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Everything posted by nini

  1. We were on a waiting list for the Overlord Tours. They said that when a certain number of people were on the list, then they would book another vehicle. We were able to do this along with many from our Roll Call.
  2. I am fairly sure that wheelchairs and scooters are not accommodated on tenders, however, I would think if the person can step onto the tender and back out on their own, then it would be ok. You would need to collapse the walker and ask for help loading and unloading it.
  3. Testing to arrive in the USA was dropped in June, therefore, you were not questioned when boarding your flight, nor upon arrival.
  4. That was ours on the Regal!!! So great.............
  5. Another CC member offered me hint for shorter people (like me). She said to stack the two balcony chairs on which to sit and then you can see the view! I have not tried that yet, but we loved our huge forward balcony on the Regal! We could use it at any time, but needed to take care to close the curtains at night so lights did not bother the Bridge.
  6. Have a great time! We did this cruise on the Emerald this past May. Glasgow had been eliminated and Liverpool added. We also stopped in the Orkney Islands and had a lovely "private" with a local.
  7. We saw the Northern Lights on August 28, 2000- our first Alaska cruise. This was about 5 hours after leaving port.
  8. Please save up for a longer itinerary that will include at least Glacier Bay or Hubbard Glacier. Otherwise, you are really just seeing lots of ocean.
  9. I will say that it was extremely stressful to fly to London this last May, arriving 3 days before embarkation. We had already made the flight arrangements many months ahead and if we changed it, it would be super expensive. Fortunately, we tested in our London hotel and were negative. We used the Binax Now and the hotel's WiFi. The hotel was super accommodating and printed out our results.
  10. We were on the Emerald this last May, in B749. The only issue was the cigarette smoke from the crew smoking on the Promenade deck. It floats up. This is a covid "side effect" as the crew has not yet returned to their own area to smoke, thus, devaluing the aft balconies.
  11. @llarsen We also had to show our hard copies of vaccinations and test results to board the ship and for flights for our British Isles trip this past May. I This just seems to be the preference for some reason.
  12. Order through the television.that is how we ordered our drinks.
  13. Our September Alaska cruise on the Grand has been "Currently not available" for a few.weeks. We hope all will be well. Our TA thinks it is just sold out because they can still see it.
  14. There was no Chef's Table or Winemaker's Dinner on the Grand this last May.
  15. I hope these issues were addressed and fixed during dry dock earlier this year.
  16. Canada is not included in this. Their government requires it still.
  17. This has never been an issue for us. If this was a "regular" hotel, then it would be an issue.
  18. The notice did not even mention the Grand September 14th sailing. Ugh! It is also still saying "Currently not available" on the Princess website.
  19. They are probably gone by now. They were on Yucaipa Blvd close to the freeway. It was a BBQ place where most people picked up To Go. BBQ chicken, ribs, fantastic cole slaw and potato salad, etc.
  20. I have been told it takes one day per hour difference in the time. We are on the west coast and it did take a week to normalize.
  21. LOL! And I know where you live. DH grew up in Calimesa and our first home was in Yucaipa. How we miss Morbitzer's!!!
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