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Posts posted by JazzyV

  1. Good afternoon.

    We remain cold here, with snow coming tomorrow night through Tuesday. Fortunately all my medical appointments were last week and I have no where important to go next week.

    Hmmmm, unusual days. No nickname and no middle name.

    Both the drink and the wine choice sound good. Not sure what's for dinner.


    @rafinmd Nice to see you back here. Prayers for your brother's 3rd surgery.

    @DeeniEncinitas Happy Anniversary!

    @Seasick Sailor How sad for your friends and her Mom. Prayers for all.

    @mamaofami Sorry that appointment got messed up. Our county is opening a new site and people could try to sign up at 9AM today. I have friends who are trying and hope they got one.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask(s).

    • Like 13
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  2. Good afternoon. Thanks Rich.

    Again cold here, but only snow flurries so far today. More forecast for the weekend.

    Happy Year of the Ox. The original Abraham Lincoln birthday!

    Thinking of Roy.


    @mamaofami Congrats on getting DH an appointment.

    @VMax1700 Great news to hear DW has finished her radiation and that she is cancer free! 

    @Horizon chaser 1957 Wow, great job! I've never made a gingerbread anything.


    Prayers for the Care list and Cheers to the celebration list.

    Be safe, social distance, wash your hands and wear your masks.







    • Like 15
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  3. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily Rich.

    Thinking of Roy and sending prayers.

    Yes to National Friends Day, in person and virtual! Inventors deserve cheers.

    Another morning spent shoveling snow. At least it has stopped so no issue with my eye appt later hopefully.


    @ger_77 Oh my! I'm glad you didn't break anything.

    @mamaofami I know that frustration of being on the computer, filling out pages of info, then finding out there are no spots left.


    Prayers to our Care list (thanks Rich for filling in) and Cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance and wear your mask!


    • Like 15
  4. Good Afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    It's a good day for flannel with these cold temps. I hadn't ever heard of Plimsoll shoes or Plimsoll lines - had to look that up.

    I love to proofread. I used to do it for college students' papers when I was in high school and papers were typed on a typewriter. 

    Snow tonight and Friday night they say. At least it looks ok for my eye doc appointment tomorrow.

    I'll pass on Skiers Skillet. I'm not sure what's for dinner tonight.


    @superoma Best wishes with your treatment.

    @rafinmd Praying for you and your brother.

    @DeeniEncinitas Congrats on the anniversary! 50 years is quite an accomplishment.

    @Sharon in AZ Good news about your Mom feeling more energetic.

    @StLouisCruisers I can't wait to get a haircut. My doctor has me waiting until 2 weeks after my 2nd vaccine, so another 6 weeks to go. It's been 4 months and I used to go every 5 weeks! I look a sight.

    @Horizon chaser 1957 I can't wait to see the finished pagoda!


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance and wear you mask!

    • Like 13
  5. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.


    Just in from shoveling about 6" of snow. It's still flurrying, but I should be able to get to the vaccination center. I'll leave extra early. More snow every day and I need to see the Ophthalmologist on Thursday. 

    Odd collection of days. Also national pizza day!


    @rafinmd I hope you feel better and that your tests come out ok. Prayers for your brother.


    Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to the Celebration List.

    Stay safe, social distance, double mask!

    • Like 15
  6. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily. I'm late today as I had a doctors appointment and lab work to do this morning.

    Tomorrow is the day for my 1st shot! Of course they're calling for 3-4" of snow overnight, but it's supposed to end late morning and my appointment is early afternoon. Hopefully road crews will have been out and about.

    No Superbowl hangover; congrats to the Bucs. I clean out my computer all the time; sometimes I get rid of stuff I later want!

    Leftover pizza and salad for dinner, I think.


    @rafinmd I hope your brother is doing better.

    @summer slope  Glad your DH is feeling better. 

    @mamaofami Interesting how people have different reactions. I witnessed an acquaintance's funeral streamed on Facebook. Strange times. Good news on the CT scan!

    @Seasick Sailor They may want him to finish quarantine first. Hope you both are ok.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance and wear your mask!

    • Like 12
  7. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    I'll watch some of the Super Bowl. Hopefully people don't host parties that turn into virus spreading events. Sending cards these days is tough as it takes a long time for delivery. Love roses.

    It's cold here, and will be for the next week or more. Brrrr.


    I think maybe homemade pizza for dinner.

    I should be writing down some of the wines to try in future. We have state stores here for alcohol although some groceries are starting to carry it. Right now I'm not drinking due to meds.


    @rafinmd I'm hoping your brother improves significantly. 


    Prayers for the Care list and cheers for the Celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance and wear your mask!

    • Like 16
  8. Good afternoon Dailyites.

    I like ice cream and frozen yogurt, but sadly have none on hand; I could make some homemade ice cream though. Compliments to Rich and Roy for our daily Daily and all the posters!

    It's sunny, but cold here today, with snow overnight.


    @cat shepard I'd read you shouldn't take anti-inflammatory meds like Advil or ibuprophen after your vaccine as it might dampen antibody formation, but that acetaminophen was ok (although the CDC site says talk to your doctor first). Also that you shouldn't take anything prophylactically to prevent symptoms, just if needed. And to try stuff like cool compresses for the sore arm or headache, moving the arm more, drink fluids, rest, etc.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.


    Stay safe and mask up! I have 2 medical appointments next week and will definitely double mask. Moderna first shot on Tuesday!



    • Like 11
  9. 6 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

    I spoke with my DM a bit ago and the nasogastric tube is out and she even got jello and broth for dinner!  Yay!  She says her throat feels so much better without the tube.  

    Thank you everyone for your prayers and concerns, it means so much. 


    Wonderful news!

    • Like 2
  10. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    I used to like bubble gum in my youth. Haha @Shower with a Friend Day. And hats off to weatherpersons, who are often on the mark.

    Chicken noodle soup sounds good.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance and double mask!

    • Like 9
  11. 1 hour ago, dfish said:

    Another very somber experience was visiting Dachau near Munich.  I have been there with students and with my parents.  When I visited with students it was always a silent ride back to the hotel.  


    What we are going through is nothing compared to that.  


    I went to Dachau in 2014 when I was in Germany. A very sobering and sad experience to be sure.

    • Like 4
  12. Good afternoon Dailyites.

    Love the USO, and stuffed mushroom. Thankful for the mail carriers.

    That blue lagoon sounds good.

    Not sure what's for dinner.

    It's sunny at least, but brrr it's cold here, and will stay that way into next week due to the Polar Vortex.


    @doobieb Good news!

    @kazu I got to visit where Ann Frank hid when in Amsterdam and it was incredible to imagine hiding there.

    @cruisemom42 Glad to hear your parents got appointments for the vaccine.

    @mamaofami So sorry for your loss.

    @rafinmd Best wishes that your brother's surgery was successful.


    Prayers to the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance and wear your mask! Someone on my NextDoor site just posted he lost his daughter and his wife of 52 years last week from Covid. So sad.

    • Like 10
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  13. Good afternoon. Thanks for the daily.

    I have heard of the Day the Music Died, but was a small child when it happened.

    Not sure what's for dinner tonight.


    @Sharon in AZ Good news that your DM is doing well!

    @KirkNC Good thought for your Sister & BIL

    @ger_77 Mmmm, carrot cake. I haven't made one in ages since it's just me here. Tomato soup cake? Sounds interesting. Cool about your DH.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list. Congrats to all who've gotten their shots.

    Stay safe, social distance, wear your double mask.



    • Like 13
  14. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    Another round of snow shoveling this morning, but not nearly as much as yesterday.

    Groundhog day! It was cloudy and snowing in Punxsutawney, so I don't know how he saw his shadow!


    Hurricane - I still have the glass from having one at the famous Pat O'Brien's bar in NOLA

    I think dinner will be a grilled chicken salad.


    Eye update - I have been off my Humira and Methotrexate due to side effects, and just using drops. I heard from my doctor today, who says she is hesitant to start any new immunosuppressive medications until my vaccine series is completed, because the next option she is considering is a pretty potent immunosuppressive medication. That would mean probably late March. I wish I could just use the drops. I feel like the hoped for "cure" is worse than the disease.


    I will supposedly be emailed after my first vaccine shot about the appointment for the 2nd. I'd feel better if they could schedule it right then.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Be safe, social distance and wear your mask!

    • Like 12
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  15. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    Just in from shoveling snow; more expected later today and overnight.

    Yes to Freedom and Spunky Old Broads (I'll include myself in that), lol.

    Leftover carrot soup for dinner with homemade rye bread.




    Another cross country storm is brewing and I'm already worrying about my 2 doctors appointments next week and my first vaccine shot. Fingers crossed. Rabbit!


    Prayers to the care list and cheers to the celebration list.


    I'll throw in our local eagle cam too (they're being snowed on): http://www.aswp.org/pages/hays-nest 


    Be safe, social distance. take care shoveling, and wear your mask!

    Screenshot Hays Eagles  2021-02-01 121858.jpg

    • Like 16
  16. 2 hours ago, kazu said:

    Happy to say that we had a piece of good news tonight.


    @rafinmdyou can take Jose’s nephew off the Care list.  He was released from the hospital tonight.  He needed help to walk but he is home and I know he will be well cared for.


    We are most grateful for the news since he was rushed to ICU when he came down with it.


    Thank you all for your prayers and caring ❤️ 


    Great news!

    • Like 5
  17. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    Interesting days. I never had backwards day at school. I like art and hot chocolate.

    It's cold here and the snow started overnight. Unsure of the amount between today and tomorrow, but it could be 10" (not as much as New England and eastern PA is getting).


    I never got my carrot soup made, so that's for today. Plus bread baking.

    As a little stay at home treat I ordered a new iPad yesterday (gen 8); I'll trade in my old one (gen 5), so that brought down the price.


    @rafinmd Congrats on getting your shot. I guess the immune system is working on it. I know some have felt yucky after the 2nd shot, but it's worth it.


    Prayers to the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance and wear your mask.


    • Like 14
  18. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    Interesting days. Love Croissants!

    It's quite cold here and we're bracing for snow/wintry mix tomorrow and Monday.

    I think maybe a carrot ginger soup for dinner tonight. I wanted to make German Rye bread today but the grocery was out of vital wheat gluten flour. So I await it coming from Amazon.


    Safe travels @rafinmd Roy and @durangoscots.

    Congrats to all those getting their shots!


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the Celebration list.

    Stay safe, social distance and wear your mask!

    • Like 10
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