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Grease is one of my sister's favorite movies of all time (and then Dirty Dancing). In fact the Alamo Drafthouse is showing Grease on the big screen this weekend and we are all going to see it. Finally seeing on the big screen and not just our TV. I can't imagine the play being all that bad. I really have to take the movie in context of the era it was also supposed to represent, and I think it could be fairly spot on for that.

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My comments are regarding the show Grease from Harmony of the Seas which cruise we recently returned home from. Just so you know, those that are making such comments as "watch Grease the movie" and you can gauge the content if it's appropriate for younger children. . .well! let me tell you that the play is definitely different than the movie as far as content goes and nowhere on my ship compass did it state "for mature audiences." Having grown up on Sandy and Danny and having watched Grease a ton of times, I already knew that the song "Grease Lightning" was suggestive. But nowhere in the movie, or during the song does Travolta intentionally grope himself nor is there "dirty/sexual moves or dancing." So, there we were, with our children watching what we thought would be a show suitable for them and the next thing I know, Rizzo shoots the bird at Sandy. But it wasn't a quick motion gesture, she deliberately holds her middle finger up there for several seconds. Recovering from that shock, then the T-birds do the same thing and then "Cha-Cha does it too! I'm sorry, but none of those gestures were necessary, nor was the dirty dancing. These elements didn't make the play more enjoyable by any means and we were extremely disappointed that RC allowed it. So no, the play wasn't completely like the movie.


You need to re-watch the movie. The character of Danny (played by Tavolta) as well as Knickie both intentionally grope themselves, more than once. How are we defining "dirty/sexual moves or dancing"? I see it throughout the film. A fair amount of pelvic thrusting going on not only in "Greased Lightning" but also in "Summer Nights" (specifically on the line "we made out, under the dock" sung by Danny). And at the school dance, students are eliminated from the dance-off due to "lewd" dance movies?


Specific facts aside, the message of the movie is quite lovely. Wanna get your man? Time to act like a big old ho! ;p


I have no issue with any of the above content, but it is in fact there.

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Bottom line is, if some Michael Jackson crotch groping, dirty dancing, and flipping the bird doesn't offend you like it does me, then this play is perfect for you. The singing and acting were good, I just don't feel all that other stuff was necessary and it certainly wasn't in the movie nor did it make the play any more enjoyable for having been inserted.


Ohhhhhhhhhh....... you were expecting a play.




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Ilovedecorating, don't let anyone make you feel bad for your honest review. Your kids = your opinion.


Now for all you who want to criticize me, I wouldn't have any problem with my own kids (who are now grown by the way) seeing it. I just think everyone has a right to their opinion and decisions for their children.


With that said, I am hoping that we will see the Grease production on Adventure in August!

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Grease is one of my favorite movies and I saw it in the theater with summer camp when I was 9. All the lewd stuff went straight over my head back then, but I loved the movie and have since seen it (and the musical/play) many times.


My kids are now 16 and 20. I remember being really shocked by how much they knew about a lot of things when they were in middle school! Unless the OP's daughter has been really sheltered, she would probably be unfazed by it.



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Some of you are too funny. We've gone from my opinion to Grease, the play, to parenting, to now video games which have nothing to do with the actual subject. The original question to this entire board basically was: "I've heard that Grease, the play was raunchy, what is your opinion?" Although the board was started over a year ago, the play is still showing, I saw it, and stated my opinion. Thank you for your comment "countrygurl." Have fun with the family!

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Some of you are too funny. We've gone from my opinion to Grease, the play, to parenting, to now video games which have nothing to do with the actual subject. The original question to this entire board basically was: "I've heard that Grease, the play was raunchy, what is your opinion?" Although the board was started over a year ago, the play is still showing, I saw it, and stated my opinion. Thank you for your comment "countrygurl." Have fun with the family!

Here’s the problem. What one person thinks is raunchy and offensive might not even ruffle a feather for someone else. If kids are too immature to deal with something like this, it will go right over their heads. If older, you’re not giving them enough credit for being mature enough to realize it’s only a show. I think you are placing your prejudices on your kids but you are the parent so don’t allow them to see the show and next time stick with Disney.

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I'm old enough to have seen 'Grease' on Broadway in the late '70s during it's run at the Royale Theater.

Now THAT was raunchy......:cool:


How about “Hair” back then!! Now that is a musical that appropriate of a Royal ship! :eek: It didn’t offend us in the least when on Broadway.

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We recently sailed on HOTS and watched Grease on our first night. I have to confess that I was disappointed. Not because the production was bad or anything like that, it's just that times have changed and sensibilities have changed. And I didn't remember the movie bothering me like this show did. I didn't find anything particularly offensive, but my children are basically grown. It was more the message of the show bothered me and my husband a lot.


Danny does nothing to improve himself for Sandy. He plays the field. And she changes everything about herself to 'get her man'. I just didn't remember it being quite so blatant.


As for whether your daughter should watch it? Here's what I always did with anything that I was concerned about: I watched it with my kids and then we actively discussed it afterwards. Like bad language or bad gestures or smoking or any of the numerous things that could be an issue, we talked about it. Told our kids our values. We don't swear. We treat people with respect. We do not smoke. Etc. And we took the time to listen to what they thought (because you'd be surprised how much they miss or what they don't miss).


The bottom line is that only you know your kids and their maturity level. I would just say that if you do let your daughter see the show, definitely talk to her about the message the show sends. Just to reinforce that times have definitely changed from the 50s.


That's my more than two cents! Enjoy your cruise!

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I have to admit I’ve seen Grease off Broadway twice and at least 20 times on TV and I had no idea the Lyrics to Greased Lightning we’re so raunchy until just now LOL.


Proof I just listen to the chorus and not very well I guess! :cool:

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I took my 14 and 15 yos to see a revival of Hair on Broadway. I casually said..btw they will run across the stage naked so don't be shocked


They shrugged.


Why did I take them?


Because I'm a true believer of raising kids with a sense of our history be it in plays...movies..documentaries...museums...travel...you name it we acknowledge it..


They know when flag day is as well as Bastille day



They know the dates and the details behind ...the moon landing...Woodstock..chappaquidick...Manson..


Hint: that was the summer of '69


We go to movies such as Churchill..Argo ...Dunkirk and The Post



They know about the Vietnam war...the Nixon resignation...and the only man to serve as president who actually was never elected. (Ford). They know the circumstances surrounding Lennon's murder and yup they even know what the 4 seasons.."oh what a night" is referring to


They know Carter was a peanut farmer and Reagan a former actor that knew his economics really really well. Lol




Good understanding of American history...absolutely



Oh and btw...knowing these things and seeing certain plays and analyzing certain lyrics..only made my kids more research oriented They like knowing about the world around them and the history behind it. Go figure.


Point I'm really making is that letting kids see and understand things is just a natural part of a good education


Grease for example could be used a a teaching tool...fast driving...teen promiscuity...bullying...smoking..drinking...are all subjects open to discussion from this play....not to mention using the play as a snapshot of life for those 1st baby boomers. Greasers Preppies are both portrayed. Just like in Animal House.





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Edited by maggie cruises
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I took my 14 and 15 yos to see a revival of Hair on Broadway. I casually said..btw they will run across the stage naked so don't be shocked


They shrugged.


Why did I take them?


Because I'm a true believer of raising kids with a sense of our history be it in plays...movies..documentaries...museums...travel...you name it we acknowledge it..


They know when flag day is as well as Bastille day



They know the dates and the details behind ...the moon landing...Woodstock..chappaquidick...Manson..


Hint: that was the summer of '69


We go to movies such as Churchill..Argo ...Dunkirk and The Post



They know about the Vietnam war...the Nixon resignation...and the only man to serve as president who actually was never elected. (Ford). They know the circumstances surrounding Lennon's murder and yup they even know what the 4 seasons.."oh what a night" is referring to


They know Carter was a peanut farmer and Reagan a former actor that knew his economics really really well. Lol




Good understanding of American history...absolutely



Oh and btw...knowing these things and seeing certain plays and analyzing certain lyrics..only made my kids more research oriented They like knowing about the world around them and the history behind it. Go figure.


Point I'm really making is that letting kids see and understand things is just a natural part of a good education


Grease for example could be used a a teaching tool...fast driving...teen promiscuity...bullying...smoking..drinking...are all subjects open to discussion from this play....not to mention using the play as a snapshot of life for those 1st baby boomers. Greasers Preppies are both portrayed. Just like in Animal House.


You have taken a wonderful approach to raising children. Were they homeschooled?

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Here’s the problem. What one person thinks is raunchy and offensive might not even ruffle a feather for someone else. If kids are too immature to deal with something like this, it will go right over their heads. If older, you’re not giving them enough credit for being mature enough to realize it’s only a show. I think you are placing your prejudices on your kids but you are the parent so don’t allow them to see the show and next time stick with Disney.



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I took my 14 and 15 yos to see a revival of Hair on Broadway. I casually said..btw they will run across the stage naked so don't be shocked


They shrugged.


Why did I take them?


Because I'm a true believer of raising kids with a sense of our history be it in plays...movies..documentaries...museums...travel...you name it we acknowledge it..


They know when flag day is as well as Bastille day



They know the dates and the details behind ...the moon landing...Woodstock..chappaquidick...Manson..


Hint: that was the summer of '69


We go to movies such as Churchill..Argo ...Dunkirk and The Post



They know about the Vietnam war...the Nixon resignation...and the only man to serve as president who actually was never elected. (Ford). They know the circumstances surrounding Lennon's murder and yup they even know what the 4 seasons.."oh what a night" is referring to


They know Carter was a peanut farmer and Reagan a former actor that knew his economics really really well. Lol




Good understanding of American history...absolutely



Oh and btw...knowing these things and seeing certain plays and analyzing certain lyrics..only made my kids more research oriented They like knowing about the world around them and the history behind it. Go figure.


Point I'm really making is that letting kids see and understand things is just a natural part of a good education


Grease for example could be used a a teaching tool...fast driving...teen promiscuity...bullying...smoking..drinking...are all subjects open to discussion from this play....not to mention using the play as a snapshot of life for those 1st baby boomers. Greasers Preppies are both portrayed. Just like in Animal House.





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Well said! I very much agree with raising children this way, and have done the same with mine. Allowing children to experience the real world and being available to discuss their experiences, leads to well rounded adults who are able to cope life. The values you teach your children will remain no matter what they see.

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You have taken a wonderful approach to raising children. Were they homeschooled?




No not for the academic subjects. We had a great school with great kids and that's where they needed to be 8 am to 3 pm. I did however whenever possible have them in an afternoon activity. Swimming tennis basketball art ice skating. There were seasons when we have 4 or 5 extra curricular going on. It was fun not exhausting like some would think lol


I always had them in pre school classes from age 18 months as our town has an incredible program


Always went to library story times after nursery school/ pre k


As they grew I always found great and sometimes unusual camps...colonial American history camp...nature ecology camps and the like...I even found a camp focusing on the history of ancient Egypt one year. I always had them at our small inexpensive private pool club every afternoon after camp so they could swim and we could enjoy fun times in the summer


My 23 yo RN dd just said yesterday that we should go back to the planetarium soon. This is how they think my kids. Lol


When they were ages 3 to 13 we started the really big traveling and when the baby was 7 we ventured to the Med. I've lost count of how many times we've been to Europe...as a family..as individuals...with their friends ....or study abroad. My 22 yo grad student announced recently she obtained a scholarship to study abroad this summer. She has seen the Roman Empire from Istanbul to Hadians Wall and did a study abroad program at Auschwitz (we are not Jewish and she attended a catholic college btw)


They are ages 17 to 27 now and have all done incredible academically as well as in the workforce. The 17 yo is an in demand tutor to boot.


We are not rich people but have been blessed the kids got scholarships etc and the 3 older kids now of course pay their own way with travel and expect to do so. They don't expect us to cover them anymore.


We are actually a normal family lol but if you were sitting next to us at a beach you might not think so as our conversations run the gamut of laughing about when we misplaced Dad at Disney to the time they shut the lights on the tour groups just for fun in the Underground Cistern in Istanbul to how much we love becoming "crusty Cape Codders" in the summer


I know I've gone on a tangent with this post but it feel it's just so important to NOT get crazy when raising kids and to just let them experience stuff. No I do not let them run wild nor are we liberal parents. On the contrary we are quite middle of the road. Not partiers or zealots or overbearing do gooders or neorotic complainers or insecure humans lol....just love travel and learning and raising kids.


No fancy cars in our driveway...just plane tickets in our pockets. Lol


Off to the southern Carib next April...lots of celebrations going on...milestone bday and anniversary..graduations. Etc


We will beach and snorkel mostly but you know we will be visiting the forts in San Juan and visiting the memorial sky bridge dedicated to Carl Wallenda (I actually was present when he fell to his death in 1978 as I was on spring break and staying at that hotel) before we embark.



Disclaimer: I was/am able to do the stuff I do primarily because my dh had a very secure job. Not exceptionally well paid but good enough. That coupled with my savings did it. I also left a career I LOVED because I refused to miss out on the joy and responsibility of raising my kids full time. I was in academia. Surprised? Lol Oh and I never took them out of school to travel because they wouldn't hear of it. They love school. Again go figure.



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No not for the academic subjects. We had a great school with great kids and that's where they needed to be 8 am to 3 pm. I did however whenever possible have them in an afternoon activity. Swimming tennis basketball art ice skating. There were seasons when we have 4 or 5 extra curricular going on. It was fun not exhausting like some would think lol


I always had them in pre school classes from age 18 months as our town has an incredible program


Always went to library story times after nursery school/ pre k


As they grew I always found great and sometimes unusual camps...colonial American history camp...nature ecology camps and the like...I even found a camp focusing on the history of ancient Egypt one year. I always had them at our small inexpensive private pool club every afternoon after camp so they could swim and we could enjoy fun times in the summer


My 23 yo RN dd just said yesterday that we should go back to the planetarium soon. This is how they think my kids. Lol


When they were ages 3 to 13 we started the really big traveling and when the baby was 7 we ventured to the Med. I've lost count of how many times we've been to Europe...as a family..as individuals...with their friends ....or study abroad. My 22 yo grad student announced recently she obtained a scholarship to study abroad this summer. She has seen the Roman Empire from Istanbul to Hadians Wall and did a study abroad program at Auschwitz (we are not Jewish and she attended a catholic college btw)


They are ages 17 to 27 now and have all done incredible academically as well as in the workforce. The 17 yo is an in demand tutor to boot.


We are not rich people but have been blessed the kids got scholarships etc and the 3 older kids now of course pay their own way with travel and expect to do so. They don't expect us to cover them anymore.


We are actually a normal family lol but if you were sitting next to us at a beach you might not think so as our conversations run the gamut of laughing about when we misplaced Dad at Disney to the time they shut the lights on the tour groups just for fun in the Underground Cistern in Istanbul to how much we love becoming "crusty Cape Codders" in the summer


I know I've gone on a tangent with this post but it feel it's just so important to NOT get crazy when raising kids and to just let them experience stuff. No I do not let them run wild nor are we liberal parents. On the contrary we are quite middle of the road. Not partiers or zealots or overbearing do gooders or neorotic complainers or insecure humans lol....just love travel and learning and raising kids.


No fancy cars in our driveway...just plane tickets in our pockets. Lol


Off to the southern Carib next April...lots of celebrations going on...milestone bday and anniversary..graduations. Etc


We will beach and snorkel mostly but you know we will be visiting the forts in San Juan and visiting the memorial sky bridge dedicated to Carl Wallenda (I actually was present when he fell to his death in 1978 as I was on spring break and staying at that hotel) before we embark.



Disclaimer: I was/am able to do the stuff I do primarily because my dh had a very secure job. Not exceptionally well paid but good enough. That coupled with my savings did it. I also left a career I LOVED because I refused to miss out on the joy and responsibility of raising my kids full time. I was in academia. Surprised? Lol Oh and I never took them out of school to travel because they wouldn't hear of it. They love school. Again go figure.



I loved reading your, two in-depth (a good thing) posts. We are now in the “grandparent stage” and are fortunate that our young grandkids are surrounded by a neighborhood of parents similar to you. They are fortunate to live in an area that offers a great number of “opportunities” to learn as well as attend amazing schools. The kids and their parents are booked to be with us on their first cruise.


Kudos to you.

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I loved reading your, two in-depth (a good thing) posts. We are now in the “grandparent stage” and are fortunate that our young grandkids are surrounded by a neighborhood of parents similar to you. They are fortunate to live in an area that offers a great number of “opportunities” to learn as well as attend amazing schools. The kids and their parents are booked to be with us on their first cruise.




Kudos to you.



Thank you for the kind words


I still try to get us all together as much as possible. Not easy these days though.


And just for the record...I was never afraid to tell my kids when they were out of theirs minds or doing stupid things and I was never afraid to set my kids apart at times via non mainstream stuff


Unfortunately I've met too many parents that are overly concerned about how they phrase their words to the kids...too concerned about hurting the kids feelings...stuff like that...


There are also way too many parents that jump to take the kids to school psychologists et al


My pediatrician is fed up with it too...he is only 62 but he is astonished at the differences between a 60 yo parent of a 17yo and a 35yo parent of a 5yo. Too many parents these days are overly concerned with making sure their kids are doing exactly what the other kids are doing and are afraid to set their kids apart. Afraid to speak sternly...albeit sometimes harshly to their kids..for fear of scaring them for life. Big mistake imho. It's a parents job to say NO. It's a parents job to know to say YES. It's a parents job to make sure they raise kids that can take praise humbly and criticism constructively. A constantly pouting kid turns into a nasty and depressed teen into an insecure young adult ...into an unemployable adult sleeping on their parents couch. Lol. Yes I know that's extreme but I'm just using it as a severe example and I know it's not always like that. However I have firsthand experience regarding a mom who let her supposedly brilliant son drop out of college to follow his heart. I don't know what he is up to now but I do know that for 5 straight years he holed up in his room to do whatever it was he wanted to do to become famous lol and didn't earn a dime. Didn't become famous either. Any parent that allows a 20 yo to not earn $$ or to not go to college and hole up in a room should be ashamed. Zero social skills for this kid too as far as I could tell


Oh well preaching over. Thanks again for being "like minded" lol





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  • 2 years later...

2 things to remember about this subject:

1) The stage version IS different than the movie version...the stage version actually came first, and there are some things that are contractually not allowed to be changed to make it more like the movie (this is true on most musicals).

2) Similar to the above...Royal Caribbean does not have "editing power" over these shows. They pay for the rights and are required to operate within the boundaries set by the original producers. (This also is true for pretty much any show...it's in order to maintain the original creators' vision of what the show is). In other words, if Royal says they want to remove all cursing...the rights holders are allowed to (and will) say that Royal is not allowed to perform the show in that case.


Here are the specific "adult" things that I can remember from when I was involved:


-There are several middle fingers in the production.

-One or two innuendos (ex: "I gave her my twinkie and filled her with cream")


***The blatant bad language is more or less contained to "Greased Lightning":

"You know that I ain't braggin; she's a real pussy wagon"

"You know that ain't no **** (rhymes with spit), we'll be getting lots of tit for greased lightning"



So there ya go! That should give the exact information needed on this topic. You can decide from that whether it's PG-13 or R 🙂

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