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can you demand to move rooms if kept awake cos of nearby noise?


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first time cruiser going on holy land silhouette end of Sept .getting excited.sorry if this a daft question.if you have issues with your cabin once you on board can you change like you can sometimes do in a hotel?been reading about people having issues with noise from above with chairs or bars nearby.i am the type of person who needs my sleep!we have booked guaranteed balcony,may be one with obstructed view .many thanks


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I had a cabin far forward and I learned that all of the nighttime shows, rehearsals and daily programs, in the theatre, could be heard clearly in my cabin. I was three decks away. I complained and was told that there were no other cabins available for a swap. "They were doing repairs on some and they were not ready." The cruise was a back-to-back so I did get a slightly better change, at the turnover point, after nearly ten days. Also, I heard of others who were allowed a change but they had to pay for a cabin upgrade. Cabin changes depend on how full is the booking, too.

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first time cruiser going on holy land silhouette end of Sept .getting excited.sorry if this a daft question.if you have issues with your cabin once you on board can you change like you can sometimes do in a hotel?been reading about people having issues with noise from above with chairs or bars nearby.i am the type of person who needs my sleep!we have booked guaranteed balcony,may be one with obstructed view .many thanks



By booking a guaranteed cabin you in essence said you would take what is available in return for a lower price. Occasionally a guarantee balcony can get you a higher category room, but not often. As for demanding(or asking) to change, your ability to move will be dependent upon if there are cabins available & whether or not there is a need to move others who may have cabin issues. Hopefully your cabin will be fine.

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Ships move and might be noisy. The wind can keep you awake. Other people make noise.


GTY rooms get the pick of what remains. People in the know choose quieter rooms first. We have used gty and had no problems.


If you are a light sleeper, ear plugs are well worth taking just in case. Room changes are not very common.

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Unlike hotels -- most cruise ships sail pretty much full. Sort of like airplanes these days. If the cabin is not occupied = no revenue. That's why there are sometimes very good last minute deals and people upset because they had already made their final payment at a higher and sometimes much higher rate.


Very often we've seen signs that look like they're used regularly on the guest relations desk on embarkation day. "The ship is full, no cabin changes possible."


We don't do guarantees -- we're not gamblers :)


We book very far ahead and pick the cabin we want. The rates are usually pretty good and sometimes great.


We still work, so last minute deals aren't practical for us. :(

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I think it depends about the time that noise occurs. For me, as long as it's quiet after the last show in the main showroom has stopped, and I can sleep at night, I am happy.


However, twice we were moved due to annoying late night noise. Once on the RCCL Radiance when our cabin was the closest cabin to the main lobby. At the time they had no door separating our hallway from the main lobby. The ship had loud, amplified music in the lobby until 2:00AM. I complained after the first night and they gladly moved us.


The second occurred on the HAL Oosterdam. Seems they built the ship with their disco/night club on a lower floor of the ship. Our cabin was about 2 floors above it. So each night the bass from the amplified music shook our room. We called the front desk and they send someone up the first night around 2:00AM. He agreed we had a valid complaint. But they had no available cabins to move us. On day three they called and said they had a cabin and they moved us. Seems a lady was injured on a tour and had to leave the cruise. So we got her cabin.


Both times we were firm, but polite and not demanding. We had to meet with the Hotel Manager too. In the end we were happy but are really careful when selecting a cabin now.

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am not too fussy really about the size and obstruction of balcony.just don't want to be kept awake all night with noise.surely any cabin that has this noise shouldn't be allowed?as said,new to all this and still don't understand it all,especially the type of room my husband has booked but just don't want to be in k room where i can hear noise from a disco or people moving chairs on deck above as i have read on here so far.noise till about midnight is ok for us,just not all night.just wanted peoples experiences of being moved if ship wasn't full.thanks

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am not too fussy really about the size and obstruction of balcony.just don't want to be kept awake all night with noise.surely any cabin that has this noise shouldn't be allowed?as said,new to all this and still don't understand it all,especially the type of room my husband has booked but just don't want to be in k room where i can hear noise from a disco or people moving chairs on deck above as i have read on here so far.noise till about midnight is ok for us,just not all night.just wanted peoples experiences of being moved if ship wasn't full.thanks


I have done over thirty cruises...and in a variety of cabin locations...

I am convinced that most of the noise complaints...or, more often, noise fears...are simply overblown...I have had cabins directly over the showroom and have heard NOTHING...of course, I was seldom in my cabin during a show or even a rehearsal (none of which takes place after midnight)...I had a cabin once directly below the disco dance floor...and even that presented no problem--the ship was so well insulated and sound-proofed that we really had no effect...


Most of the complaints I have heard are about the deck immediately below the pool and regard noise from the crew moving about the deck chairs in the morning--so, if someone sleeps late, that may bother them--so, we've tried to avoid getting those cabins...


But, I don't think there are many sources for noise in most locations on the ship between midnight and breakfast...


If you have great fear of this, don't take a guarantee--pick your cabin. Personally, I think a guarantee--due to the tremendous price breaks, is well worth it...the risks are small...


Yes, should you find you really want to change cabins, you can always ask...it depends on availability...if the ship is full, you just need to deal with it...If they have cabins in your category or lower, they will usually allow a switch...if higher, they may charge you for the upgrade...


On our upcoming cruise, we were assigned a cabin on a guarantee rate the location of which (too far aft) was not to my liking--this was about two months out--I checked the available cabins and found there were other cabins in the same (C2) category still available and asked to be switched--and was granted the switch to a midship "hump" C2...I am sure they were willing to do this because at 6o days out they still had a couple dozen Concierge cabins still available...Had the ship been closer to sold out, I would likely have been denied...


But, my best advice is to not worry about it...Chances are you will love your cabin...and you will sleep like a baby...


Have fun...

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thank you so much!you have put my mind to rest-like i said,not a fussy person who complains a lot.just got myself in a tizz after reading k few negative comments.next daft question,when would i find out my cabin number?don't sale tilt end September.thanks again!

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thank you so much!you have put my mind to rest-like i said,not a fussy person who complains a lot.just got myself in a tizz after reading k few negative comments.next daft question,when would i find out my cabin number?don't sale tilt end September.thanks again!


The timing varies--it depends on how the sales are going...Aas the different categories staret filling up, they will assign cabins in a manner that leaves the remaining cabins best arranged for marketing.


For example, on our July 7 sailing, we were assigned our guarantee cabin over two months before sailing...I noticed they assigned most of the Concierge guarantees to the open Concierge cabins that did not have a capacity for third and fourth passengers--leaving those for later sales to enable them to be more flexible...


So, the assignment could come at any time...

Just in case, I keep checking in at the Celebrity website--logging in with my reservation number--in order to see if it's assigned yet--they don't necessarily send you a notice...

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We had a cabin on the former Mercury that was under a galley of some sort. The noise was in the small hours of the night and it sounded like someone was scraping grills and moving metal shelves or something. It was terrible. We had our steward and the head of housekeeping come down and listen to it. It was impossible to sleep. They moved us to a cabin for one night (people were embarking a day late) and then the next day they moved us to a lovely cabin on the front of the ship 4 decks above our other one. We were very happy with the change. That was, however, in 1998. I think the ships run fuller these days so you might be out of luck on getting a change. We are now more experienced cruisers and we pay attention to the location of our cabin.

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first time cruiser going on holy land silhouette end of Sept .getting excited.sorry if this a daft question.if you have issues with your cabin once you on board can you change like you can sometimes do in a hotel?been reading about people having issues with noise from above with chairs or bars nearby.i am the type of person who needs my sleep!we have booked guaranteed balcony,may be one with obstructed view .many thanks



:cool:Rachel, if you worry about sleep, you should have not booked a guaranteed anything. You are at their mercy. Look on website, go under ships, then look at deck plans. Find a cabin which has rooms above and below, not one under the restaurant or a night hot spot. If ship if full, they have no place to move you. :cool:JACK IS SAILING AGAIN

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Jack is right. If you have concerns over noise, and the noise of scrapping chairs above you from the pool deck will be an issue, then you should bite the bullet and not go with the cheaper Gty Balcony SR, but pay the difference and find a SR that you know you won't have an issue with. A deck with SRs above and below it.


There is low chance of having a problem....for most people. But if you are bothered by what would be minor noise for others, than you may have a problem. You are taking a chance, a low probably of occuring chance, but a finite chance that you will have noise issues...you can do something about it and get an assigned SR instead of betting it wont happen. Because if does occur, then you are making the ship take the responsiblity of trying to find you a suitable SR.


Enjoy your cruise. The comments about the noise caused by chairs scrapping, and deck cleaning, in my opinion, is overblown....but 'acceptable' noise, just as most everything else, is very subjective. When we go on M-Class ships, we usually get the forward 9th Deck SR's so we can zip right up to the T-Spa pool in the morning...and those SRs are right under the pool deck. We accept the chance of a bit of noise from moving the deckchairs around. Not a big deal....for us.



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We've had a noise issue only twice... once in a stern cabin directly under the stern bar. The sound of the chairs being dragged on the deck above us was awful... woke us up each morning as they reset the tables/chairs. The other time was our neighbors!! The were early risers and for SOME reason just loved to slam every single drawer in their cabin at least 5 times. The drawers must have been on the same wall as the head of our bed. It got to be a joke... we'd say to each other, SLAM "It's in the 3rd drawer down." SLAM "No, I looked there." SLAM "Then check the 2nd drawer down." SLAM "Nope, not there." SLAM "Check the 3rd drawer again." SLAM They were loud talkers, too. This happened every single morning. One night we got in late... and I slammed a few drawers more than once. Childish? Oh yeah. Felt good, though.

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One night we got in late... and I slammed a few drawers more than once. Childish? Oh yeah. Felt good, though.


I know exactly what you mean! Years ago, when I was but a young pup, I traveled way to much on business. Being a light sleeper, noise from neighbors was always a problem. One hotel stay the man in the room next door snored like a freight engine roaring through. Every time he woke me up I'd call his room, and when he answered I'd hang up. If I wasn't going to get any sleep because of his snoring, neither was he! :D:D

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Of course you can demand a change. You can demand anything you like.


Whether or not you will get what you are demanding is another question all together!;)

Bottom line is: maybe, but I wouldn't count on it.


Guarantee cabins are offered at a discount for those willing to accept any cabin, including those in the worst possible location in the guaranteed category. The only thing guaranteed is that you will have a cabin and that it will be in at least in the guaranteed category. This is fine for many cruisers who believe that even the worst cabin location in a guaranteed category would be great.


But anyone who might be unhappy with a particular cabin location for any reason should book a specific cabin and not a guarantee.


As others have said, in your situation I'd recommend switching to a specific cabin. Pick one away from stairs (most are not noisy but might lead to a noisy area such as the pool deck, atrium or theater), mid-ship, and with other staterooms above and below - as indicated on the deck plans. Avoid areas under a common area or area where crew operations might be taking place, also avoid cabins at the front of the ship which might be subject to anchor noise in the mornings, aft which might be subject to vibration on some ships, or near the atrium, night clubs, aft bar, pool deck or theater where noise from shows or entertainment might drift into your area.

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I have over 50 cruises and gave up on guarantees a long while ago. Depending on your cruise, you might very well be stuck with a poorly located cabin that no one else would pay for. And if the cruise is sold out, you will not be able to move. It happened to us to several times. The money saved was just not worth the loss of enjoyment. We have been stuck with a cabin below deck chairs, and dining rooms, where you hear the wheels of carts very early in the morning or late at night. I also hate to be very close to elevator lobbies. Seemed that nearly every night some group of late night revelers (often very loud and drunk) got off the elevator and forgot people near by were trying to sleep. So now we just pay extra and select the cabin we like. It's just something to consider.

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thank you so much!you have put my mind to rest-like i said,not a fussy person who complains a lot.just got myself in a tizz after reading k few negative comments.next daft question,when would i find out my cabin number?don't sale tilt end September.thanks again!


We booked a GTY in April for the Silhouette's July 28 sailing. We were assigned our cabins at the beginning of May. Once assigned, there is some talk here on CC that you can have your assignment changed to another available cabin in the same category. Many travel agency websites will show that availability. When you get your assignment, study the deck plans to see if you are near a potential source of noise. Most seem to think that cabins that have passenger decks above and below them are quieter. You can check out the S-class cabin thread as well. Call customer service and see if you can switch if a potentially quieter cabin is available. It is hit or miss whether you'll be allowed to do so. Chances are, you'll be happy with your assignment.


Have a great cruise.

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first time cruiser going on holy land silhouette end of Sept .getting excited.sorry if this a daft question.if you have issues with your cabin once you on board can you change like you can sometimes do in a hotel?been reading about people having issues with noise from above with chairs or bars nearby.i am the type of person who needs my sleep!we have booked guaranteed balcony,may be one with obstructed view .many thanks



If you "demand", I can guarantee that you will get nothing. If you ask nicely and there is space available - maybe. Also, if you anticipate possible problems, earplugs are cheap.



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You are always going to have some noise that is inevitable. You might get noisy neighbors which we have had occasionally. Then you have the drunks that come by late at night and talk loudly in the hallway on the way to their rooms.

We always bring a fan and turn it on high to drown out all the outside noises and mostly my husbands snoring.....

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