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What does it say that we are still on Cruise Critic, reading and posting, with no cruises?


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1 hour ago, lenquixote66 said:

I would do that too if that were the case.I told my children that my wife and I were going through the 60 albums and we were going to get rid of pictures of bodies of water that we could not remember what they were.Our children said fine but do not get rid of pictures of people.

We have a small box of photos that Bob's mother had. We'll stick those in a box and our daughters can toss them 🙂 We're more into memories than 'stuff.'

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After my father passed (2012) I found myself left with two boxes (copier paper size) of old photos...
I've sorted and re-sorted, I know who maybe 1/4 of them are.  Some go back 2 or 4 generations, or more.  I barely can place a value on them.... my kids barely want any current pictures, let alone anything older of people they never met, never knew, never heard of, etc;
So I feel as if I don't throw them out, my kids will most likely toss them without even looking.

Using ancestry stuff, I've scanned some, trying to match names to pictures... but there are simply too many, and the task is daunting.... i.e. will never get done?  Even doing that, just adds them to my HD, which unlikely they would ever be found there either....  So it feels as if it's a waste of time.  Yet I can't throw them out (yet).

I agree, posting here is friendly...



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On 2/6/2021 at 9:22 PM, clo said:

We have a small box of photos that Bob's mother had. We'll stick those in a box and our daughters can toss them 🙂 We're more into memories than 'stuff.'

I have a form of dementia.I do not have many memories but looking at pictures tends to refresh them.

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3 hours ago, lenquixote66 said:

I have a form of dementia.I do not have many memories but looking at pictures tends to refresh them.

I agree  picture are memories.... you look at the photo.. you remember the moment, like the weather, what you were doing.. if food was involved what did it taste like...


On 2/7/2021 at 1:22 PM, clo said:

 We're more into memories than 'stuff.'


With a photo you can relive the moment... it opens your mind to remember....

thanks to the photo   to help connect the neurons ...


A memory of a place in more general  sometimes without the details 


and photos are not "stuff" ( articles of indeterminate kind )



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6 hours ago, getting older slowly said:

I agree  picture are memories.... you look at the photo.. you remember the moment, like the weather, what you were doing.. if food was involved what did it taste like...



With a photo you can relive the moment... it opens your mind to remember....

thanks to the photo   to help connect the neurons ...


A memory of a place in more general  sometimes without the details 


and photos are not "stuff" ( articles of indeterminate kind )



Good points. Thank you.

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On 2/6/2021 at 9:53 PM, Crusin till Im Dead said:

After my father passed (2012) I found myself left with two boxes (copier paper size) of old photos...
I've sorted and re-sorted, I know who maybe 1/4 of them are.  Some go back 2 or 4 generations, or more.  I barely can place a value on them.... my kids barely want any current pictures, let alone anything older of people they never met, never knew, never heard of, etc;
So I feel as if I don't throw them out, my kids will most likely toss them without even looking.

Using ancestry stuff, I've scanned some, trying to match names to pictures... but there are simply too many, and the task is daunting.... i.e. will never get done?  Even doing that, just adds them to my HD, which unlikely they would ever be found there either....  So it feels as if it's a waste of time.  Yet I can't throw them out (yet).

I agree, posting here is friendly...




As your kids (or others) get older, they might want to see these.  Or, you may.


Don't throw them out.


Eight years ago we had a house fire and lost everything--all stuff, no people thank goodness.  But, I have realized that what I missed most were the seemingly innocent or silly physical tokens of my life and my family's life prior to the fire. I never realized how much I would miss such things.  It's just comforting to see the physical evidence that I and my family (including ancestors) have existed.  We humans like this kind of stuff.


So, keep 'em.


My 2 cents.


- Joel

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3 hours ago, cl.klink said:


As your kids (or others) get older, they might want to see these.  Or, you may.


Don't throw them out.


Eight years ago we had a house fire and lost everything--all stuff, no people thank goodness.  But, I have realized that what I missed most were the seemingly innocent or silly physical tokens of my life and my family's life prior to the fire. I never realized how much I would miss such things.  It's just comforting to see the physical evidence that I and my family (including ancestors) have existed.  We humans like this kind of stuff.


So, keep 'em.


My 2 cents.


- Joel

When my parents died - almost 50 years ago - a their generation family member sat down with me and we went through the pix. With her help we ID'd a lot of people. We kept and labeled a relative or close friend and tossed the rest. And to be honest with you I'm not sure I've looked at them more than a couple of times since then. I just 'purged' some more.

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On 2/8/2021 at 10:36 AM, lenquixote66 said:

I have a form of dementia.I do not have many memories but looking at pictures tends to refresh them.

This made me smile. When my uncle died, I digitized many photos of him and had a photo book made for my mom, my surviving uncle, and my grandmother, who was 90, and suffering from dementia. She lit up going through the book, and it was astonishing to watch her as the memories came flooding back. One photo that really got her going was one that I almost had not included. It was of my uncle's 6th birthday party. My grandmother started describing the day, the cake, and the gifts. She pointed to each child in the photo and named each one, often including the last name, and where they lived. It absolutely warmed my heart! My surviving uncle, who became Grandma's caregiver in her final years, would get the book out for her whenever she was having a rough day, and it would always get her re-centered. 


Grandma has been gone for nearly 10 years now. thank you, @lenquixote66 for sparking this memory for me. I'm glad that photos do the same for you. 

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On 2/8/2021 at 1:36 PM, lenquixote66 said:

I have a form of dementia.I do not have many memories but looking at pictures tends to refresh them.

well you are doing pretty darn good in the Please Delete This Thread and The ABC musical order fun we have been participating in here on CC!  All the best to you!!!!

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My Dad's wife had a 2nd stroke & was in a Rehab facility...

While there, she fell & hit her head a number of times...

Unfortunately she further deteriorated & was living in LTC. 
She moved between a couple of facilities all under the same umbrella, dependent upon the level of care she needed.

During this time her memory also took a downturn & she was exhibiting signs of dementia. 

She was not diagnosed - but it could have been Alzheimer's, as her mother & 3 sisters died of it as well.
We pulled together photo albums & music for her - which she truly enjoyed.

The one challenge was for our nieces & nephews (her grandchildren) - she recognized them in the photos from when they were younger - but did not immediately recognize them when they were adults.
She recognized everyone of our generation no problem - mainly b/c we entered her life as adults or close to (myself & the baby of the family were 16 & 14)...

The oldest niece was  a baby at the time...

The pictures & music were a really amazing hit 🙂

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27 minutes ago, Von & John said:

My Dad's wife had a 2nd stroke & was in a Rehab facility...

While there, she fell & hit her head a number of times...

Unfortunately she further deteriorated & was living in LTC. 
She moved between a couple of facilities all under the same umbrella, dependent upon the level of care she needed.

During this time her memory also took a downturn & she was exhibiting signs of dementia. 

She was not diagnosed - but it could have been Alzheimer's, as her mother & 3 sisters died of it as well.
We pulled together photo albums & music for her - which she truly enjoyed.

The one challenge was for our nieces & nephews (her grandchildren) - she recognized them in the photos from when they were younger - but did not immediately recognize them when they were adults.
She recognized everyone of our generation no problem - mainly b/c we entered her life as adults or close to (myself & the baby of the family were 16 & 14)...

The oldest niece was  a baby at the time...

The pictures & music were a really amazing hit 🙂

Thanks to all sharing these stories. Things I've never thought of.

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4 hours ago, Von & John said:

The pictures & music were a really amazing hit 🙂

I totally agree...my father, grandmother and my BH mother, all had dementia... so understand it fully.....

BH mother simply stop talking for the last couple of years

My grandmother.. forgot she smoked.. and hummed all the time..


My father.. loved his music.. i would often put on his one of his favorite tunes...absolutely no talking allow...lol   

also he loved looking at his travel photos and start painting his favorite ones...


It is hard....      Don 

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On 2/8/2021 at 1:36 PM, lenquixote66 said:

I have a form of dementia.I do not have many memories but looking at pictures tends to refresh them.


No dementia as of yet, but looking at my pictures and reading my journals refresh my memory.


But, reading my journals does lead to a bit of frustration at times.  I mention "Pete and Jane" (as examples)  and they obviously were friends during a cruise.  But, why can't I remember more about them?  

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On 2/9/2021 at 5:26 PM, cl.klink said:


Eight years ago we had a house fire and lost everything--all stuff


Been there and experienced such!  Cruise memorabilia that cannot be replaced along with so much other stuff.


One thing that survived--cruise related--was a cashmere cardigan sweater that I had purchased in St. Thomas during my very first cruise on Rotterdam V.  I had taken the sweater to the dry cleaners a day or so before the fire.  I wear still wear that sweater.  It's the warmest sweater that I own.  I have had to replace some buttons over the years and the cuffs show "wear and tear".  But, every time I wear that garment, briefly, I remember the Summer, 1970.  I am thankful for that.  

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23 minutes ago, rkacruiser said:


Been there and experienced such!  Cruise memorabilia that cannot be replaced along with so much other stuff.


One thing that survived--cruise related--was a cashmere cardigan sweater that I had purchased in St. Thomas during my very first cruise on Rotterdam V.  I had taken the sweater to the dry cleaners a day or so before the fire.  I wear still wear that sweater.  It's the warmest sweater that I own.  I have had to replace some buttons over the years and the cuffs show "wear and tear".  But, every time I wear that garment, briefly, I remember the Summer, 1970.  I am thankful for that.  

Every wall and almost every surface in our home has things we've gotten on trips. 

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Wow, Wow, wow....


Not sure what to say, but I feel as if "I'm sorry" might be in order?  Sort of kidding, sort of not.  
A few weeks ago, I listed what are we are doing, since we aren't sailing on various oceans throughout the World.... but my list sure sparked an interesting, in depth discussion -- which was contributed by cruisemom42 when she added "Organizing your digital photos from cruises and vacations..."
So that took our thread WAY off track (not a complaint, almost an appreciation), with so many sharing whether to keep or toss old family photos.  Funny.... I'd read one post, suggesting if I barely want them, no way in hell, would my kids... so I was about to toss them and clean up.
Then the next post about memories... dementia...  whooo, what detour did we take?
I must say, the pictures I have have no value to me; but reading some other posts (house burned down, fading memories as we age, onset dementia, and just good old fashioned Memory Lane.  I found many of the posts enlightening, sad, inspiring and more; so I'm stuck.  Still nothing has been tossed.  I did inquire about scanning them all.... but I know No One would ever see them again... 'cause when I die, no way are my kids gonna look through my hard drive... oh, here are the pictures.... nope, format the hard drive and I've got a new computer, is way more likely. I'm 'only 65', so it better be quite a few years away....🤪

Anyway, I wanted to say thanks for all the great thoughts, input, and forward thinking ideas.  It's been an interesting discussion.... and I wanna sit and have a few drinks with everyone... can't we be on a ship Now?  Even though I was late to this Board, I feel as if there are some friends here.
I'm tired of waiting; and I have some FCC that may die on the vine, unused...   
Oh, for now, the Pictures remain.
Just trying to say thanks for the discussion, distraction.. and more.  I for one, have enjoyed it.


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On 2/9/2021 at 9:15 PM, LGW59 said:

well you are doing pretty darn good in the Please Delete This Thread and The ABC musical order fun we have been participating in here on CC!  All the best to you!!!!

I can remember going to the grocery with my mother during WWII and everything that happened in my life and the world till 1996.I cannot remember the work I was doing beyond that year without being told and I cannot retain what I am told.

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16 hours ago, rkacruiser said:


No dementia as of yet, but looking at my pictures and reading my journals refresh my memory.


But, reading my journals does lead to a bit of frustration at times.  I mention "Pete and Jane" (as examples)  and they obviously were friends during a cruise.  But, why can't I remember more about them?  

I used to take pictures of everyone I met on a cruise and write their names on the back of the photos.

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On 2/11/2021 at 8:36 AM, lenquixote66 said:

I can remember going to the grocery with my mother during WWII and everything that happened in my life and the world till 1996.I cannot remember the work I was doing beyond that year without being told and I cannot retain what I am told.


Len  --  I wish they had a Hug Key. 

That has to be extremely frustrating!!!!

I worked through similar-but-different challenges w/ my Dad's Wife.

Cheers to a Fabulous Day  --  Von

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