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Everything posted by firefly333

  1. I was just called entitled because I objected to not being allowed to to a excursion because of my age, I was 1 year over their limit. Unfortunately people here are resorting to name calling. I've been called that and worse. Cc isnt a very nice place. Sorry. Hope you wrote to mbayley@rccl.com.. his office will answer emails.
  2. As having worked in amex disputes, reminding people you can win a dispute but the merchant can still not agree or allow you to rebook later. Someone on carnival was surprised. I've seen people get the non paid amount sent to collections. The person says you said I won. No we said the amount of credit will remain on your card. Dont be surprised if you cant book more cruises with this card. It's always better to work it out with the merchant if it's you just are dissatisfied. If it's clear cut double billing or such disputes are fine.
  3. It's only been a month or two since analysts posted that it's possible carnival could go bankrupt and to $0. Carnival responded that their prices have firmed up. Now they issued yet another secondary further diluting the outstanding shares so now about double the amount of shares are floating. I guess this thread is meant to be humor. Carnival is struggling to make a profit. I doubt they will commission any more new ships other than those already on order. They have sold the leasr profitable. I would first ask when do you expect carnival to be profitable, rather than when some other cruiseline will be bought... much less the 2nd biggest line. Agree with blerk, for some reason carnival pax hate rcl and rcl hate carnival. Rcl is in better financial shape than carnival at this time. Per analysts. Look at all the new cutbacks announced. This isnt the sign of strong financials. They carnet buying anything right now they dont already have money committed to buying. Ecstasy retiring a little early announced. Couldn't hang onto her. They are walking a very thin line right now. If pre testing and vaccination is lifted imo it will really help carnival. I guess I should have just posted something goofy and followed along. Sorry .. and I am a stock holder. Motley Fool Management has forecast net losses for the remainder of its fiscal 2022 and a return to historical occupancy levels in fiscal 2023. The cash infusion it got from selling those new shares could help the company stay afloat until then.
  4. Oahu? Have you checked longs drug drugs? I'd Google it. Rcl hasnt had many I've seen to or from hawaii since restart.
  5. As rcl office email said it's up to the ship. Some refund and some dont. It's entirely random. Some got the obc and others at the very same time did not. I was a did not get a dime of obc. Wouldnt make me change booking rcl, but I'm seeing much cheaper gtys for sept for my cruise dates I cant match. I'm just thinking since I'm not picky about cabins last minute lately I'd save a bunch. Lol I posted the policy right in the beginning ... that's their policy. It's up to the ship.
  6. Do you have any pictures of the balcony? Sorry I see from the balcony. I love the balcony itself. I'll give 2 likes for this one with the beds lol
  7. A ship is somewhat like a teeter tooter and both ends tip up and down and the fulcrum stays somewhat in place. I've had no motion or quite a bit. Depends pretty completely on the weather. I like a little motion, and sometimes wish for more. But you feel it even more to me in the front, idk why. But I feel more in the front than the aft which is kinda squared off. Front if waves hit sounds like the ship is hitting rocks.
  8. I know it was a lot of work to take pictures of the papers. I'd personally love to see pictures of your cabin, the view, the balcony, all that kind of stuff so we can drool. Make us jealous we are stuck at home.
  9. Wow arent you the lucky one. I'm envious of your royalties. My TA posted this from the TA site which is why we think more protocols coming after Aug 14th. If rcl removes testing for 7 day cruises so will carnival. They are almost in tandem. For those clients booked after August 14, 2022, please await the specific protocol details from us related to those sailings. As we begin to transition to a point where everyone, regardless of vaccination status, will be able to sail with us once again, we continue to work closely with our destination partners. Additional information will soon follow, however, until then, current vaccine guidance remains unchanged.
  10. I'm b2b this dec. I have to be patient. Kinda soon. Me and sea to shining sea and her hubby and I think 10 of her family and some others from other cruises are booked.
  11. Just because a blogger said that was his experience isnt anything you can rely on. You need it from rcl. Any I've read only the people who tested positive and lost part of their cruise got the refunds. Since you were not positive I think you are not going to get a refund. It's not rcl protocol. Why waste energy on fighting if you arent due a refund, just that's what you think you heard. No one here says the negative person got a refund except possibly one day while they were tested and isolated.
  12. Rumors? The only thing I've read is royal says they have no plans to do surcharges. They have come out strong and said no, wouldnt happen. Maybe that's what you read. I'm watching jubilee for better prices. So watching LNG. I watch oil trade daily. Let's not go there, too crazy right now. I also want prima but prices are even more crazy. Dont need the extras like 2nd airfare free. After next march I'm free until late nov so if I saw a good price on carnival I'm there. Looking. Not finding any deals that match open dates. I'm good with last minute deals. Rcl hinting after aug 8th there will be more testing changes. I sure hope pre testing is gone. If it's just about being vaccinated boring. For sure more would book though if its removed. My TA says he has a list of people waiting to book. I'm ready to book, carnival no deals for us regular out of texas. Bring em on.
  13. Rcl bought fuel 6 months ahead and carnival didnt. ..I think this really hurt carnivals bottom line. The new ships using LNG idk .. I hope it wouldnt run short and be more scarce to use. Natural gas is now forecast to be in short supply next winter. Hoping for the best.
  14. I hope you will like Galveston which has a lot of older hotels. I knew from her pictures wasnt Galveston which is more of a sleepy little beach town vibe. Sue the only thing I'd add your cruise packing list is nail clippers. I didnt have some once and got a hang nail and none were sold on the ship. Not easy to find in ports. Following. Sounds like you are doing it in style.
  15. You get price drops on the cruisefare, not on the fees and taxes. Sept is a small amount its dropped. Maybe other people dont notice. When I was pricing in mock bookings I have to add in the odd $4 that fees dropped. I've had 2 more than $20 I'm back from. Yes to me they shouldnt be allowed to collect extra fees and taxes and then use them for a profit. Price drops are only on the cruisefare. If you complain people will just say you are being cheap, so I've given up but agree with you. As above i actually wrote to them. I'm going to wait for going going gone sales and book last minute I think. I used to book last minute mostly until covid. Saves worrying about insurance. Lol I told you above they have no policy to refund overpayment of fees and taxes. I've been getting nothing. I think they overcharge on purpose. Odd how their port fees are always higher than carnival. I dont want carnival but find it odd the exact same ports the fees and taxes are less and they refund any extra as obc. Always. Rcl cruisers say the little extra doesnt matter, get over it. .. i have a very good ta i quoted above you didnt believe and i see called back. Lol. Well i tried to tell you.
  16. Ok I went and found their reply. My question was what is their written policy on overpayment of port fees and taxes. I mentioned carnival refunds overpayment as obc. Here is their response. --------- Jxxxx, Thank you for writing into the Royal Caribbean Executive office. I am happy to address your concerns and requests on behalf of Mr. Bayley today. We’re sorry to hear of the disappointment and trouble you have had with requesting refunds of Taxes & Fees. Since you are still onboard the Liberty, we ask that you please bring these issues to the attention of our dedicated Guest Services staff onboard, so they can address them promptly. Generally, Taxes & Fees costs fluctuate daily, sometimes hours, before a sailing. When you make your vacation plans, we lock in those costs for your specific reservation. As we do not charge guests if those prices go up, we also typically do not refund if they should go down prior to sailing. Also, compensation or refunds for missed ports while inboard are at the discretion of the ship crew and staff. We apologize again for the inconvenience and frustration. Thank you again for contacting us. We look forward to welcoming you onboard soon. Sincerely,
  17. Overpayment is overpayment. Changing ports has nothing to do with it.. my new port fees were less. My TA also said he can do nothing.
  18. Too bad so sad, bye bye. We switched to much cheaper ports and that's what they said to me, twice. I booked grand Cayman and jamaica and got switched to costa maya and Belize.. and dont think you will get a obc once onboard if you overpaid. It's up to the ship to decide. I wrote to mbayley and posted the letter a couple weeks back about no refund for overpaying port fees. ..and then to boot missed costa maya. Rcl says we dont charge you extra if theh go up, we dont have a policy to refund if they go down and how they change by the hour .. Depends on then ship. If they decide no, so sorry. Bad luck. 0 back.
  19. What ship is op on. And category. I would call and see if any hc cabins in my category if I was getting a scooter. I think rcl cabins on the smaller side, especially older ships.
  20. I'd be concerned with having a regular cabin if you rent a scooter. Remember you arent supposed to leave them in the hall. I use a travel chair with my mom but I have to push it. It folds up easily. I got a lightweight version.
  21. You wear headphones and different music is fed to different people who all dance to their own music. At the same time. Rcl has it every cruise once lr twice. Popular.
  22. I have free tests where I can self tests no stress, no appointment the supervised testing is getting harder to find for free. I'm not booking until its gome. Just tired of having to go out and get tested. I have 6 free tests .. and 2 I cant find at home.
  23. I'd like to see chocolate breakfast back.
  24. Similar thread a couple weeks ago in jest, someone suggested he get married before his oct cruise lol. Only way I know of without cruising.
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