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Anomaly or New Standard on recent Oasis Sailing

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Wife got out of her deck chair to help little one in pool and someone slid into her flip flops and walked off with them.


During bag scan check to get back on ship while in Jamacia a woman passenger grabs my new Movado bag (with watch inside it) out of Xray machine and tries to walk off with it. I grabbed it and said sorry it was mine and she grabbed it right back. I motioned for security and she handed it over to me.


Five Alpha Alpha incidents with 2 ship diversions to offload passengers.


While on Carousel looked back to see if my daughter was secure on her horse and noticed she was off and standing beside it. Seems the angry Adventure Ocean crew member (Nelson) took her off the horse to measure her height (she is 44 inches and the ride says 42) and then walked away without helping her back on the ride. Three days later, same crew member asks my daughter to get off ride because she needs shorts to ride. I asked him to show me on the rule board where it states this and he said it was part of his training. We leave, come back 15 minutes later with shorts on and he once again says she cant ride...as she is not tall enough....after another measurement and the ride I went straight to AO manager and informed him maybe "Nelson" needs a new job. He agreed.



Love the ship but starting to wonder........

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Can't blame Oasis or even Royal Caribbean for someone snaking the flip flops and someone trying to snake your watch. The flip flops may just very well be a case of mistaken identity. The bag incident is just some schmuck trying to steal crap. I ALWAYS bring a bag with me that all my personal belongings go into. People are more likely to snake a nice purse/bag/watch or anything else out in the open rather than a plain Jane jansport backpack.


As for the carousel, I cannot comment. I can say that being argumentative doesn't really help any given situation. Even if the crew is wrong. The crew, much like everybody else in this world do not like it when smart comments are made back at them stating, "Where is it on the sign". Even though you may have meant no harm in asking the question.


I witnessed an issue first hand take place while at the roulette table on Oasis back in June. A guy put $15 on 17 along with about 4 other people who were betting on 17. One of which was a high roller and had $100 on 17. So you could imagine 17 was crowded. The guy never told the casino employee he was playing 17 and his chips appeared as if he was splitting 17 with another number. Well, it hits 17 and she gives the split payout. All he did was ask the manager to review the camera and stated he was playing 17 but because of how full it was, it looked as if he was playing a split. Well, they came back and gave him the proper payout and kindly said next time just to inform the employee what you are playing if it is full. This, to me, shows the quality of staff on board Oasis and across the fleet.

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Not blaming Royal Caribbean. My wonderment centers around maybe there are too many passengers to effectively manage. Also just for clarification.....I did not "argue" or get "smart" with anyone. Before we went up 6 decks to change, I asked politely where on the list of displayed rules where it states kids must wear shorts. The only clothing rule stated no wet bathing suits. The flip flops were stolen..period. It was on film from security and these were a very expensive name brand.

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First, I would say that each of these things is completely unrelated to the others.


Next, I would say that there are shady characters everywhere. It is a shame that you can't get away from them even on vacation. Is it getting worse than it used to be? I don't know. I have never had anything stolen on a cruise, but I think that that's as much a matter of luck as anything. That whole story with the bag through the scanner.............I am so glad to hear that you called security! Do you know if anything happened to the would-be thief?


And the Carousel: I don't think that you did anything wrong. Why go back to the cabin to change if you don't have to? I would guess that you were thinking that he would say, Oh, you are right, please get on.


At least his supervisor agreed with you. I hope that they either transferred Nelson (away from people!) or signed him up for a lot more training.



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As for the carousel, I cannot comment. I can say that being argumentative doesn't really help any given situation. Even if the crew is wrong. The crew, much like everybody else in this world do not like it when smart comments are made back at them stating, "Where is it on the sign". Even though you may have meant no harm in asking the question.


Have to disagree, anyone working with kids (OP mentioned Adventure Ocean), should be trained to handle difficult (which they were not) passengers. Unless a passenger is abusive, they have to keep their cool.

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First, I would say that each of these things is completely unrelated to the others.


Next, I would say that there are shady characters everywhere. It is a shame that you can't get away from them even on vacation. Is it getting worse than it used to be? I don't know. I have never had anything stolen on a cruise, but I think that that's as much a matter of luck as anything. That whole story with the bag through the scanner.............I am so glad to hear that you called security! Do you know if anything happened to the would-be thief?


And the Carousel: I don't think that you did anything wrong. Why go back to the cabin to change if you don't have to? I would guess that you were thinking that he would say, Oh, you are right, please get on.


At least his supervisor agreed with you. I hope that they either transferred Nelson (away from people!) or signed him up for a lot more training.




If Nelson couldn't handle the carousel, I hope he has no direct role in the lifeboat operations.

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Not blaming Royal Caribbean. My wonderment centers around maybe there are too many passengers to effectively manage. Also just for clarification.....I did not "argue" or get "smart" with anyone. Before we went up 6 decks to change, I asked politely where on the list of displayed rules where it states kids must wear shorts. The only clothing rule stated no wet bathing suits. The flip flops were stolen..period. It was on film from security and these were a very expensive name brand.


Which is why I added in the little bit about maybe you didn't mean anything. Just how I looked at the post.


I don't necessarily think there is too many people to manage. As merion stated, it's a shame that even on vacation one has to worry about whether or not their belongings are going to be safe or not.


And given that, it's unfortunate you even had to deal with those two instances.

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I am inclined to think it was bad luck this cruise. Maybe the economy adds to it....who knows....we will see what happens going forward.



The AO manager seemed to act like this was not the first complaint. I believe he said something along the lines of maybe Nelson will soon be working in the scullery. I mean its a carousel, it is designed for the young ones and the young at heart. I think it was designed to encourage riders, not disqualify them.


As for the Scanner incident, once I flagged the Security lady at the scanner, the issue resolved itself so nothing else happened after that. I just grabbed my Movado bag and moved on.

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I am inclined to think it was bad luck this cruise. Maybe the economy adds to it....who knows....we will see what happens going forward.



The AO manager seemed to act like this was not the first complaint. I believe he said something along the lines of maybe Nelson will soon be working in the scullery. I mean its a carousel, it is designed for the young ones and the young at heart. I think it was designed to encourage riders, not disqualify them.


As for the Scanner incident, once I flagged the Security lady at the scanner, the issue resolved itself so nothing else happened after that. I just grabbed my Movado bag and moved on.


Well, usually things come in 3's. So since you have had 3 misfortunes so to speak with this cruise, maybe the next one will be much better?


I will say I would like more order when going through security getting back on the ship. Those places just try to shove as many people through as they can to get the job done instead of being effective with it. I think if they had more control over those situations you wouldn't have the incidents like your movado bag incident.

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I got the wrong flip flops once.....we both had the same kind! However, they didn't "feel" right...you know how they conform to your foot.....so I went to tell my husband that my shoes didn't feel right...and the woman was there waiting for me! Ooops! We exchanged shoes! It was a mistake....not trying to steal anyone's shoes!

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I am inclined to think it was bad luck this cruise. Maybe the economy adds to it....who knows....we will see what happens going forward.



The AO manager seemed to act like this was not the first complaint. I believe he said something along the lines of maybe Nelson will soon be working in the scullery. I mean its a carousel, it is designed for the young ones and the young at heart. I think it was designed to encourage riders, not disqualify them.


As for the Scanner incident, once I flagged the Security lady at the scanner, the issue resolved itself so nothing else happened after that. I just grabbed my Movado bag and moved on.


Some of these jobs seem like the place of last resort- I mean how hard can it be to run the carousel - mostly no one is even on it, and many times its adults. Seems like Nelson was on his way out, biding time till they trained and boarded someone new, and his supers stuck him there figuring he would do less damage there than anywhere else. Would you really want a dope who takes out his feelings of powerlessness on a little kid alone in AO with them:eek:. Be thankful the staff only had him where kids are mostly supervised by their parents!


As for people jacking your stuff, I've found that regardless of what I can afford, I like to travel with cheapo stuff, Im less of a target that way, but hey, if you dont mind having to keep eyeballs on your stuff all day, then go ahead and carry around name stuff. By the way, what are "expensive" flip flops? Not being a wise guy here, truly wondering? Old Navy had lines out the door last week for $1 flip flops, maybe your sticky footed friend should have gone there;):rolleyes:


I get that in some places stuff that seems useless to me is valuable to the local folks, and can walk away pretty easily, but clearly this passenger can afford her own pricey flip flops of she can afford a week on Oasis (whatever pricey flip flops are ;))

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I got the wrong flip flops once.....we both had the same kind! However, they didn't "feel" right...you know how they conform to your foot.....so I went to tell my husband that my shoes didn't feel right...and the woman was there waiting for me! Ooops! We exchanged shoes! It was a mistake....not trying to steal anyone's shoes!


Hey CB.....Two passengers wearing clogs on the same sailing...interesting...



To respond to the question of the cost...my wife said they were $100.00 dollar pair of sandals so....I can only go by that....one of those things that I really kinda would rather not of known...similar to the time I accidentally found out what the cost of her day at the hair salon was.......

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To respond to the question of the cost...my wife said they were $100.00 dollar pair of sandals so....I can only go by that....one of those things that I really kinda would rather not of known...similar to the time I accidentally found out what the cost of her day at the hair salon was.......


I'm a woman, so I can understand that someone buys expensive shoes. But why bring them to a place (pool-area) where so many people have a possibility to snatch them? To go to the pool, I bring the cheap ones, common sense...

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I will say I would like more order when going through security getting back on the ship. Those places just try to shove as many people through as they can to get the job done instead of being effective with it. I think if they had more control over those situations you wouldn't have the incidents like your movado bag incident.


I agree. It's general disorder, especially on the smaller ships where there is only one or two security lanes. I try to wait until the very last minute to put my stuff on the security belt, but sometimes there's still some delay walking through the security scan and my stuff ends up sitting there for a brief period.


Once, a woman mistakenly picked up my camera bag. When I told her it was mine, she asked how I knew it was mine. Fortunately, I had put a bright pink hairband on the strap and told her that's how I knew it was mine. She gave it back to me as she saw her camera bag come through.

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Hey CB.....Two passengers wearing clogs on the same sailing...interesting...



To respond to the question of the cost...my wife said they were $100.00 dollar pair of sandals so....I can only go by that....one of those things that I really kinda would rather not of known...similar to the time I accidentally found out what the cost of her day at the hair salon was.......


I'm also a woman and my flip flops cost more than $100.00 and are already packed for my next cruise. I know, I shouldn't, Sumisid is right, it is common sense. Guess I lost all my common sense on the shoe salon or department.:D:D

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I'm a woman, so I can understand that someone buys expensive shoes. But why bring them to a place (pool-area) where so many people have a possibility to snatch them? To go to the pool, I bring the cheap ones, common sense...


So it is my wifes fault for not owning and wearing cheap shoes? Going forward should we all lock our shoes in the cabin safe and go barefoot to the pool?


The issue at hand is on one sailing two thefts (one aborted) occured onboard to the same family. Personally, I don't like the odds and am really hoping it is not a trend.

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So it is my wifes fault for not owning and wearing cheap shoes? Going forward should we all lock our shoes in the cabin safe and go barefoot to the pool?


The issue at hand is on one sailing two thefts (one aborted) occured onboard to the same family. Personally, I don't like the odds and am really hoping it is not a trend.


I had a phone stolen from me on Labadee... luckily I got it back, however, when I told the "cautionary tell" here on CC to warn people, I got blasted. Blasted for bringing it, blasted for not locking it up, blasted for my stupidity, blasted for assuming RCCL employees would help me.


So I'm sorry for you- YES, your wife should be able to wear $100 flip flops to the pool, and no one should blame the victim.


RCCL needs to step up their game with security- they completely and utterly could not have cared less when my phone was stolen, and wouldn't even come to the "scene" to ask anyone questions or even fill out an incident report.


This is a problem...if these incidents are not documented, passengers have no way of knowing how often it occurs (and if thefts are undocumented, guess the cruise line doesn't need to do anything about the thefts, either. :rolleyes: )

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YES, your wife should be able to wear $100 flip flops to the pool, and no one should blame the victim.


Exactly! What's with all the blaming the victim here?? Both experiences are awful. Are people really recommending that we should now take cheap clothing and belongings on cruises because we should expect them to be stolen if not? What a world!

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Well, usually things come in 3's. So since you have had 3 misfortunes so to speak with this cruise, maybe the next one will be much better?
The only reason things come in three's is because people stop when they get to three and start a new set.




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Exactly! What's with all the blaming the victim here?? Both experiences are awful. Are people really recommending that we should now take cheap clothing and belongings on cruises because we should expect them to be stolen if not? What a world!


It would be nice if we didn't have thieves in the world, but we do. So, yes, if you have expensive things that you leave lying around where it is easy for someone to take them, it is partly your fault for being careless. You can still be rightfully angry at whoever took them. But a little common sense with your valuable items goes a long way. Somehow, it's not proper in some people's minds to point that out, because it amounts to "blaming the victim" or "blasting" the OP, but it's still true no matter how much some don't want to hear it.


I wish there weren't any thieves, but I'm smart enough not to leave anything precious to me sitting unattended on or beside a pool chair, while I go for a swim. And I'm not blasting the OP. I agree that this is too much misfortune for one cruise and would hope that it is not a sign of how things have become.

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I'm a woman, so I can understand that someone buys expensive shoes. But why bring them to a place (pool-area) where so many people have a possibility to snatch them? To go to the pool, I bring the cheap ones, common sense...



Ummm no. Especialy on a ship this size some people need good shoes to walk distances. I myself bought some cheap shoes (35 bucks)to wear to pool. I bought them cause they matched my cover up. Wore them once and my foot hurt. So the rest of the week so I had to wear my normal sandals to the pool (100 bucks)


Now I do think its funny seeing women wear sky high heels to the pool but thats just me.


I would hope it was a mistaken identity but the watch OMG I would be pissed. I really hope this is not a trend.


Your right you really don't want to know how much our shoes or hair cost :-)

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It would be nice if we didn't have thieves in the world, but we do. So, yes, if you have expensive things that you leave lying around where it is easy for someone to take them, it is partly your fault for being careless. You can still be rightfully angry at whoever took them. But a little common sense with your valuable items goes a long way. Somehow, it's not proper in some people's minds to point that out, because it amounts to "blaming the victim" or "blasting" the OP, but it's still true no matter how much some don't want to hear it.


I wish there weren't any thieves, but I'm smart enough not to leave anything precious to me sitting unattended on or beside a pool chair, while I go for a swim. And I'm not blasting the OP. I agree that this is too much misfortune for one cruise and would hope that it is not a sign of how things have become.


Agreed, while I definitely feel for the OP and it definitely should not have happened, we all do need to take some personal accountability. If my "stuff" is going to be out of my view for any period of time, I make sure if it worth anything at all it is well hidden or locked up. I have a pair of those $1 flip flops that I wear to the pool because I know they will be under the chair while I am not there. I also bring more expensive ones that stay on my feet while out of the cabin.


I too hope that this is not a trend, but unfortunately it is seeming that way. We all need to take these stories to heart and watch our "stuff". Too many unscrupulous individuals out there nowadays and unfortunately some of them have chosen cruising as their vacation of choice.

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