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2023 Grand World Voyage with The Inside Cabin


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10 Jan 2023


Poor internet not allowing me to update the blog - but here is the post for Cruise Critic 


The Library opens and we celebrate our table's first birthday 


The Library reopened today at 9 am with ribbon cutting ceremony hosted by the Cruise and Travel Director Ian with the Captain in attendance.  The ribbon was cut by the current Entertainment Director who started her career as a Librarian with Holland America years ago. 




Several hundred people were packed around the entrance as the doors open and people filed in to check out the books.  The books are checked out on the honor system with a limit of 2 per person. 


Ian told me there were 1800 books in the library. 


There are only 2 chairs in the library and this isn't a library where you can read your books or lounge, as you could in the past.  The Gallery Bar is an under used space that is normally very quiet and is close to the Library. 


Table 89 celebrated the first birthday of the cruise with Cindy getting the honor of being the first to wear the giant foam "It's My Birthday" hat.  We enjoyed the usual Indonesian Birthday song celebrated by the assembled waiters. 





Here are the lyrics and English translation: 


Birthday Song (Bahasa Indonesia)

Panjang umurnya

Panjang umurnya

Panjang umurnya

Serta mulia

Serta mulia

Serta mulia


Birthday Song (English)

Long is his/her age

Long is his/her age

Long is his/her age

And treasured

And treasured

And treasured


Pianist Elliot Finkel was the featured entertainer this evening.  He played a variety of classical and popular songs and put on a wonderful show. 




library 2.jpg

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Hi Pete,

Just wanted to let you know the I received a warning that your security certificate for your website expired when I went to your blog today. Not sure if it was a fluke or not. I went to the site anyway and now don't get the warning when I return. So maybe it was a me problem and not a you problem?

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10 minutes ago, Sea42 said:

Hi Pete,

Just wanted to let you know the I received a warning that your security certificate for your website expired when I went to your blog today. Not sure if it was a fluke or not. I went to the site anyway and now don't get the warning when I return. So maybe it was a me problem and not a you problem?

yes - not sure what's causing that issue - thanks for letting me know

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11 minutes ago, *Miss G* said:

For some strange reason I cannot see the pics in posts #111, 123, and 125.  It’s just a blank white space in place of the pic.  Is anyone else having this problem?

Yes, I can’t see them either, but I could this morning! I also couldn’t see some pictures in another posters “live from”.

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9 minutes ago, sunviking90 said:

Yes, I can’t see them either, but I could this morning! I also couldn’t see some pictures in another posters “live from”.


Thank you, @sunviking90.  Now that you mention it, I did see the pics in post #111 yesterday.  It must be a problem with CC.  Maybe I’ll be able to see them tomorrow!

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1 hour ago, Sea42 said:

Hi Pete,

Just wanted to let you know the I received a warning that your security certificate for your website expired when I went to your blog today. Not sure if it was a fluke or not. I went to the site anyway and now don't get the warning when I return. So maybe it was a me problem and not a you problem?

Thanks - should be fixed -

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On 1/4/2023 at 8:02 PM, The-Inside-Cabin said:

We now seem to be settled on 5:15 and 7:30 for fixed dinners and the shows are going to be 7 and 9:30.  It's tuff to find a drink after 11 pm...My sense is most of the ship is anytime with tables of two..


This is my first cruise with ordering bottles of wine instead of by the glass.   The lack of wine stewards is glaring now.....Wine service was once something you never thought about - it was always perfect - now you feel like you are asking for a favor to get your bottle of wine from the previous day..


They did replay the port show from the previous evening the next day on the TV...

We just were on the Konningsdam and when we returned to our dining table we had any opened bottle waiting for us.

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Post for 11 Jan 2023


Funny Fiddle Feature

The Graveyard of Good Intentions

I spent most of the day working on solving a technical issue with my website’s security certificate.  Due to the poor internet, what would take 5 minutes to research and solve ended up taking several hours.  Everything is back running normally, and we shouldn’t see those “unsafe website” warnings any longer.

While out and about, I did spot the Hawaiian Ambassadors teaching a Ukulele Class.


Tonight’s entertainer was Chris Pendleton, a Comedian and Violin Player.  She spends the first half of her show performing a funny stand-up routine followed by various tunes on the Violin.  Very entertaining.


The Graveyard of Good Intentions


Back in the day – when I was working – and before e-mails and any chance of remote work – many people used briefcases to tote work-related papers, books, briefings, and brochures from one place to another – generally to and from your home.  After a long day at the office, and with an inbox full of things to do – I would have the choice to stay late or dump all the paperwork into my briefcase and take it home and get it done after dinner.


You know what happens.


The work never got done, and I would tote it back to the office the next morning and continue where I left off.  But – the briefcase gave me license to leave the office with the good intentions of finishing at home.  After years of following this routine, I renamed my briefcase the “Graveyard of Good Intentions,”  or where office work went to die – at home – unfinished.


My first cruise, longer than 7 days, was a 28-day voyage from Sydney to San Francisco in 2006.  E-books weren’t widely available then, and I was convinced that on this long trip with 14 Sea Days, I would have hours to read.     I brought six hardcover novels – with the intention of reading them all.  As you can probably tell by now, I think I read the first chapter of one book, and the rest remained unopened and returned home in my suitcase – unread.


I no longer tote hardcover books but have dozens of titles on my Kindle and in my Audible Book app.  I rarely have time to “crack” open a Kindle – occasionally have time to listen to a book while exercising.  So the Kindle is now my “Graveyard of Good Intentions.”  Full of interesting titles I would like to read but never seem to work their way high enough on my daily “to-do” list.


While cruises, particularly long cruises, may at first seem like an endless source of time to do many things, there will be a lot of competition for your time.  Take a look at one of the Daily Programs HERE, and you will find every hour filled with some interesting activity.  My advice to people taking a long cruise for the first time with a lot of sea days – don’t assume you will have endless idle hours to stare at the sea or read a good book.  You can certainly make that a priority if you choose, but you may find that other activities will prove more compelling.


Tell me in the comments – have you had a Graveyard of Good Intentions on your cruises?

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Hi Pete,

Unlike Judy, I bring a crochet project on every cruise. It goes home untouched! I do, however, read on my Kindle before bed each evening and while relaxing on the veranda. 
Howie and I are enjoying your posts!

Cheers from both of us. 

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Post for 12 Jan 23pickleball feature

I have been playing Texas Hold’em on Cruise ships for years – Something old – but was looking for something new.

Whenever I go on a cruise, I strive to try something new.  I am always looking for something new to eat,  new entertainment, and a new activity.  We rarely miss an evening show and one aspect of cruising we enjoy is all the different types of live entertainment.  Consequently, seeing new shows will normally take care of itself. 

When we visit a port, one of our favorite activities is a cooking class or food tour.  These help us achieve our goal of trying something new in the food department. 

Longer cruises will offer more activities than shorter cruises, and there are many activities that I have seen on the daily programs that I have never experienced.  It’s easy to get into a routine so I try to make it a habit to read the daily program each evening and look for some new activity that looks interesting the next day. 

There is one activity that has been gaining in popularity over the years everywhere and especially on Holland America Cruise Ships:  Pickleball. 

Before the cruise started, I picked up an inexpensive pickleball paddle.  The ship has a supply of paddles, but getting my own didn’t cost much, and I figured that the quality of one I brought might be better or at least I would get used to using the same paddle if that were to make a difference.  I also bought some balls for the same reason. 

Holland America has a new position (at least in my experience) on the Activity team – Sports Director.  Spencer is the Sports Director on Zuiderdam, and he teaches and leads all sports-related activities, which include:  Tai Chi, Pickleball, Putting Tournaments, Aerobic classes, etc. 

There are three levels of Pickleball organized on the Zuiderdam:  Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.  The Daily Program announces times for gameplay as well as instruction by Spencer. 

I skipped the 10 am Texas Hold’em game and headed to the Pickleball Court on the Sports Deck for the Beginner Pickleball Class.  There were about 10 of us, equally divided between men and women.  Spencer handed us a couple of sheets of paper with the rules and the basics and then explained the lines on the court and the general gameplay.  He showed us how to hold the paddle and how to serve. 

spencer-teaching-pickleball.jpg Spencer, Sports Director, explains the basics of Pickleball

Groups of four took turns hitting the ball back and forth, and we switched off every 5-10 minutes with the other students who were watching.  The court is quite windy, so I don’t know how much fun playing an actual game might be, but the conditions were OK for our purposes today.  After everyone had a chance to get some practice – a few of us hung around and played a game.  It was fun, and I plan to return and work on improving as the cruise progresses. 

pickleball.jpg Spencer demonstrates how to serve in Pickleball

Vocalist Rebecca Kelly was the featured entertainer on the Mainstage this evening.  She has a powerful voice and puts on a great show. 

singer.jpg Rebecca Kelly


Edited by The-Inside-Cabin
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Hi Pete:

Our Graveyard of Good Intentions is always the fitness center.  Always.  My DH is a cyclist and I bike & workout in our home gym regularly, BUT... it never carries over to a cruise!  So, for our 28 day Ultimate Alaska next year, I've purposely booked a cabin on deck eight, forward, so the fitness center is just seconds away.  We shall see.

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My Graveyard is filled with not even half finished travel journals. I start out doing such a good job and then invariably by day 5 or 6 I start putting it off until tomorrow which becomes, maybe tomorrow and finally I admit defeat. I will make a desperate attempt on the plane ride home but trying to remember a few weeks of memories seems beyond my capabilities.

That is why I love following all of the Live From threads. I really appreciate and admire those that follow thru!

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5 hours ago, julia said:

Hi Pete:

Our Graveyard of Good Intentions is always the fitness center.  Always.  My DH is a cyclist and I bike & workout in our home gym regularly, BUT... it never carries over to a cruise!  So, for our 28 day Ultimate Alaska next year, I've purposely booked a cabin on deck eight, forward, so the fitness center is just seconds away.  We shall see.

I used to do spin classes ashore - never on ship - not sure why they charge $20 - I may check one out....

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I bring my crochet and my Kindle. Kindle does get read but nowhere near as much as I expected. And as long as the weather outside isn't blowing salt water back at me, I usually get quite a bit of crocheting done [hate wet yarn, especially salt-encrusted]. 


So my kindle gets abandoned the most, but not completely. I never had a briefcase, so I never developed that bad habit. lol

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Post for 13 Jan 2023
Zuiderdam Ball Feature

We celebrated the start of our Grand World Voyage with The Captain’s Dinner and the Zuiderdam Ball – plus a return to Formal Night!

Eight consecutive sea days will be our longest, and we are now halfway to Nuku Hiva, with four days to go.  There has been some ship motion since leaving Panama, but nothing I would consider significant.  The air temperatures remain pleasant, but it is breezy on the open decks as we are cruising at a relatively fast 18 knots.

I wandered around the Lido pool a little after eight this morning and watched the Tai Chi class in progress – led by the sports director – Spencer.  At the other end of the pool, fellow passenger Bonita was leading a Zumba class for a small group.  They didn’t have a large monitor available – so they were making do using a small laptop.

Immediately after the Tai Chi, the Polynesian Ambassador Team led the Polynesian Fitness Class.

Coffee-Chat.jpg The Cruise and Travel Director, Ian, hosts Coffee Chat on most sea days at 9 AM. Today he interviewed Sandra from the Activity Team


It was now a little after 9 am on a beautiful day, and there were still plenty of deck chairs available around the pool and pretty much anywhere you may want to sit outside.  Unlike some shorter cruises, there is rarely any issue with people reserving deck chairs.

I stopped by the Mainstage at 2 pm to listen to Guest Lecturer Mike West talk about ‘Sink the Bismarck!’

Mike-West.jpg Guest Lecturer Mike West


Mike opened his talk with a rendition of the 1960 Johnny Horton song “Sink The Bismarck”.  More HERE You can watch a video below;


While Mike did a fine job with the song, he quickly admitted that singing is not his strong suit.  Mike presented a fascinating story of this naval battle from the early days of WW II.  His presentation and slides are outstanding.  Mike concluded his talk with a sobering reminder that the loss of life during this battle was huge, as sailors on both sides perished at sea.

Tonight was the main event for our transit and one of the highlights of the cruise:  The Captain’s Dinner and Zuiderdam Ball.

Formal Nights were replaced years ago by Gala Nights and then Dressy Nights.  The trend throughout cruising has been a gradual shift in dress codes toward casualness.  With this in mind, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that on Grand Voyages, Holland America would bring back formal nights with a Tux or Suit the standard for men.


The Captain’s Dinner was a fairly typical Gala Night menu featuring Surf and Turf.  One wrinkle was a small note that additional lobster tails would cost $7.50 each.  We held another Tuxedo Junction at 6:45 pm with an excellent turnout.  I estimated that about 30-50% of the men were wearing tuxedos, and I didn’t see a single man not wearing a jacket and tie, and most were wearing suits.

Tuxedo Junction 7
Tuxedo Junction 6
Tuxedo Junction 5
Tuxedo Junction 4
Tuxedo Junction 3
Tuxedo Junction 2
Tuxedo Junction
Zuiderdam Ball 3

Even though the dress code is only for the Main Dining Room, everyone was formally dressed in every area of the ship I visited.  I didn’t go to the Lido, where people were probably dressed more casually.

Captain Friso and Chantal greeted all the guests as we entered the dining room on Deck 3.  We have fixed dining at 7:30 pm, and our table has seven people assigned with one empty spot.  Our table was hosted this evening by the Assistant Shorex Manager, Adeline, from South Africa.  The wine was complimentary this evening regardless if your table was hosted or not.  Service continues to be excellent, and we routinely finish dinner in about 75-90 minutes.  There weren’t any decorations or chair coverings in the dining room.

Zuiderdam-Ball.jpg Capt Friso and Chantal, greeted us as we entered the Main Dining Room on deck three



The Zuiderdam Ball started at 9 pm in the Ocean Bar, the Rolling Stone Lounge and Billboard Onboard with all three bands playing simultaneously.  Having three separate areas worked out well as people could choose what type of music and atmosphere they desired.  The Rolling Stone lounge was easily the most popular and had the most activity.  While all the guests in the Rolling Stone Lounge were dressed to the nines, I was surprised to see the bartenders wearing their everyday T-shirts instead of something more formal.

Zuiderdam Ball 9
The Ocean Bar Dance Band
Zuiderdam Ball 8
Kya in Billboard Onboard
Zuiderdam Ball 7
The Rolling Stone Lounge was the most popular of the three venues
Zuiderdam Ball 6
Rolling Stone Lounge Band
Zuiderdam Ball 4
Billboard Onboard -with Piano Duet Kya and David
Zuiderdam Ball 2

Pete with Hotel GM, Henk


The bands quit playing around 11:30 pm and the crowd dwindled pretty quickly once the music stopped.


You can check out the rest of the cruise’s activities and theme nights HERE

Edited by The-Inside-Cabin
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Aloha. Everyone looked great and love the elegance.  One of the reasons we enjoy HAL and Cunard is their elegance and love wearing a tuxedo which sad to say is not as often as I would like. Thank you for sharing!

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2 hours ago, LouChamp said:

Aloha. Everyone looked great and love the elegance.  One of the reasons we enjoy HAL and Cunard is their elegance and love wearing a tuxedo which sad to say is not as often as I would like. Thank you for sharing!

I was surprised by the extremely high number of men wearing tuxedos.....Tonight is another dressy night - so it will probably be back towards the more typical number - we'll see!

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3 minutes ago, The-Inside-Cabin said:

I was surprised by the extremely high number of men wearing tuxedos.....Tonight is another dressy night - so it will probably be back towards the more typical number - we'll see!


So how many men would you estimate are wearing tuxedos?  50%,  75%?

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6 minutes ago, Ipeeinthepools said:


So how many men would you estimate are wearing tuxedos?  50%,  75%?

50% on the formal night    -  this was the people at the ball or in the lido - usually you see a few random guys walking around in shorts etc.....not that night...This was both in the deck 3 MDR at 7:30 and the zuiderdam ball at 9pm...    So I only viewed a small sample of the other times etc....others my have different observations - but it was way higher than normal gala/dressy etc

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