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Posts posted by JazzyV

  1. Good afternoon Dailyites.

    I like puzzles, mainly crosswords and jigsaws. Curmudgeons can be ok, but not fond of big wigs.

    I think chicken soup for dinner. Maybe I'll make some corn muffins to go with it.

    It's freezing here! Snow Sunday night, 3"-7".

    My hair is getting out of hand - it's hard with short hair. I used to get haircuts every 5 weeks. It's been almost 4 months. But I'm not going, especially with the variants out there.


    @doobieb Sorry to hear that. Ugh on the quarantine, but it's necessary. I hope you stay ok and your family's symptoms stay mild.

    @cat shepard Take it easy.

    @kazu Good news indeed!


    Prayers to the Care List and cheers to the Celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance and wear your double mask!

    • Like 13
  2. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    I'm on board with data privacy. I'm retired, so it's fun at home and never played a kazoo.

    I like lamb, but rarely cook it other than lamb chops long ago. Growing up my mother made leg of lamb fairly often (with lots of garlic, not mint jelly).

    That Midori Colada sounds good.

    It's a cold 22F here with no plans to go above 32F until the Sunday, and then snow.


    @cat shepard I'm glad it went well. Prayers on the path report. My BFF had one removed a couple of years ago, and has done well. Fortunately nothing other than the surgery was required.

    @lazey1 Congrats on the shot!

    @dfish Oh no, on the painting escapades!


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Be safe everyone, social distance and wear your mask.

    • Like 11
  3. Good Afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    Verizon Fios is having issues in my area, so pages wouldn't load earlier.

    Love Australia. I cruised from Auckland, NZ to Sydney in 2006. No spouse. I like speak up and succeed.

    I like the quote.

    Mac and cheese sounds yummy, but trying to watch carbs right now. Never heard of bamboo cocktail.


    I got excited earlier as I clicked on links for the 4 remaining vaccination dates this week of the county health dept. I actually got to the registration page for Saturday. Went through all the pages, with lots of spinning (I thought just overload but may have been the Verizon issue), only to get to the scheduling page with no appointments open. Oh well, closest I've gotten.


    @mamaofami Sad news. 


    Prayers for the Care list and cheers to the Celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance and wear your mask!



    • Like 10
  4. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    Mmm, Irish Coffee. I wish some businesses had better communication. I have been tempted to switch to MAC when my Windows computer update crashes! Already using an iPhone and iPad.


    I've spent the morning in online queues for 2 pharmacies. One had 7000 people ahead of me. I thought I could at least get on a list for a vaccine, but after waiting my turn to get on the websites they just said no appointments available.


    Snow and icy here off and on all week. Thankfully I can stay put. I hope the power stays on!


    Prayers for the Care list and cheers to the Celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance, and wear you mask (maybe double mask due to the variants out there).



    • Like 13
  5. Good afternoon, Dailyites. Thanks Rich and Roy for the Daily.

    I prefer beer bottles although I like the appearance of old cans. Compliments to the Daily and hoping for a belly laugh for all.

    I'll pass on the fish, but I do like pina coladas ( I may have some mix here; too hard to make from scratch). Dinner will be a chicken breast with broccoli and cheese inside.

    @rafinmd Prayers for your brother.

    @ger_77 Wow, that's cold!

    @kazu Prayers for Jose's nephew.

     @65 Gator Thanks for your work at the vaccination clinics. Sadly no vaccine available here for now, even though I qualify.

    @Vict0riann Awww. Our local eagle couple have been preparing their nest, but we don't expect eggs until next month.


    Prayers to all on the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe all, social distance and wear your mask (even if vaccinated!).

    • Like 15
  6. Good morning. Thanks for the daily.

    I'm more a cake person than pie.

    I used to get complimented on my handwriting  (I still remember the green Palmer method cursive posters up around my Mother's 3rd grade classroom).

    I am/was a quilter. I have one that I haven't touched in more than 10 years, and now in retirement sadly my eyesight isn't good enough to work on it (maybe if I can get this cataract out I will be able to).


    The local health centers are out of vaccine. The county health department added over 65 to one site, and appointments were gone in 10 minutes. Unfortunately I didn't see the text until 20 minutes after it was sent.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance and wear your mask.


    • Like 12
  7. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily

    Chicken soup sounds good. The weather is quite cold here today and the next couple of days.


    People here in PA are upset re the vaccine rollout. They added over 65 (a good thing), but also under 65 with high-risk medical conditions. Most of those medical conditions are very valid, but in there are smokers (so you could be 19 and get the vaccine) and being overweight (about 33% of residents), but yet first responders, frontline workers, teachers, etc aren't eligible until 1B. And there's not much available for shots anyway. Who knows when I'll be able to get it; there's not even a site to sign up! /End of rant/


    Prayers to those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.

    Stay safe, and wear your mask (some are suggesting double masking due to the new variants that are more infectious).


    • Like 10
  8. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    One liners can be funny.

    My yard is full of squirrels who hide and dig up acorns; not sure I appreciate them! They also like to eat acorns on my porch and leave a mess. In my first house they chewed through the fascia board and got into the attic; I had to have a wildlife specialist come and trap them for release in the woods.

    I can appreciate sweatpants since I'm in them most days, lol.


    The sun is shining and it's above freezing! But snow over the weekend supposedly.

    Not sure what's for dinner tonight - maybe a burger.


    @VMax1700 Prayers for your DW. Condolences on the loss of your first cousin; so sad.


    Our state is only getting about 150,000 doses per week of vaccines. My county says they don't have enough to start 65 and over shots, and ask for patience.


    Prayers for those on the care list and cheers to the celebration/shoutout list.

    Be safe, stay well, and wear your mask!


    • Like 9
  9. Good morning Dailyites.

    Mmmm, love buttercrunch, cheese and Penguins (hence my profile pic)!

    Great quotes.

    I love steak, but having ribs tonight.


    @rafinmd Thanks for adding me to the care list. I'm doing better today. I've been battling this condition for 3 years, and haven't found meds to control it. I was very optimistic about Humira and Methotrexate (my latest ones), but that combo didn't work that well and I had some severe side effects.


    PA has finally adopted adding 65 and older to the 1A vaccination group, but my county has a very high medical worker population with several big medical centers, and says they don't have enough vaccine to even finish those folks. So I wait.


    Prayers to those in need and cheers to those celebrating.

    Stay safe, social distance and wear your mask!


    • Like 15
  10. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    Hard to make new real world friends these days, but lots of new online friends thanks to the Daily! I like popcorn. I think my memory's pretty good, except when I go into a room for something and can't remember what it was I went there for!


    This is a brief post. My uveitis flared this morning in my right eye, so it's red and very light sensitive. It's hard to look at any screens or even out the window, but luckily it's cloudy here today. I'm wearing sunglasses inside and putting drops in every hour. Hopefully it will be calmed down by afternoon. I had to stop some meds for it due to side effects.


    Prayers to the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay well. Wear your mask.

    • Like 13
    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 hour ago, TiogaCruiser said:

    The journey continues:


    January 18, 2013

    The Beagle Channel, Chile


    And the wind came up.

    We passed the dock at Ushuaia where we were scheduled to tie up. The space left for us was on the windward side of the dock, and per Captain, the winds were approaching the maximum allowed for Veendam’s size. So the decision was made for us to drop anchor and tender in. As the winds usually decrease as the day wears on, we would then move to our space at the dock when it was safe.


    So we anchored and the crew began to prepare the tenders. And the winds continued to increase. Whitecaps increased on the water. I had been on Veendam’s skydeck above the Crow’s Nest, and a gust caught me and sent me sliding backwards on the wet deck. So it wasn’t a surprise when the next announcement was that we would be recovering the anchor and heading to Port Williams to check out of Chile, then commencing the crossing of Drake Passage early. 


    And so our Antarctic leg began.


    Same thing happened to me on Christmas Day 2018 on the Zaandam. We couldn't dock at Ushuaia, went to Puerto Williams, then on to the Drake Passage. I was disappointed. I wanted to go to "The End of the World"!

    • Like 6
  12. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily!

    MLK Day is to be celebrated! Elementary school teachers rock! (My Mom was one for 39 years).

    Cold here today. It was icy this AM with accidents reported.

    Pumpkin spice white Russian sounds tasty.


    Prayers to those on the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe, Be Well, Wear you Mask.




    • Like 19
  13. 1 hour ago, superoma said:

    Rouladen and Klöße would be perfect  with the Rotkohl!

    Usually I make it at Christmas with Sauerbraten and Spaetzle. I have made Rouladen and Kloesse in the past. My best friend is German/American (conceived in Germany and born in the US as he likes to say). I've visited with his family in Germany several times and fell in love with the food. So I've been learning to make some classic German dishes. We were to have spent 3 weeks in Germany prior to our cancelled April 2020 cruise 😢.

    • Like 4
  14. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily!

    Just getting ready to start my New Year's Resolution tomorrow, of walking on the treadmill. Can't ditch it since I haven't started yet, lol.

    It's cold here and will stay that way for the next week, with snow showers daily.

    I'm making Rotkohl (German Red Cabbage) and it smells great. I'll probably have chicken with it.

    I do like Whiskey Sours, but haven't had one in ages.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe, be well, and wear your mask!


    • Like 11
  15. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily!

    It's snowing like crazy here this morning. Fortunately I have nowhere to go! Then the polar air arrives.

    Interesting days. I do appreciate dragons 🙂 and am good at doing Nothing.

    I've never had a Manhattan. Not sure what's for dinner, but maybe chicken.


    @kazu Sorry to hear about BIL's mother. Prayers.

    @ger_77An excuse for me to buy Cardboardeaux, as I have none!


    Prayers for those on the care list and cheers to those on the Celebration lists!

    Stay well, be safe and wear your mask!


    • Like 19
  16. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily!

    Love bagels (just got a shipment from NY today), only wear hats for sun protection, and every day should be National Humanitarian Day.

    Great quote.

    I think it's soup and a slice of homemade sourdough bread for dinner.

    It's raining here now, with a changeover to snow tonight, but not much accumulation supposedly.


    @StLouisCruisersPrayers for MIL. That 70-100 sounds like a pulse range, not oxygen level range.


    We have lots of health care workers in my county, and they're still not all vaccinated, so I don't know when they'll get to 1B and if over 65 will be added to that group. In the meantime, I stay in, except for doctors' appointments and curbside grocery pick-up.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.


    • Like 11
  17. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily!

    No pets here, nor have I ever flown a kite. My yearly goal is always organizing my house; not sure why I haven't accomplished it during the lockdown! I normally sell stuff on eBay, but not going to the PO these days, so donating a lot more.

    Not sure what's on the menu for dinner.


    @ger_77That weather sounds awful! I'm glad you weren't without heat for too long.

    @kazu Hope Marley is ok.

    @StLouisCruisers Prayers for your family members

    @NextOnePrayers for your DH


    Prayers for those on the Care List and cheers to those on the celebration list.

    Stay safe, wash your hands and wear your mask!


    • Like 11
  18. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    Interesting collection of days!

    Having pork roast for dinner, no pierogis.

    It's sunny and relatively warm (40F) here today.

    We'll see if the new mandate to vaccinate those 65 and over speeds things up for some of us.


    Prayers for those on the care list and cheers to those on the celebration list.

    Stay well, stay safe and wear your mask!

    Rubber Duck in Pittsburgh!



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