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Everything posted by ace2542

  1. On NCL, Royal and even Cunard I have seen people wheeled out of the club in the wheelchairs and literally dumped on the the floor of their cabins.
  2. But on cruise ships don't most people get the all inc drinks package and lets be real here many people are served well beyond their limit onboard aren't they?
  3. Doesn't it depend where you go? On a cruise ship there aren't really any no go areas where you will be safer if you didn't go are there?
  4. Never heard that phrase before.
  5. DJ Chris told me all ships are always female
  6. They could have called in somewhere for an 8 night job like Le Harve maybe or into Cork/Cobh or Dublin Belfast or Liverpool maybe? Of course people won't complain about the extra night and the extra afternoon tea
  7. So is QM2 staying overnight in Southampton? I thought it hit Southampton on Jan 10th?
  8. But in terms of Aurora wouldn't one question and a major question at that be the status of the small/medium size ship UK cruise market and their competiveness in that market? As correct me if I am wrong and I might be but Aurora is the only ship mentioned that is either homebirthed in UK and or carries majority of if not nearly all brit passengers. The others mentioned don't do they?
  9. Maybe because it brings more money in? And that is the bottom line.
  10. So who is the average cruiser then? And surely it will be the ship that takes in the least money won't it? And the carnival ships skew younger don't they and are party ships so I think they are safe
  11. So why are P&O being affected by less demand and others line not? Perhaps the P&O brand itself is in trouble? I doubt you will ever get an answer from P&O as to their decision which is unfortunate.
  12. The sales figures is the answer. The reason for the lack of interest is of course the lack of SPB. When we will be able to go back is anyone's guess.
  13. I was onboard QM2 when it happened. Some passengers where taking about it saying she had died. I went to the reception desk and informed them what had been said. They said they would pass that message upstairs although I suspect upstairs already knew and about 10 or 15 minutes after I went to the reception the announcment was made by Captain Hashemi.
  14. Imagine not being able to do the world cruise because you are banned from America for some reason. If you don't have to get off the ship and enter the country phsyically - and you can fly over the USA even if banned so far as I am aware - then perhaps there is hope for that trip for those people.
  15. Won't the price move with exchange rate against the pound? At least for us?
  16. FWIW you do know that on QM2 in August/September at least during the Eastbound T/A, Fijords trip that the onboard Covid testers - 4 of them - hung out in the club and with the passengers. Though the testers are classed as both passenger and crew like onboard guest entertainers so they have above deck cabins. Conducting themselves like that is bad form no? If they go positive what happens to the testing operation?
  17. They won't lock you in the cabin for 117 days surely not?
  18. Not for travelling through or over U.S airspace apparently? And how is not disembarking any different than that. It will be interesting to see if any banned person can cruise and sit on a ship.
  19. It will also if it is what you think it is allow people to live on the QM2 particuarly Brits if they wish to do so a lot easier than previously. And as I have said this could also allow people who are banned from the USA for whatever reason to partake in the QM2 and other cruises for that matter. A world cruise or Caribbean cruise. After all being banned from the U.S means you can't cruise a third of the world. At least not very easily.
  20. If that crossing is B2B then what is the difference? And will they repeat this process when the ship comes back to Brooklyn for the Soton leg on December 8th?
  21. Does this mean that passenger will no longer need the ESTA if not U.S Citizens? After all you don't need one to travel over the USA to Mexico for instance
  22. This also interestingly allows passenger who are banned from the USA for some reason to travel on QM2 on the T/A when previously they could not do so to my knowledge. And as you say no way for a passenger to slip ashore perhaps one who is banned from America?
  23. Smoking weed or doing drugs you probably would get a life ban from the entire group. But it doesn't matter what we think it only matters what Royal thinks and they don't seem to want to deal with anything like that for whatever reason.
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