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Laffnvegas and others have piqued my curiosity.....


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Most regulars here know I've not sailed another cruise line than HAL for a great many years. I had no interest in looking or booking elsewhere from HAL until today.


I have read with interest and admittedly a bit of puzzlement when Lisa and others rave about NCL. I hate the graffiti mess they paint all over their ships and have never considered sailing them.


THEN, today, friends knowing I won't cruise alone in the immediate future, invited me to join them for a NCL cruise that really appeals to me. I like where and how we would board, they are very, very good friends I'd be comfortable sailing with (as DH and sailed with them at least 3-4 times in the past) and I'm actually giving it some thought. it isn't for a while so I'll have time to adjust to the idea of being solo after always sailing with my DH but I am a little interested to see for myself about NCL.


Wow, I never thought I'd post something like this. :eek:

Anyone think I'd be making a huge mistake to go? I think the ship might be Dream but I'm not sure. I need a verandah but certainly not a family suite. If I go, what is the minimum balcony cabin I'd be okay with seeing I'm used to "S" and "SA"cabins? I don't need a ton of space but won't be satisfied with cramped either.


Thanks for any suggestions.

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I think you should go for it. You will never know if you can like another cruise line if you don't try it. At worst, you will have a vacation with good friends (which is really more important than the line in the big scheme of things).

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As you can see from my signature we have crusied NCL quite a bit. I do like HAL we are booked for a February 2015 Westerdam cruise but I love NCL. We have only sailed SA on HAL . Picking the right balcony on NCL really depends on the ship. If you know which one it is it would be very helpful. Some of the newer ships have great cabins with larger than normal balconies. We love the crew of NCL the specialty restaurants, and the overall activities on the ship.

The suite life on NCL cannot be beat but you can enjoy it just as much in a balcony cabin. Happy to help if you pits the ship name. Behind the "artwork" on the ships lies a great product.

Edited by mommyto2girls
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At this point in our lives, sailing with whom you want to travel may be more important than what ship or cruise line on which you sail.


Taking that advice: one must be aware of the kinds of amenities and service on HAL that you have experienced. A newbie on a new cruise line will not be so received even if one is in a premium accommodation. You will receive whatever those booking such staterooms deserve and nothing else. At least, that is what I think you ought to expect.


I have not sailed on NCL since 1979 aboard of M.S. Sunward II, a four day Nassau-Freeport-Stirrup Cay cruise in the next to bottom grade inside cabin. (It was a great experience by the way.) So, I certainly am not qualified to comment on the NCL cruise experience of 2014.


I am leary of booking a cruise with friends. I have done so and only found when cancellation penalities are solidly in place, that they "changed their minds." I was stuck with the decision to "go or no go and endure the costly penalties". While I was sorry my friends were not there, I went ahead with the cruise and, while not the best of my experiences, it was a very good cruise! At the very least, it has provided me with dining table stores/issues for my future trips.



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Sailing solo will be a new start for you. Doing so on a new (to you) cruiseline might be a very wise move. It will all be totally new, with no memories in every corner.

It will help a lot to be sailing with friends.


I know nothing concrete about the line, but just want to encourage you to consider this seriously. Might be just the pick-me-up for you.

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Hope you decide to go with these friends on a cruise.


It will get you out of the house and with good friends should be an easier transition.


Plus, time away from CC can be soothing to the mind.


Go enjoy yourself and get the nicest cabin you can afford.





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Our preferred line before HAL was NCL.


We are fairly casual people who go kicking and screaming (but appropriately dressed) to formal night, so to us the NCL dress code is a big feature. We were reluctant to try HAL (we thought it would be too formal) but now find that just about everything about the line appeals to us.


We've been on most of the mainstream lines now, and frankly, there are far more similarities than there are differences. We went on our first Carnival cruise over the winter and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a good choice for us and our group of friends and their teenagers. I have to say that I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. Sure there were partiers, but we sure weren't interested in being in the same places at the same time.


The experience taught me to be more open minded about other cruise lines.


I vote for go!

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When we sail HAL, we book S suites as well (we are 3* Mariners on HAL). We loved Norwegian Haven, but I'm thinking you are sailing the Dawn? Norwegian doesn't have a Dream, AFAIK. If you are on Dawn, I'd recommend a minimum of an SE to have concierge, though that will put you forward. You seem to like midship S,SA on HAL, correct? I'm not sure if any of the concierge rooms that aren't family or owners suite are midship? Maybe if you take another look at which ship, I can help further?


I have to say that we enjoy Norwegian Haven a whole lot, more than HAL concierge. However, for one, I'm not sure the Dawn has a Haven. And, two, if I were sailing Norwegian with friends who were not sailing Haven, I'd likely downgrade my cabin so we could all share the same experience. But know that Norwegian in a non-suite isn't going to compare to HAL Ss ... which I'm sure you do.

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Sailing solo will be a new start for you. Doing so on a new (to you) cruiseline might be a very wise move. It will all be totally new, with no memories in every corner.

It will help a lot to be sailing with friends.


I know nothing concrete about the line, but just want to encourage you to consider this seriously. Might be just the pick-me-up for you.

Ruth is right, as usual.

Go for it, sail and let us know how NCL was.

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Wonderful posts. I appreciate each of them.

Most of all I appreciate how supportive you all are.

I don't know the ship except it is not one that has the Haven. I had dinner with these friends tonight and they wanted to 'feel me out' before sending me all the info. They'll get the ship deck plans etc to me and that will give me a better idea whether to seriously consider it.


Thank you all. Lots of new 'firsts'.


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Sailing solo will be a new start for you. Doing so on a new (to you) cruiseline might be a very wise move. It will all be totally new, with no memories in every corner.

It will help a lot to be sailing with friends.


I know nothing concrete about the line, but just want to encourage you to consider this seriously. Might be just the pick-me-up for you.


I was going to post something very similar.


You can love something dearly and still enjoy a competitor. Life is better when our mind is broadened and as an ocean lover sailing with dear friends gives you a comfort level on a new ride. Even if it ends up not being your cup of tea, you'll have the knowledge and memories if a new experience.


I say, if your heart is ready, go for it without hesitation. Just try really hard to not compare it to HAL, that isn't fair to yourself, HAL or NCL.

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When we sail HAL, we book S suites as well (we are 3* Mariners on HAL). We loved Norwegian Haven, but I'm thinking you are sailing the Dawn? Norwegian doesn't have a Dream, AFAIK. If you are on Dawn, I'd recommend a minimum of an SE to have concierge, though that will put you forward. You seem to like midship S,SA on HAL, correct? I'm not sure if any of the concierge rooms that aren't family or owners suite are midship? Maybe if you take another look at which ship, I can help further?


I have to say that we enjoy Norwegian Haven a whole lot, more than HAL concierge. However, for one, I'm not sure the Dawn has a Haven. And, two, if I were sailing Norwegian with friends who were not sailing Haven, I'd likely downgrade my cabin so we could all share the same experience. But know that Norwegian in a non-suite isn't going to compare to HAL Ss ... which I'm sure you do.




My friends are more apt to take a large suite than not. I know the few times the 'her' in the couple sailed NCL, she had a Haven very large suite and loved it but I think you are right it could be the Dawn. You are also right I far prefer mid-ship. Why do they put the best cabins forward? Isn't that counter-intuitive?


Thank you for the advice about the "SE". I know nothing about NCL so will have lots of questions if I continue to consider booking with them.


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What is it that Julie / Maria sings in "The Sound of Music" -"Open a new door -open a new WINDOW" ? ......;)


Well, that's actually from "Mame"

Open a new window,

Open a new door,

Travel a new highway,

That's never been tried before;

Before you find you're a dull fellow,

Punching the same clock,

Walking the same tight rope

As everyone on the block.

The fellow you ought to be is three dimensional,

Soaking up life down to your toes,

Whenever they say you're slightly unconventional,

Just put your thumb up to your nose.

And show 'em how to dance to a new rhythm,

Whistle a new song,

Toast with a new vintage,

The fizz doesn't fizz too long.

There's only one way to make the bubbles stay,

Simply travel a new high way,

Dance to a new rhythm,

Open a new window ev'ry day!


I think what you're talking about is:


When God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window. That's from "Sound of Music"



But, either way, the idea works :)

Edited by Shmoo here
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I think you should give it a try. I always used to book hal cruises. I've also taken one carnival cruise. I didn't really care for it. Too rowdy. Then I tried celebrity. I was not overly impressed with them. I simply don't understand why people like celebrity. Then I decided to give princess a try. Much to my surprise I found I quite enjoy princess. While I have zero desire to try royal, I'd be open to trying ncl. If you do go, I can't wait to hear what you think.

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Sailing solo will be a new start for you. Doing so on a new (to you) cruiseline might be a very wise move. It will all be totally new, with no memories in every corner.

It will help a lot to be sailing with friends.


I know nothing concrete about the line, but just want to encourage you to consider this seriously. Might be just the pick-me-up for you.


I was going to post something very similar.


You can love something dearly and still enjoy a competitor. Life is better when our mind is broadened and as an ocean lover sailing with dear friends gives you a comfort level on a new ride. Even if it ends up not being your cup of tea, you'll have the knowledge and memories if a new experience.


I say, if your heart is ready, go for it without hesitation. Just try really hard to not compare it to HAL, that isn't fair to yourself, HAL or NCL.



I wouldn't consider sailing another cruise line alone but going with good friends makes a huge difference. Seeing we have sailed multiple times with them on HAL, I think they gave this more thought than I original realized and chose NCL for all the reasons given here.


How very kind and thoughtful of them!!!! They adored my DH and were broken hearted to lose him.

They know I'm not ready to cruise now and this cruise is almost a year from now.

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Sail, I'm so happy for you that you are considering new things in your life!

Yes, it is your life to live and all the uncertainty of what that will feel like has been in the forefront, but slowly, when the timing is right for you, that uncertainty will give way to anticipation.


We have cruised on NCL only a couple of times, but, as we have heard from others and said to others, a cruise is what you make of it... and you will bring a good attitude with you! I liked NCL better than my husband did... he felt like they had a "hard sell" attitude which put him off, but I overlooked that and focused on what I wanted and did fine. That was a decade ago, and now I feel like HAL and Princess and Celebrity have all had to adopt some more of that hard sell to make up for rising costs and not so much rising prices. There's more similarity than differences.


I can't tell you what to do... but I'm glad for you that you are "peeking" ahead to how best to take very good care of you!

Blessings, m--

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Most regulars here know I've not sailed another cruise line than HAL for a great many years. I had no interest in looking or booking elsewhere from HAL until today.


I have read with interest and admittedly a bit of puzzlement when Lisa and others rave about NCL. I hate the graffiti mess they paint all over their ships and have never considered sailing them.


THEN, today, friends knowing I won't cruise alone in the immediate future, invited me to join them for a NCL cruise that really appeals to me. I like where and how we would board, they are very, very good friends I'd be comfortable sailing with (as DH and sailed with them at least 3-4 times in the past) and I'm actually giving it some thought. it isn't for a while so I'll have time to adjust to the idea of being solo after always sailing with my DH but I am a little interested to see for myself about NCL.


Wow, I never thought I'd post something like this. :eek:

Anyone think I'd be making a huge mistake to go? I think the ship might be Dream but I'm not sure. I need a verandah but certainly not a family suite. If I go, what is the minimum balcony cabin I'd be okay with seeing I'm used to "S" and "SA"cabins? I don't need a ton of space but won't be satisfied with cramped either.


Thanks for any suggestions.


Our 2nd line of choice is NCL (HAL #1). We are with you, don't like the graffiti paint, but the ships and service are great. We have always done Neptune suites on HAL, and Owners suites on NCL. Very similar in terms of space and perks. You will probably enjoy. Good luck!

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FWIW, we too find the "graffiti" on the NCL hulls cheesy. We have not sailed all the way Forward on NCL, but if you care to look at the Disney Fantasy deck plans (deck 12), we've sailed in stateroom 12000, & can tell you that we were not bothered by extra movement in that suite ( & I find myself prone to motion sickness, just ask my DBIL, POA1). If you are going the suite/concierge route on NCL, I think you'll enjoy it, although you'll find the butler experience a bit different than the Neptune. You will certainly miss the MDR on Norwegian (we didn't bother with it, preferring set dining time with the same waiter) compared to HAL. But as you are going with friends who are experienced NCL cruisers, I'm sure you'll like dining fine. They have some wonderful upcharge restaurants, which we find reasonably priced.


Please come back and let us know the ship and if you decide to go.


As always, happy cruising!

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Sail, I'm a huge NCL fan (12 cruises) with an upcoming HAL cruise scheduled. I'm really looking forward to cruising with a new line, and I really think you'll enjoy a little switch, too.


Look at the Dawn's SE (forward) penthouse suites and the SF (aft) penthouse suites. I think you will be thoroughly spoiled by the service. The only suites on the sides of the ship are the two-bedroom suites (SC), which are truly fabulous. The bathroom alone will blow you away. :D

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Thanks so much for all the info. The two bedroom suite would be way too much for me solo so I don't think I'll consider that. Is the Penthouse a reasonable size or way too big for a solo?


The last time we had butler service (on "X"), we tipped him to stay away. We found him more nuisance than help and I begged him to not knock or call. :D We'd said we would call if we needed something but never did find we needed him. :o I'm sure some are better than he was.


I think you all are right it might be the Dawn. I need to go to RCI site and read about their ships..... after I find out which one they are talking about.

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Sail...I too believe you should go with your Friends...We've sailed on NCL five times & have always had a great cruise..


Funny you mention the Dream.. We sailed on her as the "Dreamward" in '96 with our club, & sailed on her again in '02 when she was the "Norwegian Dream".. She is now with Star Cruise Lines & has been re-named the "Super Star Gemini"...BTW I believe that NCL was the first line to come up with the Hotel Service charge..


You will not have formal nights, but I've always been able to wear the same type of outfits I've worn on our HAL cruises.. If a cruise comes up that we would be interested in, we would not hesitate to sail NCL again..


Which ever NCL ship you sail on, I'm sure you will have an excellent time just being with your Friends..


It's also nice to be able to compare lines, but I will tell you we've never had a bad cruise!!!:)

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