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Violent Passenger on Ruby

KISS Kruiser

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52 minutes ago, sirclean said:

Jurisdiction seems to be the question... 


"The Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act (CVSSA) of 2010 prescribes security and safety requirements for most cruise ships that embark and disembark in the United States. The Act mandates that reports of criminal activity be reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. "


30 minutes ago, chengkp75 said:

 and the US FBI can request interested party status, which means they can get information, but cannot perform any investigation.  And, if the port state does not care to intervene in an incident, then it falls to the flag state, again not the US.  And, the extra-territorial jurisdiction claimed by the US (crimes on the high seas against US citizens) only applies to a set of crimes, not all crimes.

Police departments across the US are required to submit reports of criminal activity to the FBI.  This requirement is not meant to make a Federal Case out of every crime which occurs in the US, it is merely required in order to maintain statistics on crime trends across the nation.  So a requirement to report crimes doesn't necessarily mean the FBI is supposed to do anything more than maintain a statistical record.


Speaking of making a Federal Case out of the incident, I would hazard a guess that the Feds have better things to do rather than investigate what amounts to a shouting match between two individuals.  There's no reports of any injuries and the incident as described would not amount to a crime in many jurisdictions.  At most it would fall into a legal category similar to a traffic ticket in many jurisdictions, and even those incidents would need to be personally witnessed by any authorities taking legal action.


Lastly, the OP even states that she only brought this up in an effort to discover if others had experienced this type of incident and how did they handle it.  I don't believe OP has expressed any interest in taking the matter any further so that should be the end of it.  JMHO.

Edited by Daniel A
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3 minutes ago, Daniel A said:

Lastly, the OP even states that she only brought this up in an effort to discover if others had experienced this type of incident and how did they handle it.  I don't believe OP hasn't expressed any interest in taking the matter any further so that should be the end of it.  JMHO

You are correct.  The incident was mentioned in my post-cruise survey but a few people have pointed out that the situation was handled correctly since I did not have any more problems.  

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OP, sounds like a scary incident that I am happy did not escalate any further. I think people get heated especially when it involves perceived insult to their children. It does sound like what Princess did accomplished the goal which was to stop the unruly behavior. Personally, I would have moved cabins just to avoid running into the man again but to each his own. I have never witnessed anything like this on any cruise and hope I never do!


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3 minutes ago, RNRcruisers said:

I think people get heated especially when it involves perceived insult to their children

I would be appalled if someone had to say something to my misbehaving child.  I tried my best to make sure my child was never annoying to the people around him.  

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2 hours ago, arizonaperson said:

I believe the op posted this once they disembarked.Princess staff according to op asked if they wanted to move cabins,as they were 3 days into a 7 day cruise?

Yes, I posted this when I got home.  The cruise started on Saturday, the incident happened on Tuesday and Guest Services told me what they had done about it on Wednesday.  

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This is the day and age we live in, civilty is a thing of the past, look how people behave on airplanes, on the roads, at sporting events and even at the grocery store and now on cruise ships.😥

Edited by MISTER 67
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Some of the replies here remind me of those who blame the victim… for their own vulnerability, etc.

And I totally agree with the OP in not wanting to move to a different cabin.  There are only two of the covered mini-suites with extended balconies on Grand Class and they are very much desired.  To be chased out by a tyrant is not reasonable.  And as far as not seeing or hearing the neighbor again, I suspect there was more interaction with security and guest relations that was revealed to the OP.  I suspect he was given the option of controlling his children and his temper or being removed at the next port.  EM

Edited by Essiesmom
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In January I watched a man become irate when a passenger turned to his wife and said "you forgot your mask"  when she sat down in the middle machine in a bank of three slot tables in the casino during the period when masks were required at all times.  He started screaming, name calling, and cursing and yelling that people what wanted others to wear masks should leave. He threatened to shove the passenger's mask up her a**  before his wife was able to drag him away.


It took about a minute for a manager to appear and call for a technician to pull the man's contact information from the slot machine. The manager later returned and reported that they'd found the couple and that the problem was taken care of. I never saw them in the casino again or anywhere on the ship for that matter.  There were about 1100 passengers on the Emerald for that sailing.

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I think the OP has acknowledged that calling Guest Services would have been a better option, but regardless of the OP’s comment to the offending neighbors, there is no excuse for the cursing and violent behavior. 

When our kids were younger and getting a little too rambunctious in the room one cruise we received a rather annoyed knocking from next door on our cabin wall. I was mortified and immediately disciplined my unruly kids. I also left a note of apology on the neighbor’s door. It was the one and only time this ever happened as my kids were well behaved - just having a moment and the neighbor was sensitive to the noise. We adjusted accordingly. That’s how grown adults should act.


The behavior in this case by the neighbor was completely unacceptable and frankly scary no matter what was said. 

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It makes me long for the days when the only physical fights on Princess cruises were over seats in the Princess Theater, space in the elevators and etiquette at the blackjack table (which all happened on our transpacific cruises). I think passengers were put off in every port on those trips. 

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8 minutes ago, PescadoAmarillo said:

It makes me long for the days when the only physical fights on Princess cruises were over seats in the Princess Theater, space in the elevators and etiquette at the blackjack table (which all happened on our transpacific cruises). I think passengers were put off in every port on those trips. 

J as always

Look forward to your next Cruise Blog

whenever that may be

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I read all five pages of this thread, then went back and read the OP's first post. I would probably have reacted just like she did. It wasn't the first time the family was loud. This time it was extremely loud and sounded like it could have been dangerous. She just yelled asking them to be considerate of others. Apparently, that's not something the family is familiar with. The dad yelling and pounding on the door? What a jerk. Possibly a dangerous jerk. 


What I would have done differently was move, because I'd be looking over my should the rest of the cruise for that obnoxious SOB. I understand why she didn't want to trade her nice balcony for one of those teeny tiny regular balconies, but I would have done it. In a way, I admire her for standing her ground against this bully. 


I realize she isn't asking us for our blessing of her actions, but I'd have done the same thing. 

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2 hours ago, KISS Kruiser said:

I would be appalled if someone had to say something to my misbehaving child.  I tried my best to make sure my child was never annoying to the people around him.  


I totally agree, we did the same. 

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2 hours ago, KISS Kruiser said:

I would be appalled if someone had to say something to my misbehaving child.  I tried my best to make sure my child was never annoying to the people around him.  


I totally agree, we did the same. 

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23 hours ago, KISS Kruiser said:

Has anyone ever experienced a violent passenger on a cruise ship and if so, what was done about it?


I got off the Ruby yesterday and the people in the cabin next to us were constantly slamming doors, had kids yelling every morning, etc.  I did nothing about it because I figured that having noisy neighbors can be a part of cruising.  On the third day of the cruise I was sitting on my balcony and heard this loud noise from the balcony next door that I assume was someone standing on the balcony furniture and jumping down onto the balcony.  It sounded like someone dumped a pile of bricks on their balcony and it scared the heck out of me.  I said "knock it off" and then "have some respect for the people below, above and next to you".  Next thing I hear a knock on my door and an irate guy is standing there and asked me if I just told his kids what to do.  He said no one tells his kids what to do, they are just kids, they are only 10 and 13 (10 and 13 are kids whose behavior he can't control???). I told him what I said to his kids and he started cussing at me.  I decided I wasn't going to be yelled at and went to close my door.  Right when I was closing it I saw his fist come up and he stopped my door from closing with his fist. He dented my door.   I don't know if he was trying to stop the door from closing or trying to hit me and the door got in the way.  I then attempted to close the door a second time and he was pushing against my door preventing me from closing it.  On the third try I finally got it closed.  I'm a 53 year old female and my husband was in the shower when this all occurred. 


I called Guest Services and they sent someone up to talk to me.  They also talked to him and I heard him say "what else are you supposed to do when someone says something to your kids?" and "what else are you supposed to do when someone tries to close the door when you're talking?".  I was told to go to Guest Services and make a complaint.  Guest Services typed up my complaint (I have no idea what it said) and called Jerry from Security to speak with me.  He told me I did the right thing reporting this, that the man violated the passenger contract and that where he is from in the UK it would be a crime.  He told me to go enjoy my day and they would get back to me.  Guest Services asked if I want to switch rooms and I told them I had E730 which has the extended covered balcony and why should I be inconvenienced when I hadn't done anything wrong and why can't his room be moved.


Later that night while going to the International Cafe Guest Services saw us and said they have been trying to reach us (we'd been back on the ship for hours) and told us to call Guest Services if anything happens and the incident is still being reviewed. The following morning I asked Guest Services what was being done and they said nothing.  He was spoken to and told not to do it again.  I was extremely upset and they took me to a little office to talk to a higher up in Guest Services who was very condescending and no compassion whatsoever. I told him how terrifying it is to be on the other side of a door someone is trying to get into and I shouldn't have to deal with this on a cruise ship. He said yes the man broke the passenger contract but everybody agrees to that contract and everybody breaks it.  He said it is like an iPhone terms of service contract where everyone agrees to the terms and then everyone breaks them??????  They said they cannot move him to another room and maybe we would like to  move.  There was another officer in the room and he asked him if they had any suites left and was told no.  In a very condescending tone he said maybe he could move us up to a mini suite.  I told him we are already in a mini suite.  He told me they cannot control the actions of other passengers, that it was basically a "he said she said" situation and if anything further happened either by me or the other passenger it would be dealt with. 


I have been on over 20 cruises including 11 charter music cruises and have never experienced anything like this.  Is this normal passenger behavior?  Is this the way Princess deals with violent passengers?

To the original poster, there have been horrendous crimes committed on cruise ships.  I am so glad that you weren't injured or worse.  Brought to my mind the man who killed his wife on a cruise near Alaska because she wouldn't stop laughing at him. 
Thank you for sharing your experience. We can all learn from other cruiser's experiences.   I will try to remember to call security, if anything similar happens to me while on a cruise ship.  Security should have handled this differently.  Disembarkation at the next port and left to find their own way home would have been in order.  Perhaps, security was afraid of the man.

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14 hours ago, Pink-belle said:

That was indeed tragic, I sailed Emerald shortly after and was absolutely dismayed at the number of fellow pax, talking about it and quite proud they had “seen” the stateroom. 

In this case The OP was talking about slammed doors and kids yelling not sounds of arguments or disagreements. 

I sure hope you can have Princess put print outs in each room to distinguish between the two. Regardless this is a parental problem and sure those entitled kids will end up in a lot worse situation later where these parents need lawyers, or the Dad will.

 I pay the same amount and sign same cruise contract, I expect others to respect me as I do them. Plain simple courtesy. Kudos to all those that said they'd be sure their children don't act as these did.

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10 minutes ago, dog said:

To OP- what has your husband have to say about this guy?

This would be my wife's fear after I'd come out of bathroom. I learned after a very bad altercation in college, escalating violence isn't the solution. I'm a decent size, and was taught after many adverse situations that it's better to kill with kindness. Bullies can't handle that, I know and am not proud.

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15 minutes ago, dog said:

To OP- what has your husband have to say about this guy?

My husband is an easy going guy who doesn't like confrontation.  He heard everything from the shower and said the guy is a jerk and was wrong.  If my husband had been the one to answer the door I think the outcome would have been the same though I'm not sure if the neighbor would have acted differently if a man had opened the door instead of a woman.

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Wow, how scary!  I'm sorry that this happened to you.  Personally, I probably would have chosen to be moved as long as it was a room/location to my liking just so that this person would not know my location on the ship.  I would not feel comfortable being right next to that person any longer knowing that they may try to confront us at any time upon arriving/leaving our room.  


I do hope that more happened to him that they just were not able to tell you due to confidentiality or something like that.  Otherwise, it does seem that it was not handled very well.


And another thing...a normal/proper reaction would have been your neighbor coming over to apologize for his kids bad behavior and that they would make sure it didn't happen again.  I don't know why people get so defensive of their kids like that.  It does them zero favors.

Edited by Coffeeluvr05
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16 minutes ago, Coffeeluvr05 said:

And another thing...a normal/proper reaction would have been your neighbor coming over to apologize for his kids bad behavior and that they would make sure it didn't happen again. 

That's what I thought the knock on my door was.  Had I known he was irate I never would have opened the door.  

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It may have been that security spoke with him and  warned him if there are any more incident’s, then he would be removed?  You said you didn’t hear the noises again after that.

I’ve called GS a couple of times over the years and they have sent security to check out the problem.  That took care of it.

If I were in your situation and didn’t want to move.  I would insist that security patrolled the hallway.  That’s what they are there for.


Also, if the kids were jumping off balcony furniture or turning it over, there are cameras on the balconies.  They should have looked at the film. Maybe they did.


We had a loud domestic violence issue across the hall a few years ago.  Security did come and they separated them. Security kept him in his room, locked up, delivered meals to him.  But, guarded the cabin door until we got back to the US. They escorted him off to the US police on arrival.  His girlfriend was taken off separately.  Don’t know why they didn’t throw him in the jail on lower deck.


Anyway, so glad you are okay.








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46 minutes ago, PacnGoNow said:

It may have been that security spoke with him and  warned him if there are any more incident’s, then he would be removed?  You said you didn’t hear the noises again after that.

I’ve called GS a couple of times over the years and they have sent security to check out the problem.  That took care of it.

If I were in your situation and didn’t want to move.  I would insist that security patrolled the hallway.  That’s what they are there for.

I did not ever hear that noise from the balcony again so you are probably right.  

I didn't know security would do that. On 20+ cruises before this one, I have never dealt with security or known anyone who has so know nothing about what they will do.  Thanks for your help.

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