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NCL cancels all August and September sailings


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Actually my prostate cancer is in remission, so no problem currently. Thank you anyway.


The other gentleman was so cocksure about his cruising prognostications I wondered if he could give me some advice😉.

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All depends on whether the USA (and other nations) can keep the rates in check. So far the USA is failing miserably at that and as I've mentioned many times the consquences of the lack of leadership is a) Cruising isn't going to start back up now for a long time and b) If it starts back up in other regions like Europe where numbers are (currently) more under control I think its high likely that USA citizens are not permitted to cruise even after a restart.


USA just hasn't taken the actions needed. It doesn't have any leadership or path to action.

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49 minutes ago, pmd98052 said:

All depends on whether the USA (and other nations) can keep the rates in check. So far the USA is failing miserably at that and as I've mentioned many times the consquences of the lack of leadership is a) Cruising isn't going to start back up now for a long time and b) If it starts back up in other regions like Europe where numbers are (currently) more under control I think its high likely that USA citizens are not permitted to cruise even after a restart.


USA just hasn't taken the actions needed. It doesn't have any leadership or path to action.

Lets blame the Americans.   A change must be made at the ballot box to contain the virus.  Politics not science.

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1 hour ago, pickle11 said:

Lets blame the Americans.   A change must be made at the ballot box to contain the virus.  Politics not science.


A virus runs by biological rules and doesn't care about country, border, politics, one persons wishes and twitter diarrhea.


W now see all the signs of lack of leadership, policy, and selfish nature promoted by leadership in the US





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On 6/21/2020 at 8:15 AM, 4774Papa said:

I think that there is too much COIVD 19 hysteria.


Florida is doing fine.  Testing has pushed up the cases, but fatalities are way down.  Understand that more of the new cases don't require hospitalization and are among under 50 persons.  I live in South Georgia and we have no problem with hospitalizations.   Only a very small percentage of new cases require hospitalization.  I think people are ready to get out and do things once more and with the fatality rate being a fraction of one percent, unless you have underlying conditions.  People are willing to take the risk.




We love cruising, but will wait until next year.   Cruising still involves the travel risk that ports will close to your ship.  Also, we have done one Caribbean cruise and the Caribbean doesn't appeal to us.  



Still stand by the Florida is fine bit?  It seems that things there are actually spiraling totally out of control.


Over 8900 new cases reported in  Florida just today!  It was just a few weeks ago that there were only 16k known cases in the entire state.  


I anticipate Disney will announce delay in planned Orlando park openings shortly (if the government doesn't beat them to it by instituting a statewide lockdown first).  


No port in their right mind should let a ship full of folks recently in Florida anywhere near them.

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11 minutes ago, chipmaster said:


A virus runs by biological rules and doesn't care about country, border, politics, one persons wishes and twitter diarrhea.


W now see all the signs of lack of leadership, policy, and selfish nature promoted by leadership in the US





So there will not be any cruising until a new administration is in office since there isn't any leadership now.  Maybe 6 months or 4 years and 6 months from now.  At that time maybe Seattle will have its city back so we can cruise out of there again. 

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It is difficult to keep American politics out of this global pandemic crisis ... I'm mindful of CC's position on this. This outbreak, as other countries has proven, can be tamed and managed, slowed down and kept down, not close to elimination but we in the USA are definitely on the wrong curves and that upward projection is not where public health experts had said we could be on - aside from a handful of states.  Failure of leadership at multiple levels, as if we are dealing with it as fifty mini-countries within the union, each governor doing their own thing with CDC providing their "advisories" that even those at 1600 Penn Ave, NW don't bother to respect, listen to and follow.   Sorry, it is a monkey circus and that is my one rant for the month on CC.  


Cruisers from the US and by virture of holding a USA Passport could well be on the unwelcome list elsewhere and/or mandated to go to being quarantined and isolation for our own good and the protection of other nation's citizens.  I agree with several other posters above, we aren't going to see anything different, drastic and turnaround of this until 2021.  No cruising out of the US for a while, not for us.  Back in March & April of 2020, I thought we might still see a chance of sailing in late 2020.  Not anymore.  


We are seriously overdue for our 2020 vacations, 2 cruises cancelled by our own choice and ready to get on our road trip this early Fall.  If Canada's border are open for our crossing, we are likely to going to drive north & spend there instead ...  7 hours away only, easier & safer than flying transcon.  

Edited by mking8288
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So there will not be any cruising until a new administration is in office since there isn't any leadership now.  Maybe 6 months or 4 years and 6 months from now.  At that time maybe Seattle will have its city back so we can cruise out of there again. 

I have friends and relatives in Seattle and visiting them would be no problem. If there were cruises I would cruise out of Seattle. I don’t watch news sources that have an agenda. Florida on the other hand I would stay away from until the virus outbreak there is under control. That is based on the statistics from multiple sources not news spin. When there will be cruising again can’t be predicted at this point. It could be six months or 4 years and 6 months. I hope it is 6 months but I suspect not. I doubt it will be 4 years and six months.

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1 hour ago, Friscorays said:

Still stand by the Florida is fine bit?  It seems that things there are actually spiraling totally out of control.


Over 8900 new cases reported in  Florida just today!  It was just a few weeks ago that there were only 16k known cases in the entire state.  


I anticipate Disney will announce delay in planned Orlando park openings shortly (if the government doesn't beat them to it by instituting a statewide lockdown first).  


No port in their right mind should let a ship full of folks recently in Florida anywhere near them.


Disney, NBA and cruising are all big operations in Florida, terrible they couldn't control themselves to enable a safe opening

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3 hours ago, Friscorays said:

I anticipate Disney will announce delay in planned Orlando park openings shortly (if the government doesn't beat them to it by instituting a statewide lockdown first).  


Yeah no way will Disney be able to re-open. Liablility is just too great and the potential for spread is to high.

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8 hours ago, pickle11 said:

Lets blame the Americans.   A change must be made at the ballot box to contain the virus.  Politics not science.

in california your vote does not matter, the people who said it was xenophobic to close the boarders will win in a landslide,  nothing can be done better off just watching net flix and chill for the evening of the election.

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On 6/22/2020 at 11:45 AM, hftmrock said:

have you seen other countries curve. Seems some had the SAME Chinese government issues yet they have totally managed to avoid what the US is currently going through

per capita the usa does not have the most death, what an odd thing to say, facts matter my friend

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37 minutes ago, Newleno said:

per capita the usa does not have the most death, what an odd thing to say, facts matter my friend

I never say most death. dont put words in my mouth please. I was referring to positive cases and while some people believe positive cases are nothing, I dont believe this is true.

what an odd thing to do to put words in people mouths that they never said.. you are right... facts do matter my friend and the fact is, I never said deaths

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and to get back to cruising...as long as the positive cases are high, there will NEVER be cruising. forget deaths, forget hospitalizations... if the amount of positive cases do not reduce tremendously, there will not be cruising the in the US


So for the purposes of cruising... Positive cases matter

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17 hours ago, hftmrock said:

and to get back to cruising...as long as the positive cases are high, there will NEVER be cruising. forget deaths, forget hospitalizations... if the amount of positive cases do not reduce tremendously, there will not be cruising the in the US


So for the purposes of cruising... Positive cases matter


Well said, the US has lost control and this is the first wave, the worst possible outcome, it is mogving slowly from NE thru the rest of the country,   like a wave in a bath tub it will bounce back and slosh back to the places that are undercontrol now.


Without a disciplined leadership and a society capable of a disciplined sacrifice for the larger country / society good this pandemic will hasten the rise of some countries and sadly solidify the fall of other countries. 


Travel in EU is starting with no US but possible Chinese, boy is that a Kung Fu blow to below the belt for US, once admired now shunned.


I can imagine that we could have Baltic and Med cruise, ones I really want to take, but with out any US, how appropriate.

Edited by chipmaster
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30 minutes ago, chipmaster said:


Well said, the US has lost control and this is the first wave, the worst possible outcome, it is mogving slowly from NE thru the rest of the country,   like a wave in a bath tub it will bounce back and slosh back to the places that are undercontrol now.


Without a disciplined leadership and a society capable of a disciplined sacrifice for the larger country / society good this pandemic will hasten the rise of some countries and sadly solidify the fall of other countries. 


Travel in EU is starting with no US but possible Chinese, boy is that a Kung Fu blow to below the belt for US, once admired now shunned.


I can imagine that we could have Baltic and Med cruise, ones I really want to take, but with out any US, how appropriate.

Oh well, cancel  that discipline in Europe.


According to the Guardian, illicit raves in France and Germany have created problems for local police.

As countries crack down on illicit parties, the task has been largely left to police. This week saw police sporadically clash with the thousands who thronged to Paris’s Canal Saint-Martin and Marais district for the annual Fête de la Musique, while in Berlin more than 100 officers broke up a demonstration that turned into a spontaneous, 3,000-person party earlier this month. In Berlin, police have also warned of a rise in illicit raves in the city’s parks.

Even France saw a 12% jump in daily reported cases over the last week, while Germany saw a stunning 37% jump, thanks largely to the outbreak at the state-run abattoir.

Gatherings have taken place from England to Spain - anywhere warm weather has arrived, which by now is pretty much all of Europe.

Warmer weather and the relaxing of restrictions also fueled gatherings in England, where police are grappling with a proliferation of parties, hastily organised on social media and held in motorway underpasses, parks and industrial estates. Earlier this month, two illegal raves in Greater Manchester attracted some 6,000 people.In hard-hit Spain, which on Wednesday reported its highest number of cases in three weeks, health officials have long warned about the risks of social gatherings.

"An outbreak brought on by a small, innocent party...just one outbreak could be the start of a new, nationwide epidemic,” Fernando Simón, the health official heading the country’s response to the virus, said in late May after a cluster of cases in the country’s north-east was linked to an illicit birthday party in which four of the 20 or so attendees tested positive.

Even Spanish royalty has been caught attending some of these illicit parties.

Days later another illegal party made headlines around the world and saw Spain slap a €10,400 (£9,400) fine on Belgium’s Prince Joachim after the royal breached the country’s quarantine rules to attend a party in southern Spain. He later tested positive for the virus.


"Last week, Europe saw an increase in weekly cases for the first time in months," Hans Kluge, the regional director for Europe, told reporters on Thursday. He did not identify any of the countries, but added that the situation was particularly acute in 11 countries.


It just goes to show: Europe likes to point fingers, but their citizens, who have been faced with typically more restrictive lockdowns, are so eager for contact that they're simply defying the government as enforcement intensity lifts.

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55 minutes ago, HaveWeMetYet said:

Oh well, cancel  that discipline in Europe.


According to the Guardian, illicit raves in France and Germany have created problems for local police.

As countries crack down on illicit parties, the task has been largely left to police. This week saw police sporadically clash with the thousands who thronged to Paris’s Canal Saint-Martin and Marais district for the annual Fête de la Musique, while in Berlin more than 100 officers broke up a demonstration that turned into a spontaneous, 3,000-person party earlier this month. In Berlin, police have also warned of a rise in illicit raves in the city’s parks.

Even France saw a 12% jump in daily reported cases over the last week, while Germany saw a stunning 37% jump, thanks largely to the outbreak at the state-run abattoir.

Gatherings have taken place from England to Spain - anywhere warm weather has arrived, which by now is pretty much all of Europe.

Warmer weather and the relaxing of restrictions also fueled gatherings in England, where police are grappling with a proliferation of parties, hastily organised on social media and held in motorway underpasses, parks and industrial estates. Earlier this month, two illegal raves in Greater Manchester attracted some 6,000 people.In hard-hit Spain, which on Wednesday reported its highest number of cases in three weeks, health officials have long warned about the risks of social gatherings.

"An outbreak brought on by a small, innocent party...just one outbreak could be the start of a new, nationwide epidemic,” Fernando Simón, the health official heading the country’s response to the virus, said in late May after a cluster of cases in the country’s north-east was linked to an illicit birthday party in which four of the 20 or so attendees tested positive.

Even Spanish royalty has been caught attending some of these illicit parties.

Days later another illegal party made headlines around the world and saw Spain slap a €10,400 (£9,400) fine on Belgium’s Prince Joachim after the royal breached the country’s quarantine rules to attend a party in southern Spain. He later tested positive for the virus.


"Last week, Europe saw an increase in weekly cases for the first time in months," Hans Kluge, the regional director for Europe, told reporters on Thursday. He did not identify any of the countries, but added that the situation was particularly acute in 11 countries.


It just goes to show: Europe likes to point fingers, but their citizens, who have been faced with typically more restrictive lockdowns, are so eager for contact that they're simply defying the government as enforcement intensity lifts.

We wonder who will contain this, cooks be Darwin outcome 




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2 hours ago, chipmaster said:


Well said, the US has lost control and this is the first wave, the worst possible outcome, it is mogving slowly from NE thru the rest of the country,   like a wave in a bath tub it will bounce back and slosh back to the places that are undercontrol now.


Without a disciplined leadership and a society capable of a disciplined sacrifice for the larger country / society good this pandemic will hasten the rise of some countries and sadly solidify the fall of other countries. 


Travel in EU is starting with no US but possible Chinese, boy is that a Kung Fu blow to below the belt for US, once admired now shunned.


I can imagine that we could have Baltic and Med cruise, ones I really want to take, but with out any US, how appropriate.

I am glad you got back to talk about cruising instead of politics

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20 hours ago, hftmrock said:

and to get back to cruising...as long as the positive cases are high, there will NEVER be cruising. forget deaths, forget hospitalizations... if the amount of positive cases do not reduce tremendously, there will not be cruising the in the US


So for the purposes of cruising... Positive cases matter


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On 6/21/2020 at 9:15 AM, 4774Papa said:

I think that there is too much COIVD 19 hysteria.


Florida is doing fine.  Testing has pushed up the cases, but fatalities are way down.  Understand that more of the new cases don't require hospitalization and are among under 50 persons.  I live in South Georgia and we have no problem with hospitalizations.   Only a very small percentage of new cases require hospitalization.  I think people are ready to get out and do things once more and with the fatality rate being a fraction of one percent, unless you have underlying conditions.  People are willing to take the risk.




We love cruising, but will wait until next year.   Cruising still involves the travel risk that ports will close to your ship.  Also, we have done one Caribbean cruise and the Caribbean doesn't appeal to us.  



Hospitalizations always lag a few weeks behind the positive cases, deaths follow a few weeks after...


Hospitalizations are on the rise in Florida as expected




COVID-19 hospitalizations in Central Florida are rising in line with the increasing number of cases.

As of Thursday, 185 patients with COVID-19 were hospitalized in Orange County hospitals. That’s 50 more cases than June 21, and 112 more than June 15, according to the latest available data from the Florida Department of Health.

The county reached a low of 27 hospitalized patients on May 10.

Of the 185 patients, 31 are in intensive care units.


we can debate and debate and debate but this virus will march on... First positive cases, then hospitalizations followed by deaths

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and to get back to cruising...as long as the positive cases are high, there will NEVER be cruising. forget deaths, forget hospitalizations... if the amount of positive cases do not reduce tremendously, there will not be cruising the in the US
So for the purposes of cruising... Positive cases matter

I tend to disagree with the doom scenario. It is the number of deaths that matter not the number of positive cases. Also the surge in positive cases is in states that had low numbers before. In states that had high numbers the rate is falling. In other words what is happening in Texas and Florida may have been inevitable. Texas and Florida should have stayed locked down longer as they only delayed going thru what happened in other regions. However the numbers likely will drop in the states now having a surge as they have in other states.

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7 minutes ago, Charles4515 said:


I tend to disagree with the doom scenario. It is the number of deaths that matter not the number of positive cases. Also the surge in positive cases is in states that had low numbers before. In states that had high numbers the rate is falling. In other words what is happening in Texas and Florida may have been inevitable. Texas and Florida should have stayed locked down longer as they only delayed going thru what happened in other regions. However the numbers likely will drop in the states now having a surge as they have in other states.

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I totally disagree. There was a plan in NY and they stuck to the Government and CDC guidelines. Texas and Florida did not so this spike was preventable.



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I totally disagree. There was a plan in NY and they stuck to the Government and CDC guidelines. Texas and Florida did not so this spike was preventable.




I do think they would have been better off reopening as slow as we have in the northeast but I think those areas had to go thru a stage of outbreak.


Also we have to face reality. The lockdowns had to end. The virus has caused a great deal of harm and the lockdowns were necessary but continuing the lockdowns can’t continue and will cause more harm than the virus has. Humans can’t take that mentally. There are some who are happy to be hermits but that is not normal. That is why so many want to cruise immediately even though it is not prudent yet and why young people flock to bars when they reopen.



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