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The Daily for Sunday 02/06/2022


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5 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

@Cruzin Terri I'm sorry you're in so much pain; hopefully you'll be able to find relief soon!

@dfish good luck at the dentist tomorrow - some of them can make it effortless, while others make it feel like you've run a marathon and you come out in a full sweat.

@grapau27 what a beautiful couple you are - you look like you could have hosted the tea party at the palace!  Your wife is so photogenic; I'm sure she hasn't ever taken a bad photo.

@St. Louis Sal love the tiara!  It reminded me of the time when the Mama Mia stage troupe came here and 6 couples went together to see the show.  I went and bought each of the ladies a tiara which we all put on and sang loudly along to "Dancing Queen"!

@kazu I hope you've been able to get through the ice and snow to have even a quick visit with Jose.  Please let him know we're all thinking about him, wishing him the very best.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



Thank you Gerry for such lovely words.

Pauline doesn't think she is photogenic but I think she is lovely in every way.


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Good Afternoon All, thanks for the daily report.  Mona had me up to see the Eurodam arrive this morning.  It’s been a sunny, but cold, day today.  Yesterday I tried to clear up the one inch of sleet but only got halfway done.  It was just too difficult.  Hopefully this week’s rain and warmer temperatures will fix that problem.

@dfish good luck with the dentist.

Really didn’t do too much today.


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6 hours ago, grapau27 said:

In May 2015 Pauline was invited to the Queen's Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace and we saw the Queen and Prince Philip.




In April of 2016, we were staying at the Hilton London Green Park and while out getting coffee, saw lots of beautifully dressed people milling about, meeting friends, etc. -- all very excited.  We learned that it was the day of a Royal Garden Party and we felt so lucky to experience the excitement.  I guess folks stay right around there, as it's walking distance to the palace.

We saw many lovely ladies out and about, but Pauline puts them all in the shade.  Her look is perfection.  You must have been very proud, Graham.  Happy for you to have had such a memorable experience.


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1 minute ago, AncientWanderer said:


In April of 2016, we were staying at the Hilton London Green Park and while out getting coffee, saw lots of beautifully dressed people milling about, meeting friends, etc. -- all very excited.  We learned that it was the day of a Royal Garden Party and we felt so lucky to experience the excitement.  I guess folks stay right around there, as it's walking distance to the palace.

We saw many lovely ladies out and about, but Pauline puts them all in the shade.  Her look is perfection.  You must have been very proud, Graham.  Happy for you to have had such a memorable experience.


Thank you so much Maxine for your lovely comments.

I was very proud of Pauline and it was a truly memorable experience.


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Good afternoon.  My lazy day turned into just a lazy afternoon.  We made a quick trip to Parker to return an online order to the big box store.  Shortly after placing the order, we found we wouldn't need it.  Since the FedEx guy literally dropped it over the fence about 8:45 last night, I didn't trust a pickup by him, not did I trust the PO.  The nearest FedEx office is in Yuma, so it was quicker to take it to Parker.  At least, it was a nice day for a drive.


4 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily and to all contributors.

I like frozen yogurt (when watching calories), no to lame ducks, and can barely use chopsticks (so I use a fork).

Good quote. A no to fish from me. I'll pass on the drink. The wine sounds good.

I haven't been to Brazil. Thanks for the pictures.


The sun is out, and although it was single digits earlier, we're going above freezing today. Yay! That should melt some of the snow. And the coming week looks ok, which is good since I have 3 appointments. Today I think I'll work on sorting papers to get ready for my tax accountant. It's my yearly file cabinet purge and shredding papers. My tax guy said I could choose in office, on the phone or uploading papers via their secure portal. I did the upload last year and it worked perfectly.


@grapau27 Thanks for the sermon. A big salute to the Queen on her Platinum Jubilee. 70 years is amazing. How fun to go to a Royal Garden Party! Nice picture of the both of you and as usual Pauline is looking very stylish.

@kazu I hope the roads are clear so that you can visit Jose today.

@ger_77 It sounds like a very nice visit with your friend. So sad about your friend's DW. Dementia is terrible; my mother didn't know who I was for the last couple of years of her life.

@dfish I hope the tooth extraction isn't painful. I keep hoping with this crown falling off that they don't suggest extraction; I always said I want to die with all my teeth (I still have my wisdom teeth)!

@smitty34877 I'm glad you were able to face time Tana yesterday and that she is upbeat.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.



Go9d luck at the dentist tomorrow.  I hope he can glue the crown back in place.  Also, hope themroads are clear.


5 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:

We are happy with our new upstairs windows. Our house is a 1 1/2 story and the upstairs used to be attic. It now has a spare bedroom and an alcove where we have our computers (and spend all day reading CC 😉). It is noticeably warmer with the new windows and there is no condensation (or frost) on the panes now. 


I think we will be making a meatloaf with ground beef and ground pork for dinner tonight. Mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes, roasted carrots, and green beans on the side. I scored a box of Dare fudge sandwich creme cookies (or biscuits I should say since they are Canadian!) for desert along with some "coconut explosion" ice cream from Wisconsin.




Good news that the new windows are making such a difference.


5 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I'll pass on the chopsticks, drink and wine, have never been to Brazil.  The meal sounds good, and reminds me we need to get some fish for the freezer.  Pre-Covid we would stock up at Pike Place Market periodically, but haven't been there in ages now.  


Thank you to all who have posted photos of the Queen.  She's an amazing woman, I would love to see her in person.  


We had a nice visit yesterday with DD, DSIL and the grandsons.  DD is putting her summer calendar together for childcare.  She usually has 2 nannies, DH and me, and DSIL's parents to cover the days.  The boys also have some summer camps to fill the days plus they'll have some vacation camping trips.  So much easier during the school year!


@dfishwill be thinking of you tomorrow when you have that tooth pulled!


Prayers for all on the care list and cheers to all who are celebrating.


Glad you had a good visit with your family.


3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good Afternoon everyone.

It is a cold rainy day here in Bluffton, SC. Then again cold is relative depending on where you live,.

Thank you Rich and Roy for the lists.

I prefer ice cream over frozen yogurt.  Just don’t care for it.  If I am going to go for the calories, it is going to be for something I like.  Lame Duck—kind of early in the year for that day.  Chopsticks, well I have a Chinese friend who tried to teach me to use chopsticks and said I was so bad at it that she finally gave up and told me to use a fork.  At this point with me upper extremities giving me so much trouble, I wouldn’t dare try.

The meal looks good and while I don’t have grouper, I do have some Chilean Sea Bass and may try the recipe with that.  Thank you @dfish for the idea,

Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers for those celebrating.  

Somehow, Camilla never impressed me, but if the Queen wants to elevate her status, more power to her.

As for my problems, I am still in considerable pain and typing this is very difficult,. I am doing the best I can.  I have to keep using the backspace to correct my mistakes.  Did not get much sleep last night because of the pain.  Sitting up helps somewhat. We will see if the Doc increases the dosage tomorrow or what else he may have in his bag of tricks,. I do know I need some relief.

Yesterday I did nothing but rest, but it was not enough.  Will try to take it easy again today.


I hope everyone has a blessed Sunday and stays well and safe.  if you have to go out, be careful on the slippery roads,

God Bless,




Sorry you are having so muvh pain, and hope the doctor can offer quick relief tomorrow. 


2 hours ago, St. Louis Sal said:

Good afternoon, all!


I dipped in to the Daily a few times earlier, but did not weigh in on things.


I almost needed my sunglasses inside today as the bright sunshine glinting off all that sparkly white snow is pretty blinding. Our temps are going up into the 40’sF so maybe some melting.


I love frozen yogurt (and ice cream and gelato). I think there are a lot of politicians that should be lame ducks, the sooner the better. As for chopsticks, I have had so many lessons and they just didn’t take. If I have a bowl of mostly rice, I can shovel it in, but a plate with pieces of chicken, carrots or pineapple will defeat me every time. 

The meal, drink and wine are a winning trifecta! Does the Jim Beam Collins count as my vitamin C with the OJ? Haven’t been to the destination. Does anyone know who is the originator of that quote? I’ve heard it attributed to a lot of people.


I am having a quiet day after yesterday. Going to the theater and then out to eat was pretty exhausting. DD’s, a friend and I saw The Prom at the Fox Theatre and my friend gifted me with a tiara so I could be a prom Queen 😂. Afterwards I got my margarita and a platter of chicken flautas instead of a burrito. I have leftovers for today. So many of you remind us about wearing a mask, I thought I’d post my headshot so you can see my tiara and my mask.


Prayers to all on the cares list 🙏. And woohoo, may the celebrations be plentiful 🍷.



Take care, all St Louis Sal




Glad you had a good time at the theater and dinner.  Love the picture.


8 hours ago, rafinmd said:

It turns out Macapa was my first ever Brazilian port.  It would be a tender port but Prinsendam continued upstream to Santana, a cargo port about a 30-minute bus rice away.  There was NOTHING to do in Santana and I took one of the 2 HAL tours.




Our firs stopt was the Fortaleza de Sao-Jose, an early 19th century star fort overlooking the Amazon.  It was never actually involved in a battle:



The chapel in the Forteleza:



At a cultural center we visited a replica floating market (a riverboat equipped with necessities for village life):



And a typical river house:


Perhaps Macapa's chief claim to fame is it's location squarely on the Equator with a monument and a line where one can stand with one foot in each hemisphere:


Our final stop on the tour was a craft market but people did not linger there and we were early returning to the ship.  I don't think independent travelers found a lot either as I stepped out to stretch my legs at 3:30.  All aboard was 4:30 but I was quickly asked to get back onboard as I was the last one remaining on land.





7 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning  to all.I agree with Gerry,  @ger_77, frozen yogurt is ok but it is not ice cream!.My skills with chopsticks have never improved over the years. Thank you Roy @rafinmd,for our lists and the great port pictures.I love the fish recipes,thanks to Debbie @dfish. Today I am trying a red beans and rice recipe that I found to feed the group.

My car remains firmly fixed in ice and the driveway is a slippery luge like surface.My rescheduled  tax prep appointment  will wait another day as I am really afraid of one of us falling. 

We " visited" with Tana via face time yesterday at dinner.Progress is slow but she remains upbeat.Her son described to her the extreme level of his boredom while we all laughed in the background. He has been stuck with the old folks and the 2 dogs for 48 hours......

Another storm is predicted for monday.Sigh. DSIL has been designated house grocery shopper if he can get the ice off at least one car.We are very fortunate.

Take care everyone.


My favorite next door kitty




Thanks for the pictures.  I didn't know there was an equator monument there.


Well, teying to multiqoute on my tablet, I managed to erase two quotes.


@dfish  Debbie, good luck at the dentist tomorrow.


@Horizon chaser 1957  Safe travels to Palm Springs, and enjoy your time there.  Ifmtheirmweather is Iike ours, you should have chilly nights and watm days.


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3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Will you have an implant done, or some type of bridge?


No.  since it is tooth number 2, it is the the furthest back on the top right hand side.  It doesn't really touch a tooth below it, so it won't be missed.  But, since it doesn't touch a tooth below it, how did it get a hole in it again?   


2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good luck at the dentist tomorrow Debbie.

I have had more than my fair share of dental surgery and when some of  my crowns kept coming off I was told it was because the root filling had failed and because they were at the front I had implants done.

The treatment was fairly painless but the price was painful.



Thanks, Graham.  The price is very painful!   My sister works in dentistry and says she can't afford much of what they do.  And, Pauline was the belle of the ball at the Garden Party.  


1 hour ago, ger_77 said:


@dfish good luck at the dentist tomorrow - some of them can make it effortless, while others make it feel like you've run a marathon and you come out in a full sweat.


Hopefully this is one of them that makes it effortless.  Since it is a molar, I do expect some pain.


1 hour ago, Crazy For Cats said:


@dfish good luck with the dentist.





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We have a sunny afternoon here in Western Washington.  Thought I might do some things to the lawn, but even with the sun it too wet and muddy to deal with.  So I washed the car for the first time this winter.  Swept out the garage and put a charger on DW's car battery.  She hasn't driven it for a few weeks, so it was dead.  It may be old age, though as I noticed that it was bought from Costco in 2009.  13 years is a long time for a 12V battery to last.  It replaced the original equipment battery after nine years.  

I have been using chop sticks for about 60 years, so I am pretty adept with them.  Can't pluck a fly from the air, though as the teacher did in the movie Karate Kid.  But I would feel awkward eating rice with a fork.


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6 hours ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

Good morning, all! I enjoy frozen yogurt, but never eat it with chopsticks. I have some very nice chopsticks we bought in Taipei, and actually use them a lot. DD shakes her head at my chopstick skills, but by Western standards they’re pretty good!
We are having a very lazy Sunday here. In fact, DH is having a sleep in and still snoring blissfully. Tomorrow we go back to the mainland and have a few days to get ready for the drive to Palm Springs. It’s supposed to be 86 F the day we arrive. I’m looking forward to that!

Our TA got us the 30% price reduction on our holiday cruise between the Grand Africa and the Grand World. Our East Coast leg was booked as a non refundable fare. Somehow, she still got us $500 off that one. She really is a tiger on the phone. A pleasant and polite tiger, but she doesn’t take no for an answer. M already looking up excursions to put the money towards!

@ger_77 I tried bourbon long ago and was not impressed. Then a few years ago I was visiting relatives in Illinois and someone brought a special bottle of bourbon that he treated like liquid gold. I tried a little. Oh my, my. It turns out there is a world of difference between a good bourbon and the stuff ya chugs til ya falls down in the crick. It was amazing, but I wouldn’t adulterate it with orange juice.

Happy Sunday, everyone. If I can’t be aboard a BHB, at least I can book one and dream!



Since discovering The Daily about 2 years ago, I have enjoyed seeing your posts with the day of the week.  My first thought was, 'what a good picture to have as a memory'! Three weeks from today (3 Sundays!) when onboard the Zuiderdam! and in front of the Sunday mat,  I'll think of you!  Thank you for the months of good reading! 

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1 hour ago, Norseh2o said:

Since discovering The Daily about 2 years ago, I have enjoyed seeing your posts with the day of the week.  My first thought was, 'what a good picture to have as a memory'! Three weeks from today (3 Sundays!) when onboard the Zuiderdam! and in front of the Sunday mat,  I'll think of you!  Thank you for the months of good reading! 

Thank you! While waiting for a port to accept us March 2020 I took the daily mat photos as a reminder. When you see one in person again, please say hello to it for me. 
Have a wonderful time on the Zuiderdam!

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