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Bag search leaving ship at a port stop?


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They did not ask you or force you to go down on your hands and knees, so quit the drama please and stop taking this personally.


You weren't there, so quit interpreting what I said the way you think it was - there was no other option BUT to go down on his hands and knees to open the bag in question. The guard stood over him until he did so.

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Your writing is really very melodramatic!

Security checks happen for what ever reason and they are good in these times for whatever they can prevent.


Security did absolutely nothing wrong in checking you out. You were randomly picked or something triggered it. Not personal against you and really not a big deal. You are not going to get anything out of complaining to Royal about it and you certainly do not deserve an iota of apology from them because they were doing their job.


My leaving the ship with a small bag posed no security threat to anyone - if that were the case, each and every bag should be checked every time.

it was a big deal to us at the time and I am not looking for anything from RCI. You are entitled to your opinion, but it's not up to you to decide whether we deserve to be treated with courtesy or consideration, which we clearly were not.

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My leaving the ship with a small bag posed no security threat to anyone - if that were the case, each and every bag should be checked every time...


Understood, but then it wouldn't be "random", in your case and in other cases every minute of every hour of every travel day all over the world.

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You weren't there, so quit interpreting what I said the way you think it was - there was no other option BUT to go down on his hands and knees to open the bag in question. The guard stood over him until he did so.


Drama again!

Edited by Arzeena
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My leaving the ship with a small bag posed no security threat to anyone - if that were the case, each and every bag should be checked every time.

it was a big deal to us at the time and I am not looking for anything from RCI. You are entitled to your opinion, but it's not up to you to decide whether we deserve to be treated with courtesy or consideration, which we clearly were not.


I will still say they did their job. You can be rude and antagonistic till the cows come home but they did nothing wrong. You need to move on.

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You weren't there, so quit interpreting what I said the way you think it was - there was no other option BUT to go down on his hands and knees to open the bag in question. The guard stood over him until he did so.




I would think the option would have been to step back and tell the guard to help himself. And then wait. The person who budges first loses.

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I to think that you are taking this to personally.


I would bet the trolley was the trigger. They are usually used to carry heavy things so the security person may have felt that you had something out of the ordinary in the bag. How was he to know it wasn't anything illegal. I'm sorry this bothered you however I'm not sorry it happened. For everyone's safety, feel free to check me out any time you want and I hope others feel the same. Its random, not likely to happen to the same person more than once or twice.....unless you are using something like a trolley. Then you may expect it a bit more.

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We never got out of our local airport and for some reason the little carry on my husband was wheeling attracted attention. They asked to check it and I said sure, it was full of #400 Name Tags for our Roll Call in 6 small packing cubes.:) The fact they were all in their holders with the pin attachment, possibly raised an alert in the scanner.

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I will still say they did their job. You can be rude and antagonistic till the cows come home but they did nothing wrong. You need to move on.


Please point out to me where I have been rude and antagonistic? You seem to have more of a problem with MY issue than I have, as you keep posting and interpreting what you couldn't know unless you were there. Or were you there?

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If cruise lines are going to carry out random checks on people leaving the ship then people should be made aware that this is a possibility. I would also be exceedingly annoyed if stopped getting off a ship which I would have (like everyone else) had to jump through several hoops just to get on board in the first place only to have to kneel down on the dock side and empty my bag on to the floor. If cruise lines want to carry out this type of check then they need to execute it in a professional manner which from the original post did not happen.

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Tl;Dr: Is it normal practice for RCI security staff to check passenger bags when LEAVING the ship at a port stop? Sorry for the length of this post, but I need to get it off my chest.


We were on Brilliance of the Seas on the 18th September (the day of our 40th wedding anniversary and the reason we were on the cruise in the first place) when a security guard stopped my husband as we left the ship at Ravenna. He held his hand in front of us and rudely demanded to know what was in the backpack that we had strapped onto a small portable trolley – my husband has high blood pressure and it’s easier to wheel a bag than carry it.


My very mild-mannered DH was taken aback at the guard’s confrontational attitude but informed him politely that it was various items for the beach. The guard then insisted that he open the bag there and then and, with no facilities or checking table available, my husband had to go down on his hands and knees on the floor in front of him to open it while the guard stood over him. The check was cursory and involved moving our items from one side to another.


We were outside the ship, a bit shell-shocked really, before I realised how upset and humiliated my husband felt - not to mention how pointless the check actually was and how our experience was so unlike the normal courtesy we had previously received from RCI staff. I spoke with another guard just beyond ship security and he called a supervisor out to speak to us. We told her how unhappy we were with our experience, especially as it was our 40th wedding anniversary and we wanted to know why we’d been picked upon.


This is when the whole thing became farcical and our sense of anger and humiliation deepened. The supervisor explained that sometimes people leave the ship and don’t come back and when the guard spotted our bag, he thought that this might be the case with us! We rejected this allegation – we are EU citizens and don’t need to skip out of an expensive cruise half way through carrying (at most) 1kg of baggage while the rest of our clothes and valuables were back in our cabin.


My husband explained how upset he was and that he’d been made to feel like a crook down on his hands and knees on the floor. We told her that we’d wheeled the same bag out of every other previous port unchecked and that we’d seen many other larger bags similarly going past. In our experience, bags were never checked on the way out of the ship. The supervisor said to leave it with her and she would handle it.


Returning to the ship from the beach later that day, we were stopped again at security as our sea pass cards were obviously flagged up. We were made to wait at one side of the gangway (criminalized once again) as everyone else sidestepped past us, no doubt wondering what we’d done to warrant being ‘held’ until 3 other security staff turned up. At this point, we were offered a half-hearted apology by the guard who’d initiated the check on the way out - for the manner in which it had taken place only, not the check itself. The security manager then stepped in to further justify the necessity for the security check, but this time we were offered a different (even more absurd) explanation.


Unbelievably (Explanation Number 2) he suggested that people might be smuggling alcohol, drugs or cigarettes out of the ship and that he was responsible to Customs & Excise for ensuring this did not occur, hence the necessity for checks, which he claimed happened quite frequently! Again, I refuted this – we’ve NEVER seen anyone else checked on the way out at port, even with very large bags. I asked him what possible reason anyone would want to smuggle alcohol out of the ship when it was 10 times cheaper on land.


I also reminded him that we could not possibly take off the ship what we hadn’t already taken on board past their own rigorous security on the way in. He had no answer for me, just kept repeating that security demanded these checks. I told him that we were not happy with the incident, his explanation or the way it was handled by him or the guard and that we wanted it followed up.


Two days passed and we heard nothing further so we went to Guest Services only to find that there was no record of the incident having happened at all. The representative there took the details from us and we asked her to initiate a formal complaint. She seemed surprised by the alcohol explanation and we had to clarify once again that we’d been stopped LEAVING the ship. She said she’d get back to us after referring it to the head of security.


The next day, we received a voicemail from the GS representative hoping that we were satisfied, as she understood that we’d since spoken to the head of security and that all was well. This was news to us, as we hadn’t heard anything from anyone else since we’d spoken to her. A series of calls and voicemails then ensued between her, the Guest Services Manager and us.


The GSM finally informed us that (Explanation Number 3) the guard was actually searching to see if we were taking food off the ship. I told him that the guard didn’t open the coolbag inside our backback (used for water and food we buy at ports and NOT taken from the ship) didn’t check inside my large handbag, nor did he open any of the zipped pockets on the outside of the backpack. If he was looking for food - or anything else - riffling through our towelling robes, swimsuits or pushing the sunscreen and bug spray from side to side wasn’t going to locate it!


The GSM then offered to set up another meeting with security staff to explain to us again why we were stopped but we refused as enough of our holiday had been taken up with this incident. I asked for a written reply to the effect that our formal complaint had been recorded – he refused this, saying that they didn’t reply to anything in writing!


While this experience didn’t ruin our much planned cruise, it DID put a distinct taint on our respect for RCI. While this is neither the place nor the time to elaborate further, we watched many of RCI’s so-called rules flagrantly broken throughout our cruise, while staff walked past, studiously avoiding noticing them or tackling the offenders. I subsequently asked many of our dinner and lunch companions on the last few days and none had ever experienced a check on the way out of a ship – and certainly not one anywhere that involved getting down on the floor on hands and knees to open a bag.


I really want to follow this up in the right manner and appreciate any advice – maybe we’re just too sensitive but my husband still feels upset and humiliated. This is more especially so because of the succession of contradictory excuses given for the incident - none of which hold any water in our opinion - and the very poor way it was handled by RCI.




ANY given day, ANY bag can be searched. And they are, frequently, as to protect the areas they visit.. I have seen the security staff pull food out of bags before passengers disembark the ship. I'm sorry that you had this experience, and it should of been handled with a little more decorum. Don't let this eat at you and your husband.. Tons of people go through this, and per your cruise contract, they have the right to.


You are taking this too personally. I understand it was your anniversary, and you wanted the perfect day. Being on a ship beats being home, so look at the bright side..

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I have seen searches getting off the ship, especially in ports where there is increased local concern for what is coming off the ship. Similar to what was mentioned earlier, in Australia and NZ I had bags searched by hand and with dogs. I've also had a bag searched in California ports. The reality is that lots of people take things ashore they shouldn't, knowingly or not. Countless threads on this board will find people bragging about the fruit and other non-packaged food taken into foreign ecosystems because "it's my trip and I'm more important than rules."


I think that sometimes language and culture differences make customer/guest interactions a bit of a toss-up. I will also say that the onboard staff, in my past experiences, can be exceedingly terrible at a) admitting a mistake or misunderstanding and b) actually apologizing. With perfect clarity of hindsight and no hindrance of reality, I would certainly have asked for accommodation for the search instead of getting onto the ground.

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If RCI was conducting "random searches" of bags as passengers debarked the ship, they should have had a portable tent and tables set up to do it properly.



I agree with the OP that it was inappropriate to be forced to open and display their bag on the ground (deck of the pier) which was most likely less than clean and wholesome.



If this had happened to me I would have said. "Lets find a nice clean table so you can search our bag easier. I am not going to kneel down on this filthy pier and unpack my bag!"


I agree.

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My leaving the ship with a small bag posed no security threat to anyone - if that were the case, each and every bag should be checked every time.

it was a big deal to us at the time and I am not looking for anything from RCI. You are entitled to your opinion, but it's not up to you to decide whether we deserve to be treated with courtesy or consideration, which we clearly were not.


It does not sound like you were treated with courtesy, they should have put the bag on a table, but bottem line when you book passage on any transportation they have the right to inspect your bags, cabin etc. And when they decide to do so. And yes, they can pick you out and not check everyone.

Edited by Charles4515
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Section 8, Part J: "In the interests of safety and security, Passengers and their baggage are subject to inspection or monitoring electronically with or without the Passenger’s consent or knowledge."


You agreed to random searches by purchasing and taking the cruise. Sorry if you didn't like the way it was handled. I don't see that they did anything incorrect based on your story. IMO, you reacted to the situation poorly. It seems many others who have read your tale have felt the same way.

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I'm sorry the op felt humiliated. Since I have bad knees, I would have politely suggested the security man open the bag himself and search it. No way I would have been able to kneel down on the ground. I'm betting the security man would have had no problem opening that case himself. When we came off the ship in Cozumel, everyone was required to open their purses and any bags they were carrying. Yes, they were looking for food and drinks from the ship.


This is the world we live in. I can remember going through security at Heathrow and being singled out for an interrogation and a wanding at the gate before boarding. Guess I look suspicious! LOL Anyway, it wasn't particularly fun, but I cooperated and figured that's the way life is nowadays. I'd rather they be thorough and keep us safe than look the other way and have a tragedy.

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I would think the option would have been to step back and tell the guard to help himself. And then wait. The person who budges first loses.


I'm sorry the op felt humiliated. Since I have bad knees, I would have politely suggested the security man open the bag himself and search it. No way I would have been able to kneel down on the ground. I'm betting the security man would have had no problem opening that case himself. When we came off the ship in Cozumel, everyone was required to open their purses and any bags they were carrying. Yes, they were looking for food and drinks from the ship.


This is the world we live in. I can remember going through security at Heathrow and being singled out for an interrogation and a wanding at the gate before boarding. Guess I look suspicious! LOL Anyway, it wasn't particularly fun, but I cooperated and figured that's the way life is nowadays. I'd rather they be thorough and keep us safe than look the other way and have a tragedy.


I'm not sure that the guard would be willing to open the bag. Every time I've ever had a bag searched, they expected me to have opened the bag for them. I'd imagine that if a person refused to open their bag, they would or could prevent the person from bringing the bag any further.

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I also have been searched many times. Some security personnel are polite and some seem rude although, they may just take their job very seriously. The first few times, I did feel embarrassed but now I take it in stride. I suggest you put it all behind you and try to think of only the good parts of your cruise. I do hope you enjoyed the rest of your cruise and didn't let it eat at you during the whole cruise.

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