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Live from MS Zaandam April 27 - May 15, 2016

Alberta Quilter

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Enjoying your reports, both from land & sea. You are a wonderful writer. After our 6 trips to the Hawaiian Islands between 1988 - 1999 ALL the places you have seen brought back many memories for Jim & myself --- but wait --- a Seahorse exhibit???? Now that is very interesting . If we ever make it back to the islands we will see that.

Even though this cruise is nearing "completion" (hate the word ending) enjoy every remaining hour.


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Friday, May 13, 2016


Almost to Victoria!


Our last full sea day! It was a little busy to start and then it wasn't. After breakfast, DM and I parted ways. Me to attend GMZ and she went to the sidewalk sale on the Lido (to get the best selection of crap, I mean, quality goods, at 75% off, you know!). Actually, she was looking for more HAL teeshirts so she would get the additional 15% mariner discount on top of the 75% as she did earlier in the cruise. Alas, while the On Location program stated that the big sale started at 9 am, it really didn't start until later. Maybe they didn't reset their clocks! So, she joined us a little late at GMZ.


There was no guest at GMZ today. Instead, Bruce spoke about philanthropic organizations, like On Deck for the Cause and the one he started when he travelled to Hong Kong on one of the world cruises. He had told us earlier of his reluctance (refusal, really) to eat anything that contains bones (I won't tell you why; it'll take too long). When he was in Hong Kong, he started CPR which stands for Chicken Psomething Rescue (okay, I forgot what the P stands for; I have had the better part of 5 bottles of wine over the past 16 days which is a lot for me!). Anyway, he saved these chickens (he showed us a PowerPoint presentation where the photo showed two rubber chickens next to two cooked chickens in a display case in Hong Kong). He brought these chickens back to the ship, cleaned them up, gave them a drink, they laid in the sun, played in the casino, etc, until he tucked them into bed. He showed pictures of every scenario! It was really quite funny in a slightly disturbing way. Bruce then went into a bit of the old disembarkation talk. Many people are disembarking in Victoria tomorrow; so many that it was actually a choice on the disembarkation questionnaire that we received earlier in the cruise. I've never seen that before. I'm told by our tablemates who are also leaving tomorrow that they do not have to take their own luggage off the ship; they're actually putting them out tonight for pickup as if it was a usual turnaround port. Bruce also advised that he heard that last week in Vancouver, there was quite the taxi shortage at Canada Place. Some people waited for three hours for a taxi. We have a 1 pm flight so we need to get to get to the airport. There will be at least three ships in port on Sunday so it could be horrible with all those people, even though it seems like half are departing tomorrow.


After GMZ, DM went down for a nap; guess where I went! Yup, back to the puzzle. Quite a bit got done overnight; I'm told that someone was there until 1:30 am working on it. The gang was all there and we finished the puzzle at 11:30 this morning. I went and got DM and off we went to the Lido for lunch. I'm so depressed; I had my last Dive In burger of the cruise. Sigh.


After lunch we went down to the shorex department to check into airport transfers. Unfortunately they had just closed for the day. We'll try again tomorrow morning.


I skipped Team Trivia today because there was a Virtual Bridge Tour at the same time that I wanted to see. I've been advised that our team got trounced today; pretty much as bad as the last time we got trounced. Well, we did win twice out of 14 games so that's pretty good considering the number of teams playing.


The Virtual Bridge Tour had the Second Officer and a Navigation Officer giving the presentation. They showed pictures of the bridge (minus the view from the bridge which is amazing) and spoke about the instruments used. They also showed pics of the engine room. There was some time for questions and answers following the presentation. It was very well attended and interesting.


Following the VBT was the Filipino Crew Show. We did not attend; we saw it on a couple of cruise but it's not our thing. We chilled out in the cabin and started to pack some clothes. The more we do today, the less we have to do in a panic tomorrow!


It was our last Gala night tonight. Surf & Turf was on the menu. However, DM had little to eat at lunch and was starving by 4:30. We talked about her options and I suggested some nachos from the taco bar. Up she went. I got dressed in my formal attire and she came back with a hotdog and fries from the Dive In!!! I asked her what she was thinking!!! This is the woman who LOVES lobster, if you remember from that Noro infested Canada/NE cruise last May where everywhere we went she had lobster. She ate her hotdog and most of the fries (I got about three) and then we went to dinner about half an hour later! BTW, I have told her that if she doesn't want me to write about her, she shouldn't give me so much material!!!!


Tonight was probably our last night in the MDR as tomorrow we have an extended stay in Victoria. We arrive around noon and depart at 11 pm. We have plans in Victoria which will involve food and will likely take us past our dining time. Therefore, we had to say our goodbyes to the stewards tonight. Well, we forgot our cash tips so I had to run back to the cabin to get the cash out of the safe. We still had two bottles of wine left in our package. Yes, I am not a big drinker unless someone else is paying for it. Since it was a Gala night, our last night with our fabulous tablemates, and it was the anniversary of the only couple at our table, we shared our remaining two bottles with them!


Everyone at the table tonight but DM and I had surf and turf. DM had, guess what? Surf and surf! Actually she ordered only the Surf. She received two lobster tails!! The one man at our table whined a little and said if he had only known, he would have done the same thing! I ordered the veal because I really don't enjoy lobster as much since I've tasted Dungeness crab. Now, to be fair to DM, because she was full from her hotdog and fries appetizer, she did not order an appetizer tonight. She did have a small salad and her two lobster tails. She ate it all, too!! I didn't even get a taste. My veal was quite good but I could have sworn there was salt in it.


No one at the table told the waitstaff about the one couple's anniversary but they must have been advised by their TA because the staff came and sang to them and brought a cake. We all, including DM, had ordered dessert and then the cake came. Then our dessert came. I did not have any cake but I did have the sugar free Tiramisu which was wonderful. DM had the tiramisu also and most of her piece of cake. I honestly don't know where she put it all tonight! She eats like a bird at home!


We left, after dessert, to take in the movie tonight, which was Joy starring Jennifer Lawrence. I thought it was good; DM didn't care for it. The entertainment in the Mondriaan Lounge was the Zaandam Singers and Dancers in Dance.


At 10 pm, there was a Black and White Ball in the Lounge. We went down to check it out since we've not had one on any of our previous cruises. We missed the start but it appeared that one had to ask the officers to dance. There were both male and female officers to dance with. Many people were dancing when we arrived. We sat down on the starboard side of the lounge a few rows back from the dance floor. There were officers lined up near the front of the stage. One kind Indonesian officer came and asked DM to dance. Bruce awarded prizes to some people who were dancing with officers or dancing romantically with their partner/spouse or some such thing. At one point, he mentioned that we could ask the officers to dance so DM jumped up and asked the Hotel Director to dance. He was most obliging and she won a cookbook for dancing with an officer! By this time, we had seen other CC friends on the port side of the lounge so we went over and joined them. DM had her heart set on dancing with the Captain (who loves to dance, we were told). DM's a little shy and didn't like to interrupt; the Captain was involved in a discussion with a male passenger. Three of us were watching as she waited in the sidelines for the Captain to be free but she kept hanging back. Finally, one of the men we were sitting with went over, dragged her to the Captain and interrupted his conversation to say that she wanted to dance with him. Well, he kissed her hand and took her pretty much immediately to the dance floor. Unfortunately, the song that was playing ended shortly afterward but a nice slow one started right after. The Captain and DM danced for the slow song; I think she was over the moon! Fortunately, our friends had their camera with them and took a couple of pictures of them dancing. We stayed a little longer and then took our leave.

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Loved your reports...felt like I was there right with you! But lets be serious here. Hope your day in my fair city went well. Missed my dinner mates at Table 36 tonight but it is good to be home. Look forward to your reports over the next few days and hug your DM for me Safe trip home. Regards Jean

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Saturday, May 14, 2016


Victoria, BC


We're back in Canada! But we're sad that we're at the end of our cruise. We did end it with a spectacular day, though.


We had the morning on the ship as we didn't arrive in Victoria until about 11 am. After breakfast, I went to GMZ while DM went to the shorex office to book our airport transfers. She was able to get them without issue. The transfers were about $10 more than the cost of a taxi but, of course, in USD. However, we felt that it was worth ensuring that DM would not be standing around in a queue for a taxi. Bruce again told us today that they had received warnings about the taxi headaches at Canada Place. With at least three ships in port tomorrow, it would probably not be good. So, we leave the ship 45 minutes earlier than originally planned but it will be much easier on DM, and therefore, easier on me, too.


DM and I earlier in the cruise booked an FCD with Chantal, the FCC. However, yesterday I remembered that DM and I had previously discussed a coastal cruise in the fall. I was lucky enough to get the last appointment to see Chantal again today to book the cruise. Because we were arriving in Victoria at midday, the Lido and MDR were open earlier than usual today (11:00 am). We had a quick bite at the taco bar and then I raced down to see Chantal at 11:45. Less than 10 minutes later, we were done. Of course, this booking is subject to my still being employed by final payment date in early August.


We quickly left the ship. Most pax had already left, I guess. It was easy to get a cab right there at the terminal. There is a flat fee for the taxi to various spots: downtown was $10, Butchart Gardens was $55; I have no idea whether the BG fare was one way or round trip. It was one way for the downtown fare so I think it was one way for the BG fare.


We took the cab to the car rental place as we were going to Butchart Gardens for tea. Thanks to a poster on another CC forum, I found out that Butchart Gardens has an unadvertised special for visitors in their 80th year. This year, it's called the 1936 Gift; next year it should be the 1937 Gift, etc. The 80 year old and one guest get free admittance to the gardens AND afternoon tea for two. I calculated the value of this special to be $130! The garden admittance currently costs $30 pp and the tea is a further $35 pp. DM turned 80 earlier this year so, as soon as I confirmed this deal with Butchart Gardens, I made the reservations for tea! We merely had to show her ID (yes, she was carded!) at the admission gate (when we drove up) and again at the Information Desk (to get the pass for the tea). We were directed to VIP parking which was next to the handicap parking; therefore closest to the entrance.


We had such a lovely time there. We used to live in Victoria, about 30 years ago, (and my parents did also lived there about 57 years ago, and had annual passes for BG, but we hadn't been there in a very long time. Since we had a long port stay, everything fell into place for our visit today. We arrived at the vehicle entrance at 1 pm (it takes about half an hour to drive there from downtown Victoria). Our tea reservations were at 2:30 pm. We walked around the Sunken Garden taking our time, and going into every nook and cranny (they have many throughout the gardens). We meandered back, taking in the Rose Garden (and running into ship mates who were touring there either on their own or through HAL) before heading toward the former Butchart residence for our tea.


I've never really done afternoon tea before; it was quite the experience. We chose to sit outside on the terrace and had a wonderful view, across the gardens to Butchart Cove (of which one could only see a little bit but was still nice). We made our choice of tea and were then served it in huge teapots, along with a berry trifle which was really good. Then a silver three tiered server came out filled with about a small quiche (about the size of a tart) and a slice of sausage roll, five or six types on sandwiches (crusts cut off, if you please), about five types of sweets, and scones (there were two of each item so we could each have one). It was so much food (and tea!).


We lingered there for an hour; it was just so pleasant. We were not hurried at all. The weather was very nice; it was about 20C when we arrived at 1 pm but it clouded over by the time we were finished with the tea.


After tea, we finished our tour of the gardens, making sure we saw some of our favourite items like the Wild Boar Scarer in the Japanese Garden and the Ross Fountain. There were many new additions to the gardens, too, since we had last been there. It's just a beautiful place. If you haven't been, please make the effort to go; it's well worth it (even if you have to pay the entrance fee!).


We did finish touring the gardens at about 5 pm which is longer than most would tour the gardens but, as I said, we did go into EVERY nook and cranny. We then toured the gift shops which took even longer but was quite successful. We left at 6 pm!


On the way back to Victoria, we drove by my parents' former home prior to my birth. DM wasn't quite sure which place it was; things had changed so much in the past 57 years since they were there but I think she was happy to have seen the surroundings and note the changes.


We then drove to a recommended fish and chips place on Haultain Street where we shared a halibut and chips dinner. It was good but the chips are better on the ship (and, surprisingly, the halibut and chips we get at a restaurant at home, in landlocked Alberta, is better, in our opinion).


We weren't far from the car rental agency but needed to find a gas station. That took some driving through downtown and back out again! We finally found one and filled up; a whole C$5.65 in gas (we had a hybrid car). We returned the car, and then caught a cab to go back to the cruise terminal, arriving shortly after 8 pm.


Bags were lining the hallway as we made our way to our cabin. We hauled out our suitcases and completed our packing. I think we'll have to check one more bag on the way back (mostly because of the macadamia nut purchases made in Hawaii)! We put our bags out shortly after 9 pm and went off to the Crow's Nest to find our remaining tablemates to say goodbye to them.


It's sad to see the cruise come to an end but it was great while it lasted. I'll try to post again tomorrow; I should have lots of time to do so, from the airport, before flying home! And when I get home, I hope to post some pictures but I haven't had much luck with that in the past so I won't make any promises on that score. Good night!

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Loved your reports...felt like I was there right with you! But lets be serious here. Hope your day in my fair city went well. Missed my dinner mates at Table 36 tonight but it is good to be home. Look forward to your reports over the next few days and hug your DM for me Safe trip home. Regards Jean


Wow, it didn't take you long to get caught up on our cruise!! Glad you made it home safe and sound. I heard from our tablemates that the wait was a little long for you today.


We thoroughly enjoyed our day today! Hopefully, we'll meet again on another cruise! Say Hi to Jamnut for us! We missed seeing her today.

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Hi Everyone,


We're home safe and sound. I'm sorry, I didn't get a chance to update the thread from the airport like I thought I would.


Today was a sad day, only because I'm always sad on disembarkation day! I hate to leave the ship. Am I wrong to say that I like to be taken care of? To be waited on almost hand and foot, cooked for and cleaned up after? My bed made and my bathroom cleaned? And now my laundry done, for FREE?! Yes, it's back to reality. It will be even worse tomorrow when I go back to work!! Sigh.


Okay, on to my last day's report:


Sunday, May 15, 2016


Vancouver, BC


I didn't have a great night. I wrote my last report and, thankfully, posted it just before midnight because, I think, all my remaining internet time went poof! Yup, I was disconnected at the stroke of midnight. How do I know? Well, I tried to post the link to this thread on my roll call right after my last post here. Poof, it was gone. I read Crew News' report about his internet stopping on the last full day of his cruise so I'm fairly sure that's what happened to me. Anyway, it took me about an hour to get to sleep after that, and then up at 6 am to finish packing and have breakfast.


We were a little scared about the reports of taxi chaos at Canada Place so we did book transfers through HAL. The cost was more but it was worth it to us, and DM didn't have to stand for too long. We followed the Noordam into Canada Place and about an hour later, the Radiance of the Seas came in. The Zaandam took a little while to clear so we were a little delayed with disembarkation. We were finally called around 8:30 am. Bruce and some of the staff were on the gangway to say goodbye to us as we left the ship; I've not experienced that before. It was a nice touch.


We picked up a cart and our luggage and followed the crowd. This is where it got a little nasty. There were lots of staff to direct us to the airport transfer buses. We were initially told to go to line 6; the next person told us line 5. Line 6 was full, line 5 wasn't. Then they filled up line 4 with other pax. All fine and dandy to that point. However, it seems that some people in line 4 hadn't paid attention to how things were going and started becoming belligerent. They hadn't seen that the people in line 6 had been there first; they felt that 4 comes before 5 and 6 so they should go first. Well, it seems it worked. If one shouts loud enough, one gets what one wants because the staff just want to keep things calm. I can't really blame them; they did try but this guy was so insistent it was ugly. Funnily enough, we ended up on the same bus as he did, right across the aisle from him. They were still kvetching about the disorganization but the process really was organized.


I was told by two separate couples that the taxi issue was a non issue. The first couple did expedited disembarkation but did have to go to street level to get the taxi. They were early and it worked wonderfully for them. Self disembarkation doesn't work for us but I'm glad it worked for them. I don't know when the other couple disembarked; they were on the same flight as us so we only saw them at the airport. I just don't know if we could have managed getting the luggage to the front of the Pan Pacific given DM needing one hand for her cane and us having three pieces of luggage plus carry ons. (We bought quite a bit of macadamia nuts so that was one carry-on itself.)


We arrived at the airport in plenty of time for the flight. We had some items to eat and drink before going through security so took our time. We also had to rejuggle some items in our checked luggage to reduce the carry-on a bit. The flight itself was totally uneventful. Just what we needed. DM fell asleep prior to take off; I fell asleep afterwards and missed the beverage service.


Now, it's just a matter of going through over 200 emails, unpacking, and getting ready for work tomorrow. Wish me luck as I go through the post cruise blues! But I've almost convinced DM to extend that coastal cruise to include the Mexican riviera so, hopefully, the blues will be short lived.

Edited by Alberta Quilter
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Welcome back to real life. I do hope reentry goes smoothly. Especially at work!

I always took another 2-3 days off after I got home. Just could not get up the neXt morning and face that desk. :eek:

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I've enjoyed your live from - just catching up on CC. Shows how long it takes me to get over a cruise!


We were out for a drive yesterday with Mumsysailor and her DH, and what should we see at Ogden Point - Zaandam! Didn't realize you were there, too.


We got our Welcome Home email from HAL a couple of days ago - offering up to $200 per person OBC if we book a cruise before July 12 (just over 2 months), and I think that was basically what they were offering if we booked on board. Now we have to decide what we want to do. Hard work, but somebody's got to do it!:D


PS We took Mumsy & her DH out to Butchart's today! My DH got a card for his 80th birthday tea. We'll decide later when to do it - more visitors coming later in the summer.

Edited by Vict0riann
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Thank you so much for your reports, have enjoyed them very much. This was a cruise we very much wanted to take, but the timing did not work out for us. Glad to hear the debarkation went well, we will need the same assistance on our next cruise.

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Glad the trip home went well. Thinking of you as you return to work. Post cruise blues hit as I did laundry and packed away my cruise stuff. The get away cruise that I had hopes for with DH has turned into a land vacation as he could not get away for all seven days! Hope our paths will cross again. Jean

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What an amazing detailed account of our Cruise. You did a wonderful job - it was nice to read all your posts and reminisce about the cruise. FYI - our room safe didn't require a credit card, it was the old style access code.

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What an amazing detailed account of our Cruise. You did a wonderful job - it was nice to read all your posts and reminisce about the cruise. FYI - our room safe didn't require a credit card, it was the old style access code.


We didn't have to use a credit card; I used my Aeroplan card. But then it had to be accessible to both of us. That was annoying. Good to know it was the other type of safe in the suites.


Thanks for the compliment! I find the thread a nice way to remember the cruise. I find that, as time passes, my memory fades. I'm sure many people can relate.;)

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Thank you for taking us along.

Loved your reports.

Hope you are planning another cruise.


Thank you! Yes, I'm happily planning two cruises. We just booked another one. We're trying to make good use of DM's annual travel insurance plan. Now that she's 80, it's rather expensive and won't get any cheaper. So, we have a cruise booked just before it expires. We have one planned for after that so we'll have to figure something out for that but we have time.


However, given the local economic situation, it's also entirely possible that we will have to cancel one or both cruises should I suddenly become unemployed. Hopefully, it won't happen but it has to be considered.

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Welcome back to real life. I do hope reentry goes smoothly. Especially at work!

I always took another 2-3 days off after I got home. Just could not get up the neXt morning and face that desk. :eek:


I wish I could have taken a few more days off but I need those vacation days for another cruise!! If I had been coming from overseas, I would have taken more time off to recover but the time change was only an hour from Victoria/Vancouver so it wasn't bad. Well, it wouldn't have been bad if I had slept well the last couple of nights before returning to work!!

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Welcome home Clipper! Enjoyed every moment of your blog, logging on each day in anticipation to see what the two of you were up to! Thanx so much for the daily reports - appreciate it.


Today, DH and I, along with our dear friend Brenda, begin OUR return to the Great Land (once again!), flying into Seattle, where we'll overnight then hop a flight to Anchorage Sat. morning. We'll pick up a rental car and travel down the Kenai Peninsula to my "heart home" - Homer, where we'll spend 10 glorious nights in a beautiful rental house high on the bluff overlooking Cook Inlet and the Spit (Google "The Nest" in Homer, AK for a glimpse). CAN. NOT. WAIT.


Hoping you and your Mum enjoy many more cruises ahead this year, and that your job remains safe so that you can continue your travel adventures for years to come. Miss you, girl! ;)

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I really have enjoyed reading your account of our cruise. I read a few posts each night before bed, like a bedtime story .

Finally got my things unpacked today and almost all put away. It really is amazing all the things people can do if they get up early. 5:30 am in the dinning !! You definitely got the most out of this cruise.

My daughter and husband are not morning people. Many a morning, by the time they got up, it was too late for breakfast. My mornings were spent having breakfast in the Neptune lounge with my morning people, which I really enjoyed . I've told my family I have to travel with younger people, so my son has offered to come on the next cruise.

Enjoyed meeting both you and your mom and hope we meet on another cruise.


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