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Everything posted by rkacruiser

  1. For the OP, I think your idea to bring your sextant is a cool idea and will be a conversation piece with other guests, maybe even an Officer or two. Depending on the ship, finding a spot on the upper decks that is really dark enough could be a quite a challenge. Some of the best ones are off limits to the guests; some are off limits at night. And, then, when the ship is moving, the wind could be an issue, I would think.
  2. On one ship I saw at Christmas, someone had decorated the railings of their balcony with colored lights. I assume battery operated. I wondered at the time if that was really permitted.
  3. Agree with everyone who has posted to use only the toilet paper that is supplied by the ship. Every ship's Environmental Officer that I have heard speak has mentioned the problems that the waste and plumbing system can encounter if incorrect items are flushed into the system. It is true that if a severe back-up and a plumbing repair is required because of this can be traced to a specific cabin, a charge can be levied for the cost of the repair. Maybe the most different toilet paper I have encountered was in China. Ashore, the paper was more like wax paper. The ship had to purchase toilet paper in China when a supply container didn't arrive on time. That paper was also rather different, but, not quite like what I experienced at times during my Chinese excursions.
  4. Good for you! During these days of not so great news about flights and airports, it's pleasant to read a nice story.
  5. Bag or tag? No, to both. But, I have had tags so badly mangled and partly torn that they were not the easiest to read.
  6. The company that I referenced has not done that! For some time! That Board is beginning to get some new "faces", but, what their "political connections" are with the Establishment, how am I to know as a shareholder?
  7. I try to attend both and enjoy both experiences because it gives me another chance to meet fellow Mariners of like mind. The report of only peanuts being served with the drinks is a shame. Whatever happened to mixed nuts? Or, canapes? Goldfish available? HAL is in competition with several cruise lines. No surprise there. If MSC can serve at a CC Roll Call party canapes with caviar, smoked salmon, etc., why ought that type of quality not be served to HAL's most loyal Mariners?
  8. Got it! Thanks Ruth. On those ships that have interactive TVs, the music channels fulfill that function when I want it.
  9. That's likely and, it's likely it is true particularly for some ranks. But, such an occasion ought to require the attendance of the HD and the Guest Relations Manager. Maybe the Event Manager on the CD's staff? I wonder who the HD is. When such failures have taken place in the past, it is my experience that it is the HD who is ultimately responsible and what his/her priorities are for such interactions with the guests. Particularly those of the 3-4-5 Star Mariner classification.
  10. I have been wondering when that is going to soon arrive on a HAL ship. It is a logical progression from the ridiculous odds Lottery that is now offered.
  11. I wonder if this is the reception that is held during embarkation day on Caribbean cruises. Officers have never been present, but, the CD or a staff member of his/her department is to welcome/speak with the guests. The Mariner Recognition event is more formal and more selective because of the usual number of Mariners aboard that are "high days". Whatever. Just another example of the inconsistency of the HAL cruising experience from one cruise to another that has been ongoing for some time. If you can find the HD, maybe a good question to ask him/her is "what was this about and why weren't you present as a Senior Officer"? It depends on where the table is located. Getting a table in the small alcoves on the lower MDR level when nearby tables are occupied: challenging to hear across a table of 6 or 8.
  12. I wonder if this is the reception that is held during embarkation day on Caribbean cruises. Officers have never been present, but, the CD or a staff member of his/her department is to welcome/speak with the guests. The Mariner Recognition event is more formal and more selective because of the usual number of Mariners aboard that are "high days". Whatever. Just another example of the inconsistency of the HAL cruising experience from one cruise to another that has been ongoing for some time. If you can find the HD, maybe a good question to ask him/her is "what was this about and why weren't you present as a Senior Officer"? It depends on where the table is located. Getting a table in the small alcoves on the lower MDR level when nearby tables are occupied: challenging to hear across a table of 6 or 8.
  13. A reasonable question for a first time YC guest. The above posters provided good advice. For me, there are too many different Butlers who provided me with service in the YC Lounge, the YC Pool Deck, and too many Stewards in the YC Restaurant to tip them all. My suite's Butler? Yes. I did provide an additional gratuity that was based on his service in comparison to what I would receive from a Cabin Steward on other cruises. I provided the same amount to the Assistant Butler (who, I think, actually did more than her superior). Was it sufficient? I thought so. I did offer a gratuity to the YC Restaurants' Maitre d's. They deserved it based on their service that benefited me. I did not offer an additional gratuity to the Concierges. I used their services only twice and it was for mundane things.
  14. I am pleased to hear your encouraging news, Lois. You are very fortunate that your injury is not more serious. I have had heard that "pop" sound simply moving my knee and then feeling some pain. It is a most worrisome noise!
  15. The "New Normal" has arrived; I agree. This pretty well describes my situation. Except, I am not willing yet to travel. Covid is part of the reason, but, the chaos that is involved in flying and the varying restrictions in places: no. I am not going to do suffer those experiences. I could easily "jump through hoops" in my earlier years. As a senior citizen, I no longer have the "desire" to do so.
  16. Should this also not apply to Boards of Directors who support the poor or questionable decisions coming out of the Executive Suite? These people continue to get paid for such decisions and are very difficult for the concerned shareholders to eliminate from the Board. Exhibit A is the Boeing Company in recent years.
  17. I don't disagree with your thinking. But, it's the percentage difference in the raises between the workers who are doing the job that helps the CEO's good decisions make money for the company and the CEO's raises that irritates me.
  18. It's not a good way to start a trip! My experience was when my traveling companion and I was traveling to Amsterdam on KLM out of ATL. Heavy rain the afternoon/early evening before departure in Atlanta. When we arrived at AMS, our 3 pieces of luggage was damp with my companion's thoroughly wet. We were able to get into our hotel room and spent the initial hour or so unpacking and trying to place the clothes on hangers to let them dry. We filed a possible claim with KLM before we left the airport (along with many other passengers). Response was: "so sorry. Nothing we can do." When I got home, I snail mailed a letter to Delta and got the same kind of response. Fortunately, nothing was damaged.
  19. 🤣 An optimist! Sailing from Vancouver, our Captain predicted good weather and calm seas for the next 24 hours. The next morning, West of Vancouver Island, we woke up to an unexpected storm and rough seas. Even seasoned mariners and forecasters don't always get weather forecasts right.
  20. Congee: My first encounter with this dish was at a hotel's breakfast buffet in Xian. The buffet had both Eastern and Western dishes. I had heard about Congee and decided to try a small bowl. I did not really care for it; maybe an acquired taste? Maybe I didn't add enough of the condiments to it? Whenever I see Congee, I remember that morning in Xian. (Which was memorable for more reasons other than breakfast.)
  21. I have never decorated my cabin door nor the cabin itself except on a Christmas cruise. Sailing during Christmas, I order a small decorated and lighted Christmas tree to be delivered to my cabin. At the end of the cruise, I will bring the tree home with me. In recent years, that little tree is my Christmas tree in my home. I do like to see the holiday door decorations that others prepare. Many guests are much more creative than I am. Why don't I do so? I don't want to cart more stuff with me than I already need to do.
  22. 2019, I did this excursion, but, the meal served was Salmon, not crab legs. Has that changed and they are now serving crab? If so, that might be one reason for the increase in price. I agree, that is a large price increase. But, the flight experience and the experience at the Lodge would be worth it to me.
  23. I do the same thing. The tape makes the paper tags much more durable. I print and put a tag on each handle the bag has. I think that increases the chances that at least one tag will remain on the bag.
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