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Arizona Wildcat

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Everything posted by Arizona Wildcat

  1. The longer the cruise the older those cruising such as TAs. Alaska and holiday cruises attract younger cruisers. Had a Thanksgiving cruise out of New Orleans with average age maybe 40 so assk if school in session. An October TA from Barcelona closer to 70.
  2. Absolutely agree. Give hugs to Margaret from the Moose man. She is great. Maine has had 5 days of perfect weather. Picture from outside our Airbnb near Camden ME. The champagne a give from our cabin steward! See you in April on the Apex
  3. Actually when you book with FBC you gave a choice of refundable or not. Depending on where you are cruising, the$200charge is from the airline; not FBC and like not refundable.
  4. Easy as asking once on board. Just understand your choices might be a bit limited
  5. If the picture is taken on your phone it is dated unless you turn it off. When proctored tests were allowed testing became a joke. What is a bit scary is allowing non immunized on board. Can see situations where passengers require evacuation.
  6. Also hard to underdress. DW and I wear Birkenstocks (with matching socks), fancy top and black pants for DWand dress shirt with kakhis and sports coat for me. On a recent TA there was everything from Tshirts (that looked awfully tacky) to tuxedos. No longer matters but hopefully one can dress like going to a nice restaurant.
  7. Time to move on. Any substance or derivative substance that is banned by Federal law is illegal on board cruise ships. Have seen passengers removed at the next port and left on the pier with their belongings. Definitely a choice for each person to make. And the passengers were then subject to the laws where they were put ashore.
  8. As said before - the app won't usually work correctly or at all until you are on board. On Summit last month showed nothing until we boarded then pretty good.
  9. They put a luggage tag on you bags with the correct cabin number. Then you check in and they give you the correct seapass card to get in your cabin.
  10. Am amazed there are so many FBC threads. FBC is and has been a consolidator that sometimes can offer lower fares. On international flights other consolidators have often been cheaper, but you pay now. The timing for payment is the main advantage of FBC. In today's crazy world of airlines, flight prices and the flights themselves change literally hourly
  11. They are available depending on a couple things. Adequate staffing level and covid numbers. Recently on Summit no backstage tour. One needs to be flexible
  12. All the testing rules change on 9/5. As for passengers count, Celebrity has sailed as high as 97% capacity. They are not holding back cabins. On Summit recently passengers were quarantined in their own cabinsB2B passenger testing varies by cruise duration and countries visited after 9/5
  13. And the rules on B2B are changing today often
  14. Is profanity needed? As I already said the tags are a graphics item that some might not have on their computer or printer. If you print out your docs they are the last page. Get a blank page and the problem is not with Celebrity. Personally I would rather the several thousand dollars it would cost to mail & print them for everyone on a cruise be spent on better food on board.
  15. The problem is likely the software on your computer. It did not recognize the format for the tags and gave you a blank page. Truly wondering why so important to print out tags when they can tag at the pier?
  16. Safe journey. We had a fast walkout disembarkation. US CBP was faster that we thought possible. Staying in Maine for a week just north or Portland. Wonder if our BnB owner will be doing trivia or cleaning our apartment each day. If anyone if on Summit on deck 7 say hi to Savio from Susan and Joss
  17. Depends. Some cabins yes. A few ok.
  18. Currently on a 12 day cruise. No special laundry deal on our cruise. Shampoo works great for washing in the sink. Wring then roll in a towel. Walk on the towel. Hang up. Most all will dry in 24 hours or less. We bring a clothes line and suction cup.
  19. Had an incredible amount of drinking on a special 14 day Mediterranean cruise for the 100th Anniversary of Gallipoli. 1400 Aussie's, 400 Kiwis, the rest Brits and a very few from NA. Ran out of beer on day 5! No fights. Just never an open seat at any bar. Bartenders simply opened bottle after bottle and set them out.
  20. They indeed cannot. Issue is docking berths. They need Vancouver.
  21. Have Ben notified as late as 12 hours before departure and only when I checked the Celebrity app.
  22. According to Captain of Summit ships are sailing full with a few cabins as always kept open. The current Summit sailing was 94% capacity. On Summit those who tested positive were quarantined in their own cabins. If partner was negative they were offered their own cabin.
  23. Nothing you would want to purchase. Cash out through the casino if needed and buy at home.
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