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Curious.... who is still going to add on an extra tip (bar or specialty)


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Only for exceptional service, I believe good service is covered in the 18%.


During our xmas cruise we had a server that noticed we missed our meal the night they had an incredible Crème Brule for desert. Not only did he arrange a couple of the desserts for the next night, but when we could not get seated in his section, he somehow found us and made sure we were served our special deserts. now that is exceptional, and yes ,he did receive and extra tip.

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At the risk of sounding snarky it's really none of anyone's business whether or not I tip the mandatory amount, tip less or even tip more. That's each individuals personal decision.


I couldn't imagine walking up to someone on a ship and saying "hey, how much do you tip". I wouldn't do it on a forum either.


Tip what you want and think is appropriate. Don't worry about what other people do.


Again, not trying to sound snarky.

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For the past year I have been avidly devouring the NCL boards getting well researched for our upcoming cruise. One thing I have always noticed was the overwhelming willingness of people on this board to add on an extra tip for their bartender or their specialty restaurant server. With the auto gratuities now being 18% for both of these areas, I am curious who still plans to add on an extra tip? Maybe you fall into the "these are included perks for us, so we don't mind adding on a little extra" category or perhaps you fall into the "NO! 18% is enough" category.


Again... just curious where the opinion of the masses now lies.


The bar has always been 18%: the only time we add anything else is if we use the same bar tender or server throughout our entire or nearly entire cruise and service is above and beyond. Rarely does this happen. As for the specialty dining rooms, absolutely NO!!!!!! This is one of the few things NCL has ever done that is really ticking me off!!!!!

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Because the "server" was previously included in the DSC (and still may be, who knows).


The bartenders were never included in the DSC.


My approach as well. That is why the new policy is really upsetting to me. We usually tip 18 to 20% or a little more in a land based restaurant depending on the restarurant and the service. Now I feel like we are tipping twice, once in the DSC and once when we eat.


I will add we do tip our cabin steward extra as a rule, but we get to know them, throughout the cruise and they do so much for us. To me, this is totally different.


To the poster who said, it is no ones business what we do, you are right, but I think the OP was wondering how others handle this and not trying to be nosey. Of course you wouldn't go up to someone and ask them directly. That is very different than asking a question on CC.

Edited by newmexicoNita
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I'll no longer tip extra in the speciality restaurants, but I will continue to give the bartender a few extra bucks. NCL determined that they know better than us when they implemented the 18% tip across the board, but it's in my best interest to throw the bartender a few extra bucks. I'll get better service and/or a more generous pour...



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At the risk of sounding snarky it's really none of anyone's business whether or not I tip the mandatory amount, tip less or even tip more. That's each individuals personal decision.


I couldn't imagine walking up to someone on a ship and saying "hey, how much do you tip". I wouldn't do it on a forum either.


Tip what you want and think is appropriate. Don't worry about what other people do.


Again, not trying to sound snarky.



That's the beauty of the internet - you can either answer the question or mosey on along unlike real life where it can get down right confrontational real fast. It not as if the person asking the question is in your face and/or chasing after you then having the nerve to grab / touch your arm or other body part - Its on a website's forum that you actually have to click on the link to read and then choose if you want to write something or not. Also, you can take your time answering the question as long as you like by typing it out, thinking about it while proofreading for spell-checks and grammar. Unlike real life, where you're on the spot and don't have time to think about what you are saying or the what the subject is about because you have seconds, not minutes or hours to careful choose your words.


Not to be snarky, but that's one of the big differences of real life asking versus the internet. Why did I choose to answer - because sometimes people forget about those very obvious things and they need a reminder of what real life vs. internet looks like.

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We will still tip extra - both for drinks and at specialty restaurants. I see absolutely no reason to be offended by an auto-gratuity. It doesn't affect your bottom line IN THE SLIGHTEST unless you don't normally tip. We always tip 20% or more, so an auto-grat of 18% is not going to increase our bill and we will continue to add on the difference so that we're tipping at least 20%. If we receive truly atrocious service, we will take it up with a manager - as we would at a regular restaurant or bar.


If you don't like the auto-gratuities, you have two easy options to avoid them: 1) Don't cruise, 2) Don't drink or eat at specialty restaurants.

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ALWAYS an extra cash tip--every time, every dinner, every drink--and the buffet. We are all paying thousands for a cruise--some gambling thousands too--these kids are on nine month contracts away from family working 10 hours a day. Show your love and understanding--they will return it tenfold with gratitude and those wonderful smiles. What NCL does for policy has NOTHING to do with them. Recent posts about outrage over the increase in the DSC and added tips have made me so sad--for the kids.



Thank you for your compassion. All of this makes me sad. I too get angry about corporate "policy" and my instinct is to say, there... I'll show you, no tip! But you are right, who does that hurt? Not the corporate guys for sure.. But the workers and ultimately me because I am being spiteful to the wrong person and instead of spreading compassion and goodwill I leave behind just the opposite.

I think my cruise would be negatively affected if I get on the ship mad at corporate and transferred it to the staff. I leave on the jewel on April 4 and I plan to bring my happy self and spread that all over! I usually tip my room steward $10 on the first day in a nice envelope with a hearty thanks and an apology for my daughter... My oh my she does spread her mess around!


Doing the count down dance!!

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If you don't like the auto gratuities then remove them, you are not required to pay them, and leave the staff what ever amount you feel is appropriate.


Believe it or not, although this can be words that often cause gang warfare on forums, it may not be that far off that people may very easily begin to have had enough with cruise lines and this whole gratuity/service charge thing and the ease of letting them do it for you may start to feel like pick pocketing and off we all go with cash in hand.

Maybe-just typing out loud here.............;)

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For the past year I have been avidly devouring the NCL boards getting well researched for our upcoming cruise. One thing I have always noticed was the overwhelming willingness of people on this board to add on an extra tip for their bartender or their specialty restaurant server. With the auto gratuities now being 18% for both of these areas, I am curious who still plans to add on an extra tip? Maybe you fall into the "these are included perks for us, so we don't mind adding on a little extra" category or perhaps you fall into the "NO! 18% is enough" category.


Again... just curious where the opinion of the masses now lies.


I won't be adding in any tips for drinks, that much is certain and I probably won't add any for specialty restaurants either unless the food and service (especially the service) is so outstanding that I'm floored. 18% gratuity on top of a charge that I'm fairly certain was originally considered the tip for the restaurant is like a tax on a tax. 18%? That's all you get.

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Unfortunately you're taking it out on the wrong person in a land based restaurant. It's not the server that *wants* to add the auto gratuity. It's the restaurants policy.




I have to agree with the previous persons stance. It does not only affect larger groups. In the Miami area, and many other tourist areas, automatic gratuities are added to all check no matter the size of the table.


Restaurant policy, or not, this is due to people that are not accustomed to tipping for service. These people seem to forget they have service charges and high value added taxes added to there checks back home. Either they don't know, or want to learn, the customs of where they travel or just don't give a rats patootie.


As many have said, it is not my business how a company comoensates their employees. That is between the employee and the employer. If they tell me what to pay then that is what I will pay. If they leave it up to me I will usually pay a few percent more.

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For the past year I have been avidly devouring the NCL boards getting well researched for our upcoming cruise. One thing I have always noticed was the overwhelming willingness of people on this board to add on an extra tip for their bartender or their specialty restaurant server. With the auto gratuities now being 18% for both of these areas, I am curious who still plans to add on an extra tip? Maybe you fall into the "these are included perks for us, so we don't mind adding on a little extra" category or perhaps you fall into the "NO! 18% is enough" category.


Again... just curious where the opinion of the masses now lies.


I'm new to NCL. What was the prior auto-grat at bars? I'm used to 15% on Princess, so the increase to 18% isn't going to change how I do things. If the bartender makes me a drink, I'll tip extra; if they hand me a beer, I may or may not.

Edited by Cauzneffct
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[quote name='swedish weave']NCL has made the rules for the game. The best way to see if it is workable is to strictly comply with their rules or suggestions (Whatever you choose to call it)_[/QUOTE]

OK, Baby Boomer here! I don't like to comply with laws or rules which make no sense. Like when my state suddenly decided it made good sense to card every single bar and restaurant customer, even 85 year old ladies in wheelchairs before serving them a cocktail. If they don't have the good sense to take one look at my 60 something self and ascertain that I could not possibly be 20 years old, then I will dine without cocktails and boycot the bars. After a year or so of this nonsense and push back from customers, now only those who look like a possible twenty something get carded. No change ever happens if we are led around like sheep.

I am not convinced yet that I am going to comply with an 18% grat in a specialty, especially since NCL's policies always stressed that there was no need for tipping except at the passenger's discretion for exceptional or outstanding service. We were told that the DSC took care of this. And now they have increased the DSC and at the same time added an 18% auto grat to specialties. What happened to "no tipping required"? Depending on what if any clarification we get from NCL, I may not be frequenting the specialties or will be having the 18% removed. Perhaps if use of the specialties declines and/or they tire of the lines in guest services they will rethink this policy.

There was always an auto tip on the bar tabs as it was always clearly stated that the bar staff were not in the DSC pool. When the auto tip was 15% we still tipped $1 cash here and there as we felt it was to our benefit.;). Now that it is 18%, we will see.
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[quote name='Kenlorz']For the past year I have been avidly devouring the NCL boards getting well researched for our upcoming cruise. One thing I have always noticed was the overwhelming willingness of people on this board to add on an extra tip for their bartender or their specialty restaurant server. With the auto gratuities now being 18% for both of these areas, I am curious who still plans to add on an extra tip? Maybe you fall into the "these are included perks for us, so we don't mind adding on a little extra" category or perhaps you fall into the "NO! 18% is enough" category.

Again... just curious where the opinion of the masses now lies.[/QUOTE]

We wont be dining in the specialty restaurants any more. As for the bar, we have the UBP for free, so it's moot ... but ... we always give extra cash to the bartender.
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[quote name='triptolemus']Sadly, I am changing my opinion on this -- at least with NCL. Big Brother NCL has decided that it knows how to tip better than the passenger... so, auto-grats for everyone!

It's no longer my problem to make sure NCL's employees are "taken care of" -- it's NCL's responsibility as a good world corporate neighbor to do so.

NCL is forcing my hand.[/QUOTE]

Perfectly said, and I agree.
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[quote name='Kenlorz']Again...just curious... it seems some say "no" to extra tipping of the server yet "yes" to extra tipping of the bartender. Both are getting 18% upfront. Why the bartender and not the server? The server will spend up to 2 hours for the $5 tip, but the bartender spends about 2 minutes for the extra $1 tip. Not saying either option is right or wrong. Just trying to understand the reason behind why 18% is the limit in one area, but not the other.[/QUOTE]

The server is already included in the DSC.
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[quote name='pizzalady1'][quote name='Ericktina']ALWAYS an extra cash tip--every time, every dinner, every drink--and the buffet. QUOTE]

Who do you tip at the buffet? The crew that cleans your table every time you go back to the buffet? The crew that are behind the stations making sure there is sufficient food of your choice?[/QUOTE]

We always leave a few dollars on the table in the buffet when we leave.
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[quote name='maywell']That's the beauty of the internet - you can either answer the question or mosey on along unlike real life where it can get down right confrontational real fast. It not as if the person asking the question is in your face and/or chasing after you then having the nerve to grab / touch your arm or other body part - Its on a website's forum that you actually have to click on the link to read and then choose if you want to write something or not. Also, you can take your time answering the question as long as you like by typing it out, thinking about it while proofreading for spell-checks and grammar. Unlike real life, where you're on the spot and don't have time to think about what you are saying or the what the subject is about because you have seconds, not minutes or hours to careful choose your words.

Not to be snarky, but that's one of the big differences of real life asking versus the internet. Why did I choose to answer - because sometimes people forget about those very obvious things and they need a reminder of what real life vs. internet looks like.[/QUOTE]

Good response ;)
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[quote name='RikkuCat']We will still tip extra - both for drinks and at specialty restaurants. I see absolutely no reason to be offended by an auto-gratuity. It doesn't affect your bottom line IN THE SLIGHTEST unless you don't normally tip. We always tip 20% or more, so an auto-grat of 18% is not going to increase our bill and we will continue to add on the difference so that we're tipping at least 20%. If we receive truly atrocious service, we will take it up with a manager - as we would at a regular restaurant or bar.

If you don't like the auto-gratuities, you have two easy options to avoid them: 1) Don't cruise, 2) Don't drink or eat at specialty restaurants.[/QUOTE]

Or the better option - remove them.
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[quote name='Debde']Believe it or not, although this can be words that often cause gang warfare on forums, it may not be that far off that people may very easily begin to have had enough with cruise lines and this whole gratuity/service charge thing and the ease of letting them do it for you may start to feel like pick pocketing and off we all go with cash in hand.
Maybe-just typing out loud here.............;)[/QUOTE]

Sandals Grenada is next on the list :D AND, I don't have to worry about tipping the butler. It's included. :cool:
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[quote name='ColinIllinois']At the risk of sounding snarky it's really none of anyone's business whether or not I tip the mandatory amount, tip less or even tip more. That's each individuals personal decision.

I couldn't imagine walking up to someone on a ship and saying "hey, how much do you tip". I wouldn't do it on a forum either.

Tip what you want and think is appropriate. Don't worry about what other people do.

Again, not trying to sound snarky.[/QUOTE]

Pretty much every question on here is personal in some way...and pretty much every question of this type could be answered with "don't worry about what other people do." If you don't want to share, just don't. But don't act all holier than thou because you think THIS question is too personal.
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