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Everything posted by hallux

  1. That depends on the speed at which that fishing boat was traveling. It's also possible the fishing boat had NOT been on a collision course with the Pearl and then experienced a mechanical malfunction that caused the collision. Also, considering where the fishing vessel struck the Pearl (based on reports) it's possible the radar didn't pick it up, and it was not the responsibility of the Pearl to take evasive action. It's not like the fishing boat couldn't see the cruise ship, there would have had to be significant fog in the area for THAT to happen.
  2. Had some dolphin riding the bow wake of the Joy when cruising near Mexico this Spring. Saw some humpback whales off the coast of California in the Spring of 2019 and on that cruise I also saw a sea otter swimming near the ship in Victoria.
  3. I did the same thing in Vancouver - I stashed my bag with at the hotel near the port ($5 WELL spent) and did a tour I booked separately from the cruise line. @lovetocruise1953 there's a hotel AT the Miami airport, you could book a room there. https://miahotel.com As others have said - the cruise line wants you off the ship ASAP so they can "zero" the passenger count to start boarding the next cruise.
  4. When booking online there is only the ability to select one departure airport for the cruise. Does that mean that you can't depart from different airports? Possibly, but a TA or a call to NCL might reveal that you could do it, but you need to call and ask.
  5. It would need the hardware to support the frequencies. If it doesn't have that hardware a new device would be needed to support those networks.
  6. That article was posted to the thread last night...
  7. Specialty venues may not be able to put together tables for that size, especially at peak times. The largest table in those venues is generally 10. I believe each ship has a "group coordinator" and there's an email address for them. You wouldn't really need to make the arrangements for the MDR in advance, just visit one of them on embarkation day and speak to the host. BUT, if you're contacting the group coordinator for the specialty, you can let them know about your MDR desire. I think @BirdTravels knows the format for the email address.
  8. A little more expensive, a little shorter travel time and likely more comfortable is the ViaRail train from Quebec City to Montreal. There are several trains daily. My parents did that a couple years ago.
  9. Well, that sounds like some good news for the fishing boat!
  10. Yeah, my last 2 have been balconies, but one of the ships didn't even have Studios but the other was about equal cost between studio and balcony...
  11. Early morning, so it was dark. If something happened on that smaller vessel and caused lighting and the AIS to go out the only option for the Pearl to "see" the smaller vessel would be by radar or sight. Without AIS and lights, it could have gotten lost in surface clutter on the radar.
  12. There just happens to be a brand new Studio review from that ship, and he showed and explained the outlets in the cabin.
  13. @jsn55 is that one that supports satellite service? If not, you're not going to get ANY coverage.
  14. @debenson0723 I look forward to your info on the Studio cabins on this ship! I have a feeling even those will be a bit rich for me for a while so once I can even afford one it'll be the only way I can board this ship.
  15. With the free at sea promo your only restriction is the entree. I guess we were due for our weekly thread on this...
  16. That may be the case, but if she goes to the airport to fly out and hasn't properly immigrated from Israel to Italy there are going to be questions. It's not that simple. She needs to go through immigration to properly enter the country as more than a transient cruise passenger. Does Italy do this at the first port if the cruise visits several ports in the country before disembarking in the country or does it happen on disembarkation day? It's questions like these that require the expertise of someone beyond NCL agents. A GOOD travel agent may be able to answer the questions, or find the answers. This is arranged in advance, though USUALLY performers will change on turn-around day if sailing closed-loop cruises. TOTALLY different. These are US government employees, and they're usually going to be sailing between ports within Alaska, not going from one country to another.
  17. That fine is the LEAST of worries. The immigration issue mentioned by @julig22 is of bigger concern. Is it an issue when sailing from Israel to whatever country that port is in? Maybe not, but it's worth asking someone familiar with regulations in that region to be absolutely sure. I checked - Israel is NOT part of the EU, which may result in an immigration issue if not managed properly. This is a different situation, and the cruise line will leave at least the documents and possibly the responsibility of guiding the passenger through the immigration issue with an agent on the ground at the port. Planning to intentionally leave the ship is totally different.
  18. If the info on Wikipedia/Google is correct, you are as well. All the others appear to have been built at Meyer Werft or Lloyd Werft, except Epic...
  19. and yet, as the poster right before you suggests the OP never tried to get any kind of compensation while on board. I can see where the post-cruise customer service might be coming from. The OP was able to utilize 17 GB of bandwidth, at the speeds available on a cruise ship that's actually a decent amount of usage. Honestly, if I have any idea I want to try watching Netflix on a cruise I'm going to download the content I want to watch so I can watch it offline. Netflix allows that, and it would make for a MUCH better experience. I realize Netflix isn't the only complaint, but there's a way to improve the experience with a little planning ahead.
  20. In case you haven't noticed, airlines are in turmoil right now. Depending on who you ask, you might even be told you'll be lucky to get to your embarkation port on time. With flights being cancelled left and right, rescheduled at the last minute, etc., any plane flying is going to be packed full. They'll get two people on one flight but trying to get four on the same flights might be a challenge, complicated even more in the event your original flight is cancelled. The only way to absolutely ensure that was to book you in the same cabin as her. At the very least, I hope NCL refunded the fees charged for the TWG. Others on the board received a letter or notification of some kind that their TWG was being cancelled and the money refunded.
  21. To you, I guess. It's been there quite a while. A really cool idea/feature though!
  22. You have to be at the topic listing for the NCL forum section. It's not easy to see, 4th line under the bolded "Norwegian Cruise Line", at least in my desktop browser on my Mac.
  23. Just browse the forum, go back a few pages and skim the topics. Open and read the ones that interest you. I can assure you that most of your questions can be answered by doing that. At the top of the page is a drop-down where you can select your ship name, when you do that it will pre-fill and execute the search to find all threads referring to your ship. Flights - you get what you get.. There's even someone doing a "live" thread from that ship!
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