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Carnival loses luggage and doesn't care!

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Losing luggage is miserable. After spending almost a week in Germany years ago hoping the airlines would find my luggage, I learned the value of travelling only with what I can carry on. I can get through a 7-day cruise with just a rolling carry-on and backpack. I don't pack for formal nights anymore, but back when I did I could fit those outfits and heels in, too.


If we travel for longer than a week, we pack everything we can in our carry-ons and then cross pack the rest.


A cruise line providing t-shirts, opening the shops early, and offering a future cruise discount is far beyond what I got from that airline - which was nothing. Lesson learned.

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....do we know that happened?


Not ONE of those four women ever looked at the tag on the bag to see who it belonged to? It could very well have belonged to the room next door, having four to a room does have many bags delivered, so when taken in, the "odd" next door one could have accidentally been taken in with the rest.

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Lost luggage is a big deal! And Carnival needs to own that. Very sorry that was your cruise experience. Thanks for sharing.



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We don’t know it was lost though. Maybe it was left in the proper spot but the next door neighbor brought it in their cabin. Is that carnival’s fault?

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Not ONE of those four women ever looked at the tag on the bag to see who it belonged to? It could very well have belonged to the room next door, having four to a room does have many bags delivered, so when taken in, the "odd" next door one could have accidentally been taken in with the rest.

I agree, there are many potential answers, none of which we know.

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Maybe not. A cabin or 4 singles next door accidentally grabs the bag in day 1. Pulls it into a crowded room with may other bags. Four people, each knowing it is not their bag, but thinking it is probably one of the other three’s. It gets shoved over i the corner (sure, space is at a premium and it’s probably still in the way, but work with me here). Only in the night before debarkation does anyone notice they have an extra bag. Then, they sheepishly put the bag back out in to the hall (after making sure no one sees them). They know where it belongs, because it has he cabin number on the tag. The bag is then found by OP.


All it takes is four people who don’t listen to the announcements to “check your bags”.


Granted, this is a stretch. A big stretch. But perhaps possible. After all, the bag was SOMEWHERE.


I don't think it's that big of a stretch at all. You see posts all the time where people say "We're never in our cabin except to sleep and shower". Combine that with a group of three or four people with multiple pieces of luggage and it's easy to see how it could happen.

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Again, am I missing it....any IDENTIFYING personal luggage tags, Princess tags with cabin number....most people put colorful ties, tape or designs to personalize their luggage, this bag had NOTHING?, BUT wait, it showed up at the proper door on the last day, hmmmmm. This makes me want to enhance my personalization on my luggage for next time, so there's no mistake who it belongs to.

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I am always afraid of the airline or cruise line losing luggage. (actually one year we got in FLL leaving for a cruise from Miami the next day. We had 5 pieces of luggage for the 4 of us. Only 2 showed up. Other luggage was in Chicago. The luggage did show up in FLL the next morning - we were not confident that it would be brought to the ship so we took a $200 taxi ride back to FLL and got our luggage)




But, because of that incident - I now split up the clothes and pack some of everyone's clothes in all the different suitcases. My family thinks I am nuts but I am not going to be anywhere without some clothes to wear.




I do the same whenever we check luggage. No, you aren't crazy! I literally have it sorted into "things I need" and "things I want but could live without"



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A few cruises ago, we had three suitcases delivered to our room. They had luggage tags from another ship and our room number handwritten on the tag. I assume the porter put the tag on and were given or written the room number wrong. I had to take them to the elevators and give them to the staff.

About 10pm that night we got a flyer in the room with a picture of the bags so I guess they had to wait a while.

I don't think I would blame Carnival. They did their best to find the owners.


Mistakes do happen.

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Sailed on the Carnival Conquest March 31st 2018 Case# LFLI-SB-CQ-04012018-1


So I have held off a month on writing this review to give Carnival a fair chance in retaining a customer and actually making an attempt at customer service. First trip with Carnival and the crew loses my wife's luggage. My wife has the clothes on her back and that's it. We approached the customer service desk and advise of our situation. "We had waited six hours before we went down." The individuals at the desk gave us there best step-ford wife's smile and told us to be patient, they were still delivering luggage. Went back down at 10pm, advise of the same thing, no change. I ask the young man "Tulan" what was my wife to do being that our first stop is in the morning? Tulan stated they could open the ship store for us at 4:30 pm to obtain some additional clothing. I advise Tulan that the ship is supposed to leave port at 3:30pm how would that help? Thankfully an unknown kind stranger who was in the lobby heard what was going on and the sobbing of my wife and she gave her a swimsuit, yes a complete stranger helped my wife, not Carnival.


We finally were able to get someone in management who started to try to help. She offered us a credit to start buying clothes onshore. First stop private island, no stores. Second stop, all stores closed due to Easter. Third stop, which was our 5th day we made it to Curacao. So instead of enjoying the island my wife spent her time trying to find underwear and a bra being that she was now wearing the same underwear for 5 days? So the day was spent searching for ill fitting clothes to just finish the trip out. No fine dining for us. No going out to the clubs.


So on the final night of our trip as everyone is putting their luggage out to be picked up to go onshore what pops up at our door at 10pm. Yep, my wife's luggage. Our porter had no idea where it came from. Security stated they had no idea where it was and customer no help could tell us nothing either. So yes my wife's luggage was on the ship the entire time. So the ship offered us a 20% discount to come back, yep 20%. We told them that was insulting at best. We sent an email to customer service, we received no reply. We called them one week later and the young lady while nice said there was nothing else they could do. To quote her "Carnival moves a lot of people, and luggage gets lost, it's a part of doing business." Yes, she really said that. She then went on to say its too bad the luggage showed up on the last day because she could have done more for us. Insane.


So now we sent another letter to the Carnival CEO and that was over a week ago and still nothing. So this is our first and last trip with Carnival and now that they have decided they don't care about us, I'm now making it known what kind of business this is. Second honeymoon absolutely destroyed by an uncaring, thoughtless company with no sense of ownership. :mad:


That’s even a little dramatic for me, but I’ll be fair and ask you what it is you’d like Carnival to do at this point. What are you asking them for?

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....do we know that happened?
I agree, there are many potential answers, none of which we know.

Do we know if what happened? If you're referring to my first paragraph, I was talking about someone who posted that not too long ago. In that instance, we know what happened because the person who posted it told us. There were four of them in one cabin. They ended up with someone else's luggage from another cabin. Each of the four women thought the oddball bag belonged to someone else in the room, so no one questioned it. So the story goes. I just find it hard to accept a bag gets shuffled around the room unopened and no one questions it. If everyone's opening their luggage and there's one that is never opened, you can better believe I'm going to ask if it's someone else's.

Edited by Organized Chaos
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Do we know if what happened? If you're referring to my first paragraph, I was talking about someone who posted that not too long ago. In that instance, we know what happened because the person who posted it told us. There were four of them in one cabin. They ended up with someone else's luggage from another cabin. Each of the four women thought the oddball bag belonged to someone else in the room, so no one questioned it. So the story goes. I just find it hard to accept a bag gets shuffled around the room unopened and no one questions it. If everyone's opening their luggage and there's one that is never opened, you can better believe I'm going to ask if it's someone else's.




You would and I would as well. I don't have a dog in this fight. My point(s) were that I have read here where a bag was delivered to an incorrect location and the occupants thought it comical to keep the bag for the week... not a lot of blame on Carnival under that situation.



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We always carry a change of clothes (one bottom piece with 2 extra tops that match), a bathing suit and underwear in our carry ons (we each have a carry on), along with one carry on that has all the meds and toiletries we need. Can always grab extra large T-shirts to sleep in at the fun shops if needed.


But this is enough to get us through a couple of days at least if need be until we get to a port to purchase something else if the missing luggage were to be prolonged.

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To say Carnival "Don't Care" seems misleading. It sounds like they did care, and tried everything they can to get your luggage.


Someone had your bags and "didn't care" who's it was. Pretty simple. NOT Carnivals fault

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This is what I don't understand...your bag went missing...unless you can prove Carnival deliberately lost your bag, what claim do you have. For the thousands of bags they handle every week, I am sure others have gone missing as well, due to various circumstances. Did they do a search for it? Did YOU search for it...was your tag securely attached, so it didn't or couldn't fall off easily? The best answer to me was you said your bag "miraculously" appeared on the last day...IF it was found by any crew, it should have been presented to you by same not left. You didn't say whether it was in front of your door or in your cabin. That would be another clue. IF it was left in front of your door, then someone put it there, not crew, so someone had it in their cabin for the week until they realized out of guilt they should return it to you. Where Carnival would have no responsibility to you.

He says that he searched every hallway and stairway and the tags were still attached.

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So this is your first post here. Welcome. I'm sorry your wife had to deal with that but why in the hell would she wear the same underwear for 5 days???




Don’t the stores on the ship sell shorts, T shirts, swimsuits, etc? I don’t think I would have worn the same clothes for 5 days, and I bet she didn’t either.



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:loudcry: I agree, Who wouldn't notice that the luggage in their room wasn't theirs in the first five minutes let alone a week later? .... and someone said a joke maybe? I.Q.'s apparently dropped like a rock in the last week on CC.



One piece of our luggage didn't make it to the cabin on our very first cruise. Notices were sent out 2 different times asking passengers to check to see if the luggage was accidently delivered to the wrong cabin. This was a 7 day cruise & it was a hanging bag with all of our formal wear. On day 5 I get a call from Guest Services saying that they were just given a piece of luggage that may be ours (the tag was no longer on the case). I went down & sure enough it was our bag.


Here's how it went unnoticed even when flyers were sent out. It was in a cabin being shared by 4 young women. None of them paid attention to the notices about the missing piece & each though it belonged to one of the others. The cabin steward actually "found" it in their cabin & asked them to make sure it was one of theirs. Thank goodness the cabin steward was on the ball - I imagine he saw the luggage laying around somewhere & thought it looked like the missing piece.


Anyway, it does happen - probably more often when young adults are involved.

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I understand your anger, but truly feel it is misplaced. As others have noted, it was probably the error of another passenger. And second, always be prepared - either carry on your own luggage, or at least some minimal pieces to get by.


I am not sure what else you would have Carnival do, under this circumstance. At most, you would have to go without for a day until the shops opened the next evening where you could purchase a couple of t-shirts, a pair of shorts, another swimsuit and a dress. Underclothes can be washed and dried over night (think hairdryer, if necessary). And when you arrive in port, simply purchase more clothes.

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That’s even a little dramatic for me, but I’ll be fair and ask you what it is you’d like Carnival to do at this point. What are you asking them for?


At the end of the day I realize this is a massive company and in the grand scheme of things we are a small gnat to which they care nothing about. I would have like to seen a more genuine effort on their part to make the trip more successful. We had to fight for everything. Nothing was given. I had to go thru 4 people to get the ship store open. I had to insist on getting laundry tickets. I had to demand they send a note out to the cabins. I had to go up the chain to get money on our account so my wife could go purchase items. They offered nothing throughout the trip. 20% off was a joke. I mean hell 30 minutes after leaving the boat we get a generic text from Carnival telling us if we book another cruise within the next seven days we will get 20% off. This could have been handle so much better. Offer my wife spa treatments on the boat. Offer her an excursion. I guess now I would really like to see something on their part that says hey this could have been done better, here is what we are offering to entice you to come back.

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Sorry to throw gas on the fire, but "losing" your bag was NOT Carnivals fault. It was not laying in the bowels of the ship for a week in some back hallway or storage room. Some thoughtless person had it in their room, either by mistake or not noticing that it was taken there by mistake. I don't think Carnival owes you anything, and this incidence should be taken as traveling experience and how you should pack for your next trip. Don't put all your "eggs" in one basket as the saying goes. As for people saying about taking only a carry on....I do take a large and a roll carry on. We always fly to the port a day or two early, on the day of embarkation I always "switch" contents of my bags. I pack as much as I can into my roll carry on and personal item and only put non necessities in my larger bag, so IF something happens to my larger bag, I have everything I need in my roll on. Once in my cabin, I unpack, then when my larger bag arrives, I normally just shove it under the bed.


Other than finding out who had your bag and where it was for the week, searching every stateroom, you now have all your belongings back, your cruise is over, so is the issue.

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"All it takes is four people who don’t listen to the announcements to “check your bags”.


Granted, this is a stretch. A big stretch. But perhaps possible. After all, the bag was SOMEWHERE."

That is basically a lack of communication. On my first ever cruise (Dec 2017), a group of people who I went with (One of my exercise class participants) wanted to go so badly that they roomed with people they basically didn't know outside of class. Well, that went over well ...breeding grounds for non-communication and the storing of bags that didn't belong to them, although I know they didn't ..it just led to other issues.

I see people willing to share with strangers so the rate is lower, even with two extra folk they don't know.


I know it is frowned on but my one checked suitcase was 3lbs short of 50, the max. I don't think either the porters or passengers would want to run with that.:D



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OK, I will ask, just how much would you expect? 30%, 40%, free cruises for life?


50% off my next cruise is about the minimum that would appease me in this situation. Carnival has to do enough in this instance to show that they understand that this cruise was completely ruined for this couple and that we want you to return to see how nice a Carnival cruise can be. It is not about making a person happy, it is about making a customer return to spend again. I can get 20% myself just by booking the right time of the year.


Lately is appears though that return business is not a priority for Carnival, they have settled into the new cruisers market and appear to be happy there.

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A similar situation happened on my spring break cruise with NCL years ago. We had a group of about 30 and all had rooms on the same deck, one bag went missing. NCL gave the guy who had his bag missing any clothes he wanted from one of the shops on board, all week he wore cheesy cruise shirts and bathing suits, he didn't care what he looked like since it was a party cruise. Then on the last day his bag appeared. It was the same thing with the bag being in someone else's room, that first day everyone was drunk and one of our group members grabbed the bag and just threw it in the closet.

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50% off my next cruise is about the minimum that would appease me in this situation. Carnival has to do enough in this instance to show that they understand that this cruise was completely ruined for this couple and that we want you to return to see how nice a Carnival cruise can be. It is not about making a person happy, it is about making a customer return to spend again. I can get 20% myself just by booking the right time of the year.


Lately is appears though that return business is not a priority for Carnival, they have settled into the new cruisers market and appear to be happy there.


At what point does everything stop being the cruise line's fault? If every complaint was met with discounted future cruises, we're all paying for that.


I'm not paranoid about a lot on vacation, but luggage is one thing. I always get nervous about it at the airport, especially when I have connecting flights. What if it didn't make it? What if someone else grabs mine? I hate leaving mine with the porters. That again leaves it to chance where someone could grab it or it gets misplaced. I carry mine up. Also, to have another backup plan, I always pack a few extra clothes. A few simple steps can prevent a bunch of "woe is me" horror stories.

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Cruise ships and Airlines have one thing in common. They handle huge volumes of luggage, and they place luggage in open areas at some point in time during the handling process, either a hallway, or luggage claim. You have a level of trust, that people are honest, and careful. But too many times, luggage is taken by the wrong person, and they just don't have the decency to do the right thing or they are just plain careless.


Older guy takes my luggage off the belt. I say, hey that's mine, and he says I thought it was mine, I'm sorry. It had two tags, and yellow tape on handle. Really your didn't look?


Walk down a cruise ship hallway, and I say, look, that looks like mine. Yes it was. Completely on wrong hallway.



The one thing in common, is that if it gets lost, most likely it's not their fault, someone took it.


My luggage on an airline once was delayed. Some would say it was lost, but the tracking number clearly stated it was not where it should be. Yes, I got it a day late, but I still check my luggage.


In this case, I would bet it was mostly a passengers fault. Carnival may have put it in the wrong hallway, but ultimately, a passenger most likely spent a week, without noticing it. It's the sad state of society today.


Carnival compensated you for the inconvenience.

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