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Everything posted by rkacruiser

  1. This is my practice. Depending on the currency and the bank, the currency may be available for pick-up within 24-48 hours after it is ordered. I don't understand how such quick service works.
  2. Surely an unusual experience and I appreciate you posting it. But, what's the connection with solo cruising and dining? I stand by my previous comment, some solos, in a social situation, are "more comfortable in their skins" than others. I am probably going to get trashed with the following comment. But, why take a book to read when one is dining? I don't get it. Is the book a psychological crutch for the diner because they are alone? I have never done so. When I dine, I enjoy watching the activity around me and the interactions that take place among customers and with the staff. If I want to finish the book I am reading, the last place I would do so is in a restaurant. When I dine, I want to focus on my dining experience: the service, the cuisine, the ambiance. Otherwise, why spend the money for a restaurant meal? I can stay home and dine on a Swanson's Frozen Dinner while watching TV.
  3. That has been my opinion for some time. When one compares it with Princess Patters, it is woefully lacking. Not in my experience on the Eurodam. There are hatches forward on Deck 5, starboard and port, that lead to this broad expanse of deck. The port hatch seemed to be opened more regularly than the other one when we sailed in scenic areas. The crew only area is on the lower deck and there were crew there while there were guests on the open deck space on Deck 5 above them.
  4. Please explain to me why anyone cruises to watch TV? I get enough of that at home!
  5. On Rotterdam VI? We may have sailed at the same time. Or, close to that year. And, the ship was full both ways. Could be. But, given the ports available to handle a HAL sized ship, I think those might be a factor. Well, I completely disagree with this statement!
  6. This area is one more of an example of an area on a HAL ship that is designed with no clear, long term intent in mind. First, a disco. Well, that didn't turn out so well. Then, the Gallery Bar. The same thing can be said about the Atrium Bar area.
  7. The hotel has definitely upgraded their breakfast buffet area in comparison to when we stayed there. One of the important "thrills" for me was when we arose in the morning and saw the Eurodam docked not too far from our hotel's window. The interior of the terminal appears quite different. And, not as guest friendly as it was.
  8. I understand your thinking, but, if the 2023 world cruise on the Zuiderdam sails as expected, and is successful, maybe the "thinking" might be: let's put some different hardware on the itinerary and see how that works.
  9. Good question. VOV is very popular and is usually sold out.
  10. Good choice. Because I had been drinking Prosecco (glass #1 and #2 was in the Lounge waiting to board which was followed by lunch at the YC Pool Deck Buffet with another glass, then opening the bottle in my suite where one or two more glasses were drunk), going to the YC Lounge for sailaway, I had another one. (I ought to be careful mixing different kinds of alcoholic drinks.) Going to dinner, i had a glass of a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. The best ambiance for a Mai Tai is in Hawaii or in French Polynesia. One exception for that is on Bora Bora. How can one order anything other than a Bloody Mary at Bloody Mary's?
  11. Glaciers is correct. Having stayed at the Marriott Waterfront near Pier 66, I have seen many, many guests during all of my stays pulling luggage along the sidewalk. OP, if you choose to do this, you will not be alone. On a nice Seattle day, it's a scenic walk to the pier.
  12. I'd try the Roll Call idea if it is still available and if the people were a part of it. There is a Forum called Whatever Happened to....? on Cruise Critic. Try that; odds aren't good, but, who knows? It's very frustrating to me that I have e-mail addresses, snail mail addresses for some whom I didn't want to loose contact. Snail mail is not returned; e-mails seem to be delivered. No response from the recipients. I wonder why. We appeared to develop a friendly relationship during the cruise. (And, in one situation, during two cruises.)
  13. Why people pack food to take on a cruise is beyond my comprehension. Wine? Yes. But, be prepared to pay a corkage charge. Tuba😁
  14. An excellent point! I have participated in private excursions that others have arranged as well as those that I booked. I research. The woman who arranged the others did the research. (Don''t remember where she got the company's name.) For those that she booked, we batted .500, but we did get a refund for the other .500 that didn't work out as expected. I am batting 1.000 for the ones that I have booked. (So far.)
  15. I did not think of asking for any credit. Frankly, the entertainment systems on planes have little interest for me. The screen that interests me the most is the flight data/flight path screen. If the system had a cockpit view of take-off and landing, that would be of interest to me as well. Not sure that such exists on any flights.
  16. Must be the same kind of idiots that have caused issues on many flights. I don't think the airlines and the cruise lines do enough to discourage such behavior. How about a lifetime No Fly List; No Cruise List?
  17. These are people who are "not comfortable in their skin". This is, I think, a skill that is learned as one grows up. A possible suggestion for such people when dining in a restaurant is to ask for a booth. A booth may help provide the "security" that they feel lacking if they are sitting in a large dining room at a table by themselves.
  18. I like their description of the event. Much more welcoming; those married folks traveling without their spouse might be encouraged to come to the event. A very good idea. Sailaway CC events can be tough particularly if it is held where there will be much activity, i.e. on an outside deck at a bar. Who is a part of the group? Who is not? I attended one of those a couple of times, could not identify anyone even after asking several people. Gave up; got my drink and went elsewhere.' The passenger mix is so very important! I have had my own experiences with that. You have that right! Ask me; I have a boatload of them! My experience as well. I have engaged in brief conversations with some guests at such a time and found that, as we crossed paths, another conversation would occur.
  19. I do not care for frozen drinks. There is a time and place for Tiki drinks. Pina Coladas? Yes! Miami Vice? Even better! Remember the old joke about the Blue Hawaiian? I won't drink anything that looks like Tidy Bowl. It's good. My favorite is a Mai Tai. But, where I live and drinking it, there's something missing--ambiance.
  20. Even when I flew with KLM in Economy, it was a very good flight and the flight attendants were very pleasant. Welcome Home, Lois!
  21. Wrapped in blankets is not what I consider to be conducive to an enjoyable dining experience. Unique? Yes. Scenic? Probably. But, something that is no where close to "fine dining" ought to be in my opinion
  22. I tried this once going to the Lido Restaurant on a HAL ship for a very early continental breakfast before going to the Greenhouse Spa for the morning. I felt "uncomfortable" doing so and did not do so again. T-shirt/bathing trunks was what I wore afterwards in such a situation. That was, I felt, was appropriate.
  23. I see no takers in any environment. I cannot imagine that the company that Mr. Arison has assembled is going to be disassembled during the time he remains involved with Carnival Corporation. His family has worked too long, too hard, and invested so much into this company to allow it to just "go away".
  24. I learned that lesson some time ago. Regardless of the port, using a Porter is worth whatever gratuity one wishes to give.
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