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Visitors from non-YC area to YC


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You have paid for yourself and your son to sail in the YC, not your son's friends. It isn't your home; it's not the venue to "play host" (your words) for the rest of the ship. This ruins the integrity of the YC. I already answered the visitor to the room dilemma. You seem irritated by the answers on this thread, but YOU started the thread and YOU asked people's opinions and the regulations for guests in the YC. People responding in ways with which you disagree have stayed in the YC and appreciate it's integrity. Have a marvelous cruise. :cool:


You misunderstood me. I am not irritated by the answers. In fact, I found them very helpful. I am irritated with you specifically. You and I are definitely not on the same wavelength. You are the only person who comes across as aggressive and hostile about it. Well, to each their own. YOU have a marvelous cruise, as well! :cool:

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Aggressive and hostile? You’ve lived a sheltered life if you think I’m either of those things. I’ve just been honest about the situation as a past YC cruiser. You are correct; we won’t see eye-to-eye on the topic of gaming the system. I’m starting to question our cruise line choice. Evidently, things are changing.

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There seems to be a lot of unnecessary calling out in this thread. I am going to stick up for CruiseKitty here a bit and say they are certainly not being snobbish. The question was asked and CruiseKitty answered as per MSC guidelines, they quite rightly, IMHO, would feel aggrieved after paying so much money to have others who have not paid for that get the same. I personally have no problem with people entertaining in their room and giving them whatever they want from it but as much as I can see why people would love to invite others into YC (other than rooms) where would it stop. As an example, Most kids will make friends on the ship so if all the YC kids invite their friends in this I’m sure would negate part of the reason to stay there in the first place, more space and a bit quieter than the more crowded areas elsewhere. It’s certainly one of the reasons I upgraded to YC after reading initial reviews. I certainly don’t think that’s snobbish more getting what you paid for which on other threads seems to be one of the biggest gripes.

Hey ho that’s my thoughts, be nice people, we are all going on a wonderful journey, what will be will be, good or bad. Wow would the world be a boring place if we all had the same opinions, ask questions, querie answers but above all play nice. We’ve all paid a lot of money wherever we are staying, be thankful we can !


Thank you. You said this better than I did. I apologize if I came across the wrong way to anyone; that was not my intent.

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To me it is kinda like going to a buffet and a friend comes and sits at your table. There is not an issue sitting at the table but when someone gets up and goes thru the buffet line and then goes back to the table and shares the food with the non-paying friend. It just doesn’t seem right.

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just to put my 2 cents worth in - - -


I personally have not noticed any Non YC guests joining their friends in the YC venues such as Top Sail and One Pool - if i had, i would have called the Heat Butler (cruised with Luigi many times) and asked about this situation


Now it is too late, and just to upset the people on this forum is crazy - if you did not deal with the situation at the time, then somethings are just meant not to be said, however if you did notice it - reported it - then by all means we would love to hear the outcome....


As for having guests in your suite / cabin - take it from experience, THIS IS NOT AN ISSUE - i even walked by the concierge with my guests and advised them i am taking them to our suite - i am sorry if some people don't like this, but really, what space of yours are they invading if they are in MY cabin -


Everyone needs to take it down a notch - this is just supposed to be a friendly - get knowledge - boards. My goodness, we are all going on a fantastic cruise - for many, worked hard to be able to afford to go - - and want to relax the week - i think everyone needs a vacation NOW!!!! - because their stress levels are over the roof....



Edited by marcoigna
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I would be really annoyed if non-YC members were let in to the YC. I have paid for a particular product and this dilutes that.


This would be the same as someone in Business Class on an airline inviting all their friends from Economy into Business Class. This would also matter to me as I have paid extra and why should someone who has not paid be allowed to use it for free?

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just to put my 2 cents worth in - - -


I personally have not noticed any Non YC guests joining their friends in the YC venues such as Top Sail and One Pool - if i had, i would have called the Heat Butler (cruised with Luigi many times) and asked about this situation


Now it is too late, and just to upset the people on this forum is crazy - if you did not deal with the situation at the time, then somethings are just meant not to be said, however if you did notice it - reported it - then by all means we would love to hear the outcome....


As for having guests in your suite / cabin - take it from experience, THIS IS NOT AN ISSUE - i even walked by the concierge with my guests and advised them i am taking them to our suite - i am sorry if some people don't like this, but really, what space of yours are they invading if they are in MY cabin -


Everyone needs to take it down a notch - this is just supposed to be a friendly - get knowledge - boards. My goodness, we are all going on a fantastic cruise - for many, worked hard to be able to afford to go - - and want to relax the week - i think everyone needs a vacation NOW!!!! - because their stress levels are over the roof....




Agreed! Well put! We'll even offer to let you come to our YC room on 3 March, but it would be huge step down from your suite!


I think the poor horse is well dead after the beatings! The important thing is mutual respect for others. As long as you don't unnecessarily interfere with out experience in the public areas, what happens in your suite stays in your suite. What we don't know won't hurt us.

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I have to assume that we will not have the same problem on the Seaside when we're in the YC for the first time in a few weeks. If we do, I will give new meaning to the phrase "ugly American". I'm not investing in a slice of the good life for the first time and having the place inundated by those that have not paid for the exclusivity of the Yacht Club. Family members being let in illegally from card carrying members of the "me generation" would not sit well with me at all.

"Ugly American"? Is the YC only for Americans?

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There seems to be a lot of unnecessary calling out in this thread. I am going to stick up for CruiseKitty here a bit and say they are certainly not being snobbish. The question was asked and CruiseKitty answered as per MSC guidelines, they quite rightly, IMHO, would feel aggrieved after paying so much money to have others who have not paid for that get the same. I personally have no problem with people entertaining in their room and giving them whatever they want from it but as much as I can see why people would love to invite others into YC (other than rooms) where would it stop. As an example, Most kids will make friends on the ship so if all the YC kids invite their friends in this I’m sure would negate part of the reason to stay there in the first place, more space and a bit quieter than the more crowded areas elsewhere. It’s certainly one of the reasons I upgraded to YC after reading initial reviews. I certainly don’t think that’s snobbish more getting what you paid for which on other threads seems to be one of the biggest gripes.

Hey ho that’s my thoughts, be nice people, we are all going on a wonderful journey, what will be will be, good or bad. Wow would the world be a boring place if we all had the same opinions, ask questions, querie answers but above all play nice. We’ve all paid a lot of money wherever we are staying, be thankful we can !

A very reasonable response! Thanks!

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just to put my 2 cents worth in - - -


Now it is too late, and just to upset the people on this forum is crazy - if you did not deal with the situation at the time, then somethings are just meant not to be said, however if you did notice it - reported it - then by all means we would love to hear the outcome...."


Excuse me. This whole thread has been about things that people observed and saw. I said we had seen something happen, I wasn't making a point or statement about how it turned out or what steps we took.


And, since you seem to have taken umbrage with me saying that we had witnessed something, and then not done anything about it, I will also state again that we normally would have asked someone about it, but in this instance we had our own personal circumstances that made us decide not to. That doesn't change the fact of what we witnessed.


If anyone out there got upset by what I mentioned seeing, that was never my intention. I was merely joining in the conversation about whether people had witnessed something happening, or not.

Edited by Robkat
corrected spelling
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There's so much talk about being IN THE CABIN and ONLY in the cabin, here's my question:


With a big beautiful, exciting ship to explore and be in, why would a teenage boy want to host his friend in the cabin? Being teenage boys, wouldn't they get antsy in there after about ten minutes!





Two words: video games





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This kind of makes me laugh and seems kind of snobbish. Do you plan on carding everyone in the yc area to make sure they paid for yc and meet your approval? As for me I'll stay in steerage so as not to offend any of you elite. Sorry but that really is the way this is coming across.


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Toxic, I just across this post. i have to tell you that the time we cruised YC level, the first couple of days in the YC areas, my wife and I were challenged by the staff. I guess they were trying to gauge if we were actual YC level. After a couple of days, the staff seemed to relax and they seemed to recognize us on sight. Have to tell you, we enjoyed the YC private areas, specially the pool area. Sometimes we were the only ones in the pool. That was awesome.

But I also must say, that we will not be returning to YC.

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Excuse me. This whole thread has been about things that people observed and saw. I said we had seen something happen, I wasn't making a point or statement about how it turned out or what steps we took.



Actually the thread was not started as to what "people observed and saw", it was "what is the Policy" - that was it...


also, all i was saying is - why is thread (not you personally) upset people by giving the impression that Non YC guests are running all over the YC section, when no one knows their circumstances on why they were there in the first place - as no one asked why?


No one has written they noticed Non YC guests eating/drinking in the YC venues, just that they saw someone there -


I try to say this correctly - (but people read things differently that what was meant) I think it is many peoples nature to show other people what they have - so for the YC, guests are showing their "friends", what the YC has to offer - do I agree hmmmm... (if they were eating / drinking and lounging on the chairs, then yes i would not be happy) - but if they were simply giving them a tour - it wouldnt bother me so much....

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Actually the thread was not started as to what "people observed and saw", it was "what is the Policy" - that was it...


also, all i was saying is - why is thread (not you personally) upset people by giving the impression that Non YC guests are running all over the YC section, when no one knows their circumstances on why they were there in the first place - as no one asked why?


No one has written they noticed Non YC guests eating/drinking in the YC venues, just that they saw someone there -


I try to say this correctly - (but people read things differently that what was meant) I think it is many peoples nature to show other people what they have - so for the YC, guests are showing their "friends", what the YC has to offer - do I agree hmmmm... (if they were eating / drinking and lounging on the chairs, then yes i would not be happy) - but if they were simply giving them a tour - it wouldnt bother me so much....


I thought I had written that the non YC guests were eating at the One Pool buffet, after joining their family, but after re-reading my post, maybe that wasn't clear.


I also made sure to mention, in my 2nd response to some specific questions asked, that we weren't affected in the lie-out area, that there were always plenty of loungers. I wanted to make sure that I didn't say that non YC people were running all over the place. But, my point was that they were there, and using the YC amenities.


I also agree with your statement, and even wrote it in my 2nd reply, that it is human nature to want to show friends and perhaps other family, this "special" area you're in.

But, I said it earlier, and I'll say again, in our opinion, that's just not right or appropriate. I know and realize that some people just don't care, but a lot of people do care, and it's not appropriate for non YC guests to be brought in, especially to use amenities. Mostly to be respectful of the people who actually did pay to be in YC, but (to get back to the policy), it's not permitted.


And now, I'm going to go back to thinking happy thoughts about our next cruise.

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I think most people do care.


Those that don't aren't in the YC.


Maybe on the Seaside the staff will be able to monitor the situation (if it occurs). If the YC bracelets are different in color that might be one way.


Some people do like to "show off" their accommodations in the Yacht Club.

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but a lot of people do care, and it's not appropriate for non YC guests to be brought in, especially to use amenities. Mostly to be respectful of the people who actually did pay to be in YC, but (to get back to the policy), it's not permitted.


And now, I'm going to go back to thinking happy thoughts about our next cruise.


Agreed - lets toast to that!!!!! :D:D:D

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Actually the thread was not started as to what "people observed and saw", it was "what is the Policy" - that was it...


Thank you....!


That's really all I wanted to know.

However, in my ignorance, I caused quite a stir lol. I didn't mean to ask other passengers' or cruise critic members' permission. But I do appreciate the input because I read some interesting points of view that I hadn't considered before. I suppose, I should have just asked MSC and be done with it.



Not trying to take anything away from anyone; not trying to invade people's privacy; not trying to overcrowd the place or give away for free what others (and I, as well) had to pay for.


On a side note, my son won't play video games in the cabin, neither alone nor with his friend. They would hang out on the verandah for about 30 minutes, talk about stuff, and then leave to go have fun among the masses.


I appreciate everybody's feedback! Thank you!

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Toxic, I just across this post. i have to tell you that the time we cruised YC level, the first couple of days in the YC areas, my wife and I were challenged by the staff. I guess they were trying to gauge if we were actual YC level. After a couple of days, the staff seemed to relax and they seemed to recognize us on sight. Have to tell you, we enjoyed the YC private areas, specially the pool area. Sometimes we were the only ones in the pool. That was awesome.

But I also must say, that we will not be returning to YC.


Will you not be returning to YC because of the challenging or for other reasons? I’d hate to think the staff are challenging people in such a way that it turns people off from the whole experience. That may not be what you were suggesting, but I just wanted to clarify.

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I would assume "challenging" to mean wanting to see your wrist band or sea pass card on entrance. I would have no problem with that till they get to recognize you.


On RCI, you use your sea pass card to enter the Diamond Club area, same with the Suite Lounge or Concierge Lounge.

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Will you not be returning to YC because of the challenging or for other reasons? I’d hate to think the staff are challenging people in such a way that it turns people off from the whole experience. That may not be what you were suggesting, but I just wanted to clarify.


For other reasons.



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