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Everything posted by firefly333

  1. yes I mentioned funeral home. The cemetary owned 2 funeral homes and we had a choice of either. When my father passed we called the funeral home and brought clothes there as they prepare the body. I went to restland cemetary because that's where my mom wanted to be buried, and they owned 2 different funeral homes. I didnt know anything was odd until this post. We bought thru a salesman at the cemetary but had a choice which home to use. One plan was 5k to 7k more but included 2 hearse and different caskets etc. But of course the viewing I mentioned was at a funeral home, we just choose to skip it, or mom did, she couldnt stand the thought, but a funeral home prepared the body and did the hearse to the graveside. Both showed up, the guy from the funeral home and the lady from the cemetary. I meet with both beforehand and both were there separately. No sense worrying now .. but moms is also pre paid in this manner. Insurance policy that gets cashed in at the time of death., cemetary sold it this way.
  2. This wasnt cheap. My mom kept acting like I was going to town on the price but they had 2 packages to choose from. The packages seemed cheaper than buying less piecemeal. We didnt use everything in the pkg but I still think it better than piece by piece. Like here you can buy a plot but then by law have to pay for a liber for the burial thing. Having the liner included seemed like best to bundle everything. Maybe piecemeal you own the plot. Idk I went in to buy because dad went into a coma and then didnt die then but he had it prepaid. I didnt shop around. Mom thought it cost too much but she wanted that cemetary. For instance it included a speaker for up to a hour to run the service, though we got a pastor they would have provided it. Viewing at the funeral place we skipped but did the included service at the cemetery that was included. A tent and chairs included. They agreed to do a open casket viewing at the cemetary service. We were quite pleased. Everything we wanted was included..and then some. Never bought any other funerals before. That's my one and only. Didnt think of it until I see others here had like titles to their plots.
  3. This wasnt cheap. My mom kept acting like I was going to town on the price but they had 2 packages to choose from. The packages seemed cheaper than buying less piecemeal. We didnt use everything in the pkg but I still think it better than piece by piece. Like here you can buy a plot but then by law have to pay for a liber for the burial thing. Having the liner included seemed like best to bundle everything. Maybe piecemeal you own the plot. Idk I went in to buy because dad went into a coma and then didnt die then but he had it prepaid. I didnt shop around. Mom thought it cost too much but she wanted that cemetary. For instance it included a speaker for up to a hour to run the service, though we got a pastor they would have provided it. Viewing at the funeral place we skipped but did the included service at the cemetery that was included. A tent and chairs included. They agreed to do a open casket viewing at the cemetary service. We were quite pleased. Everything we wanted was included..and then some. Never bought any other funerals before. That's my one and only. Didnt think of it until I see others here had like titles to their plots.
  4. Odd where do you live. I went in to pre purchase funerals and cemetary plots. It was like purchasing what you wanted except it was actually a insurance plan, you didnt actually prepurchase anything except the covering charge, digging the hole. I was a little worried but my dad passed last nov and they gave us everything we picked out ahead of time. It was like pre purchasing... except they said you dont get anything except this insurance. And we bought direct from the cemetery before you make assumptions. Covered everything from a to z no complaints but it wasnt like a mortgage. It's probably the most expensive cemetery here in my parents town. We picked out a plot, what it would say on the headstone, the corner decorations, which color of marble under it, the book at the viewing to sign in, casket, hearse, you name it. Maybe because it was a complete plan is why it was insurance?
  5. nice loungers. I was supposed to be right on the outside of the hump on allure last march but rcl postponed terminal 10 in Galveston and I got transferred to liberty from allure. I was so jealous when we pulled up next to allure in cozumel and saw my hump balcony I was supposed to had. Allure should already be in Galveston darn. Though my ta transferred me to a nice aft on liberty..still for same money should have been allure. Wish she was here already. I've done oasis twice but never allure thanks to covid. Those are extra nice cabins. Very nice thanks.
  6. Ok thanks. I'm just hungry for any news of allure and places open to eat. Read some solariums not fully open yet. So ready for oasis class.
  7. Here is what the OP said and why I asked if any pictures of their view and cabin, and of course I read it was a JS .. but thanks for nothing. I would like to see their cabin and views. No matter what they are. "Ship: Allure is starting to show some age, but still looks great. We sailed on her 9 years ago. We enjoyed the boardwalk aft view and pool decks before they pile on the slides and other “amplifications” next spring. "
  8. Was johnny rockets open for breakfast? How about the solarium for all 3 meals? I had the donuts on liberty in WJ but grandeur had no filled donuts in WJ but 2 kinds of avacado toast. I dont like their avacado toast, lol I want slices of avacado not guacamole squeezed out of a bag. Did you try the suite lounge for the donuts. That's where I found them on grandeur in the diamond lounge. Which deck were you on with your end of boardwalk cabin? I'm on allure b2b in dec. Hoping to eat breakfast at johnny rockets and have their hash browns. I think I'm deck 10 far aft 2nd week to see the wake and diving show. Glad you loved allure. Any pictures of your cabin and view.
  9. Grandeur in the diamond lounge had tempura battered veggies. I'd ask for only the red bell peppers tempura battered. Only have seen them twice. And I only wanted the red peppers. Ask for whatever you just loved.
  10. grandeur only has been having a couple of pinnacles onboard and it's in that big lounge in the back where they do art auctions near the diamond lounge. I liked it there a lot better than liberty. Liberty didn't in the ice skating lounge down a front isle where no one can hardly see or hear. Dont have it on liberty.
  11. This would be the time to order stuff your mom and wife love and have it delivered. Do they love chocolate covered strawberries and lobster? I love lobster every day ha. Fresh squashed oj of course for breakfast. I'd order lobster until I'm tired of it. That's what I did when I had specialty every night except lobster night. Lobster rolls if you have a playmakers with onion rings. Lobster sushi from izumi.
  12. I think most feel obligated but maybe less than before. If it was good service only, not for those 2 hour meals.
  13. Delta blamed the FAA and high fuel for the mess and had poor earnings, in spite of high demand for flights. Pilots etc say airlines are just being poorly managed. I'm with poorly managed. They had bail out money to retain employees, then the covid mandate where they let pilots and crew go. And now cant hire enough. Cant seem to manage routes. They need to quit over selling seats. No matter what the price of tickets they cant seem to make a decent profit. Prices are just floating ever higher. Oil is back up this morning. Started rising when biden didnt come home last friday with a promise of more oil from the Saudis. I've read they dont have the promised reserves and at 98% max. Saudis are buying from russia. Higher oil wouldnt just hit airlines but cruiselines too. I saw rcl had hedged 6 months ahead .. that wouldnt last. Too bad they didnt hedge 2 years lol. Oil back over $100 today. All biden can do is release our reserves faster. While airfares are going higher, I dont know if cruises have the same pricing power but rcl prices seem to be up to me as are carnivals out of Galveston. Please no fuel supplements. Yes I know rcl said they wouldnt but they didnt remove it from the thing you click to agree to.
  14. yes I said it was being tried out on just one ship. I'm still hoping it gets approved. Fastest better wifi would be awesome for cruise ships.
  15. once on rcl was enough. I can do better at home and they taste like scallops not little bits of fish. ..even the small ones I can buy still taste like scallops. I get it they ran out escargot and i love scallops cooked in butter ... those I didn't like. Just little bits of who could tell. I want to bite into them and they taste like a scallop. Maybe next time they run out of escargot I'll try them again but other things i liked better. Wasnt a biggie. I dont order escargot but like scallops so tried them once. So small hard to get them onto the tiny fork. I'd rather have one whole scallop, even the small ones. Maybe I'm spoiled at home. My gripe was so small, 1/4 inch pieces almost not recognizable. No biggie to me. Worth trying one night. I didnt ask for seconds though lol and he offered.
  16. I didnt say I doubted what kind. What I said was mine were cut up, not whole. I'm sure they were cheapest kind. Never doubted it or said I thought they were some expensive kind. I said you could see cut marks, and they were tinier than even those small ones. I'm not arguing they were bay ... or not. I said only I was sure they were cut. Arguing with the wrong person. I agree they were the cheapest kind before they were cut.
  17. Our waiter told us it was because they ran out of escargot. At least it was something. Week before no cream cheese so no carrot cake. Out of 2 kinds of cheese so that might explain the plate the op posted. We had watermelon slices and feta cheese, outing mozzarella and another big one. Cauliflower soup instead of mushroom. I was ok with the substitutions. The OP got something he didnt like, order something else. I had a few things I didn't like so got something else. Wasnt a biggie for me.
  18. So both me and the OP thought they were cut up and both posted this but you are a expert and know we are lying. They ran out of escargot and this is a substitution. I assure you these were not whole scallops. They were small pieces of scallops. Dpesnt matter what kind these were small pieces of a scallop cut up to fill the spots in the escargot dish. Just something while they cant get their escargot, not something even on the menu. I am sure they were cut up and not whole. Pieces. I know what I was served. Way too tiny to be a whole scallop of any type. And you could see they had flat sides where they were cut. Once was enough for me. Some liked dipping bread in the sauce. You obviously didnt have what I had. Tiny pieces, not close to whole. Take a scallop and cut into 5 or 6 pieces ..
  19. I dont have the stats, though analysts on cnbc and I see their opinions elsewhere are saying credit card debt is up. House foreclosures some but nothing drastic. The drastic are auto repossessions. Auto loans are more a month than rent in some cases. All this push to electric autos and people are signing these huge auto loans, like $850 a month or even more. Lots of these 80k cars are being sold ...and repos are up. Credit card defaults not so much yet, so far auto loans are the most troubling. ... I'm just talking from a economy view and a stock holder. This may not be the bottom yet and inflation will probably be stickier than most experts admit. ..some are saying it out loud now. I'm already hearing that well maybe Powell instead of shooting for 2% will shoot for 4%
  20. I'm doing the same thing oasis sunday march 19, flying outmkf ft Lauderdale. If I have to pay for a taxi I will, but hope sas etc can get me to fly on time. I booked a 11:21 am fligjt. .. I'm going to walk off asap. Just a carry on.
  21. Biker posts there is a way to get a free 15 minute though I didnt catch how. I've just seen 24 hours when I checked in.
  22. So he is before his final payment date late nov right so refund if he paid early?
  23. before final payment they will just take it off and refund the amount. After final payment you should get obc it's been reported. I havent had any prices drop. When do you cruise?
  24. When we have done group photos at dinner I was tagged and never had to tell me since they had my cabin number at dinner. I just went to the photo kiosk and it came up. Told the counter and they rang it up for me. Done this more than once at dinner. They just need cabin numbers I guess.
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