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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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I loved the artichoke segment too😃......and after doing some of my own research (which I

probably should have done years ago), there are only about 30,000 Jews in the entire country

of Italy---15,000 in Rome.  Now I want to go back again!!!!!!!!

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I'm watching through my hulu app, which I'm still learning how to use, watched the Tuscany episode last night, will have to hunt down the Rome one tonight :)


& good news, just got my mom's second shot scheduled, they keep closing down vaccination sites here due to lack of doses, she should have received hers today, but will get it on Wednesday instead :)  very relieved!


& on another happy note, booked an MSC cruise to replace the one I had to cancel,  same one to Norwegian Fjords, but in May 2022 ;)   booked their YC, which I have heard good things about!


off to do photos & write up for work today, have a good one everyone :)

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4 minutes ago, Lois R said:

How did you watch the Tuscany episode? It has not been on yet.


Great news about your mom and that you booked a cruise😃


it showed up in the "my stuff" section of Hulu yesterday, & it says the airdate is in mid march, so it's a complete mystery to me...   since we go rid of direct tv & just stream now we spend a lot  of time trying to figure out where our shows "live" lol


edit to add:  tuscany episode was great, his parents are on it :)

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I'm not a fan of carbonara.  But amatriciana or cacio e pepe and I'm there!!!  I'm pretty decent at making cacio e pepe.  But, my best is puttanesca - I can whip that one up while the pasta is cooking!   I'm not a quinto quarto person at all.  But, yes, I'd be willing to try that little fritatta.   I have had parts of the pig head before, right off the rotisserie.  And the pig cheeks - before it becomes guanciale, yummy.  And, I still loved having those converations done in Italian - it made it more personal.


It was a good news day all around!   My opthalmologist gave the thumbs up for my eye.  I even eeked out a 20/20 on the chart by getting 3 of 6 letters right!   He wants me back in a year.  Yay!    

When I got home and got into my email, I had a note to sign up for VAMS to be able to sign up for vaccination!!  I went through the process and was able to get an appointment for next Wednesday!!!  That way I have Wednesday and Thursday to recover from any post-effects.  I was shocked.  There are 2 sites here in town - one had the earliest on April 3 and the other one tomorrow or March 1-5.  They are equidistant for me.  I would have loved to go tomorrow, but I go back to work tomorrow.  So, I wait a week, not bad.  It's the "mystery vaccine" as I won't know which one until I get it.  I've had friends in SLC get Pfizer so I'll just assume that's what was sent to all of Utah.  


Back to work tomorrow and then 2 days off.  



Edited by slidergirl
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thanks all.  I actually feel like I am finally seeing the "end of the tunnel" on COVID!!


OOTD:  I think I'll switch out leggings for joggers.  Just because.  But, I'll wear another hoodie.  I woke up at 3am and never got back to sleep, so I'm not in the mood to do anything remotely put together.  I'm about comfy and cozy today.  Nothing big at work, so I can just settle into a chair and try not to fall asleep!

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Kat congrats on getting your appointment scheduled!  what great news!   


Ladies, I watched the Rome episode last night, & might watch it again.  Carbonara is my favorite   :)  Makes me desperately want to return to Rome. 


It was very sad to see the restaurant that was burned down twice, horrible to have all that hard work destroyed.   Looking forward to next weeks...  funny I've gotten so used to binge watching shows, it's kind of nice to have something scheduled like this.   


It's hot & sunny & gorgeous here the last few days,  I had zoo reservations today, but had to give them up as work is way too busy... & tomorrow is my very, very long awaited haircut!   Might try to fit in a pedicure too, again, very long awaited.


Working from home in my pj's but considering washing my face & putting on shorts & tee....  will probably do quick hike later in the afternoon :)


have a great day everyone!

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I had a Drs Appt and met a friend for lunch so I actually put some eye make up on today LOL

I have a deep purple top on that has some silver embroidery down the front and a pair of grey

jeans on with some amethyst earrings.  


Just watching the news and not sure if any of you are golf fans or just follow it.......Tiger was 

in a bad accident in  Rancho Palos Verdes, California this morning☹️......looks like it was pretty bad.

The car went down a cliff and he had to be taken out with the "Jaws of Life"..........

Wishing him all the best. 

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1 hour ago, Lois R said:

I had a Drs Appt and met a friend for lunch so I actually put some eye make up on today LOL

I have a deep purple top on that has some silver embroidery down the front and a pair of grey

jeans on with some amethyst earrings.  


Just watching the news and not sure if any of you are golf fans or just follow it.......Tiger was 

in a bad accident in  Rancho Palos Verdes, California this morning☹️......looks like it was pretty bad.

The car went down a cliff and he had to be taken out with the "Jaws of Life"..........

Wishing him all the best. 

Lois, it sounds bad, they said severe leg injuries, terrible, & I wish him the best..  sounds like he is in surgery as we speak...  so sad after he got his life back together & on a good trajectory...


In happier news, CA opened up for teachers today, & my older SIL was scheduled through his school,  while my older daughter was scheduled for tomorrow by younger DD lol, all of us were madly on websites trying to find her an appointment, & my DD scored!  Super excited for my little family, but also this is an important step in getting kids back in school full time :)


Your outfit sounds cute, & makeup, wow!   I managed to wash my face & am wearing a very ratty tee shirt and shorts...  hope you lunch in nice!


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Hi Debbie, I was watching the news about all afternoon here........looks like he has 2 broken

legs and a crushed ankle☹️......but from what I have been reading, it could have been way

worse. Looks like that road has been VERY bad with accidents that have turned into 

fatalities.  The officer on the scene said it looks like his seat belt saved his life.


I had lunch at BJ's with my financial advisor (broker).  I have known him for

many, many years so he is like a friend to me as well.

I had the Chinese Chicken salad.......it was delicious🙂

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hi lois, haven't watched the news yet, so thanks for the update, wow, he was very, very lucky!  & your lunch sounds wonderful!  We have B.J.s here but I've only been once, & liked it a lot...


  On Sunday, we might try our first foray into outdoor dining... I can't wait!

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On 2/22/2021 at 7:12 PM, slidergirl said:

I'm not a fan of carbonara.  But amatriciana or cacio e pepe and I'm there!!!  I'm pretty decent at making cacio e pepe.  But, my best is puttanesca - I can whip that one up while the pasta is cooking!   I'm not a quinto quarto person at all.  But, yes, I'd be willing to try that little fritatta.   I have had parts of the pig head before, right off the rotisserie.  And the pig cheeks - before it becomes guanciale, yummy.  And, I still loved having those converations done in Italian - it made it more personal.


It was a good news day all around!   My opthalmologist gave the thumbs up for my eye.  I even eeked out a 20/20 on the chart by getting 3 of 6 letters right!   He wants me back in a year.  Yay!    

When I got home and got into my email, I had a note to sign up for VAMS to be able to sign up for vaccination!!  I went through the process and was able to get an appointment for next Wednesday!!!  That way I have Wednesday and Thursday to recover from any post-effects.  I was shocked.  There are 2 sites here in town - one had the earliest on April 3 and the other one tomorrow or March 1-5.  They are equidistant for me.  I would have loved to go tomorrow, but I go back to work tomorrow.  So, I wait a week, not bad.  It's the "mystery vaccine" as I won't know which one until I get it.  I've had friends in SLC get Pfizer so I'll just assume that's what was sent to all of Utah.  


Back to work tomorrow and then 2 days off.  




Congrats on the good news re: your eye and also your vaccine appointment!

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Morning all!


Re: Tiger Woods:  Wow.  That was a bad accident.  I can't believe he was not injured more.  Now the leg is really bad.  I know from experience.  He's got a long rehab ahead.  I was 3 day/week for a year.  When I was released, my PT said he was not sure at the start if I was going to be able to walk without help again. My walk is still kind of weird but I can walk and jog.  Tiger will work himself to get back to walk "normally" again.  But golf at a high level again?  With all the torque he puts on his legs and his newly-repaired-again back, I doubt it.  The leg part - I know plenty of others who got through a compound fracture.  But, the ankle - another issue.  Mine wasn't shattered, but damaged enough to have screws in the ankle to stabilize it for months before some were removed.  It still gives me fits.  I feel for Tiger.  


More snow today.  Not supposed to be alot, just maybe an inch or two.  Still, it's starting to get annoying to me.  Waiting now for the thaw to start!  I think I'm an odd duck - live in a place that gets a lot of snow, but I don't like it when it snows.  Now, if there was some magic where my driveway and all the roads stayed magically clear and dry while feet of snow fell on the mountains, I'd be OK with that!!!  


I'm not doing anything today that requires a public appearance, so the OOTD will be a pair of joggers and a Tshirt.  Ran my fingers through my hair, so that's good enough.    Oh, I got another bottle of wine as a gratuity from one of our owners yesterday, a Sauvignon Blanc, so I guess I'll come up with something for dinner that goes with it.  It seems that Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Grigio are big on the list of what to drink for our owners and guests this year.  Waiting for them to turn to Brunello to leave behind or tip...


Have a good day all!

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Kat, those are my white wine favorites...  I used to also be a big craft beer junky, but it's so fattening, so I've really cut back...  Regarding snow, I love it for a vacation, but don't know how I'd handle living with it...  sounds like a lot of work!  Maybe you & Melody need a giant roof over your driveways ;)


Ladies, I finally got my much anticipated haircut, it feels so good not to have ratty ends,  had a full 3 inches cut off, & feels so much lighter & happier!


have a good night everyone :)


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Hi girls, well, I had a Drs appt yesterday and of course they always weigh you, do BP,  temp, etc.

I have gained 12 pounds in the last 3 months☹️👎......I have to see this Dr every quarter and I

saw him in November and I was 167......it showed me at 179 now.  I didn't know I had gained

this much weight......maybe because I am home all the time not doing much of anything because I really didn't think I was eating that badly😮

I guess I have to make the effort and do a re-start.  I don't like being this

heavy.😧  12 pounds in 3 months is ALOT of weight gain.

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@Lois R I lost about 30 in 2019 and gained it all back last year when everything was closed down. Ugh. I restarted my health(ier) eating and cut out the alcohol. I'm down 12 pounds since the beginning of the year. Slow and easy does it, and you can do it!


Christy (with about 25 pounds to go)

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Lois & Christy, I did good until around Christmas, gained a few pounds until late January, now i'm trying to lose it...  mine was just depression about how things were going covid wise, missing my kids, & doing less exercise.... I agree slow & steady is best....  for me one thing that helps is adding lots of water to my day,   sometimes I think I'm hungry when I'm really thirsty :)    Lois, great you caught it while it's a manageable number, if you gained it in three, you can probably lose it in 3!  Good luck & willpower to all of us!

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Ugh.  The dreaded COVID-19 (or however much we gained).  It's happened to so many of us.  It creeped up on us so easily, now that we've uncovered it, it's dam*ed hard to get rid of it.  Slow and steady my friend, that's what we all have to do.  I drink enough water every day to probably re-float a cruise ship out of dry dock (notice the subtle CC nod).  I wonder if I should rent a Port-a-Potty - I'm running to the bathroom all the time!!!


I need a mobile snow-bubble.  We have some restaurants up here with dining "bubbles" - you and your party of up to 10 can spend an extra $250 or so dine in a socially distant environment.  I guess it's nice to be a tourist with that much money to blow on dinner.  I need my bubble so I can get around and not have to be in touch with the snow.  More snow Friday and Saturday, when we get maybe a week respite with more back on next Saturday.  


I got a Jury Duty questionaire from the County today.  I've only received one before this from the County and I got called.  Ended up not being seated, thank Goodness, as it was a nasty trial involving a death of a child.  Been called a couple of times for Federal Court, but never seated.  As long as it is after April is over, I'm OK.  I've got too much stuff going on in April to have it blown up for a trial.


My little bit of vertigo came back today - bouncing off some walls.  But, manageable.  That was even before I poured a glass of the Pinot Grigio.  It goes better with Trader Joe's Broccoli Cheddar soup than the 5 Spice Salad I had last night.  


I'm in a weird, babbling mood tonight.  Sorry 'bout that.  


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So we’ve got over a foot of snow & still snowing heavily...I think it’s going to be a spaghetti & meatball day!!!  Snow is very light & fluffy but it’s on top of about an inch of ice. Glad I’m retired!!!

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1 hour ago, awhfy said:

So we’ve got over a foot of snow & still snowing heavily...I think it’s going to be a spaghetti & meatball day!!!  Snow is very light & fluffy but it’s on top of about an inch of ice. Glad I’m retired!!!

Woah!  Was this from the "Pineapple Express" coming down from the Pacific Northwest?   My last snow was like this - fluffy but on top of ice.  You can blow out your shoulder if you hit that ice too many times when you shovel and your snowblower won't cut it up.  



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16 hours ago, Lois R said:

Hi Christy, I rarely drink booze at all......so it is not the liquor.  Congrats on your weight loss🙂

I will have to start doing better. 

Hi Lois, I haven’t been in CC for a couple of years and just decided to drop in and see what’s going on.😀 I think I still have your email somewhere so want to catch up with you privately.

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