the Boss’s feeling regarding vaccinations for those in health care?

Aside of that, what was the uptake of vaccines in here collective work facilities?  Just curious is why I ask. The rates here in Ontario, to health care staff were not as high in getting them as I thought they might be. It is not mandatory here. 

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9 minutes ago, Milwaukee Eight said:

The boss and I are both vaccinated. We both choose to get vaccinated. 

America is the land of the Free. No Government should mandate a vaccine. Businesses, for example cruise lines, may mandate a vaccine to board. You want to cruise, get the vaccine. You don’t want to get the vaccine, stay home. Your choice. 

It’s simple. 


My comment was directed more at the anti-maskers than the anti-vaxxers. Public health measures have been thwarted by certain groups which have put us behind the 8 ball from the beginning of this pandemic.


On the vaccine front..........I see the vaccination program as a way out of this mess we are in but we may not see complete success of safe herd immunity because of those who refuse inoculation. As you said, this is the land of the FREE, however, I really believe vaccine mandates will come to fruition for certain professions and to be able to move freely in society. We shall see. I may be wrong. Only time will tell.

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1 minute ago, A&L_Ont said:

What is the Boss’s feeling regarding vaccinations for those in health care?

Aside of that, what was the uptake of vaccines in here collective work facilities?  Just curious is why I ask. The rates here in Ontario, to health care staff were not as high in getting them as I thought they might be. It is not mandatory here. 

The boss held off for a month on getting the vaccine. We both got tired of doing nothing. She felt it was her quickest way to having a safe vacation. 

She has 3 other partners in her practice. She was the first to get the vaccine. Two others just recently got theirs this month. The other partner says he will get the J&J vaccine but hasn’t yet. That’s the only statistics I have for medical personnel getting vaccinated.  Both her two PA’s got the vaccine as well. 


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7 hours ago, Charles4515 said:

Some like to keep their medical history private.

I can understand that if we are talking about medical and/or health issues. Vaccination is not disclosing any health issues. In fact, disclosing inoculation just may be in our future to have the ability to navigate through life as we knew it before this global pandemic.

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