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Motion Sickness Concern - Cannot use Scopolamine Patch


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mom says,  it’s good for the OP to understand these facts.  I only know that while the scopolamine patch and Dramamine did not work at all for me and I suffered adverse side effects, travacalm worked very well (and this was on a small boat where one of the very experienced divers became very seasick).   Never suggested it was innocuous at all, simply that it worked well for me and might be an option for the OP.  

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8 hours ago, cruise kitty said:

I"m one of the lucky ones who doesn't get sea sick, but I consistently get land sick after cruises or sailing...  lasts about 3 or 4 days, Bonine helps.  

That seems to be what my wife suffered with last time although we thought it was from the patch, perhaps not but it sounds like there are some other good options.

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12 minutes ago, Dawg74 said:

That seems to be what my wife suffered with last time although we thought it was from the patch, perhaps not but it sounds like there are some other good options.


Hi, there's actually an official name for it: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/why-can-motion-sickness-persist-even-after-your-cruise/


In my case, luckily it only lasts about a week & is not debilitating.  Your wife may want to try taking motion sickness medication for a few days after she disembarks next time to see if it helps.


P.S. :  I am not a Doctor, nor do I portray one on TV :)

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On 11/26/2019 at 10:56 PM, Dawg74 said:

Hi all


i have been away from the forum for a while but I was hoping to get a little advice.  My wife and I have been on 8 cruises over the years, my wife gets motion sick quite easily so she has always worn the patch behind her ear and it’s worked great.  Last year we took a cruise for 12 days, a couple days after disembarking my wife became very ill, nauseated, dizzy, headache, it was like she was sea sick on land.  Our doctor said she was likely having withdrawal side effects from the patch, he suggested she try something else in future.  My wife isn’t sure what to try, and she is nervous about being sea sick without the patch but also doesn’t want to get sick from wearing it.  Has anyone else gone through something like this?  We don’t want to give up cruising but my wife certainly doesn’t want to be sick on vacation nor does she want to deal with side effects after the trip.  


Thanks for the help.




If by chance you live in Canada, the drug several people have recommended Bonine (meclizine) is no longer available in Canada.

My daughter has severe motion sickness. 

After trying many different things, my daughter tried Cetirizine (antihistamine) after receiving this recommendation from a nurse who previously worked on a cruise ship. Trade name is Reactine in Canada and Zyrtec in the U.S. It is usually used for allergies but this certainly worked for her. It is taken once a day. No side effects noted. 

I was queasy on my Alaska cruise and took it and it worked for me too. 

Worth a try. 



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I'm a big fan of sea bands.  They work for me.  I also tend to get land sick after cruises.  Sometimes i take Bonine.  Sometimes I use the bands.  Sometimes I just tough it out.  Strangely enough, I don't get it as much if there is a delay of several hours or more from disembarkation to airplane flight.  Whether that is real or imaginary, I don't know.



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16 hours ago, Gilgorm said:


If by chance you live in Canada, the drug several people have recommended Bonine (meclizine) is no longer available in Canada.



But meclizine is still available and given out free of charge on Celebrity ships, even to Canadians .😉

Just ask for it at Guest Relations or at the medical center. 

  They won't even check your nationality. 😁  They don't want people of any nationality to get sick on their ships.


I am another one who had a very bad reaction to the patch. 

Tried it once and never again.


Meclizine works well for me,  but I prefer not to take anything medicinal if not needed, so I generally do well using seabands and/or ginger. 

(Just ordinary ginger capsules sold in any drugstore or supermarket, typically in the section with the vitamins.)


In really rough seas, I bring out the heavy artillery,  the Relief Bands.

They are expensive, but so worth it when needed.  (They are like seabands on non-medicinal steroids.)


Many passengers get by just fine with the old standard green apples and ginger ale.


For each person, I think it is a matter of trying different suggestions and figuring out what works best for you.

It is a shame that some passengers who get seasick on their first cruise just give up on cruising entirely.  


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On 11/26/2019 at 9:56 PM, Dawg74 said:

Hi all


i have been away from the forum for a while but I was hoping to get a little advice.  My wife and I have been on 8 cruises over the years, my wife gets motion sick quite easily so she has always worn the patch behind her ear and it’s worked great.  Last year we took a cruise for 12 days, a couple days after disembarking my wife became very ill, nauseated, dizzy, headache, it was like she was sea sick on land.  Our doctor said she was likely having withdrawal side effects from the patch, he suggested she try something else in future.  My wife isn’t sure what to try, and she is nervous about being sea sick without the patch but also doesn’t want to get sick from wearing it.  Has anyone else gone through something like this?  We don’t want to give up cruising but my wife certainly doesn’t want to be sick on vacation nor does she want to deal with side effects after the trip.  


Thanks for the help.



The problem is that treatment responsiveness is quite idiosyncratic. What works for one person may not work for some others. 

There are ways to avoid scopalomine patch withdrawal -  may want to see a neurologist to discuss.


Hypnosis is actually a proven treatment for this, too, often overlooked. 


Over-the-counter ginger tabkets can work.


- Joel

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On 11/27/2019 at 7:16 PM, BellKat said:

Please have her try a ReliefBand. Works wonders for me. It gives you an electrical impulse & the charge can be regulated. I was very sick for 2 hours on a small boat, a friend gave me her band to try and within 5 minutes I was fine and starving! I had thrown up everything I had eaten that day. You can find them on Amazon or at their own website which currently has a 20% off promotion (at least they did yesterday). Also ask her doctor to give her some anti-nausea medication - I took that after a concussion & after a severe reaction to a food that made me very sick. 


Another vote for ReliefBand. Works great. (Hi, Kathleen!)

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4 hours ago, cl.klink said:


There are ways to avoid scopalomine patch withdrawal -  may want to see a neurologist to discuss.



The problems are not just from withdrawal.  I developed bad symptoms while wearing the patch and went to see the ship's doctor, who told me to take it off and not put it back on again.

The scariest for me was that it was messing up my eyes.



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On ‎11‎/‎27‎/‎2019 at 8:27 AM, hancock said:

If Bonine makes you sleepy, take it going to bed.  If you have never used it before, try it at home before sailing.  I always take it going to bed. Usually, one pill works24 hours for me.


Agree this is the way to go. 


I always take Bonine at bedtime as well.  I start the night prior to embarkation and then take it every night right before bed.  It just needs to be in your system and will last 24 hours, but you need to take it consistently.  My partner had historically used the patch, but last time he used it, he had a bad reaction as well.  On this last cruise, he switched to taking Bonine in the evenings and no negative reaction.  And by the way, we're happy that we had it.  The sea was relatively rough on two of the nights and I'm certain that I wouldn't have felt good had I not taken Bonine.

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On 11/26/2019 at 10:56 PM, Dawg74 said:

Hi all


i have been away from the forum for a while but I was hoping to get a little advice.  My wife and I have been on 8 cruises over the years, my wife gets motion sick quite easily so she has always worn the patch behind her ear and it’s worked great.  Last year we took a cruise for 12 days, a couple days after disembarking my wife became very ill, nauseated, dizzy, headache, it was like she was sea sick on land.  Our doctor said she was likely having withdrawal side effects from the patch, he suggested she try something else in future.  My wife isn’t sure what to try, and she is nervous about being sea sick without the patch but also doesn’t want to get sick from wearing it.  Has anyone else gone through something like this?  We don’t want to give up cruising but my wife certainly doesn’t want to be sick on vacation nor does she want to deal with side effects after the trip.  


Thanks for the help.



I have heard from many people that the patch makes them sick.  Of course I assume you have a midship cabin, so at least you will be comfortable in your cabin.  Hopefully you will have smooth sailing and your wife will feel fine-

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Bonine for me......I take it morning and night the day before we get on the cruise.....then again morning and night the day we embark.........then once a day at night the entire cruise............then two again the day before disembarking and two the day of disembarking...........then because I do get MORE DIZZY AFTER THE CRUISE, I take one or two bonine every day/evening until those feelings subside..........sometimes in a day or two........my longest lasted 13 days..........whew.........  Just got off a 13 night cruise - used Bonine as above but also used sea bands.............NO DIZZINESS after cruise...............not questioning WHY....but will always wear the sea bands.....................

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13 hours ago, GRANNYOFSIX said:

Bonine for me......I take it morning and night the day before we get on the cruise.....then again morning and night the day we embark.........then once a day at night the entire cruise............then two again the day before disembarking and two the day of disembarking...........then because I do get MORE DIZZY AFTER THE CRUISE, I take one or two bonine every day/evening until those feelings subside..........sometimes in a day or two........my longest lasted 13 days..........whew.........  Just got off a 13 night cruise - used Bonine as above but also used sea bands.............NO DIZZINESS after cruise...............not questioning WHY....but will always wear the sea bands.....................

Not sure if any medical impact from sea bands, think like wearing a cooper bracelet.  If  real problem, check with your physician.  Otherwise, I guess you were lucky! 

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OP, I'm sorry your wife can no longer use the patches. I get seasickness badly and have tired various tablets, seabands, motionease, ginger etc with no effect. If I had to stop using the patches, I would probably have to stop cruising 😞


There are now several types of glasses that are being sold to prevent/treat motion-sickness. One kind look very strange, the others look more like ordinary sunglasses. They might be worth a try if your wife is still struggling to find anything that works well for her.

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I too, suffer from extreme motion sickness and cannot use the patch. We have been on over 30 cruises in all parts of the world and I have found the best thing is to start taking less drowsy Dramamine ( or generic) a few days before, but I take it differently one in the morning one in the evening and do this throughout the entire cruise, I also bring ginger capsules when I feel even a teeny bit unsure. I have never had a problem ( I even get motion sickness on rides). 

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I have taken Bonine occasionally on the 40+ cruises we have sailed on.  I start with a 1/2 pill.  Bonine says it is non-drowsy, however, in my experience, if I take 1/2 Bonine, and have an alcoholic beverage, I will fall asleep almost immediately. 

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If you can't get Bonine where you live, Dramamine All Day Less Drowsy formula contains exactly the same ingredient: Meclizine HCI 25mg. The original Dramamine and its Chewable formula contain Dimenhydrinate 50mg. That drug knocks most people out.


If seas are rough and I want to stay awake, I take half a Bonine, which allows me to eat dinner and keep it down. I don't drink wine after taking Bonine because wine makes me drowsy anyway. I take the other half of the pill right before going to sleep. 


A non-medicinal remedy that works for me in rough seas is to watch the horizon, which helps the brain figure out which way is up.  Of course, you can't do that at night unless there's good moonlight. 


Smooth sailing!

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12 hours ago, Cruise a holic said:

Not sure if any medical impact from sea bands, think like wearing a cooper bracelet.  If  real problem, check with your physician.  Otherwise, I guess you were lucky! 


Like I mentioned in my post, after 40+ cruises and ALWAYS feeling DIZZY AND FIND IT HARD TO CONCENTRATE AFTER THE CRUISE, this time not only did I do the Bonine, but decided to try the sea bands...............like you said, probably didn't help me to not feel dizzy, BUT something helped and since that was the NEW thing, I'm giving the sea bands credit......who knows........but it was wonderful NOT FEELING HORRIBLE AFTER THE CRUISE.......  I will try the sea bands again in April on our next cruise..........then I will know for sure if they work.........crazy too, because I did not wear them on the cruise............just to the cruise and then when we disembarked I wore them during the day for about a week..........wish I knew what helped me to feel NORMAL..........

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Highly recommend acupuncture. I know it sounds odd, but DW got very motion sick, even riding in a car.  On a Princess cruise maybe 8 years ago now she had 3 acupuncture treatments for her motion sickness.  Now, not only does she never get sick riding in car but she also doesn’t get sick on a cruise ship any longer.  YMMV, but it was a great solution for her.

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On 12/1/2019 at 7:25 AM, Slugsta said:

OP, I'm sorry your wife can no longer use the patches. I get seasickness badly and have tired various tablets, seabands, motionease, ginger etc with no effect. If I had to stop using the patches, I would probably have to stop cruising 😞


There are now several types of glasses that are being sold to prevent/treat motion-sickness. One kind look very strange, the others look more like ordinary sunglasses. They might be worth a try if your wife is still struggling to find anything that works well for her.


16 hours ago, Steelers0854 said:

Highly recommend acupuncture. I know it sounds odd, but DW got very motion sick, even riding in a car.  On a Princess cruise maybe 8 years ago now she had 3 acupuncture treatments for her motion sickness.  Now, not only does she never get sick riding in car but she also doesn’t get sick on a cruise ship any longer.  YMMV, but it was a great solution for her.

Thanks for the ideas!  As far as the patch goes, we make take a box as a just in case she is sick but we want to try the other suggestions on here.  If nothing really helped then we would stop cruising and just stick with land vacations but we both enjoy the cruising experience.

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After my first cruise in 2000, I was layed up for a week with vertigo.  I don't get motion sickness but the vertigo is unbearable.  I did research and after a recommendation to use Hyland's homeopathic motion sickness tablets I have never had any problems.  It's all natural and can be taken with alcohol.  No side affects! I begin taking a week before I go, then every day during the cruise and about 3 days once I return home.  It dissolves under your tongue and despite the recommended dosage, I would also use about 2-3 each time, several times a day.  I am so happy that I found out about it and have since had 15 successful cruises!Motion Sickness, Nausea Relief Tablets, All Natural Treatment for Car Sickness and Sea Sickness, 50 Count

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