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Everything posted by firefly333

  1. Rumors caymans will still require testing. It's the 2nd leg of a b2b. Let's say no requirement to board 1st leg, but required 2nd leg. Could get interesting.
  2. I've only done liberrty and grandeur. I hear I might have to change to a different lanyard. No holes in card.
  3. I have the kind with a hook at the bottom. The hole is punched in the card not the lanyard. Some do the kind with a plastic pouch but then you have to take it out and in. I am afraid I'd lay it down. I have several kinds but use the regular. It has a snap so the bottom part with the card can snap off if you want to buy a drink. Doesnt take 2 hands to open my cabin door. I have a curly kind for the wrist but when I eat I tend to take it off so it's not in the way of food. Everyone is different. I also have a cruise purse just the size of a paperback I have with me for other stuff like a hairbrush. I dont take my large purse around on cruises. Here is my cruise critic lanyard for cc brownie pts? See how the card has a hole punched in it. Also a ss of the card snapped off, so you dont have to pull it over your head and mess your hair.
  4. I read a recent review of horizon that said after 11 pm the wait for a pizza was over a hour. I can remember when they served Caesars salad which I sometimes got, but didnt much lately as they kept drowning it in dressing. Too much of a good thing for me. I took a big loss on a sizeable chunk of ccl stock and bought some back, not as much. Could have sold it for a profit. I gotta quit believing in carnival. Seems to me they are trying to attract the lowest common denominator and not trying to stand out in any way except for cheapest fares for those who gamble. Prices for jubilee still high to me. ..and now food cut backs. As a diamond of course I'll still cruise carnival but feeling more and more like it's not the best fit as I like to eat. Lol. If they are goimg to cut back then fares need to drop. A march to the bottom. Still doing dream 14 day journey cruise for the ports. I'd like to see how they are goimg to stand out, not just how cheap fares for gamblers is their strategy. A gamblers cruiseline. I'm sorry when I read how they are struggling still financially and issuing more shares and further dilution. At least their pay restaurants are good and a bargain.
  5. When I compared the balcony part was the same size almost as a JS. Inside not as much bigger, the balcony part was a lot bigger imo. I was looking at liberty.
  6. I'm very mad I cant do bird watch tour in Belize. Listed as moderate walking. If rainy season might have some standing water. .. certainly easy walking imo. Most of it is around Belize city. I'm 1 year past their cut off. We were discussing this on liberty where a couple had to book a outside excursion to dive. They were past the 65 rcl age cut off. While I'm sure someone will say us older people are a liability insurance wise, its annoying if it's you who isnt allowed to book to look at birds.
  7. If I'm on liberty it never once occurred to me to say hey im going to the royal promenade to the coffee shop. Or whatever. Lol never once have I heard anyone who thought I meant the walking area outside. The pizza on grandeur is up in the solarium. Its closed in unlike liberty for instance and hot and humid this time of year. The pizza is up here and to me wasnt as hot as when I see it coming out of the oven on liberty. Pizza was just better on liberty. Imo. And it wasnt fun to sit up there, too hot. Not saying anything people cant adapt to, it's a cruise. It just wasnt my favorite. I like to sit and read when I have pizza. The solarium wasnt as nice a place to sit at their tables and relax. Just me and how I cruise.
  8. I see this question about Galveston 100 times. There really is nothing I would call free. Any port probably. The hotel costs more fri and sat as they know cruisers book then. Or they add a $50 cruise parking pkg. Or it doesnt include shuttle. I agree with you free doesnt exist.
  9. The cruise lines dont lose a lot of luggage. Are you saying you lost luggage? It wouldnt hurt, but probably doesnt help. You might know sooner when your luggage got delivered?
  10. Anything with fruit isnt allowed, like banana bread. The kinds I like best. Once I accidentally snuck off a apple. It was my very first cruise. Not since then.
  11. Lol I always choose deck 6. One deck to run up and down. I like across from the cafe so I can see in the morning when its opening and people are there. Its quiet. No parades since restart. I've heard over a bar can be noise but I've only been over stores or the safe. This is liberty and this time over the cafe. I prefer the other side but this was available. Deck 7 is 2 flights up, lol I prefer closer. 8 even worse view.
  12. Probably depends on your credit card processing time. I cancelled one I bought with obc, and it was instant. We had one we tried to cancel after we boarded and werent allowed to cancel. 2 times offered like 830 and 930. We booked 830. 100% chance of rain. They gave us 930 and 2 days before said too late. Go ahead and cancel before you board if you have doubts. People cancel all the time, mostly because the price dropped lol.
  13. I really wanted to do adventure but when I had a break between what was booked grandeur was there. I was disappointed as I really wanted to try adventure, I admit it. I have radiance booked for just the 10 day jan 30th and feel a bit worried. Grandeur I had more than one cruising friend in a JS below the solarium complaining about late night noise. Solarium cafe closed at 3 pm. I'm reading on radiance they are closing it at midnight and there is no food other than ordering delivery to your cabin between midnight and breakfast. I have a bad habit of being up during the night and wandering around. Idk if they close it early because of the noise over the heads of JS or not sailing full. But radiance sounds like food choice even more cut back. I booked radiance for the ports. It goes to Panama and Columbia... and some others. I havent yet gone there. I'll grab some cookies for middle of the night wanderings .. I did jewel long time ago and thought it was beautiful but was with a friend not solo. I'm not sure I'm a small ship fan but want to see those new ports. Jan 30th. Just the one.
  14. There is nothing about being fully vaccinated on rcl where they have to be up to date kind of rule. As long as you are vaccinated its yes or no ... I dont know of any ports that care either...but there could be some. I've never had a issue and my booster was last nov. Waiting for the new booster myself.
  15. You can just ask the loyalty ambassador or even the diamond ambassador for both pins and explain. They have been very good about having the pins if you want both. After you make diamond you can get into the diamond club and most of them are awesome.
  16. Everyone is mad if I post my honest feelings. The crew is hard working and I liked the WJ especially and feel they were more innovative on different themed nights than liberty. I prefer my pizza emerging hot from the oven. The diamond club has a awesome aft view. I think I just prefer a bigger ship to walk around. It was a nice ship and if you are just wanting a cruise to sit and watch the ocean it's nice. Just felt small to me. Fewer things for sale in the shops. No promenade but a nice view of the ocean for several decks. I watched the ocean a lot from deck 6 near the coffee shop. Coffee shop to me would benefit from 2 pts of access like liberty. One for coffee and one for food. Long line by mid morning. Food seemed better seasoned and was tasty. I'd do it again if prices go that low again, but I have liberty etc coming up and doubt I will before it leaves again. See my signature. I did 4 legs on grandeur and was ready to get off. I think I missed the promenade area perhaps .. but nothing to put my finger on.
  17. Lol funny coming from a guy named joebucks. I like bacon for breakfast when I'm cruising.. more days they have to serve me brunch in Mdr. My biggest gripe was whatever that cut of steak was I got one night for dinner. So full of gristle I could chew it. Only ordered it once. I'm hoping for better things when I book next .. probably before my dream jan 2024. Hoping food improves. Add me to those disappointed. Prices are too high out of Galveston for me to pay so much for food cut backs.
  18. I guess my joke and even saying I was joking .. it was a JOKE. I said I was joking. I know you had to call. ... and even if you call and select something you might not get it. That's what I get for my sense of humor. ..cc wrong place to crack a joke.
  19. Lol where did you hear this? I would have thought because of the supply chain issues and items seem to be unavailable more often lol. .. I'm mostly kidding ..
  20. That's exactly what I was thinking, ot wouldnt be allowed post covid. I was surprised at the replies tbh. I'd go with ourusualbeach here.
  21. I got this for months. Sorry to hear it's not fixed. Call is all you can do. I tried 3 browsers.
  22. The great deals during covid. I'm not sure you can hardly find junior suites on some of these cruise for 5k, well probably a JS but not a real suite for 7 days. Going going gone has a few suites listed but I'm assuming JS. Finding a inexpensive suite these days is going to be tough..go do some mock booking. Imo prices are up. My boardwalk balcony for dec would be about $2800 when I looked last week. Hotels and airfare are also up, not just cruises. Good luck and i hope you have some luck.
  23. Nassau has never been as popular as coco cay. Some obviously like the private beach experience. Idk. Bahamas is a flat ugly brown island, so it's a upgrade to me. I'd go to the private island and check it out.,
  24. Hopefully I'm allowed to post this. https://cruisefever.net/carnival-cruise-lines-new-port-can-have-two-ships-a-day-visit/
  25. Just so she can sit inside the diamond lounge? Its 4 drinks. Nothing. He can carry any coffee or snacks outside and hand them to her.
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