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Me, #theboy, and the unwanted guest on Allure

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Do you have a cat? Cat owners mostly prefer under for obvious reasons (obvious to us anyway :')).



Exactly. On Royal Caribbean they always go over so you can see the folded the corners of the leading edge.

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If its over and someone leaves the bathroom door open that is an invitation to the cats to unroll the entire thing lmao




That’s what I’ve heard! Not so much with our cats, one of them just lays around all day and would be too lazy to try! The other one could care less, her mischief involves constantly climbing up on the counter! (And occasionally annoying her sister, but nowhere near as much as her late brother annoyed our older one!)



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I agree with you about the OP referring to her son as #the boy in a loving way and this review is very interesting and entertaining. However, I’m one of those wives who would feel disrespected and hurt if my wonderful, loving DH of more than 40 years ever called me “the wife.” and I would never call him or refer to him as “the husband.” Nails on a chalkboard: yes, demeaning? YES!




Happy cruising everyone!!




Would you accept “hashtag” the wife?



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Your review has been fantastic...I am enjoying it more than most because of your writing style.


It is odd how a little thing can be like fingernails on a chalkboard . Your calling your son #theboy has been irritating me yet causing me to smile at the same time. For 8 pages I have tried to figure out why it bothers me and I finally came to me. I used to have a friend who always referred to his wife as “the wife” and never referred to her by her name. When he said “my wife” we believed he was being disrespectful. HOWEVER, when you call Nicholas #theboy it sounds endearing and cute because for 8 pages your love for him and the joy of your relationship has shined brightly and nicely enhanced your story. #theboy is so very fortunate to have such a wonderful mom.


Thank you for taking your time to include personal details in your review. They added to the pleasure of reading these pages.


Thank you so much. What joy your comments have brought me. I appreciate so much that you can feel my love for him. It is beyond anything I ever expected before becoming a mother. (And to be truthful, I felt like using his "real" name on the internet made me a bad mom, which is why I made up the hashtag name. Don't want anyone stealing his identity and making me wish I'd purchased Life Lock!)


I see you are in Virginia Beach... one of my favorite places! One summer perhaps 6 or 7 years ago we rented a condo in Sandbridge for a week. Nicholas was SO sick that whole week, and I spent so much time indoors with him (as did my husband). I was kicking myself for having gone cheap that week and renting a condo with a courtyard view. The ocean was SO close, but I couldn't see it when I was indoors with my sick boy. This past week on Allure when he was sick and in bed, I was thinking about that week in Sandbridge and SO thankful that I'd spent a few extra dollars on a balcony and that we weren't stuck in an inside cabin. (Not that there's anything wrong with an inside cabin, Hucifer. No disrespect meant!)

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Well I will disagree on this one, we have a lot of cats, as we do cat rescue. Ours is always over - never under.


On a side note I can't wait until October and getting to experience the Allure for ourselves. Will be our first time on one of these gigantic ships.


I LOVE this post! It is all about toilet paper, of which I have plenty in my home, and cats. Have two of them. It is the SIDE note that mentions the Allure. :') We have our priorities straight in this thread. Toilet paper, cats, and the Allure. In that order.

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Another 3 pages and still no Day 6 and the unwanted guest. The suspense is killing me!!!



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Sorry. I had work to do! I'd love to mention what I do for a living but fear getting sent to the CC Pokey. But as you can see I'm back now. The unwanted to guest will arrive soon. And I fear you'll be underwhelmed or disappointed.


Maybe I should pull a Hucifer here and leave the boards for a few weeks to drum up anticipation.

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Exactly. On Royal Caribbean they always go over so you can see the folded the corners of the leading edge.


This is not something that was planned to go into my review, but I now feel the need to mention that my cabin steward, maybe half the time, didn't put my TP on the spinner at all. It was just sitting there on the little shelf, which was A-OK with me! It was a pain to get it from down so low, under that silver cover thing-a-ma-jig.


That, and he probably figured out we kept taking it off because #theboy had recurring nose bleeds. Which, sadly, is very normal for him. Much to the dismay of the waiters at Johnny Rockets. They kept insisting he go to medical.


Oh... medical. Did someone mention going to medical...?

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Oh... medical. Did someone mention going to medical...?


I absolutely can’t believe they allowed you two to walk around the ship, with all your problems! LOL


I’m surprised you two weren’t quarantined in your cabin!!

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I absolutely can’t believe they allowed you two to walk around the ship, with all your problems! LOL


I’m surprised you two weren’t quarantined in your cabin!!


I get what you're saying, and it reminded me of another tidbit I haven't shared. And you might wish I hadn't! When Nicholas was in bed with a fever, I mentioned that I sat out on the balcony much of that day just reading. At one point I heard someone a few balconies away tossing his cookies. Upon making the decision that the sound of that was totally harshing my mellow, I went inside. I was wondering, "Is Nicholas going to get worse? Is this the flu? Is Noro wandering the Allure?" Alas... thankfully none of that was the case. It absolutely CBW!

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Another 3 pages and still no Day 6 and the unwanted guest. The suspense is killing me!!!


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Now on page 10 and the lizard still haven't appeared. (If that's all it is) Time for me to move on.

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Love this! If only cats and old buildings could talk, the stories they would tell!


At first we thought maybe he got locked in someone’s garage & they went away for an extended period. But in three months, he would have starved to death. So we think he climbed into someone’s rv and got taken a long way away and it took that long to find home (makes me sad to think about that)

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Now on page 10 and the lizard still haven't appeared. (If that's all it is) Time for me to move on.


Lizard? I guess it is a good thing you've moved on because if you were waiting for a story about a lizard I'm afraid I cannot help you, no matter how many pages in this thread. Blessings to you, and have a great day.

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Thank you for your concern. My husband has had a heart attack and I have experienced before what I thought *might* be the beginning of one. Turns out they were just PVCs, for anyone who knows what that means. (On New Year's EVE! Why couldn't these things happen to me on Tuesday morning at work? Why must it be New Year's Eve, or the day I'm leaving for vacation?).


I really do think this was anxiety, for a few reasons that I won't bore you all with. I'm just thankful that the episode didn't turn out serious enough to end up in the hospital, thus canceling our trip. I am ok today, after a nice long sleep in my own bed!



As a retired ER RN, I second the other comments regarding your need for a complete cardiac work up. There is no such thing as "just PVC's." You might want to check out what other life threatening dysrhythmias can surface from PVC's, including even asystole.

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Our 19 year old son is "that boy" whenever we are annoyed at him, asking if he's done a chore, etc... so 90% of the time... his name is also Nicholas.

We went to Roatan on NCL out of New Orleans with that boy and a friend of his last year during spring break as an early high school graduation gift. Roatan was the highlight stop for us as we hadn't been there before. We did Daniel Johnson's and snorkeling. Had a private guide; we prepaid for all of that through Daniel Johnson's. The snorkeling was hands down the best we've ever experienced. Nothing else was even close.

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Day 5 – Costa Maya

I slept until about 8:00, and with a little bit of wind we were experiencing the roughest seas we’ve had all week upon docking in Costa Maya. I love feeling the rocking of the ship when I'm in bed, and this was the first we'd really felt. My son was still sleeping, my foot was still hurting, so I left him a note to tell him where I was, and I finally decided to head down to medical to have it checked out. This was my first ever experience with medical care on a ship.

I checked in with the nurse, told her I was there because I'd twisted my foot on deck 14 two days ago... blah blah blah. She asked if I wanted ibuprofen. No, I said, I've been taking plenty of that and it isn't really doing anything. "How much pain are you in?" she asked. I honestly rated it a 5 out of 10. She asked if I wanted to see the doctor. I wasn't quite sure how to answer that, because, well, isn't that why we go to medical? Yes, please. I'd like to see the doctor. Or, more specifically, I'd like for her to see ME. The nurse gave me a form to fill out where I'd describe exactly where on the ship the incident happened, how it happened, were there any witnesses, etc. They did NOT, however, ask if I'd spilled half my drink during the incident.

As I was sitting in the waiting room completing this two page form, Goran, the Chief Safety Officer -- a freaking 3 stripe officer -- came to talk to me. Seriously, I'd been sitting there MAYBE 2 minutes. I realized quickly that Royal takes it VERY seriously when someone falls on the ship. I'm sure his interest was a combination of (a) is she going to sue? and (b) is there any way we could ensure this doesn't happen to anyone else. (I come from an insurance and risk management background. I get it.) I explained to him that it was my own dang fault for looking ahead down the long corridor, rather than down at the stairs. Since I had the deluxe drink package, I didn't feel the need to ask him to reimburse me for the half of the mojito that was now on the carpet upstairs.

After maybe 15 minutes I saw the doctor, got x-rayed, and she confirmed it wasn’t broken. Just sprained. She said I needed to stay off it to let it heal. "Uh, doc... this is a HUGE ship. How the heck am I supposed to stay off my foot, short of staying in my cabin for the remainder of the cruise?" She gave me crutches to use in the cabin, and told me to use a wheelchair, which I was supposed to obtain from Guest Services, everywhere else on the ship. I told her my son and I were planning to get off the ship and head to the pool at port. She told me to call Guest Services and someone would wheel me off.

Geez. I'm old. But am I THAT old? That I need to be wheeled off the ship?

I was released from medical about 10:00 am. A crew member wheeled me and my crutches back to my cabin, where Nicholas was still asleep. I hobbled inside, waking him. I hadn't eaten yet and was begging him to come with me to get some grub. He gave me that Nope Sandwich, so I left the cabin by myself on my crutches, defying doctor's orders regarding the wheelchair, and set off towards the Solarium for breakfast. By the time I got there it was closed. Dang. Thought it was open until 11:00am.

That left only the Windjammer for breakfast, so I crutched my way Aft. Once aft, I needed to get from deck 15 to 16, and being on crutches, not wanting to try the stairs, I hit the elevator UP button. The doors open, I hustle toward the elevator, moving at my snail’s pace, and see that nobody is moving toward the exit as I’m looking to enter. A few people graciously move to allow me some room to get on, and the doors close. All of a sudden a woman yells “open the doors!” Someone at the front pushes the "open door" button, and this woman on the elevator makes her way forward and barks at me, “it would have been nice if you had let me get out first!" I was shocked. Speechless. This was the first evidence of any rude behavior on this massive ship, and it was directed at a woman moving at a snail’s pace on crutches. Apparently it was MY fault that this old bat wasn’t paying attention to what floor we were on. A man on the elevator said “Hey… that’s uncalled for. This lady is on crutches.”

We get to 16, exit the elevator, and I started to cry. This pierced the emotion I was holding in, trying to process all of the stress of the trip. Out it comes. The first unwanted guest... tears.

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Only natural to get down right after you got that news from medical. Don't let another passengers crappy attitude bother you. My response to those folks is to say "I'm very sorry for inconveniencing YOU on YOUR vacation. I'm in your way and apparently it should have been obvious to me. Please yell at me sooner next time."

On our cruise last year, "that boys" friend broke his arm 24 hours into the cruise. Obviously put a damper on activities that were planned. Both boys ate everything in sight and gained 10 lbs each.

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And the hospital wasted a bunch of money on these electronic temp/heat scanners....


Apparently my wife, a RN, was looking at me this morning at 3:30AM trying to figure out if I was alive, since I was sleeping silently and unmovingly, so she started touching my arm which was exposed to room temp air and was cool, and then she started touching me to see if she needed to do CPR... to which I woke up and said, what was I doing that caused this.


The result of my 15 year older brother dying a month ago in his sleep...





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Thank you so much. What joy your comments have brought me. I appreciate so much that you can feel my love for him. It is beyond anything I ever expected before becoming a mother. (And to be truthful, I felt like using his "real" name on the internet made me a bad mom, which is why I made up the hashtag name. Don't want anyone stealing his identity and making me wish I'd purchased Life Lock!)


I see you are in Virginia Beach... one of my favorite places! One summer perhaps 6 or 7 years ago we rented a condo in Sandbridge for a week. Nicholas was SO sick that whole week, and I spent so much time indoors with him (as did my husband). I was kicking myself for having gone cheap that week and renting a condo with a courtyard view. The ocean was SO close, but I couldn't see it when I was indoors with my sick boy. This past week on Allure when he was sick and in bed, I was thinking about that week in Sandbridge and SO thankful that I'd spent a few extra dollars on a balcony and that we weren't stuck in an inside cabin. (Not that there's anything wrong with an inside cabin, Hucifer. No disrespect meant!)


Reminds me of an original Star Trek show where a space alien called the inventor of the warp drive THE MAN... they didn’t do hashtags in the 60s.


Sorry, please continue.



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