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Any Tips To Not Gain Too Much Weight??


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I agree with taking the stairs instead of the elevator. I love the buffet at breakfast. I can get an egg over medium (they use the tiniest amount of oil) at the omelet station, maybe a slice of ham or a couple of slices of bacon, and wonderful fresh fruit. Or a poached egg on half an English muffin, fresh fruit, and a cappuccino with skim milk -- very filling and delicious!


And with the premium package, you can order Pellegrino sparkling water with every meal. Even if I have wine, my "rule" is a glass of Pellegrino (or still water) for every glass of wine. It makes it hard to drink too much, and all that hydration helps avoid a hangover! :D


I love desserts, but I find that a lot of Celebrity desserts look better than they taste, so if I don't love it, I leave it. I am a sucker for creme brûlée, though.


The most I've gained recently is 4 lbs on a November Transatlantic in November 2014 when it was really cold, and I craved comfort food (and specialty alcoholic coffees!)


I've gained as little as a pound on a 7-day and lost as much as 2 pounds on a 3-day.


Just enjoy yourself; have what you really want; stay active; don't deprive yourself; and if it isn't delicious, leave it!

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--I try to cut back on bread -i.e. hamburger without the bun, have sandwich fillings without the bread etc.

--No french fries (except maybe steal a couple from hubby's plate), eat only half of a baked potato

--Order lattes made with skim milk instead of regular milk

--Wine spritzers

--Cranberry juice with seltzer and a slice of lime

--Virgin frozen drinks save alcohol calories but are still delicious

--order sauces/gravy/salad dressing on the side

--ask for steamed/plain vegetables or fresh fruit for dessert even if not on menu

--agree with taking stairs instead of elevator and doing lots of walking

--limit desserts to one meal a day instead of both lunch and dinner

--Set a goal of indulging certain foods like ice cream, pie or frozen drinks maybe 2-3 times during the week instead of every day

--try to avoid the buffet or limit yourself to one non-heaping plate of food

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For some unknown reason your clothes will start shrinking in there after about 3 or 4 days. Don't believe it?? Then why after you get home and put them back in your closet about 2 weeks later they usually fit you again? I have complained again and again to the management to no avail! They look at me like I'm nuts!:eek::eek::eek:



It also helps to tell your waiter to not bring a bread basket to the table.


Now we know why there are so many complaints about the ships laundry...you put in your day 1/2/3 day clothes in for washing and when they come back day 5/6 they are too tight!

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My son's attitude on the last cruise I took with him, which I thought was wonderful (though I have not been able to summon the self-discipline to follow his advice!) was: everything on the dining room menu is going to be delicious, so order the healthiest options.


And, eat in the dining room to avoid the temptations of the buffet.

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Sea days, skip breakfast eat lunch and eat dinner

port days eat breakfast, skip lunch, eat dinner


almost never eat dessert


walk every where when its an option, and climb as may steps as possible,


usually search out bell towers and castles to climb up


eg Kotor, santorini come to mind ( in the Med)

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Sea days, skip breakfast eat lunch and eat dinner

port days eat breakfast, skip lunch, eat dinner


almost never eat dessert


walk every where when its an option, and climb as may steps as possible,


usually search out bell towers and castles to climb up


eg Kotor, santorini come to mind ( in the Med)


I think that trek in Kotor is at least 3 days worth of treats :D.

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For me, I am on a hard earned vacation, I am going to eat and drink whatever I like and too much and then worry about it when I get back. I'll just wear the well fitting clothes at the beginning and leave the roomier outfits for week two.:D


I went to the gym five days a week and ran a bit too for over two decades (not dedication - military pt) and now I'm in my 40s, only thing getting me in there is rehab! The only exercise I want is walking to the aft cabins and walking or trekking in port.


As they say Carpe Diem as life is way too short.

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I'm on the Celebrity for 10 nights on Dec 11. I lost 70 lbs in last 1.5 years with weight watchers. I have gained back 10 lbs and am working to get that off and an additional 15 lbs to get to my goal weight. I would really like to lose at least 5 lbs by our cruise.


For first time ever we have the premium beverage package and it's first time just hubby and me. So I want to have a good time on the cruise. I don't need to stuff myself but I want to enjoy the food and drink. I am thinking maybe I will be real sensible at breakfast & lunch and then splurge more at dinner. Also, I will either go to the gym or walk around the ship once a day.


What are your tips for either staying the same or gaining no more than 1-3 lbs during your cruise?


Why not put the effort in now, do all the work before hand, you could lose a lot more than 5lbs between here and Dec. You could have at least a stone off by the time you are travelling. Start walking.. at least 20,000 steps per day, go swimming... take the stairs (always). and lastly, drink lots of water and green tea. I would then while on holiday, relax and ejoy yourself but make sure when you come home, you start back to WW and get off the weight you have gained.

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Pace yourself and stay active. Watch the booze, sugar and carbohydrates. Visit the gym and spend half an hour on a bike and do some weights. Then you get a nice sauna as a reward.



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You have received a lot of good advice. I am going to vote on the side of "just enjoy yourself".


I have been calorie counting (hate the word "diet") and exercising religiously for last 15 months. I have lost 119 lbs, and look like a totally different person. I use the tools on MyFitnessPal, my FitBit, and the local YMCA. I have 12 lbs to go to target weight.


Our cruise is coming up late this month, 14 nights. I am not going to worry about it. I know how to lose weight now, successfully. If I put on a few pounds, no biggie, it will be a bit longer to goal. That said, I don't plan to gorge myself. My habits have changed so much over the last 15 months, I don't think I can. I am much better at portion control, and I will go crazy if I don't get some good exercise. I will have my FitBit and plan to do a lot of walking, stairs and active excursions. I am used to having a light breakfast and lunch, and in general, that won't change.


BUT - I will have a few drinks. I will have some eggs benedict. I will have some dessert. If I really want it, I will eat it. I have worked very hard, and this is my vacation from the discipline.


Probably my biggest problem will be anxiety over NOT having my food scale, and not logging my calories. ;)


You have formed the habits now. It is not like the people mentioned upthread, that crash diet before a cruise, then go crazy after feeling so deprived. You have changed your life. Your cruise is not going to make a difference.


Congrats on your weight loss. I get it, right there with ya.

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I'm on the Celebrity for 10 nights on Dec 11. I lost 70 lbs in last 1.5 years with weight watchers. I have gained back 10 lbs and am working to get that off and an additional 15 lbs to get to my goal weight. I would really like to lose at least 5 lbs by our cruise.


For first time ever we have the premium beverage package and it's first time just hubby and me. So I want to have a good time on the cruise. I don't need to stuff myself but I want to enjoy the food and drink. I am thinking maybe I will be real sensible at breakfast & lunch and then splurge more at dinner. Also, I will either go to the gym or walk around the ship once a day.


What are your tips for either staying the same or gaining no more than 1-3 lbs during your cruise?

Eat lots of steamed veggies at lunch. I make a plate, which I refer to as Slumgullion. Yeah it's an actual dish that refers to a "mystery" type meat, which you may choose to delete. For me I start with a good helping of steamed peas, then add steamed carrots & steamed broccoli, maybe some succotash. Then I pour a generous helping of the "Indian Masala Lentils" on top. It fills you up till dinner & works "quickly" on you the next early am. I usually stick to mostly fish dinners at night, except for the formal(now Chic nights)nights, which tend to have higher quality food. You talked about the Gym. Good idea. We've done the Eclipse a few times & they have a great gym you can use.

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Don't eat too much...and work out at the gym









I'm on the Celebrity for 10 nights on Dec 11. I lost 70 lbs in last 1.5 years with weight watchers. I have gained back 10 lbs and am working to get that off and an additional 15 lbs to get to my goal weight. I would really like to lose at least 5 lbs by our cruise.


For first time ever we have the premium beverage package and it's first time just hubby and me. So I want to have a good time on the cruise. I don't need to stuff myself but I want to enjoy the food and drink. I am thinking maybe I will be real sensible at breakfast & lunch and then splurge more at dinner. Also, I will either go to the gym or walk around the ship once a day.


What are your tips for either staying the same or gaining no more than 1-3 lbs during your cruise?

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You have received a lot of good advice. I am going to vote on the side of "just enjoy yourself".


I have been calorie counting (hate the word "diet") and exercising religiously for last 15 months. I have lost 119 lbs, and look like a totally different person. I use the tools on MyFitnessPal, my FitBit, and the local YMCA. I have 12 lbs to go to target weight.


Our cruise is coming up late this month, 14 nights. I am not going to worry about it. I know how to lose weight now, successfully. If I put on a few pounds, no biggie, it will be a bit longer to goal. That said, I don't plan to gorge myself. My habits have changed so much over the last 15 months, I don't think I can. I am much better at portion control, and I will go crazy if I don't get some good exercise. I will have my FitBit and plan to do a lot of walking, stairs and active excursions. I am used to having a light breakfast and lunch, and in general, that won't change.


BUT - I will have a few drinks. I will have some eggs benedict. I will have some dessert. If I really want it, I will eat it. I have worked very hard, and this is my vacation from the discipline.


Probably my biggest problem will be anxiety over NOT having my food scale, and not logging my calories. ;)


You have formed the habits now. It is not like the people mentioned upthread, that crash diet before a cruise, then go crazy after feeling so deprived. You have changed your life. Your cruise is not going to make a difference.


Congrats on your weight loss. I get it, right there with ya.


Thank you for sharing! You have done fantastic! I still have about 25 maybe 30 lbs to lose and I am struggling to keep losing. I am 53 and other changes are going on and I am not sure if that is what is slowing me down. But I'm not giving up. I am tracking, drinking my water, and exercising 4 times a week. I plan on enjoying the cruise without depriving myself but also not going crazy either. Enjoy your cruise!

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Thank you for sharing! You have done fantastic! I still have about 25 maybe 30 lbs to lose and I am struggling to keep losing. I am 53 and other changes are going on and I am not sure if that is what is slowing me down. But I'm not giving up. I am tracking, drinking my water, and exercising 4 times a week. I plan on enjoying the cruise without depriving myself but also not going crazy either. Enjoy your cruise!


You have plateaued. You will lose again. You have good habits, don't worry, you're not going to gain 70 lbs in 10 days. Whatvever you gain, you'll shed easily once you get home. You won't have room service, a bar everywhere, prepared yummy food available in a genie's blink, or pool butlers awaiting your heart's desire. You will have the habits you've developed over the last year, self discipline and knowledge that exercise is something you have to do, and probably want to do, not to mention your http://www.esssentialsvalleysquare.com membership. Use common sense on your cruise and have a wonderful time. Indulge yourself and just eat when you're hungry, drink when you're thirsty, remember portion control. You won't undo all you've one.

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Congrats on your weight loss. Drink lots and lots of water. Use the stairs. If you are on a higher deck and have a lot of decks to go up, use the stairs and then the elevator is necessary. Walking around the ship is also great and beautiful. I love looking out to the sea and people watching. :D


As they say breakfast is a big booster for the day. I absolutely love the omelettes. I ask them to use Pam instead of oil. I think you can ask for egg whites or egg beaters. I just have them use the regular eggs. One thing that I do which makes the omelettes great is have them use lots of veggies. I will ask for double or triple on some of them. Adds extra food and not so many extra calories. The egg station people got to know me and always gave me plenty. One time there was a small norovirus outbreak and there were different crew members at the station. The one guy doing the veggies was so skimpy on them. I had to ask him 3 or 4 times to add extra, every time! :rolleyes: Don't know what his problem was. If you want extra veggies don't be shy about it and don't worry what others may or may not think.

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We never ever EVER take the elevator - truly. That makes a huge impact. We in fact always lose weight on our cruises, about 4 lbs every cruise - due to the stair usage (lots of cardio there!!), the walking around the decks and all of the shore excursions where we are always walking walking walking. Also, there is SO MUCH healthy food available, just sitting there! It is literally SO EASY to eat healthy food on a Celebrity cruise - the Aqua Spa Cafe is a prime example of readily available healthy food just sitting there screaming to be eaten, we love it. And in the buffet, of course, so many awesome healthy choices! At home, if you're hungry and want a snack, a healthy snack can take a lot of work, but on a cruise, boom, it's just THERE looking at you. So, first tip - NO ELEVATORS, 2nd tip, with so many healthy delicious food options, take advantage of them.

OF COURSE, some people have physical limitations such that they can't use the stairs - our daughter is one of them, she uses a walker, so I totally understand that if you can't use the stairs medically, that this is not an option! She takes the elevator, I take the stairs, but the walking on the decks, and the healthy food options, even with enjoying some special treats, as that's what life's about = no weight gain.

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Wow, you have gotten some GREAT suggestions and tactics!

To be honest, I have never gained weight on a cruise; and the only rule that I try really hard to stick to is, avoid the elevators.

Our tactic is to eat a decent breakfast, essentially whatever we want. Hubby and I both believe that a good breakfast is essential to start your day properly. We will then later in the afternoon, grab some (a few bites of) tuna or chicken salad and crackers and cheese in the Oceanview Buffet. this will hold us over until dinner in the MDR. Our policy there is if it isn't fabulous, don't eat it.

We too have the Classic beverage package, which we plan on upgrading to the Premium, on our upcoming December Silhouette cruise. We have no intention whatsoever of guardedly counting every bite, or sip, or avoiding that delicious looking dessert or not enjoying the benefits of the beverage package.

All of that being said, we are also not ones to sunbathe by the pool or lounge around. We like to be active and whether that means wandering the ship, or walking the track, or just being out and about, I believe that is one of the ways in which we both keep our weight down. (not that we are perfectly fit, by any stretch!)

Finally, my philosophy is: we only get one life, enjoy it. A couple years ago, we were on a cruise and a woman (stranger) at our table for dinner loudly stated, "this is the worst f-ing cruise I have ever been on!" All I could think was, "Wow, really?" one has to be pretty privileged to call ANY cruise "the worst they've ever done. It's a CRUISE for pete's sake!!

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I've never gained a pound on a cruise, or maybe I have. My thing is to not weigh myself until at least 2 weeks after I get home. I eat and drink whatever I want (yes, I get the most out of the premium package) and enjoy dessert at both lunch and dinner.


I go to the gym daily while on board and log about 20,000 steps on both port and sea days. I try to keep a high level of activity when I get home so I keep burning up those extra calories.


It's a vacation so I believe in having fun and not worrying about a couple of pounds.


Enjoy yours!

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I am not going to read through three pages of advice and I suspect someone has already offered what I'm about to say.


Eating seems to take the blame for weight gain, but I swear in my case at least, it's the drinking that puts 8 pounds on me on a ten day cruise. I drink so much more on a ship than I do at home, not out of gluttony but because it's so readily available at all times and places. I rarely have any alcohol at lunch when at home and never at breakfast. But the Elite breakfast makes a nip very accessible and a beer at lunch isn't a big deal, is it? And then there are the liquor packages. But OTH it's a few days out of the year and you've paid handsomely, so why not let 'er rip? Weight quickly gained comes off quickly, too. Right?

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I diet before the cruise (exercise too), then just enjoy myself on the cruise.


I find that the better the food, the less I gain. I know that sounds strange, but if I'm served something I don't like, or if I go to the buffet and try something that I don't like, I find I eat more till I find something good.:p

If I get served a delicious meal or desert, I'm satisfied and stop eating.


I lose most of the weight I gain on the cruise the first week back, just eating normally again.:)

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Congrats on your weight loss. Drink lots and lots of water. Use the stairs. If you are on a higher deck and have a lot of decks to go up, use the stairs and then the elevator is necessary. Walking around the ship is also great and beautiful. I love looking out to the sea and people watching. :D


As they say breakfast is a big booster for the day. I absolutely love the omelettes. I ask them to use Pam instead of oil. I think you can ask for egg whites or egg beaters. I just have them use the regular eggs. One thing that I do which makes the omelettes great is have them use lots of veggies. I will ask for double or triple on some of them. Adds extra food and not so many extra calories. The egg station people got to know me and always gave me plenty. One time there was a small norovirus outbreak and there were different crew members at the station. The one guy doing the veggies was so skimpy on them. I had to ask him 3 or 4 times to add extra, every time! :rolleyes: Don't know what his problem was. If you want extra veggies don't be shy about it and don't worry what others may or may not think.


I think that is my recipe your using (lol).That is the best way to start your day. I am also working on my weight loss and we are heading for 24 days on the Eclipse. The omlette man is wonderful there and they get to know you very quickly. A smile and a thank you goes a long way when I ask for a plate full of veggies with the egg. Sometimes a few strips of crispy bacon falls on my dish.



Boston Ma

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I'm on the Celebrity for 10 nights on Dec 11. I lost 70 lbs in last 1.5 years with weight watchers. I have gained back 10 lbs and am working to get that off and an additional 15 lbs to get to my goal weight. I would really like to lose at least 5 lbs by our cruise.


For first time ever we have the premium beverage package and it's first time just hubby and me. So I want to have a good time on the cruise. I don't need to stuff myself but I want to enjoy the food and drink. I am thinking maybe I will be real sensible at breakfast & lunch and then splurge more at dinner. Also, I will either go to the gym or walk around the ship once a day.


What are your tips for either staying the same or gaining no more than 1-3 lbs during your cruise?

our first cruise, we had just returned from living in Africa(where I lost 70lbs due to numerous malaria hits. I gained 10lbs on that first cruise. EEK.


Since then we've managed to keep our weight gain down to 2-3 pounds and we eat whatever we want. I do not eat desserts because I find them too sweet so I take an extra portion of the protein or maybe two if I've had a lot of exercise. Plus that keeps me full and it helps to mend any muscle tears I've developed from my extra walking. (I have fibromyalgia and arthritis).

We also spend our excursions walking and sightseeing. Two benefits, you save money and you burn calories.

We will clock anywhere between 10 and 12 miles each day. I love to walk and because of numerous health issues, it is about all I can do for exercise (and swim).

We used the treadmills for at sea days and then each evening walk all over the ship (inside and out) That evening walk really helps to digest your food and to feel better about what you've eaten. We try to put at least a mile in during our evening walk -we then head to the hot tubs or the pool.

We've only been on 5 cruises but it seems to work. I'm OK with 2-3 lbs (even though I am overweight).

I listened to the advice of a pastor who reminded us that you don't go on a cruise to diet, you go on a cruise to enjoy the food and the activities. Diet before or after, but enjoy your cruise.

Hope that helps

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I'm on the Celebrity for 10 nights on Dec 11. I lost 70 lbs in last 1.5 years with weight watchers. I have gained back 10 lbs and am working to get that off and an additional 15 lbs to get to my goal weight. I would really like to lose at least 5 lbs by our cruise.


For first time ever we have the premium beverage package and it's first time just hubby and me. So I want to have a good time on the cruise. I don't need to stuff myself but I want to enjoy the food and drink. I am thinking maybe I will be real sensible at breakfast & lunch and then splurge more at dinner. Also, I will either go to the gym or walk around the ship once a day.


What are your tips for either staying the same or gaining no more than 1-3 lbs during your cruise?


Have your breakfast, lunch and dinner. Do not snack in between.

Edited by FeelingCruisy
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