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We Cruisers Need to be Realists........


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Good timing Sail. Most of the CC forums are chock full of " I'll never sail ABC, again", posts. I wonder how many would be cruisers stumble onto CC, decide against a cruise line or a particular ship or even cruising in general, based upon a few posts.

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I'm so glad so many 'get' what I was getting at. :)


I wasn't sure when I started this thread that some folks wouldn't get on the "I paid good money" kick. :rolleyes: Of course, whatever we pay is 'good money' and boarding with a reasonable expectation will allow us to enjoy our cruises to the max and behappy cruisers at the end of our vacation. :) IMO


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Expectations and satisfaction will vary from person to person based on...a lot of things.


We have sailed the Baltic for $2600. We have also sailed it for $999...no complaints on either occasion. We saw people griping on both cruises. It seems people will complain no matter what.


If you suggest that dinners might not be up to former glory, desserts not quite as exotic, entertainment not quite as professional, bar bills will be more expensive, well maybe that is fair.


Cruiselines will still have to do the basics well. Cabin odors, failed plumbing, malfunctioning electronics, getting DR preferences right etc will still have to be up to standard.


There will always be complaints, but some will be more justified than others.


I for one will not give carte blanche to cruiselines to cut, trim, prune or otherwise diminish the cruise experience as a general principle. It seems even in the good times cruise companies were forever exploring new ways to generate revenue which caused far more seasoned HAL cruisers than me to lament for "the good old days". There has always been a healthy tension between cruise providers and cruise passengers with respect to perceived value for dollar. I expect that to remain.


Now times are tough, and cruiselines have gone on a buying spree of newbuilds which I am sure they are re-appraising the wisdom of.


I am willing to cut them a little slack, but they are still selling vacation experiences and we are still buying them.


Diminish the experience too much, and I'm history.


smooth sailing always...

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I would be more surprised if service continued to stay at a high level during this economic slump.


I keep seeing these ridiculously low cruise prices and my husband and I asked "how can they afford to do this and make a profit?"


We were supposed to be conservative this year and only go on one trip (Oct 12 Day Oosterdam), but there are so many deals out there that we caved yesterday and decided we could squeeze in a 5 day Caribbean cruise. Well, it's the Veendam out of Tampa. I realize this is the last cruise before drydock, so the ship probably won't be in great shape, but for $822 for two people, it's cheaper than an overnight stay in the closest city - and a lot warmer. It was -11 in my town this morning.


So to the OP, I agree. We don't care if the ship is old, don't care where it goes, don't care if they even make the bed - no complaints from us. This will be our first HAL cruise & our first inside cabin. We figured it's a good test (only 5 days) to see if we can handle it.

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For the wonderful post, it reeked of "Common Sense"


unfortunately "Common Sense,Isn't So Common Anymore"


I am afraid Sails, that this wellspoken display of common sense disqualifies you from ever holding public office.


Let's keep the economy sailing!

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Nicely put, Sail.


With today's prices, We're cruising for about the same per day as I cruised for in 1976, and on some old tubs, not the amazing ships with the great crews we sail on today.


What's to complain about, for goodness sake!

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I'll drink to that!


I agree with most everything you say, but I do expect to have some quality remain. If they do away with soap, and then making the beds and then where will it stop? When will it become not "a cruise"? I could ride on the Staten Island Ferry if I just wanted to move about on the water. I can do with some changes due to the economy but they had better stop short of cutting all we hold dear or no one will care to go. If it's just a ride on the water to a warm climate, you can take a freighter. IMHO.

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Yes -- the cruise lines are facing some really tough challenges in the next couple of years.

I don't see the economy getting any better for quite some time.

We all realize there are going to have to be cutbacks -- fewer entrees at dinner -- fewer choices at breakfast and lunch in the Lido.

There is just so much waste -- I have seen the staff dump full plates of food away at both breakfast and lunch in the Lido -- this is costly to the cruise lines -- and not of all those left-behind-full plates were because people had to suddenly run to catch their tour. All too often people just have to have this item and that item and before you know it -- their plates are over flowing and they know darn well they can't all that food!!

If I remember correctly -- there is a cruise line that does charge for room service -- someone help me out here -- which line is it?? If people had to pay for this service -- bet they wouldn't do it every day and at all hours of the day.

Having meals and snacks delivered 24/7 to cabins means that crew have to be assigned to this duty -- usually several people -- these people could definitely be used in the dining room where we have all discovered -- it is understaffed.

I am thinking like jhannah -- if HAL starts to cut back too much and service really gets bad -- food disappointing, the company lets us down, etc. -- that's the end of cruising for us.

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I started cruising in 1978 - while I miss the menus that were printed and dated every day - vs - standardized, and silver service - vs - pre-plated,

deck chairs that you paid for and were reserved for the week - just about

everything else in my opinion is SUPERIOR today. And these cruises were

Italian Line, Cunard, Home Lines, Paquet, etc. - upscale in their day.


The ships themselves, veranda cabins, lavish entertainment in big show

lounges, enrichment programs, I could go on and on.............


And at least with HAL you still get a one or two nationality crew that work

cohesively, and generally deliver great and personalized service, even with



So I agree - let's be thankful for what we still have - and let's try to remember ACCURATELY if the "good old days" REALLY were that good

in ALL respects, or just a few things that seem to stand out in hindsight.

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world citizen: Thank you for your post which made it unnecessary for me to participate in this discussion. In particular the sentence, "There has always been a healthy tension between cruise providers and cruise passengers with respect to perceived value for dollar" is very much to the point.

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We certainly expect a certain standard and nothing beneath that will be acceptable. But I trust HAL to know the level to which they must minimally maintain. They have managed to do that for 140+ years they've been in business and I fully expect they will continue.


Already we have seen things changed we wish were not but, for us, HAL still remains where we want to spend our vacations, the ships we wish to sail. As long as we are able, we will do so and will accept necessary subtle differences. It won't be such a hardship if they only offer one variety of eggs benedict each morning. ;)


But, :D I REFUSE to make our BED and I insist upon our traditional table at 8:00 P.M. (that's a non-money requirement. :) ) I can live with it if we don't see dover sole again for a while. ;)



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Very well said, I agree the crew work very hard, and I myself will just be happy being on a ship on my Balcony enjoying it, Sure If I do order some room service and it doesnt get there on time or not at all, Why make a fuss about it, Just go get it on your own, without complaining about it.

In this world today you must appreciate that fact we can still live this life style while so many other are feeling the crunch.

If you are paying less expect less. and leave the childish complaining

for something more serious than my sandwich wasnt up to expectations.

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Sail, Take it from someone that is part of the unemployed :o I like everyone else also agrees with you but I al so agree with Jim but I do not see HAL dropping the quality so badly that the food would not be good.


To us the meals and dining on HAL is what swayed us from another cruise line that we first sailed with. While mnay have posted that they thought the food has not been as good our last cruise just a month ago the quality was probably one of the best.


I personally would not mind a bit smaller servings and paying for Room Service.

But I agree that what the cruise lines are doing to attract business and the lowing of the prices something will eventually have to give :o

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Not all of the service news is bad in a bad economic environment. I've noticed that in some cases service has improved. Some of our stores and restaurants in town are going a bit further in trying to keep our business, and it doesn't necessarily cost them any more. A smile from a waiter or a salesperson asking if I want help goes a long way to making me happy, and can improve the bottom line. The HAL staff has always been good about giving me the smile and the service, so an entree or two less won't stop me from appreciating my cruise.



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There is just so much waste -- I have seen the staff dump full plates of food away at both breakfast and lunch in the Lido -- this is costly to the cruise lines -- and not of all those left-behind-full plates were because people had to suddenly run to catch their tour. All too often people just have to have this item and that item and before you know it -- their plates are over flowing and they know darn well they can't all that food!!


If I remember correctly -- there is a cruise line that does charge for room service -- someone help me out here -- which line is it?? If people had to pay for this service -- bet they wouldn't do it every day and at all hours of the day.


Having meals and snacks delivered 24/7 to cabins means that crew have to be assigned to this duty -- usually several people -- these people could definitely be used in the dining room where we have all discovered -- it is understaffed.


I am thinking like jhannah -- if HAL starts to cut back too much and service really gets bad -- food disappointing, the company lets us down, etc. -- that's the end of cruising for us.

I agree there is tons of waste. I've seen workers dump food after wine an cheese parties out on the deck that had barely been touched. This was a few years ago however. It's beyond me why people take food that they will never eat. I take what I feel I will eat and unless it's gross I will eat it. Everyone is different I guess. Might not be a bad idea for HAL to start charging for room service. I bet that is an area that is abused. I think it's Royal Caribbean that is charging but I could be wrong.

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This certainly is a good discussion of matters that have been troubling my wife and I for the past several months. We've taken many, many cruises over the last 25 years but, of late, have been enjoying them less and less. I believe the cruise experience, for whatever reason, has degenerated, through cutback after cutback, into mere transportation. Relaxing and enjoyable to be sure, but just transportation. Unless and until they put a little more into the fun experience of the ship, we're going to be taking our travel dollars elsewhere.

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I personally agree with all those that say cutting down on the quantity of food is very appropriate. The quality is more important to me. No need to order 2 appetizers, 2 entrees, and 2 desserts. Order 1 and if you are hungry later order room service or go to a venue that has late night snacks. And...do I need a clean towel everyday in my room? No, not me. Every other day would be fine for me, that is more often than I change the towels at home and someone else is doing the laundry.


There are so many different personalities on a cruise that I think it is hard to pick an area for cuts that would be acceptable to all. However, we can all do our homework before we cruise and know what to expect so that disappointments are at a minimum. I think cruises are an exceptional value for the money spent and a fabulous vacation experience. I would be more than happy to see some services abbreviated to be able to enjoy the privilege to cruise. Yes Sail7Seas, let's all be realistic and reasonable. Just my opinions, Cherie

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It's not too often I agree with Sail ... our outlooks are just so different ... :)


But in this case she is 100% right. I do understand that in these trying economic times (which are probably not going to get much better for a while) that the cruise lines have to do something to survive, and I think that something is gonna be a lessening of onboard amenities. I also think the cruise lines are gonna have to be real careful with what they cut too. There are some things that could hurt them more than help.


I have to laugh sometimes when I read certain reviews on various cruise lines that gripe about less of a choice in the dining room, lesser quality of food, more pay restaurants, more pay activities, higher drink prices, etc. Well, what do you expect when you are actually paying less for your cruises today than you paid ten years ago? I saw this TV show a few weeks back ... it was about all the "killer deals" on travel ... hotels, cruises, resort properties, etc. The sad fact is that the hospitality industry has no choice but to cut prices. They have cutthroat competition in the marketplace today ... a very limited number of customers and lots and lots of competition for those customers. These economic times have hit a lot of people hard with the loss of jobs, pay cuts, wage freezes, etc. It's nice if you're unaffected. Then you have lots of great deals to choose from. But if you're like most people, you've been hit hard and because of that a lot of people have put a "moratorium" on vacation spending for the next few years ... preferring to take "staycations" instead. That leaves the hospitality industry with no choice but to slash prices in order to compete for what little business is still out there.


On this same program ... they interviewed this woman on a Carnival ship ... she was bragging how they "picked up" this cruise at the last minute ... something like a five day cruise ... for $598 FOR THE WHOLE THREE PEOPLE IN HER FAMILY COMBINED! When she first said $598, I thought she meant each ... then she added that the price was for her, her husband and her daughter ... all three of them for that price. Now that is one cheap cruise! What really can you expect to be included in that price? You'd pay more for a hotel room in some places, and that would include nothing beyond the room.


I can't get over too when I read reviews where people say that the food was terrible on their cruise (again, not necessarily HAL). This one guy was complaining that the food in the buffet was "inedible" ... the same identical menu every day ... just the names of the items changed. Then he said that the portions in the dining room were "microscopic" and that if you try to order seconds, you will wait and wait ... and the entire table will get annoyed because you, as one, are holding service up. He said that he had no doubt the portion sizes and service issues were a very calculated effort to force people who wanted a decent meal to go to one of the other restaurants where there was an extra charge. He said it sure worked in the case of his family as they wound up spending something like $400 in restaurant charges over the course of the week. Yes, he got a really great deal on the cruise, but when he added in the cost of all the extras, he actually paid a premium for the sailing. I'm not surprised.


Then another cruiser complained bitterly that there was a charge for the bowling onboard ... and it was not minimal. Again, what does she expect? The cruise lines put these amenities in because they want to make money from them ... not because they are nice guys.


So when cruise lines eliminate some things ... like some of the activities on the shorter cruises, some of the special features like balls and whatnot ... free champagne at embarkation ... cutting down portion sizes and quality of food in the dining room (presumably to route passengers to the pay restaurants onboard) ... less of a selection in the buffet, less personnel servicing the cabins, etc. ... I can well understand that. I think that we who cruise HAL are lucky in that HAL seems to be carefully considering what things they can cut, and which they shouldn't, and so far I think they've made wise choices.


But again, we as passengers need to be a bit more forgiving, and a bit more understanding, of the rough times the hospitality industry finds themselves in right now ... and make allowances accordingly.


Blue skies ...



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I saw this TV show a few weeks back ... it was about all the "killer deals" on travel ... hotels, cruises, resort properties, etc. The sad fact is that the hospitality industry has no choice but to cut prices. They have cutthroat competition in the marketplace today ... a very limited number of customers and lots and lots of competition for those customers.

On this same program ... they interviewed this woman on a Carnival ship ... she was bragging how they "picked up" this cruise at the last minute ... something like a five day cruise ... for $598 FOR THE THREE OF THEM COMBINED! When she first said $598, I thought she meant each ... then she added that the price was for her, her husband and her daughter ... all three of them for that price.


I'd love to get one of these killer deals. I've personally never seen anything under about $900...for just me. I guess if you live super close to a port and can go at the last minute you "may" be able to see deals like that. I would think that wouldn't be an option for most. I wouldn't be expecting a lot from a cruise at the price...and heck I would make my own bed.

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We've taken many, many cruises over the last 25 years but, of late, have been enjoying them less and less. I believe the cruise experience, for whatever reason, has degenerated, through cutback after cutback, into mere transportation. Relaxing and enjoyable to be sure, but just transportation. Unless and until they put a little more into the fun experience of the ship, we're going to be taking our travel dollars elsewhere.
Trust me, you won't find it any better at resorts either. I am sure they too are making cuts ... in both the price charged and the amenities offered. Except for the luxury market segment ... which so far is pretty much untouched by this economy ... the entire hospitality industry is deeply affected by this economy and is being forced to reduce prices in order to fill their venues. When the prices get reduced, so do the amenities.


Only thing I can suggest is a sailing on a luxury line ... where things may still be as you remember them.


Blue skies ...



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I agree with the Original Poster and all those who agreed--cruise lines are businesses and must make a profit; they can't charge less and provide more services and stay in business. And I definitely want HAL to stay in business (even if that means it isn't quite what it used to be).

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I'd love to get one of these killer deals. I've personally never seen anything under about $900...for just me. I guess if you live super close to a port and can go at the last minute you "may" be able to see deals like that. I would think that wouldn't be an option for most. I wouldn't be expecting a lot from a cruise at the price...and heck I would make my own bed.
This was a five-day Carnival cruise ... on one of the older ships ... either Mexico or the Caribbean ... can't remember which. I remember the woman saying that they really weren't planning to vacation this year at all because money was tight, but when they saw this deal, they just couldn't resist. She said they were watching pennies onboard, though.


Blue skies ...



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