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If Royal Requires A Covid-19 Vaccine Before Cruising Will You Get It???

If Royal Requires A Covid-19 Vaccine Before Cruising Will You Get It???  

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  1. 1. If Royal Requires A Covid-19 Vaccine Before Cruising Will You Get It So You Can Cruise Again?

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2 hours ago, Momof3gurlz said:

Same here.  I have a love/hate relationship with flying.  I’m fascinated by it, yet I hate to fly.  I think it’s because I don’t understand how it works & what all the noises and sensations are.  If only I could sit in the cockpit and have the pilot explain everything!

I actually love flying. It is not just a way to get to my vacation, I consider it part of my vacation. I also have a computer flight simulator. The nice thing about that is I have never been in a crash that I didn't walk away from.☺

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5 hours ago, Milwaukee Eight said:

If you don’t understand the difference from a virus on a surface vs an Aerosol (airborne), it’s beyond me to explain. How is COVID19 most likely spread?  


Main mode of transmission of the virus that causes Covid-19 is airborne droplets and aerosols. Picking up the virus from surfaces is a very minimal way of transmission especially if you keep your hands away from your nose and mouth. Not touching the face is key to not infecting yourself by touching contaminated surfaces.


When the CDC advised us about the surface transmission being essentially a non-issue, I stopped sanitizing all my groceries and kitchen counter surfaces COLD TURKEY. Up until that directive, I was a luney tune trying to sanitize all frequently touched surfaces.  After the CDC directive about surface transmission being a non-issue, I came to the realization that I can not sanitize my world because the virus could be anywhere and every where. I made a conscious effort to not touch my face EVER with hands that were not freshly washed and also kept bugging my husband about that too.


My question about what is the difference between the virus on surfaces vs in the air remains was regarding how the virus is killed by UV rays. Does it matter if the virus is on a surface or floating in the air when it is exposed to the UV rays? I still don't understand the difference with that. Does the virus react differently when it is on a surface or floating in the air when exposed to UV rays??????




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16 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

After the CDC directive about surface transmission being a non-issue, I came to the realization that I can not sanitize my world because the virus could be anywhere and every where. I made a conscious effort to not touch my face EVER with hands that were not freshly washed


Isn't this how we prevent the spread of most diseases? Wash your hands and keep your hands away from your face!

CC used to have tons threads about norovirus controls.....wash your hands after using the restroom.....prevent the spread of colds, the flu, viruses, germs of all types by keeping your hands away from your face.


Our world is a dirty, filthy, germs place. We mitigate exposure and let our bodies do what they do best.....build defenses against those nasties by utilizing our immune system.


When I was growing up the prevailing feeling was that everyone should eat some dirt! It was nasty and germy, but helped us to build up a strong I mmune system. Then some marketing firm decided to make antibacterial soap.....which just helped the bacteria to build up tolerances to the soaps.....and to our medicines which used to effectively treat said germs. We then had to come up with stronger and stronger antibiotics.


Wash your hands with "regular" soap, keep your hands away from your face and for Heaven's sake eat some dirt! 😎

Edited by CaroleSS
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7 minutes ago, CaroleSS said:

Isn't this how we prevent the spread of most diseases? Wash your hands and keep your hands away from your face!

CC used to have tons threads about norovirus controls.....wash your hands after using the restroom.....prevent the spread of colds, the flu, viruses, germs of all types by keeping your hands away from your face.


Our world is a dirty, filthy, germs place. We mitigate exposure and let our bodies do what they do best.....build defenses against those nasties by utilizing our immune system.

Absolutely agree but I NEVER made such an effort to keep my hands away from my nose and mouth until Covid came on the scene. And that is the absolute truth.


I've been extremely lucky with a very strong immune system. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've had a common cold in my life of 71 years, never had noro virus on the over 40 cruises I have been on and have never had the flu. Covid made me change my habit of touching my face unless my hands are freshly washed and that is a fact.

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6 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

Covid made me change my habit of touching my face unless my hands are freshly washed and that is a fact.

If everyone would do that.....(plus sneeze and/or cough into your elbow, tissue, etc)......maybe we could get back to sailing!

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7 hours ago, DCGuy64 said:

Yes and there's no telling the damage done when the media spreads a falsehood as though it were true. A certain well-known major newspaper recently had to admit that it falsely attributed comments to a certain former president about election interfering. Too late, the false story made the rounds for weeks and there's no putting that genie back in the bottle. More evidence why I don't trust the media-there's no accountability for them. (and I am neither a friend nor foe of said former president)

I mentioned earlier in my post that I listen to the expert doctors, virologists and immunologists that are hired by the TV networks for their expertise. I believe what they say and that includes Dr. Fauci.

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25 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

My question about what is the difference between the virus on surfaces vs in the air remains was regarding how the virus is killed by UV rays. Does it matter if the virus is on a surface or floating in the air when it is exposed to the UV rays? I still don't understand the difference with that. Does the virus react differently when it is on a surface or floating in the air when exposed to UV rays??????




I will admit not knowing the specific answer to your question but we do use a large ultraviolet device in our operating rooms and hospital rooms to sanitize both the surfaces and the air for viruses.  We do a antibacterial wipe down on all surfaces as another part of the cleaning process.  A more technical person might be able to address just how this works.


BTW - you articulate many health care facts and jargon.  Are you a trained health care professional?

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13 hours ago, xpcdoojk said:

Yes.  He was looking for an outlet to spill his hatred. JMHO and YMMV

Where did I express hatred? Please do not put words in my mouth.  Many people want to make excuses for selfish acts. Japan has had less than 10k deaths, much more dense living conditions, exposed earlier and worse in the worlds most congested city.  I lived there, we wore masks.


Many, not all, Americans whine and complain about a simple, effective health care action that is a minor inconvenience at worst, and so we had more die in a year than all our world wars combined.  It is indefensible to be anti mask.  I never said if no one is around and one is outdoors that a mask is needed, but these kind of straw men are made by people seeking excuses for their own actions, not a real situation they care to discuss with civility.  You know perfectly well your intention when you complain about masks or make fun of people who leave them on while outdoors to be extra careful.  Some of these people have serious  conditions and have a genuine need to protect themselves. Yet you would make fun of that.  I know because a friend of my sister did and she died last month because her husband was careless once and brought covid home. She wore a mask even outdoors because a case of covid was a death sentence.  Her husband regrets his carelessness more than you can imagine.  Go ahead, make fun of her for wearing a mask when outdoors.  She is dead, cant hurt her.  She died within a week of being able to get her vaccine.


PS, regarding the IV, the difference between physical droplets on a surface (larger quantities) and the airbourn virus is quite distinct for exposure.  This is why time in the location, vents and if with same person matters so much for indoors exposure, even if masked and why n95 is needed for extented contact indoors (like medical staff) but brief time at a grocery store a cloth mask is likely fine. Cruise ships are problems because people stay put and are indoors for extended time frames, like meetings at work.  Even good masks become not great if you are in a room with someone for hours and hours, with bad vents, sharing the same air.

Edited by Pizzasteve
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10 hours ago, CaroleSS said:

If everyone would do that.....(plus sneeze and/or cough into your elbow, tissue, etc)......maybe we could get back to sailing!

Agree. I have been coughing into my elbow for many years now. How long ago were we advised to sneeze that way to not get nasal and mouth secretions on our hands? Makes a lot of sense.


Then.....there was a prominent figure, caught on camera, who pulled down his mask so he could sneeze INTO HIS HAND. Duh!!!!! Perfect example of what NOT to do when you sneeze. LOL.

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16 hours ago, SNJCruisers said:

But if unvaccinated passengers are allowed on board, that would increase the probability that masks would be needed.  Are you that against a shot to have to put up with wearing a mask?

You hit the nail on the head. My main reason for not wanting un-vaccinated people on board a cruise ship is the need for masking. When all crew and passengers on board a cruise ship are vaccinated, I do not see how masks would be necessary. I wear masks all the time in indoor public venues but I do not want my cruise experience ruined by having to wear a mask on board.


Hubby and I have decided to wait to cruise until masking is not mandated on board.

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11 hours ago, CaroleSS said:

Wash your hands with "regular" soap, keep your hands away from your face and for Heaven's sake eat some dirt! 😎

I have always known, even as a kid, humans will eat a certain amount of dirt in their lifetimes. A Google search found this little gem.......


"As it turns out, the average person ingests about 100 milligrams of dirt every single day. Overall, that equates to roughly six pounds of dirt in an average lifespan! That's right, dirt is actually a pretty common staple of the human diet."

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11 hours ago, bmblob said:

I will admit not knowing the specific answer to your question but we do use a large ultraviolet device in our operating rooms and hospital rooms to sanitize both the surfaces and the air for viruses.  We do a antibacterial wipe down on all surfaces as another part of the cleaning process.  A more technical person might be able to address just how this works.


BTW - you articulate many health care facts and jargon.  Are you a trained health care professional?

Well, there you go in a nutshell. That does answer my question. Thank you.


Come to think of it.......I have seen ads for UV light devices for residential use and also for travel use in hotel rooms. Stands to reason that the virus that causes Covid-19 doesn't remain viable very long outside.



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23 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

I highly suspect I would bore your husband to death. He would be on vacation and all I would want to talk about is flying planes... and I'm talking details... I want all the steps to get a 787 from 36,000 to the gate.😯😊

I doubt it. He doesn’t mind at all talking shop aka flying when someone is interested.


22 hours ago, DCGuy64 said:

Thanks to those who commented on the Keys. Having never been there before, I'm looking forward to going to Key West next week as part of a trip down to Southwest Florida to see my dad. He spends the winters down near Naples. We're planning to take the Key West Express, which is a ferry boat that goes from Fort Myers to Key West. Not too chuffed about having to mask up outdoors, though. We had to do that at Disney back in December and it was kinda dumb. Even the sainted Dr Fauci doesn't recommend masks when one is out in the fresh air. Do they allow open containers in Key West? (asking for a friend, LOL)


Yes they allow open containers. Grab a drink and walk around.


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40 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

I have always known, even as a kid, humans will eat a certain amount of dirt in their lifetimes. A Google search found this little gem.......


"As it turns out, the average person ingests about 100 milligrams of dirt every single day. Overall, that equates to roughly six pounds of dirt in an average lifespan! That's right, dirt is actually a pretty common staple of the human diet."

Also, there is a certain allowable amount of "food defects" allowed in your food. What is allowed will show you just how "dirty" our lives are!


Peanut butter is one of the most controlled foods in the FDA list; an average of one or more rodent hairs and 30 (or so) insect fragments are allowed for every 100 grams, which is 3.5 ounces.


The typical serving size for peanut butter is 2 tablespoons (unless you slather). That means each 2 tablespoon-peanut butter sandwich would only have about eight insect fragments and a teensy tiny bit of rodent filth. (“Filth” is what the FDA calls these insect and rodent food defects.)

Good thing we have immune systems!




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12 hours ago, CaroleSS said:

Hey.....how about having a shot of dirt with dinner every night of the cruise!


ummm, well, maybe not! 🤪

It’s funny you say that. Have you heard of the Hygiene Hypothesis? It basically concerns living in areas of high level sanitation where a lack of exposure to germs can harm the immune system leading to more autoimmune and allergy issues. It’s directed particularly at children as they are developing their immune system but I do wonder what all of our COVID precautions for an extended period could be doing to all of our abilities to fight serious illnesses (and of course the children who have been in development over the last year). There are tons of articles / research on it but I’ll post a few here. 





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11 hours ago, Pizzasteve said:

Where did I express hatred? Please do not put words in my mouth.  Many people want to make excuses for selfish acts. Japan has had less than 10k deaths, much more dense living conditions, exposed earlier and worse in the worlds most congested city.  I lived there, we wore masks.


Many, not all, Americans whine and complain about a simple, effective health care action that is a minor inconvenience at worst, and so we had more die in a year than all our world wars combined.  It is indefensible to be anti mask.  I never said if no one is around and one is outdoors that a mask is needed, but these kind of straw men are made by people seeking excuses for their own actions, not a real situation they care to discuss with civility.  You know perfectly well your intention when you complain about masks or make fun of people who leave them on while outdoors to be extra careful.  Some of these people have serious  conditions and have a genuine need to protect themselves. Yet you would make fun of that.  I know because a friend of my sister did and she died last month because her husband was careless once and brought covid home. She wore a mask even outdoors because a case of covid was a death sentence.  Her husband regrets his carelessness more than you can imagine.  Go ahead, make fun of her for wearing a mask when outdoors.  She is dead, cant hurt her.  She died within a week of being able to get her vaccine.


PS, regarding the IV, the difference between physical droplets on a surface (larger quantities) and the airbourn virus is quite distinct for exposure.  This is why time in the location, vents and if with same person matters so much for indoors exposure, even if masked and why n95 is needed for extented contact indoors (like medical staff) but brief time at a grocery store a cloth mask is likely fine. Cruise ships are problems because people stay put and are indoors for extended time frames, like meetings at work.  Even good masks become not great if you are in a room with someone for hours and hours, with bad vents, sharing the same air.

Cool.  The person you vented on is a medical doctor.  Probably doing his share to stop the pandemic, and his small portion of making the world a better place.  I am sure his efforts pale in comparison to yours, but still a positive contributor to the world.  


Many people want to shame and force others to do the things they think they should do.  We, for now, live in a free republic where people are allowed freedom of choice, and they still have the right to be stupid.



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23 hours ago, SNJCruisers said:

But if unvaccinated passengers are allowed on board, that would increase the probability that masks would be needed.  Are you that against a shot to have to put up with wearing a mask?

I will not wear a mask either, no enjoyment from that.

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I agree with the sentiment - not really thrilled at the idea of masking during a cruise, but it might turn out to be what some of our local bus lines advertise right on the door..."no mask, no ride". Let's face it...this is just NOT going to return to the carefree form of cruising we all miss. It's just not going to happen - not anytime soon. 

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5 hours ago, CaroleSS said:

Also, there is a certain allowable amount of "food defects" allowed in your food. What is allowed will show you just how "dirty" our lives are!


Peanut butter is one of the most controlled foods in the FDA list; an average of one or more rodent hairs and 30 (or so) insect fragments are allowed for every 100 grams, which is 3.5 ounces.


The typical serving size for peanut butter is 2 tablespoons (unless you slather). That means each 2 tablespoon-peanut butter sandwich would only have about eight insect fragments and a teensy tiny bit of rodent filth. (“Filth” is what the FDA calls these insect and rodent food defects.)

Good thing we have immune systems!




OMG...... I LOVE peanut butter. You've ruined it for me now.

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48 minutes ago, Sky616 said:

I will not wear a mask either, no enjoyment from that.

Well aware of your stance from your  previous posts.  I seriously doubt that any cruise line is going to have a no vaccine no mask policy in the short term.  This would not occur till herd immunity is reached and if it does at all it won't  be till sometime in 2022.

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1 minute ago, SNJCruisers said:

Well aware of your stance from your  previous posts.  I seriously doubt that any cruise line is going to have a no vaccine no mask policy in the short term.  This would not occur till herd immunity is reached and if it does at all it won't  be till sometime in 2022.

That's fine, I'll wait.  Wasn't planning on a cruise until 2023.  Too many good land trips I've found to go on the next two years.

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3 minutes ago, Sky616 said:

That's fine, I'll wait.  Wasn't planning on a cruise until 2023.  Too many good land trips I've found to go on the next two years.

Totally your prerogative.  But why then are you on here with your flag firmly planted in the ground arguing with people over various Covid related topics when you are not going to be cruising  for two years when vaccinations, masks, etc will hopefully be in our rear view mirror?

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