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Celebrity Silhouette - vegetarians, glutten-free, special diet, what on earth happened to the MDR?


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Yes yet another food post, but I haven't seen it discussed from this angle before. Apologies if I'm rehashing old news.


I sailed on the Silhouette sailing 29th of August from Southampton around Iceland, 11 nights. It's been a while and I've been debating whether to post this, but I'd like to hear your thoughts. I've been on 11 cruises with Celebrity, this one first cruise post-pandemic. So I’m not as well-traveled as many of you, but I do have some experience with the line.


I’ve loved X’s food in the past and have had no complaints as a vegetarian, but this time was different.


Menu items were marked as “vegetarian” that were definitely not vegetarian. And items were not marked “vegetarian” that actually were vegetarian (salads, mostly -- I had to verify with the waiter each time). Seems like no one was paying attention to those little icons. I’ll post a picture so you can see what I mean. (Mahi-mahi is fish.. that's pescatarian, not vegetarian.) 

Some days there was no vegetarian option on the MDR menu at all, and we left hungry. We finally figured out on day 4 that there's a special "vegan" menu that you have to request. Everything on there was underwhelming.


It seems like they've decided to lump vegetarians and vegans into the same category and offer just one option for both. No shade to vegans, I’m just not one.


The regular menu options weren’t better. Mushroom spaghetti that looked like something the dog threw up. Like.. just brown spaghetti noodles with a congealed sauce. Not even my pasta-loving spouse could stomach it, whom I've never seen turn down pasta.


The only vegetarian option for lunch one day was exactly the same only vegetarian option that was served the night before for dinner. Not even changed up at all, literally the same dish. (I can eat leftovers at home, you know?)


One night we had a horrible experience with an appetizer. The waiter had given us the vegan menu and knew we were vegetarian. The appetizer had pork in it, which we only found out after biting into it. Yep, they had an appetizer named exactly the same thing on both menus, one with meat and the vegan version without.


We were talking with another couple and she was gluten-free and had had a bad reaction to one of the dishes. I don't have her experience, but when I left the conversation she was suspicious that the dish she was served wasn't gluten free after all.


Hopefully this post helps some of the vegetarians / gluten-free / allergic / special diet people out there – I would recommend you double check every meal. Usually I could trust the menu, but not this time. I was not happy about biting into pork, I imagine it would be so much worse if one didn't eat pork for religious reasons.


Weirdly, in the second half of the cruise the food improved considerably so I'm not sure what happened there.


I feel like Celebrity lost something that set them apart and really made them special. Would rather be charged more than repeat that experience, honestly. I know the pandemic hit them hard, but maybe I’m alone in being willing to pay higher prices if that’s what’s needed to get the food back to something I’d enjoy eating.


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5 minutes ago, lynnespace said:

Yes yet another food post, but I haven't seen it discussed from this angle before. Apologies if I'm rehashing old news.


I sailed on the Silhouette sailing 29th of August from Southampton around Iceland, 11 nights. It's been a while and I've been debating whether to post this, but I'd like to hear your thoughts. I've been on 11 cruises with Celebrity, this one first cruise post-pandemic. So I’m not as well-traveled as many of you, but I do have some experience with the line.


I’ve loved X’s food in the past and have had no complaints as a vegetarian, but this time was different.


Menu items were marked as “vegetarian” that were definitely not vegetarian. And items were not marked “vegetarian” that actually were vegetarian (salads, mostly -- I had to verify with the waiter each time). Seems like no one was paying attention to those little icons. I’ll post a picture so you can see what I mean. (Mahi-mahi is fish.. that's pescatarian, not vegetarian.) 

Some days there was no vegetarian option on the MDR menu at all, and we left hungry. We finally figured out on day 4 that there's a special "vegan" menu that you have to request. Everything on there was underwhelming.


It seems like they've decided to lump vegetarians and vegans into the same category and offer just one option for both. No shade to vegans, I’m just not one.


The regular menu options weren’t better. Mushroom spaghetti that looked like something the dog threw up. Like.. just brown spaghetti noodles with a congealed sauce. Not even my pasta-loving spouse could stomach it, whom I've never seen turn down pasta.


The only vegetarian option for lunch one day was exactly the same only vegetarian option that was served the night before for dinner. Not even changed up at all, literally the same dish. (I can eat leftovers at home, you know?)


One night we had a horrible experience with an appetizer. The waiter had given us the vegan menu and knew we were vegetarian. The appetizer had pork in it, which we only found out after biting into it. Yep, they had an appetizer named exactly the same thing on both menus, one with meat and the vegan version without.


We were talking with another couple and she was gluten-free and had had a bad reaction to one of the dishes. I don't have her experience, but when I left the conversation she was suspicious that the dish she was served wasn't gluten free after all.


Hopefully this post helps some of the vegetarians / gluten-free / allergic / special diet people out there – I would recommend you double check every meal. Usually I could trust the menu, but not this time. I was not happy about biting into pork, I imagine it would be so much worse if one didn't eat pork for religious reasons.


Weirdly, in the second half of the cruise the food improved considerably so I'm not sure what happened there.


I feel like Celebrity lost something that set them apart and really made them special. Would rather be charged more than repeat that experience, honestly. I know the pandemic hit them hard, but maybe I’m alone in being willing to pay higher prices if that’s what’s needed to get the food back to something I’d enjoy eating.




Sorry to hear about your experience.I have a vegetarian brother so know how difficult it can be when we eat out.

If that's the MDR lunch menu it looks okay to this regular eater.

I'll have the jumbo shrimp and the mussels and chorizo pasta.

Sounds delicious.




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Yep the post probably does not apply to you if you don't follow a special diet.


14 minutes ago, Baggy178 said:



Sorry to hear about your experience.I have a vegetarian brother so know how difficult it can be when we eat out.

If that's the MDR lunch menu it looks okay to this regular eater.

I'll have the jumbo shrimp and the mussels and chorizo pasta.

Sounds delicious.





It's not difficult at all for me to eat out, even when travelling. Honestly, it's hardly ever a problem. The only thing I would agree is hard is BBQ places... I'm getting the potato and side salad then, lol. Sorry your brother has trouble.


The thing that's wrong is the icons. Fish isn't a vegetable 🤨 


You do you -- enjoy your lunch! 


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2 minutes ago, lynnespace said:

Right!? I would think the mahi-mahi might be lactose-free? But it's not marked as such. 



You would think. Some are very obvious it's a no go. But others I don't see anything that jumps out but the icon doesn't match - are they cooking with butter? lol

I mean butter I can live with but what if someone is allergic, that's a huge problem to have things mislabeled. You don't want to be hassling the waiter to have everything confirmed.

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1 minute ago, Purplsmurf said:

Too bad you had this issue! We have been on many Celebrity cruises and I’m gluten free. Fortunately I have never had any issues 

I'm glad to hear that! I am hoping it was just this sailing and not something indicative of a larger issue. 

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My experience is only with Millie but every single night my waiter mentioned my food allergies and intolerances. The women next to us was gf and it was always confirmed what her options were and we both usually ordered the night before. The couple down the row ordered a special meal nightly off menu and this was all in the MDR. The gf was first time cruisers but they weren’t happy with the lack of gf variety. The gentleman who ordered a special meal every night lived on cruise ships so this was maybe more of a special treatment.


Having set dining I think makes a big difference if you have a limited diet or allergies. This way your server can reply make sure your well served.

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19 minutes ago, SoloAlaska said:

My experience is only with Millie but every single night my waiter mentioned my food allergies and intolerances. The women next to us was gf and it was always confirmed what her options were and we both usually ordered the night before. The couple down the row ordered a special meal nightly off menu and this was all in the MDR. The gf was first time cruisers but they weren’t happy with the lack of gf variety. The gentleman who ordered a special meal every night lived on cruise ships so this was maybe more of a special treatment.


Having set dining I think makes a big difference if you have a limited diet or allergies. This way your server can reply make sure your well served.

Yes, it's so weird because I've never had a that bad of an experience before. I kind of expect that sometimes things will go wrong and usually I can roll with it. This was my 4th time on the Silhouette and I was on the Millennium for Panama canal last year (that I completely forgot about when posting -- so this is actually second cruise post-covid, not first like I said). We were set dining, the late seating.


It could just be my paranoia but I thought if it saves someone a headache or that's important to them I should mention it. 


I should add -- I didn't know you could order the night before! Thank you for telling me that. I might try that if I go again next time. The Vegan menu items did take longer to arrive but that's totally fine with me - we like a leisurely dinner and some extra conversation and waiting around is definitely a plus.

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55 minutes ago, lynnespace said:

Yes, it's so weird because I've never had a that bad of an experience before. I kind of expect that sometimes things will go wrong and usually I can roll with it. This was my 4th time on the Silhouette and I was on the Millennium for Panama canal last year (that I completely forgot about when posting -- so this is actually second cruise post-covid, not first like I said). We were set dining, the late seating.


It could just be my paranoia but I thought if it saves someone a headache or that's important to them I should mention it. 


I should add -- I didn't know you could order the night before! Thank you for telling me that. I might try that if I go again next time. The Vegan menu items did take longer to arrive but that's totally fine with me - we like a leisurely dinner and some extra conversation and waiting around is definitely a plus.

Oh wow then yes that seems very wrong. I’ve been vegetarian and vegan and the first time I accidentally had chicken after a long time with not meat I got so sick I was in bed for 3 days. People think it’s harmless for a vegan to eat a little meat but that wasn’t the case for me. I would have been very paranoid if I were you.


lesson is be careful and hopefully you have a fantastic waiter that will watch out for you as well.

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3 minutes ago, zitsky said:

Do people really not know to order the day before?  I’ve read that advice many times here.  I have a friend who eats gluten free and that’s the advice I gave her.

I mean, yes, I guess I've never known that? Or never needed to know that before? Never had a problem on X ordering day-of except for this recent example.

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I am one of the lucky ones and have not had a bad experience.  I am anaphylactic.  We normally book Retreat or Aqua specifically for the smaller diningrooms. Have always been given the next nights menu.  I always make sure that before we even board, I have sent the dietary /allergy form in and spoken with DR manager on embarkation day.  I now get a letter to please see the MGR on embarkation day, so I know it is noted


I ve posted this before.. …. Take an index card and write out your allergies, gluten free, lactose intolerance etc or in you case vegetarian   Laminate it.   Put your name and cabin number (removable).    then give it to whomever serves you.  The kitchens are busy so this helps tremendously.


     I always travel with several of these cards in case one doesnt get returned.   I ve had many managers and servers thank me for having this for them as it helps the kitchen. 


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I was with a vegetarian friend some years ago in Eclipse. It then had a creperie on 5 (now sushi). He carefully ordered his crepe and when delivered contained some small items of meat. When this was complained about, the creperie chef said 'yes, he had seen the order but thought he could improve on it'.


It's just as bad on Royal. The fall-back position for vegetarian options there seems to be 'vegetarian curry' and that was out 3 nights in a row.





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I have a shellfish allergy. On my survey I have suggested they put ingredients on the name cards they use in the buffet. They could also have an ingredient list available in the restaurants for those who are interested.  

I end up skipping a lot of things in the buffet because I can't tell what is in it.  I've basically given up asking in the buffet because I have had too many times when I can't trust that they understand what I am asking due to the language barrier.  The dining rooms are better in that aspect. With my allergy, a mistake means anaphylaxis.

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In the buffet we have been told not to ask the servers but instead find one of the multiple Matre'd in the buffet areas.   They will either know or will consult the chef to find the answer.  They all have phones so it really only takes a minute for them to get the answer.

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4 hours ago, kands6191 said:

I have a shellfish allergy. On my survey I have suggested they put ingredients on the name cards they use in the buffet. They could also have an ingredient list available in the restaurants for those who are interested.  

I end up skipping a lot of things in the buffet because I can't tell what is in it.  I've basically given up asking in the buffet because I have had too many times when I can't trust that they understand what I am asking due to the language barrier.  The dining rooms are better in that aspect. With my allergy, a mistake means anaphylaxis.

I like the idea of signs there. I do skip a few things because I'm not sure also, you've got a great idea there. 


I'm very fortunate the consequences for me are just a little annoyance, I don't have anything life-threatening. 


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1 hour ago, PTC DAWG said:

As a child of the 60’s, I don’t remember all these ailments, conditions or special food demands..were they around? 

I know my Schools certainly didn’t have special dishes growing up. 

Feeding the trolls here (pun intended) but on the off chance you're serious -- you never met a Jewish kid growing up? Or Islamic? 


For me it's just a strong preference, no demands here except... accurate info on what I'm eating. Not too high of a bar for a restaurant to clear, honestly. 


For others who could literally die, I'm not even sure what you're implying.

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As someone who is allergic to dairy, I noticed similar issues with the icons on the menus (and the buffet) on my Eclipse cruise in May and my waiter confirmed there were not always right. Fortunately, my waiter was really good about making sure never to serve me anything with dairy and getting my pre-order each night.  The only night I had problems was the one night the head waiter decided to take over getting my order (which was a bit odd because that is who I usually work with instead of the waiter). 


I provided feedback on the ship and in the survey about the mislabeling because I do think that is a huge issue.  

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58 minutes ago, lynnespace said:

Feeding the trolls here (pun intended) but on the off chance you're serious -- you never met a Jewish kid growing up? Or Islamic? 


For me it's just a strong preference, no demands here except... accurate info on what I'm eating. Not too high of a bar for a restaurant to clear, honestly. 


For others who could literally die, I'm not even sure what you're implying.

I followed a mostly Jewish diet as a Christian.  But I wouldn’t die if I ate shellfish.  Poster is asking were there as many people with food allergies 50 years ago?  Why was it not better publicized?

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57 minutes ago, lynnespace said:

Feeding the trolls here (pun intended) but on the off chance you're serious -- you never met a Jewish kid growing up? Or Islamic? 


For me it's just a strong preference, no demands here except... accurate info on what I'm eating. Not too high of a bar for a restaurant to clear, honestly. 


For others who could literally die, I'm not even sure what you're implying.

I grew up in the Southern US, I honestly don’t remember anything like I’ve read in the last 10-15 years of the different allergies, etc…not trying to troll.  Y’all carry on, I suppose everyone I ever knew is just lucky not to have issues. 

I get some of the religious preferences…my Grandmother would not eat lamb because it had cloven feet..I do remember that.  

I have also read that all the additives we have been putting in our food the last 20 or so years have taken a toll on immune systems etc..

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